The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1383: Sinking——I broke up with Ji Shenzhou... (2,000 words)

Huo Qingge saw Naren's nervous look, and then stood up.

"Why are you surprised? Who is looking for you so late?"

Huo Qingge's mind is also very delicate, and she can clearly see that Naren is very nervous.

Although this child is shy and shy, he will not panic because there is nothing that makes him nervous, and his life is simple.

"Sister, sit down for a while, I'll take a look, maybe my classmate... came to take the notes."

It must be Ji Chenzhou at this time...

Huo Qingge didn't speak, Naren ran over in a hurry, and when he ran, he hit the corner of the table.

He glanced at the surveillance nervously. He thought it was Ji Chenzhou, but it was Flame...

He breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door...

"Brother Huo..." Then what I saw was Ji Chenzhou standing behind Flame.

When Naren saw Ji Chenzhou's gloomy face, he squeezed the doorknob's hand tightly and tightly.

"This is... my classmate... came to take notes..."

Naren said this to Flame. He explained this way because he was too nervous. In fact, he didn't need to explain to Flame.

"I know, the president's son!"

Flame is also a little confused, is it necessary to explain to him?

It’s not a little girl from the big night, Naren’s temperament would be embarrassing. Explain that it’s a classmate relationship...

"You wait, I'll give you... take notes!"

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou, with a pleading expression in his eyes, which meant he was waiting.

Never come in...

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou must want it, the flame is here, and his sister must be in it.

He must be so smart...

However, Ji Chenzhou looked at him with such a calm face, his eyes were also deep, which was dull that Ren could not understand.

Naren was very nervous, and he started biting his lip habitually again, and there was a slight bleeding from the place where Huo Qingge had just treated.

Just as Ji Chenzhou took a step forward, Naren nervously wanted to shut them down.

"Naren, let your classmates come in?"

Huo Qingge's voice came from behind Naren, and she walked over.

The panic in Na Ren's eyes was seen by Ji Chenzhou, but he still continued to move forward...

"Fuck... let you wait and I will..." Just then, Gu Jue's voice came.

Naren breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sir Alex was here. With Sir Alex, Ji Chenzhou would not be so presumptuous...

"Why are you here with the flame?" Gu Jue was surprised to see the flame. It was lively tonight.

"I'm here with my wife, Sir Sir Alex is here to borrow notes?" Flame also felt very lively, so why all came together here.

"Ah... it's not that my son can't study well... Let Naren borrow notes..."

Gu Jue's mind was still bright at this time, thinking that Naren must have said so.

What he fears most about his temperament is that Sansao knows this.

However, this excuse is too bad, Naren's academic performance, he knows, that is not good.

Although his third son does not go to school, he should study well! Much better than his father.

"This...It's so lively, come in!"

Huo Qingge was surprised to see that Naren's classmate was Ji Chenzhou, and even more surprised to see Gu Jue.

It's almost ten o'clock, and they all ran here to take notes. Naren's academic performance, are his notes useful?

", let's take..." Gu Jue wanted to say, we took the notes and left.

However, Ji Chenzhou directly pushed Naren away and walked in.

Gu Jue really wanted to kick Ji Chenzhou to death.

Didn't he see that Naren's face turned pale?

Huo Qingge couldn't tell whether the impression of Ji Chenzhou was good or bad.

He saved Chu Baiqing. She was grateful to him, but she disagreed with his temper and way of doing things. It was too strong and hurtful.

Naren looked at the Lord Ferguson, with a look in his eyes for help, and Gu Jue who looked at it felt uncomfortable.

"Sansao, is the third brother here too?"

Gu Jue came over, patted Naren on the shoulder, and asked Huo Qingge.

"No, he is at home to watch the children!"

Huo Qingge's face was not very good, because the look in Naren's eyes when Ji Chenzhou came in made her heart hung up. Those eyes were too domineering.

Naren just said that he likes men...

But Ji Chenzhou likes Chu Baiqing, which everyone knows.

If Naren liked men, Huo Qingge wouldn't say anything, she could understand such things.

However, if she is with someone like Ji Chenzhou, how can she rest assured.

This person is too gloomy, his city is too deep, his family background...

Naren was so innocent, and with Ji Chenzhou, he didn't know what was going on after being sold.

If he is really with Ji Chenzhou, he is destined to be hurt.

And Ji Shenzhou loves Chu Baiqing. This is something everyone knows. Everyone knows how heavy that love is, and how it can be shared with others.

Flame looked at the closed door with complicated eyes, then made a call.

Four people in the living room

Gu Jue sat next to Ji Chenzhou, hugging his shoulders, thinking that if he dared to talk nonsense for a while, he would stun him with a palm.

Huo Qingge sat on the opposite side, and Naren was standing on the other side with a bad face, and clenched his fists tightly.

The breathing can be heard quietly in the living room, so clear.

"Naren, get your notes!" Huo Qingge called Naren, but he did not respond to her.

Still standing there blankly.

"Naren?" Huo Qingge called him again. In this situation, if Huo Qingge couldn't see anything, she would really be blind.

"What's wrong, sister?" Naren looked at Huo Qingge nervously.

"Sit here!" Huo Qingge patted the position beside him and asked Naren to come and sit.

Naren walked over obediently, he saw his sister's face, he knew she was suspicious.

He wanted to confess and talk to her about himself and Ji Chenzhou.

Rather than being discovered by her like this, so passive, why did Ji Chenzhou come here? Why can't you give me any more time? Why...

"Naren, do you have anything to say to sister?"

Huo Qingge went to the bedroom just now, the quilt was neatly folded, and it didn't look like he had just slept.

Naren is lying to him...

Naren's hands were tightly clenched, and the joints were all white.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren, and he was also waiting for him to speak.

In Ji Chenzhou's heart, Naren means that if you don't force him, he won't move.

How could Naren not know what Ji Chenzhou was thinking and waiting for.

He has had enough of persecuting Naren, disrespect, understanding, and tolerance, and being together like this is really exhausting.

"Sister, Ji Chenzhou and I were together before, but we broke up today and won't be together again!"

The benevolent mouth was unusually depressed. After saying this, he felt much smoother. Ji Chenzhou, you have your strength, and I also have my principles.

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