The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1449: Sinking-he played enough with you, so he threw you away (4,000 words)

Qin Nan looked at Naren putting the camera bag on his lap, and rolled his eyes helplessly.

"Seat belts, can't you put your son behind?"

Qin Nan always joked that the camera is Naren's son.

"You don't mean it is my ancestor!"

Naren fastened his seat belt and still held his camera for fear of breaking it.

"You are my ancestor. There is scented tea in the thermos. Drink some tea. They said that if you wear more personal shirts, the weather outside the city will be colder."

Qin Nan hadn't been so wordy before, but after living with Naren, he found that he always couldn't control his mouth.

Sometimes he feels annoying...

Naren took a thermos and took a sip. The temperature was just acceptable. The scented tea made by Qin Nan was delicious.

Along the way, all the big LED screens were reporting Ji Shenzhou’s evening engagement party.

Naren is holding the insulation pot with a faint smile at the corner of his mouth. If you are engaged, your path will be easier...

"Close your eyes and sleep for a while after you drink it. It takes three hours to arrive!"

Qin Nan didn't want Naren to see these things because he was afraid that he would be uncomfortable.

Why did you leave today instead of leaving the city to play earlier? It was because Tan Meng kept vomiting during morning sickness.

Naren and Qin Nan couldn't worry about her. Tan Meng had friends to take care of her today, so they came out today.

"Well, if you are tired, call me, I will drive!"

Naren is actually not sleepy at all. If he closes his eyes and pretends to sleep, Qin Nan will feel relieved, so he pretends to sleep.

Naren was taken aback when the car braked hard.

"We are in trouble..." Qin Nan watched as the car in front of them suddenly stopped. There was a car in the rearview mirror, which was obviously coming to them.

No, to be precise, their goal should be Naren.

He is such a small person, and he has not offended anyone, and he will definitely not encounter the scenes that only appear in TV dramas.

"I'll get off the car in a while, you drive away... Leave me alone!"

Naren was very calm. These people came for him, no, to be precise, they came for Ji Chenzhou.

It should be someone who doesn’t want him to get engaged today...

Naren thinks that the person who does not want to get engaged to Ji Chenzhou should be Ji Jiu. At present, he also knows the relationship between Ji Shenzhou and himself...

"What a joke, how could I leave you alone, I won't go!"

Qin Nan glared at Naren and said angrily.

Qin Nan still swallowed when a few people in black suits got on and off in the rear car, which was scary...

After all, Naren was born and died with Master Xiu for so many years. Although he doesn't know how to fight for martial arts, he is not afraid.

"Shut up! I won't leave if I die!" Just when Naren was about to speak again, Qin Nan yelled at him.

Naren sighed helplessly. If Qin Nan becomes stubborn, there is absolutely nothing he can do.

Their little red beetle, already surrounded by the men in black, Naren opened the seat belt.

He was still holding his camera bag in his hand, then opened the door and went down, putting the camera bag on the co-pilot again.

"Wait for me..." Qin Nan quickly unfastened his seat belt and followed along.

I still wondered in my heart, that's not how it was performed on the TV series. Didn't the bad guys knock on the windows and threaten them to get off?

How can I go on my own initiative...

"I am Naren. The person in the car is not what you were looking for. If you want to take him, you can leave me alone. If you dare to move him, what you take is a corpse!"

I don't know why Naren had an extra pen in his hand, and when he pressed it, a delicate knife appeared on the tip of the pen.

This exquisite knife is being pressed against his neck by Naren...

He knew that if he guessed right and it was Ji Jiu who caught him, then he must be threatening Ji Shenzhou with himself.

If he died, what would he threaten.

Among the people in black, there was a very tall man who made a call in front of Naren, reported the situation here, and then received the call.

"We only take you away, we won't move him, you can put the knife away now!"

It's nice to be thin and tall.

I want to watch him drive away...

"Qin Nan got in the car and left here, otherwise I would die in front of you, and don't tell anyone what happened today. I'm talking about anyone. Mengmeng will have a birth check on Thursday, and you will accompany her to her.

Naren's face was very calm and his thoughts were very clear. His tone was ordering, but he seemed to be saying his last words.

"Naren, what are you doing? When did you bring the knife? You put it down. What are you doing, I said I won't leave..."

When Qin Nan saw the pen knife in Naren's hand, he was dumbfounded. Why didn't he realize that he was still carrying this thing.

It's so cool to tell him this calmly.

Although he was not strong, he always wanted to protect Naren and didn't want him to be hurt.

But now Naren...

"Qin Nan, no, Brother Nan, you listen to me, Mengmeng can't do it at home, you have to go back, I'm fine, they won't kill me!"

Naren looked at Qin Nan's eager and annoyed expression, and he thought that when they first met, Qin Nan said this when he introduced himself.

"My name is Qin Nan, you can call me Brother Nan, and I will follow Brother Nan in the future to keep you running fast!"

Naren remembered that the sun was dazzling that day, but it didn't shine like the smile on Qin Nan's face.

"Fuck, you just call me Brother Nan now, I haven't taught you how to run fast..."

Qin Nan's eyes were red, and he wanted to protect Naren, but now he has become protecting himself. What is this...

"Go back and don't tell Mengmeng about me. Nothing matters to children!"

During this period of time with Tan Meng, Naren and Qin Nan treated her as family members, so the child in his stomach was also what Naren and Qin Nan were looking forward to.

"Let's go, my hands are sore, if I can't hold myself firmly, I will really die..."

As soon as Naren said this, not only Qin Nan was shocked, but also the people in black who surrounded him.

If this is really dead, how do they deal with each other.

"I'm going..." Qin Nan yelled at Naren, crying and got into the car...

When looking at the red beetle, disappearing from his line of sight, Naren exhaled.

"Let's go!"

Naren walked in front calmly, as if he was followed by his bodyguards instead of the people who came to kidnap him.

Naren thought that the kidnapper was Ji Jiu, but he was wrong. When he saw the people waiting for him, he knew that the person who wanted Ji Shenzhou's life was really not one or two people.

Naren had the impression of the woman in front of him. He and Ji Chenzhou had a blind date, and Ji Chenzhou called her Miss Pei San...

Naren still remembers that Ji Chenzhou said that this woman has been with Ji Jiu for a long time.

What he doesn't know now is whether he kidnapped him, this woman or he and Ji Jiu, but Ji Jiu did not show up.

Whatever it is, there must be only one purpose, and that is to deal with Ji Shenzhou.

When the pen in Naren's hand was already coming in, it was taken away by the thin and tall man.

Naren was standing there, without the slightest fear on his delicate face, he calmly met Miss Pei San's jealous eyes.

Yes, just jealous, he doesn't know how many years she has loved Ji Chenzhou.

However, what Ji Chenzhou loves is the man in front of him, he loves a man...

In the end, even Ji Jiu fell in love with this man, how ridiculous.

Ji Jiu drank too much once, and when he entered her, he called the man’s name. Ji Jiu’s special commitment that night. At that moment, she knew that every time Ji Jiu had **** with her, It's a perfunctory deal...

How many men wanted her, but she eventually lost to such a man.

How can she be willing, how can she not hate...

She is going to ruin this man today, doesn't he like to do that kind of disgusting things with men, she will let him do enough today.

"How cheap are you to like being **** by men!"

Miss Pei San got up from the sofa and walked to Naren proudly, having to say that this man did have a pretty face.

That kind of delicate beauty is something women don't have. It's no wonder that Ji Chenzhou and Ji Jiu will be caught by him, and the souls of the hook are gone.

"You don't like each other too!" Naren is not a bitter person, but after following Ji Chenzhou for a long time, it seems that he has also been taken badly, and he can say some things with his mouth open.

Miss Pei San didn't expect Naren, who looked introverted and shy, would actually say such things.

At this time, Miss Pei San discovered that when Na Rencong came here, his face had always been cold and indifferent, and there was no panic.

It seems that he was not kidnapped, but invited as a guest.

"Hmph, Ji Chenzhou has slept enough for you, and now I am going to marry another woman. You are abandoned by him. He has played enough, so he throws you away. You are a big man with a face to live. It's really cheap. "

"You want him to sleep, but he still doesn't sleep! Ji Chenzhou can't look down on a woman like you. Besides, the person he married is not you. What are you proud of!"

Naren hated the woman in front of him, because the person she was going to deal with was Ji Chenzhou, so he would treat him.

Miss Pei San gave a wink at the bodyguard behind her, and Renli's arm was immediately held up.

Miss Pei San stepped forward and gave Naren two slaps...

"Why man, you dare to scold me, you are nothing, you are a man who would not want to be taken on by a man, I think you are inherently mean, you were thrown enough by people to talk for him, it is really not enough Face!"

Don't even think that Miss Pei San is a woman, but she has been habitual and self-willed since she was a child, and no one has been beaten by her.

Therefore, she really hurts Naren two slaps.

"You also know that I was thrown away by him, so what did you arrest me for? You should arrest his fiancée and arrest her. Ji Chenzhou can't get engaged today. What a relief!"

Na Rensi didn't care about the slight tingling tingling on his face, smiled and looked at Miss Pei San who became angry.

Ji Jiu was with her, probably because of her family background.

If there is no family background, who would be with such a woman.

"What's the use of catching her? The person Ji Chenzhou cares about is you. He will be obedient if he catches you. He wants to marry Lu Xiaoyao. He dreams. He wants to win Huo Zhongrao. What he thinks is really simple. They Together, they are not our Pei family's opponents. Even the president has to listen to our Pei family. Hey, Ji Chenzhou is really overwhelmed. If he doesn't marry me, he will marry Lu Xiaoyao. His brain is sick!"

Miss Pei San spoke these words to Naren arrogantly.

If these are heard by others, their Pei family will be ruined by her.

A faint smile appeared at the corner of Naren's mouth, "Ji Chenzhou loves Lu Xiaoyao. They got married because they love each other deeply. I really don't understand what you mean by getting together. Ji Chenzhou and Lu Xiaoyao are both students. Of course they No better than your Pei family."

"Not only is Ji Chenzhou sick, are you also sick? They really love each other? Are you an idiot and mentally retarded man?"

After hearing Naren's words, Miss Pei San was trembling with anger. How could there be such a stupid man?

Abandoned by Ji Chenzhou, he still speaks for him?

Ji Jiu said that Ji Shenzhou cares about this man very much. How does she feel that Ji Shenzhou abandon him is a very wise choice.

Such a stupid man, would Ji Chenzhou love him? She now deeply doubts that Ji Jiu's judgment is wrong.

"You said Ji Chenzhou cares about me?" Naren asked Miss Pei San with a shy and blank expression.

"How do I know if he doesn't care about you? Ah, I'm going crazy, why would I say so much to a fool here."

Miss Pei San grabbed her hair, her expression of benevolence was full of expectation and admiration.

I've been kidnapped, don't panic, it looks like he is really a fool...

"I want to know if he doesn't care about me, or if you call him and tell him I was kidnapped, and ask him to save me and see if he will come, okay?"

Naren looked at Miss Pei San's emotional breakdown, and whispered aggrievedly.

He irritated her, made her angry, and then made her suspicious of herself.

In this way, she will be disturbed by him and restrained by him.

These methods are used by Evergreen, and Naren has also learned some.

"I haven't seen him for months, I miss him so much..."

Miss Pei San regretted it. She should have arrested Xiao Yao Lu. Why did she listen to Ji Jiu's words and arrest this stupid man.

How could Ji Chenzhou give up the engagement banquet for such a man and come to rescue him.

This man also has a seductive appearance, so he has no brains.

However, everyone has been arrested, and Ji Shenzhou must always be known.

In case he really likes this stupid man!

Ms. Pei San asked someone to connect the video call, and asked someone to seal Naren's mouth with tape, followed by a waiting tone.

He clenched his hand tightly...

When connected, Naren saw Ji Chenzhou's face on the screen, frowning and displeased.

Miss Pei San hid away, and did not let Ji Chenzhou see her.

"Ji Shao, if you want him to survive, you will save him alone!" The thin tall man still spoke in a very good tone.

"Who is he?" Ji Chenzhou asked coldly.

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