The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1399: Sinking—Ji Chenzhou, are you watching me? (Two thousand words)

Naren's fever subsided, but he felt that he was not energetic.

He barely slept last night.

Some things will become a habit over time. For example, he is used to Ji Chenzhou holding him to sleep every night.

I feel very cold and cold by myself...

Huo Qingge called him three times a day and told him that he must go to meet the piano girl.

In the end, don't worry, just come and pick him up.

Naren looked at herself in the mirror, "Sister, can I...change another dress?"

Naren looked at himself in the mirror, except for his sister's marriage, he wore a suit once, and never again.

Now his sister prepared for him, although it was a casual one, but he felt awkward.

Especially the nine-point suit pants, he has always liked to wear pants that can be stepped on.

Now showing his ankle, he is not used to it.

"How handsome you are in this way, you can't just show jeans every day, my brother is so handsome."

Huo Qingge looked at Naren in the mirror, how he liked it.

"What is handsome or not is just appearance... I'm not used to..."

Although Naren is not used to dressing, he has to admit that he is really handsome.

It's not that he is handsome, but the overall feeling he gives is different...

"This is custom-made by Yin Yin. I wanted to give it to you on your birthday, but you can wear it today!"

Huo Qingge glanced at the time, took Naren and left.

I told him several times on the road to let him not be nervous and just talk naturally.

She also said that she had to leave under the pretext of having something to do, and asked him to take the other girl to watch a movie after dinner.

The flame of driving makes me want to laugh. There is no such old-fashioned blind date routine now.

"Sansao, in fact, she doesn't go to the movies anymore. People go directly to the hotel..."

As soon as Flame finished speaking, Naren's face blushed...

"Drive your car and teach bad kids."

Huo Qingge saw that Naren would blush when he heard these words. How could it be possible that you asked him to take the girl to the hotel.

Huo Qingge saw the piano girl and liked it very much.

"Naren, this is Tan Meng." Huo Qingge introduced the girl around him.

Tan Meng's appearance is not particularly outstanding, but it should be related to playing the piano. Her temperament is very good.

"Hello, I am Naren!"

Naren greeted with a smile, as long as he didn't face Ji Chenzhou, he could communicate normally with anyone.

"It's different from what I imagined. We sat down and talked slowly to get to know each other.


Tan Meng's voice is very soft, but it allows you to hear clearly.

"My temper is a bit shy, it will be better if I am familiar."

Naren is telling the truth, he has a good impression of Tan Meng.

People of the same age always have topics to talk about.

And what they can talk about most is that Tan Meng also likes photography.

And it's still a professional level.

This made Naren feel quite surprised.

"I have collected a lot of cameras, I have the opportunity to show you."

When Tan Meng talked about the camera, her eyes were bright, which is enough to tell her love for the camera.

"I also have a few collections, but not many. I will show you when I have a chance."

When talking about the camera, Naren thought of the one Ji Jiu gave him, but it was finally destroyed by Ji Chenzhou.

The camera seemed to have left a shadow on him, and since then, he has never thought about the camera.

Because he was afraid that getting another one would be ruined by Ji Chenzhou.

Such a good collection was so ruined, and just once, he was distressed.

However, Ji Chenzhou didn't care at all as if he had broken a glass.

"Naren, don't have a chance. After you finish your meal, you will take Tan Meng to see it."

Huo Qingge watched the two talking very well, with a smile on his face.

She also likes Tan Meng a lot, a good girl can tell at a glance, not pretentious.

"If it's convenient, I want to see it too."

People who are particularly obsessed with collecting will be very anxious.

"Convenient, I will take you to see after dinner in a while!"

Before Master Xiu wanted to take him away, he simply packed his clothes, because he knew that he would not be able to walk and Ji Chenzhou would not let him go.

So the camera or something is still at home.

"You eat first, I'll make a call to see if it stops listening."

As Huo Qingge said, he picked up his bag and took his mobile phone away...

Naren wanted to call her, but Tan Meng said, "Your sister is really funny, this is giving us two opportunities to be alone."

"Slightly...obviously..." Naren smiled awkwardly and looked up at Tan Meng.

However, before finishing speaking, he was froze there.

"These are all normal routines, let's eat! I can't wait."

Tan Meng didn't notice Naren's expression and was still eating.

Naren's hand holding a knife and fork trembled slightly...

He watched Ji Chenzhou come here...

In his direction, he can do everything.

If only to let Tan Meng know that he was with a man.

Then she will tell his sister...

As Ji Chenzhou got closer and tighter, Naren's heart came to his throat.

"Naren, is your home far from here?" Tan dreamed that if it was not far, they could take the bus, and if it was far, they could take the subway.

She has always liked green travel...

"Naren?" Tan Meng didn't get Naren's answer and called his name again.

"Huh?" Naren looked at Tan Meng blankly, wondering what she told herself to do?

"I asked if your home is far from here. If it's near, we will take the bus back, and if it's far, we will take the subway.

Tan Meng looked at Naren's blank look, and found it particularly cute.

"Take the bus, it's pretty close..."

Naren Yuguang watched Ji Chenzhou walk to Tan Meng's side and paused.

His heartbeat is so fast that it seems to explode at any time.

"Well, I can't wait to go to your house, let's eat quickly!"

When Tan Meng thought of those cameras, he became a little anxious.

"Okay..." Naren lowered his head, and could feel Ji Chenzhou's cold and fiery eyes.

Ji Chenzhou was standing there, Naren didn't know what to do.

Do you stand up and drag him away, or wait for him to drag yourself away.

No matter which one, the result is the same, that is, his sister will know.

Ji Chenzhou knows that he is here on a blind date, he is still monitoring himself, how else would he find here...

Instead of being forcibly taken away by him and saying something embarrassing, it is better to drag him away by yourself.

Just when Naren was about to get up, Ji Chenzhou walked past him like this.

Sitting in a position behind him, he heard a woman's voice, "Ji Shao is really late!"

"Miss Pei San came early, isn't it supposed to be late for a blind date? That's how reserved!"

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