The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1448: Sinking-called Sansao, there are sugar to eat... (4,000 words)

Through the lowered car window, Naren saw Ji Chenzhou again, never expecting that his heart would be so peaceful.

He is still so handsome, but it is obvious that his stern face is thinner, and his features are more three-dimensional and profound.

The afternoon sun in early winter was dazzling, like the smile on Naren's face, which made people unable to move their eyes.

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren smile at himself, his hands on the steering wheel tight and tight.

He thought Naren would turn around and leave when he saw him, but he didn't expect that he would laugh...

This kind of laughter is a kind of relief, a kind of alienation...

Ji Chenzhou also smiled, but his smile seemed particularly bitter.

His eyes fixed on Tan Meng's arm holding Naren.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak, and Naren didn't speak, Tan Meng's face was always smiling.

This stalemate lasted for about three minutes. Just as Ji Chenzhou was about to speak, Naren and Tan Meng walked away, and an empty taxi came behind.

Through the rearview mirror, Ji Chenzhou watched Naren helping Tan Meng get into the car, and then he didn't even look at himself or his car, but got into the taxi...

Seeing the taxi disappear in front of his eyes, Ji Chenzhou looked at the location where Naren had stood just now, as if no one had ever stood there, and Naren had never appeared...

Tan Meng moved here the next day. The hot pot that Qin Nan made was because of Tan Meng's pregnancy, he ate a clear soup pot.

Three people of similar ages, talking about Qin Nan while eating is definitely responsible for the funny atmosphere.

Every word spoken made Naren and Tan Meng amused haha.

On the other side, Ji Chenzhou watched them eating hot pot through the screen.

Looking at the steaming hot pot, Ji Chenzhou felt that it must be the most delicious food in the world.

The phone on the table kept ringing, and Fan Bin's name flashed on it.

Ji Chenzhou didn't answer the phone until Naren and the others started clearing the table and not eating.

"Shen Zhou, do you and Ji Jiu have to do this?" Fan Bin's suppressed voice came over the phone.

"Binzi, you are my best brother, so don't tell me anything."

Ji Chenzhou lit a cigarette, and the ashtray was full, enough to see how many cigarettes he smoked this day.

"Shen Zhou, I hope you are well!"

Fan Bin hung up the phone after he finished speaking. He knew that no one would persuade him to move. The people in their Ji family had always been stubborn.


Naren looked at the toy in the co-pilot seat, Sir Alex called him today and said it was Christmas, let him come, no one else, the family of four, have a meal together.

Xiaoqi Xiaojiu kept calling him on the phone, and Naren missed them very much, so he responded.

Sir Alex specifically said that there was no one else, and Naren knew that he was referring to Ji Chenzhou.

Naren bought a car, it was chosen by Qin Nan and Tan Meng, the Beetle, or a red car...

When Naren arrived, Gu Jue was cooking, and Chu Baiqing opened the door for him.

The same as every time before, the corner of Chu Baiqing's lips was still a reassuring smile.

"Bought a car?" Chu Baiqing asked with a smile when he saw the red beetle parked in the yard.

"Well, the color is a bit like that..."

Naren smiled embarrassedly, no way, Qin Nan and Tan Meng both liked this color.

He has no concept of cars, in fact he prefers bicycles...

"Very good, come in, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu has been talking about you!"

Chu Baiqing touched Naren's head. As long as he saw Naren, Chu Baiqing would do this habitual movement.

"Little seven and nine, come here!"

The living room is very warm, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu is wearing a short shorts, crawling on the sofa, very cute.

"Sansao..." Xiao Qi said.

"Brother..." Xiao Jiu said.

Naren didn't expect Xiao Qi to remember Ji Chenzhou's joke.

He would call him Sansao...

"Call Sansao, I have candy..." Xiao Qi knocked on Xiao Jiu's head and said.

"Sansao..." Xiao Jiuyi showed a suddenly realized expression.

Come to think of it, the third brother said that he was called Sansao obediently, and gave candy...

Naren's face was blushing. How did the two children know what Sansao meant? All they knew was that they had candy.

"Come on, brother brought you toys, let's play together!"

Naren smiled and took off his coat, put it on the sofa, and took out the toys he had brought.

It’s a driveway and a car that needs to be assembled. Little boys like this.

"Little Qi, take that to brother..." Naren emphasized his brother all the time.

"Sansao, here..." Xiaoqi handed Naren a short driveway, still calling Sansao.

The sound of the third sister-in-law called Naren's heart like a needle.

Gu Jue made the meal and asked them to come over to eat.

Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu continued to play without eating, Gu Jue left them, and Chu Baiqing said that it is not good for him to be so used to children.

The two quarreled for a few words, and the man looked at them and kept smiling.

There are loved ones around, the laughter of children, even if it is noisy, it is so happy and beautiful.

This was what he longed for...

In the end, Sir Alex Ferguson was defeated, and Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu obediently washed his hands to eat.

Naren walked into the kitchen and heard Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu's cheerful voice behind him.

"Three brothers..."

"Three brothers..."

"Why are you back?" Chu Baiqing asked.

Naren's body stiffened...

Ji Shenzhou is here...

Then it was his voice, "Today is not Christmas, I must come back to accompany them two!"

"Three brothers, three sisters..."

Xiao Qi took Ji Chenzhou's hand and pointed to Naren who was standing at the kitchen door.

He should be trying to say, "Third Brother, where is Sansao!"

However, what is said is not very clear...

"Go wash your hands... come and eat!"

In the end, what Naren heard was Chu Baiqing's voice.

Naren let out a deep breath, Naren, just like when waiting for the bus that day, smiled to face him.

The dining table of Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing's house is not that big, and the four people sit in front of each other, with Xiao Jiu on each side and Xiao Qi's dining chairs.

In the past, Ji Chenzhou and Naren sat on one side when they came to eat.

Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue's side...

Today Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing were still sitting on one side, and Naren and Ji Chenzhou were the only ones left sitting together.

When Naren was about to sit down, Ji Chenzhou habitually opened up the chair for Naren.

"Thank you..."

What he said was an alienated thank you, and Naren himself felt surprised after he finished speaking. The two words came out of his mouth without thinking about it.

"It should be!" Ji Chenzhou's face sank slightly, and his tone became a bit blunt.

Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu bit their spoons and looked at the third brother and the third sister-in-law. Their cute eyes were blank. What happened to the third brother and the third sister-in-law? Why is it different...

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing really didn't expect Ji Chenzhou to come back, because before calling Naren, they confirmed with him that he would not come back.

"Naren, eat vegetables!" Chu Baiqing looked at Naren holding chopsticks and didn't eat, and smiled and gave him a piece of ribs.

"Lord Sir is great!" Naren took a bite of ribs and gave Gu Jue a thumbs up.

After doing this action and saying this sentence, everyone looked at Naren, because this was something he wouldn't do before.

"Um... I lived with a friend for a long time and learned from him."

Naren smiled embarrassedly. Qin Nan always said something like this and gave him a thumbs up.

Chu Baiqing glanced at Ji Chenzhou, and saw that the knuckles of his hand holding chopsticks were white.

Naren lived with him for so long, and he didn't see anything from him.

One can imagine how bad Ji Chenzhou's mood is at this time.

"It's delicious, just eat more, you are too thin!"

Naren has always been thin, even Qin Nan changes his cooking every day.

Naren still doesn't get fat, and he doesn't eat much.

However, Tan Meng has grown flesh recently, and finally, Qin Nan's craftsmanship has not been wasted.

Ji Chenzhou sat beside him, even with a smile on his face, Naren's body was tight.

It used to be such an intimate relationship, but now it is so embarrassing to sit together.

The sadness in his heart made Naren a little breathless.

Naren has been eating rice with his head down, not picking up vegetables.

When Ji Chenzhou picked him a ball and put it in the bowl, Naren's eyes were red, and some emotions could not be controlled.

Even if you pretend to be strong, it will not be worth a single action or a word, which will make your emotions collapse.

"Master Chu... I suddenly remembered that I have to go... to pick up a friend, I will leave first..."

Naren lowered his head, stood up, and walked outside as he said, he knew he was a little hopeless like this.

However, he would rather run away than cry here.

Ji Chenzhou's eyes have been staring at the dishes on the dining table, and the veins on his forehead burst.

"I'm going to see him..." Chu Baiqing got up. He was already crying when he saw Naren getting up.

"I'm going!" Ji Chenzhou stood up suddenly, dropped his chopsticks, and strode out.

When Naren was about to run out of the courtyard, he remembered that he had come by car.

He returned, and when he opened the door to get into the car, his arm was pulled with force, and then before the person could react, he was imprisoned on the body.

When the familiar breath lingered around him, Naren's eyes blurred by tears reflected Ji Chenzhou's cold and enchanting face.

Just as Naren was about to speak to let go, his lips were sealed.

There are too many emotions in this kiss, missing, entangled, angry, distressed...

Messy emotions can be felt on the tip of your tongue.

Ji Chenzhou kissed more and more fiercely, Naren cried more and more fierce...

The foreheads of the two of them were against their foreheads, their breaths were mixed together...

Naren couldn't break away from Ji Chenzhou's embrace.

"Let me hug for a while..."

I don’t know if it’s too cold at night in winter. Because Ji Chenzhou only wore a shirt, what he said was nasal, like crying...

Naren closed his eyes slightly, that's all, why didn't he crave this embrace.

"I'm fine..." Naren opened his mouth softly, his voice a little bitter.

"Don't worry...or blame yourself!" When Ji Chenzhou hugged Naren tighter, Naren opened his mouth again.

Ji Chenzhou's body trembled. This is his Naren, and the person who was clearly wrong is Ji Chenzhou, but at this time, he came to comfort him...

"Ji Chenzhou, we don't owe anyone else. I proposed the breakup, so don't feel guilty about me..."

"If you tell me to give up photography, I don't want to. I think the path you have to go is probably the same as you..."

In fact, there is one more sentence, Naren didn't say it, he couldn't stay with Ji Chenzhou.

Because Ji Jiu said, "Naren, you are Ji Chenzhou’s weakness..."

Naren knows how dangerous what Ji Chenzhou is doing, so he can't be the weakness that others can attack him.

Ji Chenzhou needs stronger support, not his time bomb.

Therefore, he broke up so resolutely and couldn't stay by his side, so as not to distract him...

Since Ji Chenzhou must follow his path, what he can do is not to become a burden on him.

"Shut up, stop talking..."

Ji Chenzhou's voice is depressed, why is his Naren so good?

Why is it so good...

"Shen Zhou, I am innocent, but I am not stupid, I know everything..."

Naren is talking about Shenzhou, not Ji Shenzhou...

If no one is looking for him, maybe he is just guessing and not sure about many things.

"What do you know... I'm just a bastard."

Ji Chenzhou held Naren's face, this fool, great fool...

"I understand you!" Three short words are worth a thousand words...

Ji Chenzhou's eyes were blinded by tears, "You fool..."

Today is the engagement banquet between Ji Chenzhou and Xiao Yao.

Some people look forward to it and some people plan, so such a day is destined to be unstable.

Qin Nan packed up his things and urged Naren to hurry up.

"You're so slow, I have everything ready, you haven't finished packing, you said if you don't have me in the future, what should you do, it's really worrying!"

Qin Nan yelled at Naren who installed the camera there.

Naren knew that Qin Nan had to go out of the city to play today because of the joy of the whole country. Tonight is Ji Chenzhou's engagement banquet.

He told Qin Nan that he was all right, but he was still worried.

Qin Nan kept talking there forever, Naren felt particularly warm in his heart.

If Qin Nan wasn't by his side, he really didn't know what to do.

Without the nagging, he must not be used to it, no, it should be impossible without him...

"I am driving today, so you can just stay comfortably!"

Qin Nan has good driving skills. After putting everything away, he urged Naren to get in the car.

Naren smiled and gave him the car key. He just didn't want to drive anyway. He prefers bicycles.

When he said that he wanted to buy a car that day, Qin Nan said that he knew the owner of a car dealership, so he took Naren with him if he could be cheaper.

When I went there, I found out that it was a bicycle shop. Looking at the bicycles, Naren liked it.

When their car drove out of the community, the two people who were talking and laughing in the car did not notice. Two cars followed them all the time.

They did not expect that danger was approaching them, and they were still talking about what delicious food.

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