The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1416: Sinking-yelling at you, angry with you, dare to threaten you? (Two thousand words)

Gu Jue became angry, "You go and jump, find a high place to jump, you can just fall to death."

They all say that they want a son or a son, and there is a fart, and they will trouble you every day.

Scream at you, mad at you, dare to threaten you?

Have a fart...

Gu Jue felt that a third son was going to **** him off.

From now on, Xiaoqi Xiaojiu will be older, and three of them will kill him.

"I don't worry about Naren. Go to his apartment to see him. He must be there. I guess Shen Zhou will go there too!"

Chu Baiqing wanted to go by herself, but Gu Jue would definitely not agree, so he still let him go directly.

It is also not possible for both of them to go. Although Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu are asleep, they may wake up, so there cannot be no one at home.

Gu Jue thought about the problems of the two of them, making them feel that they are the elderly, not their parents...

No, they just leave it alone, but when thinking about his third son's temper, if he finds Naren, he may decide what he will do.

Therefore, even if he didn't want to leave their home, Chu Baiqing had no choice but to go upstairs to change his clothes. Chu Baiqing gave him the address and he drove to Naren's apartment.

Naren's apartment

When Naren arrived at home, he immediately gave his sister the landline at home and called her back.

The call was quickly connected.

"Sister, I just dropped my mobile phone and it turned off. I can't turn it on."

As soon as the phone was connected, Naren quickly explained.

"You are so anxious to me, I am almost at your house now, I thought what was wrong with you! You will open the door for me later."

Huo Qingge exhaled, but still couldn't hide the worry in his tone.

"Huh?" Naren didn't expect his sister to come, and he was glad that he was back. Otherwise, his sister would not find him, and he would be worried.

"Oh, then I...wait for your sister!"

Naren hung up the phone, quickly changed into a house suit, and opened the window for ventilation.

Then, Naren suddenly thought that if he ran out like this, Ji Chenzhou's temperament would definitely look for him, and he would know that he was in the apartment by guessing.

I was angry just now and ran out in a hurry without thinking about the consequences.

What if Ji Chenzhou comes and collides with his sister?

Being hit and proactively confessing are two concepts.

What's more, his sister didn't like Ji Shenzhou. She had a meal at Lord Jue's house that day, she also said, don't interact with Ji Shenzhou herself.

Said that Ji Chenzhou's city mansion is too deep, he is too simple and not suitable for playing together.

If she knew that not only did she not listen to her, but she was also with Ji Chenzhou, how disappointed she would be.

Naren stood there without error, when the doorbell suddenly heard, his whole body shook.

When the doorbell rang again, he woke up, walked over to open the door, and saw that the monitor was his sister, he exhaled and squeezed his somewhat stiff face.

Naren smiled and opened the door, "Sister... Brother Huo!"

Huo Qingge came with Huo Yan, and she couldn't get through with Naren again. She talked to Li Beichen and came out.

"You said your phone...what's wrong with your mouth?"

Huo Qingge was about to talk about what happened to Naren's phone, but he saw scabs on his mouth and blood clotting...

"Just when I called, I knocked... the phone also dropped. I didn't expect so much blood..."

Naren was not good at lying in the past, but now that he is talking, he feels that he is okay with lying, he doesn't like this kind of self.

However, he had to do this. He couldn't tell his sister that he bit him to prevent him from making a sound.

"You are such a big person, why are you so careless, I will disinfect it for you!"

Huo Qingge took Naren and walked inside, but the flame stood at the door and did not enter.

"Just accidentally, I slept when you called!"

Seeing his sister, Naren was in a good mood. This feeling of being worried and remembered was really good.

Although they are not related by blood, they are even closer than their relatives.

Therefore, Naren cherished this sister-brother relationship even more, and didn't want his sister to be disappointed by him.

Huo Qingge dealt with Naren, and Naren didn't call any pain, but Huo Qingge was very distressed.

"You are on holiday, so you move home and live there. I will make up for you too. You are too thin."

Naren has indeed lost a lot of weight. He was tossed by Ji Chenzhou some time ago and has never recovered.

"Sister, I want to travel and take pictures after the holiday!"

Naren actually wanted to stay at his sister's house for a few days, but he knew that Ji Chenzhou would not allow it.

Then it will be his temper, and he doesn't know what will happen.

It's better to find a reason to tell his sister now.

"It's like what Master Xiu said, you can't manage as well as before."

Huo Qingge sighed. She also knew that Naren now has things she likes to do, her own circle of friends, and her own life.

Therefore, she can't control him too strict.

"I just... want to take pictures, I will go back when I have time, sister!"

Naren felt very uncomfortable after hearing his sister's words. He had always been the original Naren, but he couldn't help it.

Before he knew that being with Ji Chenzhou would be very tired, but today this tired feeling is even heavier.

He is very worried about how far he and Ji Chenzhou can go...

Ji Chenzhou's temperament, he really couldn't bear it.

Whatever you do, you will not take into account your feelings.

Being with him will be really tiring.

"If you go to take pictures, bring Tan Meng with you. She also likes photography. I asked her and she has a good impression of you."

Huo Qingge really likes Tan Meng, and she also thinks she and Naren are particularly suitable.

The main reason is that the two people have the same interests and both like photography.

"Sister, I have something to tell you..."

Na Renxiang took advantage of this time to explain to his sister.

"Don't tell me, you don't like Tan Meng?" Huo Qingge is such a smart person. Seeing Naren's expression that she doesn't know how to say, she can guess something.

"No, she is very nice, it's me... we are not suitable."

Naren wanted to confess to her sister that he didn't like women, and then slowly told her about the matter between him and Ji Chenzhou...

"Is it inappropriate, or you don't like it?"

Huo Qingge sighed, his benevolent temperament looked shy, but he was actually very stubborn.

"Sister, I don't like women..." Naren summoned up the courage and finally spoke.

"What did you say?" Huo Qing's tweezers fell to the ground, disliked women...

She is no stranger to such things, Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing are the people around her.

But how could Naren be like this...

"I like..." Before Naren finished speaking, he was interrupted by the doorbell.

Naren stood up in a panic, what he worried about came, and Ji Chenzhou came...

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