The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1451: Chapter 1457

The thin and tall one looked at Naren, and replied very seriously, "Where does someone at my level know these things, I am only responsible for Miss San Pei!"

As Naren listened to the clamor, the clamor became tighter, and all he thought was Ji Chenzhou. At this time, would he also be in danger?

Naren looked at the window, and smiled immediately...

He immediately opened the window and waved at the people outside, "Brother Wen, I am here..."

Naren saw Awen, the man who repaired the Lord.

"Naren, go back!" It was Han Bing who shouted...

"Brother Han, there is Master Xiu's person."

Naren yelled in the direction of Hanbing, this is all going together.

"Brother Wen, you are Feng Shao over there, don't fight!"

There was no sound of robbing...

Naren exhaled, Master Xiu came, and the people Feng Shao came, all for him.

As soon as Awen saw Naren, he checked him up and down. After making sure that he was okay, he immediately called Master Xiu and said that he would take him there after a while.

"My okay Brother Wen..."

Naren felt very sorry, because he let so many brothers come out to look for him.

"Fortunately, you are okay, something is wrong, I bombed this place."

Even though Naren was really fine, Awen was still very annoyed.

Naren didn't dare to say anything, Awen's temper was really easy to blow up here because of anger.

This robbery has already made a lot of noise, and if it explodes again, it will be a big deal.

"Brother Han, why are you here?" Naren was not surprised when the people from Master Xiu came, but he was quite surprised when the people from Feng Shao came.

"The person who protects you secretly is the one who closed the door. Ji Shao asked Feng Shao before, so after you were kidnapped, we came!"

Han Bing also looked up and down Naren, but fortunately it was all right.

Naren smiled, and when he looked back, the tall and thin man was gone.

Naren thought, he should have something to do.

"Brother Han, let's go. With such a loud rush, the police should come soon!"

There are a lot of people on both sides, and when the storm is on the cusp, no one should get into trouble.

"You and Master Xiu's people go first, I will have other things to do in a while."

Han Bing said to Naren.

The reason for making such a big movement is purposeful.

Therefore, Hanbing still has follow-up things to do.

Naren didn't ask too much. He knew that Han Bing was a man of measure, so he was relieved.

He is going to see Master Xiu now, lest he worry.

Naren called Qin Nan on the way.

"Brother Nan, I'm fine..." Naren said as soon as the call was connected.

"I know, I know, on my way back, I was stopped by someone. No, I was protected. It was Ji Chenzhou's people. They said you would be fine, or I would be crazy, I and you Say, I said I was scared, they said to suppress the shock, they took me to... I fuck, I'm ashamed to tell you where this is, women don't wear clothes, how is this shock? , It was frightening, and I don’t like women..."

Qin Nan kept talking on the phone, Naren is smiling here, it's nice.

Naren was taken to the headquarters by Awen.

To Naren's surprise, Master Xiu was drinking with Brother Huo...

Master Xiu beckoned to Naren, and Naren ran over and stood beside Master Xiu.


Since Naren and Ji Chenzhou broke up, Master Xiu has not seen him.

He didn’t force him to go back to the island, but he didn’t see him for a few months.

The two simple words are all about Master Xiu's love for him.

In the eyes of Master Xiu, Naren is no different from his own children.

This kind of love has nothing to do with age, but the friendship that has penetrated into blood and blood for so many years.

"It's always been like this, I'm pretty good, Master Xiu!"

Naren reddened his eyes, but still smiled so that no water mist appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Master Xiu was thinking about him every day...

Especially after he broke up with Ji Chenzhou, Master Xiu said nothing, making Naren feel even more guilty and uncomfortable.

"It's good, it's good..." Master Xiu took a sip of the remaining wine in the glass and said these two sentences.

Huo Zhongrao drank one cup after another, without seeing one more person at all.

Naren thought, should he drink the bar because of the little demon?

How do I feel that I face each other with Big Brother Huo like this? It feels weird.

He is a pair with Ji Chenzhou, and Brother Huo is a pair with the little demon.

However, now that Ji Chenzhou and Little Demon are going to get engaged tonight, it is less than two hours now.

And he is here watching Brother Huo drinking boring wine...

After Huo Zhongrao had a drink, Master Xiu poured him a drink...

Naren felt that they were not drinking wine but water, or how could they not be drunk...

When Mo Chen walked in, Naren was shocked because he didn't hear a sound.

"Commander, it's time to change clothes and go to the banquet!"

Mo Chen's voice is still the usual Shen.

Huo Zhongrao remained silent, still drinking.

Naren realized at this time that Huo Zhongrao was going to attend, and as the little demon adoptive father...

For him, this is simply a torture.

Even if Ji Chenzhou and Little Demon were fakes, Naren was not sure whether Brother Huo knew they were fakes.

Naren suddenly thought of what the little demon said that day, "I can't ruin Huo Zhongrao. I used to love too selfishly, love too self-righteous..."

Then it is very likely that Big Brother Huo didn't know that Ji Chenzhou and Xiao Yao were going to fake marriage...

At this time, Huo Zhongrao raised his head to look at Xiang Naren.

"Naren, I'm sorry, brother, I hurt you..."

What Huo Zhongrao said was alcoholic.

Huo Zhongrao's words overturned Naren's previous speculation, Huo Big Brother knew it was a fake marriage.

"Brother Huo, I'm really fine, I understand everything, I'm really fine..."

Ji Chenzhou made this decision to save Big Brother Huo and Little Demon.

He also broke up by default just to make himself safe...

After listening to Naren's words, Master Xiu put the wine glass heavily on the table.

He also just learned the whole story, and when he was angry, he felt more distressed for Naren.

But fortunately, Ji Chenzhou did not change his heart, and Naren still loved him.

I also affirmed Ji Chenzhou a little bit more. At his age, it is rare to consider Naren's safety in consideration of the overall situation with such tolerance.

"Master Xiu, don't be angry. Shen Zhou has something to do. I didn't understand it before, but now I understand. He is responsible to many people..."

Naren didn't know who the other people who followed Ji Chenzhou were, but since Big Brother Huo was on his side, he couldn't give up.

Master Xiu glared at Naren, who felt sorry for him too sensible.

Naren lowered his head and didn't dare to speak any more, he thought that Master Xiu would definitely blame Ji Shenzhou.

"Commander..." Mo Chen called Huo Zhongrao again, but before he finished speaking, he was startled by the two people who walked in.

Naren turned around and saw Ji Shenzhou and Lu Xiaoyao walking in...

These two people who were supposed to be at the engagement banquet actually appeared here.

Na Ren stared at Ji Chenzhou striding towards him. When he was squeezed into his arms, Naren slowed down. It was Ji Chenzhou...

And beside him, a gust of wind whizzed past, and it was Huo Zhongrao who rushed towards the landing little demon, directly hugged her sideways and walked out of the living room...

"Why are you..." Before Naren finished speaking, he was sealed by Ji Chenzhou's kiss.

The stormy kiss made Naren's body take a step back, almost unbearable.

All the breath was robbed, and the corners of Naren's eyes gradually moistened.

This kiss made Naren feel the madness of Ji Chenzhou...

After the kiss, Naren couldn't breathe anymore, and even the blushing face could bleed.

Looking over, Master Xiu and Mo Chen didn't know when they had left.

"You... are you not engaged?" Naren couldn't afford to breathe, because he was kissed too fiercely.

Looking at Ji Chenzhou who was frantic with wet eyes, Naren's eyes were blank.

"No more..."

Ji Chenzhou rubbed Naren's lips with his thumb, and his voice was still so deep and pleasant.

"What's the matter, don't get engaged..." Naren stood motionless, letting Ji Chenzhou do whatever he wanted.

"Because of you, baby, you are really my baby!"

Ji Chenzhou smiled openly, and there was another kiss on Naren's lips, heavy and heavy.

because of him? Naren is even more at a loss. Is it because he was kidnapped and not engaged?

Ji Chenzhou sat down on the sofa holding Naren, Naren sat on his lap very uncomfortable.

But don't Ji Shenzhou hold on to not move, "Just sit like this, let me take a moment!"

At first, Naren didn't understand what this means for a while, but when he saw the desire in Ji Chenzhou's eyes, Naren suddenly realized.

"You can tell me what's going on..."

Naren worried that Ji Chenzhou would really ignore him because of him.

"When did you install the software on my phone? The thing you sent me today is very useful. I just went to the president and called the people from Pei’s family to listen to what Miss Pei San said. And Han Bing's robbery also attracted the police, and found a lot of robberies in Miss Pei San's villa..."

Naren thought of what Miss Pei San had said, "What's the use of catching her? Ji Chenzhou cares about you. He will be obedient if he catches you. He wants to marry Xiaoyao Lu. He dreams. To win Huo Zhongrao, what he thinks is really simple. Adding a few of them together is not our Pei family's opponent. Even the president has to listen to our Pei family. Humph, his Ji Chenzhou is really overwhelmed. He wouldn't marry me. Marrying Xiao Yao Lu, my brain is sick!"

When the president heard, "If they join together, they are not our Pei family's opponents. Even the president will listen to our Pei family!"

It is conceivable how he would feel. If this was in ancient times, if someone dared to say that to the emperor, it would have to punish the Nine Clan.

"Brother Han did the robbing?" Naren remembers that the tall and thin guy said, they didn't rob, and Brother Han said that there was something to do. Naren thought, this should be the thing...

"Well, this time Pei's family fell, and Ji Jiu was also suspended. You finally sent me the video of Pei San calling Ji Jiu. It happened to be used, so you are my baby."

"Those who are on the side of Pei's family and Ji Jiu, this will be honest."

"And just now, the little demon and I were in a car accident when we came out of the presidential palace. Therefore, the engagement was temporarily cancelled, and no one dared to say anything."

All the plans are temporary, and Ji Chenzhou would not have made these decisions if it hadn't been for those things passed to him by Naren.

It can be said that Naren made everything easier.

Without these obstacles, Ji Shenzhou's road would be much easier.

The big tree of the Pei family has always been pulled out by Ji Chenzhou, because the Pei family participated in some things that year.

"Car accident, you... also fake?"

As soon as Naren heard of the car accident, he immediately checked Ji Chenzhou's body. Then, seeing his smile, he thought that when he and the little demon came in, they were all intact.

He breathed a sigh of relief immediately, as long as he was okay, he had been worried about what would happen to him, and now he was at ease.


Ji Chenzhou rubbed the tip of Naren's nose with the tip of his nose, feeling a slight coolness, and each other's breathing mixed together, messed up...

"Ji Chenzhou, you are more stupid than me. If the little demon doesn't tell this, you will be dull and don't say so, let me hate you?"

Naren held Ji Chenzhou's face, bit his ear, and said angrily.

When this man is bad, he can drive you crazy.

However, sometimes it hurts people, and I don't know how to comfort him.

"It's better to make you hate me than worry about me hanging around me. The more you hate someone, the more calm your temper is. You don't know how cold you look, the more people like it."

Ji Chenzhou pinched Naren's face indulgingly.

He didn't know that the little demon went to find Naren. He said to him that day, "I know you", and then asked the little demon, she said she had found Naren.

Naren watched Ji Chenzhou still joking here, and bit him again angrily.

"I won't go out in the future. Let Master Xiu send more people to protect me so that no one can threaten you... No, I mean..."

After Naren said this, he felt that he was too impatient, Ji Chenzhou didn't say again, they were going to be together, so he was thinking about the future.

Naren's face was blushing, and the look of his head down made Ji Chenzhou's feeling of just relaxing again.

"The Pei's house has fallen, Ji Jiu has folded his wings now, no one will threaten me, so don't worry, I won't be in danger anymore, trust me!"

Naren originally proposed to break up and ask him to give up this path because of the dangers he was doing.

Now Ji Chenzhou said these words to make Naren feel at ease and stop worrying about him in danger.

"Yeah!" Naren lay on Ji Chenzhou's shoulders and responded softly.

He believed that Ji Chenzhou would handle his own affairs well, and the recent experiences made him realize that Ji Chenzhou has this ability.

Naren thought of Ji Jiu, and thought of what Ji Chenzhou had done to him, which seemed to swallow something disgusting in his heart, making him want to vomit.

"I want to confess to you one thing..."

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