The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1452: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou, why are you so bad... (4,000 words)

Naren's voice was tense, and there was also a slight tremor.

He didn't know what would happen to Ji Chenzhou when he knew about it, but Naren didn't want to hide it.

Whether to keep breaking up or forgiving to stay together, Naren listens to his decision.

Ji Chenzhou slammed Naren's shoulder to let him look at him. In Naren's eyes, he saw the guilt and anxiety.

"Say you are a fool, you really are, what do you want to say to me? How did you fall into Ji Jiu's deception and be drugged by him again?"

When Ji Chenzhou said this, he was a little angry.

He wanted Naren to keep his simplicity, but sometimes he would be angry with his inactivity.

" know?" Naren stared at Ji Chenzhou with wide eyes, he knew...

Then it suddenly dawned that he had secretly sent someone to protect him, how could he not know.

"Know what? Know how stupid you are?"

Seeing Na Ren eager to know what happened that night, Ji Chenzhou continued to tease him badly.

"Ji Chenzhou, you...know what I want to know..."

Naren seemed to be crying. He wanted to know from Ji Chenzhou's mouth whether nothing happened that night. He was praying for the answer.

Ji Chenzhou also saw this expectation and sighed slightly.

Ji Chenzhou cleared his throat, as if there was something hard to say.

"That Ji Jiu was beaten by me, and only came out of the hospital two days ago..."

After hearing what Ji Chenzhou said, Naren's heart sank again. Could it be that Ji Chenzhou didn't have time to save him, he still had a relationship with Ji Jiu?

Looking at Naren's pale face, Ji Chenzhou exhaled, "Nothing happened to you and Ji Jiu, he was beaten by me, why would he do anything to you..."

After hearing what Ji Chenzhou said, Naren's head quickly lifted up, and he looked at Ji Chenzhou clearly without speaking, but his eyes were asking, "Is what you said is true?"

"Well, don't lie to you..." Ji Chenzhou gave Naren a certain answer again in a dull manner.

Naren didn't understand, why didn't he have a relationship with Ji Jiu, Ji Chenzhou seemed very upset?

Naren thought of the blood stains on the bed again, "When I woke up, there were blood stains on the bed...what's the matter?"

In fact, Naren would like to ask, isn’t he being drugged, is it all right after a sleep?

He remembered very clearly that his body was not hot at the time. He had experienced the feeling once, and it would not work if he did not release...

When Na Ren said blood, Ji Chenzhou's face darkened even more, and his expression became very dull.

"This matter is not allowed to be mentioned in the future, it is always that nothing happened to you and Ji Jiu, so don't think about it anymore!"

Ji Chenzhou stubbornly gave orders to Naren.

The more Ji Chenzhou is so unexplained, the more uneasy his heart is, the human will think that something must have happened, but Ji Chenzhou will not say.

"Ji Chenzhou, if you don't clarify your words, how could I not think about it? Do you know that the more you are like this, the more chaotic you will be..."

Naren was a little annoyed, and knocked off Ji Chenzhou's hands on his waist.

"Honestly, I am don't remember anything about that night? Don't you have any impression?"

Ji Chenzhou's face showed a trace of dull red, and asked unnaturally.

Naren shook his head. If he had any impression, he wouldn't be here to ask Ji Chenzhou.

"That... you just slept, and the medicine Ji Jiu gave you made you unconscious."

Ji Chenzhou exhaled, then said with a smile.

"Looking at you like this, does something have to happen?"

Immediately after that, when Naren was about to speak again, Ji Chenzhou said again, his tone obviously sinking a bit.

"I am not, but you are a little weird..."

If it weren't for Ji Chenzhou's appearance, Naren wouldn't think about it.

He was afraid that Ji Chenzhou had something to hide from him, and he was even more afraid that he really had something with Ji Jiu, and Ji Chenzhou chose to forgive him and bear it alone.

"Where's the blame? Didn't you feel strange if you didn't do it directly?"

Ji Chenzhou deliberately breathed in Naren's neck and provoke Naren to hide.

Ji Chenzhou pinched his waist badly, Naren covered his mouth and said nothing.

"Don't make trouble, this is someone else's house..." The benevolence stared at Ji Chenzhou in shame, ashamed of being like this at someone else's house.

"We, Commander Huo, won't be able to get off for a while, and his suffocating anger just happened to be out of place!"

Ji Chenzhou pinched Naren's waist again.

He didn't actually think about what to do at this time, he just wanted to distract Naren's attention.

Stop him from thinking about that night...

"Don't tell me!" Naren naturally knows how the fire is going to be sent. After all, he is still shy and uncomfortable after hearing this.

"The little girls nowadays are not as pure and shy as you!"

Or that Ji Chenzhou treats that benevolence as treasure, how can people dislike such benevolence.

"By the way, where your people took Qin Nan...Qin Nan said that he didn't wear clothes, which scared him."

When talking about the little girl, Naren remembered what Qin Nan said on the phone.

"I just told them to suppress the shock. As for how to suppress the shock, it was all arranged by them. I never go to such a place."

Ji Chenzhou said vowedly, but Naren squinted at him.

Qin Nan could speak on the phone. As soon as the manager there knew that he was Ji Chenzhou’s friend, he immediately said to him, “Ji Shao hasn’t come for a long time. Ji Shao came here to play almost every day!”

Qin Nan said to him, "Ji Chenzhou is not a good thing either. He actually likes to come to this place to play."

In this meeting, Ji Shenzhou even dared to vowed to say that he had never been there before, it was not that he hit the muzzle directly.

"Have you really never been?" Naren decided to give Ji Chenzhou another chance.

"Of course, how would I go..."

Ji Chenzhou used to play crazy and would often go. This was not to prevent Naren from being jealous and misunderstanding.

However, when Na Renna narrowed his eyes a few minutes, Ji Chenzhou knew that Qin Nan must have said something to him.

"I went with Fan Bin several times..." Ji Chenzhou smiled and held Naren's hand, "I promise I didn't do anything, it's clean!"

The other hand made an oath.

"Liar!" Naren took out his hand and cast a white glance at Ji Chenzhou.

He didn't care about it. Who made Ji Chenzhou insist on lying, but he was a little bit eager to cover up.

"Look at you, I know you are careful and willing to be jealous, so I said that I have never been."

On the contrary, Ji Chenzhou felt wronged. How could his white lie become a liar.

"You are still wronged. You are not allowed to lie to me anymore. I hate cheating the most!"

What Naren said is true, because he is a sincere person, so he hopes that those who treat him are also honest.

"Fool, I won't lie to you!"

Touching Naren's head, Ji Chenzhou petted.

At this moment, Master Xiu walked in and coughed twice.

"It's too cold outside..." Following him were Changqing and Awen. Apparently all three of them had been standing outside for a while.

How could there be no place to stay in the huge headquarters, Ji Shenzhou squinted, and Master Xiu would actually play tricks.

So what happened after they played, Ji Chenzhou could only be bored and couldn't say anything, because someone believed it!

"Master Xiu, I... sit down, I will pour you some hot water!"

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren push him away, hurriedly looking for the direction of the kitchen.

That is, he wouldn't think about it, where he couldn't stay, he would only think that his master Xiu was frozen.

Besides, in places much colder than this, Master Xiu can stay for one day, let alone these ten minutes...

Their silly Naren is so silly and cute!

Naren went to pour water, Master Xiu winked at Awen, and Awen rushed over to Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou immediately made a defensive posture, but he still remembered whose hands the two knives on his body came from.

However, Ji Chenzhou was obviously ashamed of his master Mo Chen.

A Wen flicked a few times, Ji Chenzhou was in a mess, and he still slammed A Wen's punch.

Ji Chenzhou bent over in pain, turning his head to look at Master Xiu...

"No matter who you do these things to protect, in the end, Naren is uncomfortable because of you, and I feel unhappy in my heart. You should bear this punch."

The words Xiuye ​​said were dull, and Naren's trance-like appearance was reported to him by his staff.

Had it not been for Qin Nan's quick response that day, Naren would have probably been killed.

It was just two or three seconds, now that I think of it, he is all in a cold sweat.

"Well, what Master Xiu said is that I didn't do a good job."

Ji Chenzhou promised to Master Xiu that he would treat Naren well.

Won't let him get hurt...

However, in such a short period of time, Naren suffered so many grievances, because he did not do well.

"When I go back this time, I will arrange everything. I will stay in Yuncheng in the future. I will help you with what you want to do!"

In fact, Master Xiu did this entirely for Naren.

He must protect him well. The Pei family has fallen, but the Pei family is not the only force following the president. Naren will be in danger at any time.

Ji Chenzhou looked at Master Xiu in surprise, knowing that Master Xiu's forces have been on the island over the years.

Moreover, many of his men are wanted, and if they leave the island, they are in danger at any time.

"Everything is arranged, I only want you to promise me one request!"

Master Xiu was doing things very steadily. When Naren wanted to be with Ji Chenzhou, he thought about this issue.

Stay with Naren and protect him, lest you worry about him every day.

"Say Master Xiu!"

Naren definitely wanted Master Xiu to be closer to him, besides, even if Master Xiu didn't help him.

He also asked Ji Chenzhou to agree.

Master Xiu said a word to Ji Chenzhou, and Ji Chenzhou's eyes sank slightly.

The hand on the knee made a fist slightly, and then nodded.

Just after Ji Chenzhou nodded, Naren came out with a few glasses of water.

"Master Xiu, Brother Chang Wen, you guys have a drink..."

It will be so cold outside, even standing for ten minutes will not work.

Changqing and Awen looked at the steaming water and reluctantly took it.

I really want to say, we are not cold...

Sure enough, Naren was happy for a while when he heard that Master Xiu and they would live in Yuncheng.

Sometimes he is like a daughter who is married far away, always thinking about Master Xiu.

This is a metaphor, the same mood.

Ji Chenzhou wanted to take Naren home, but Naren said he wanted to go back to his apartment, not worrying about Qin Nan and Tan Meng.

Ji Chenzhou can only rely on him and drive him back to the apartment.

On the road

"You listened to the recording for your father, then doesn't he also know my relationship with you?"

This question came to Naren when he was boiling water.

Although Ji Chenzhou has hatred with her father, and although Ji Chenzhou wants to bring down his father, it is his father.

"There is nothing I can hide from him!"

Ji Chenzhou didn't care. The most cunning fox in the world was talking about his father.

Naren is not talking anymore, as long as it doesn't affect Ji Chenzhou.

He also knew that Ji Chenzhou didn't want to say anything about his father.

Naren gradually understood that there must be something that Ji Chenzhou buried deeply in his heart and was unwilling to say it.

How else would he want to take his father down, there are still some people he has to deal with.

Naren didn’t dare to think about some things, because it would hurt, so he didn’t dare to think about Ji Chenzhou when he was a child and what he had experienced...

When he returned to the apartment, Tan Meng had just come out of the house, still wearing house clothes, and it seemed that he was going to the other door of the benevolent house.

"Aren't you coming back?" Tan Meng looked at Naren and asked, completely ignoring Ji Chenzhou behind him.

Tan Meng pressed the code naturally, and then opened the door.

"Ah... back!"

Naren didn't know how Qin Nan told Tan Meng, so he could only answer that way.

"Mengmeng, wait, I'll be fine soon!"

Qin Nan's voice came from the kitchen, and he had just arrived home.

After strenuous efforts to decline the shocking hospitality of those people, Qin Nan hurried back to cook dinner for Tan Meng.

Tan Meng is okay if he eats less, he can't starve the child in his stomach. Those are two babies...

"Brother Nan, Naren is back, and his husband, do more!"

Tan Meng sat on the sofa, took an apple and took a bite.

Naren just took a sip of water and almost didn't choke upon hearing Tan Meng's words.

Tan Meng knew that he had been with Ji Chenzhou, but she didn't know the specific things.

Hearing the word husband from her mouth, Naren really felt that he could just die.


Naren wanted Tan Meng not to talk nonsense. At this time, Qin Nan rushed out of the kitchen carrying a knife.

"Ji Chenzhou, do you dare to come to our house? Mengmeng, this person is not Naren's husband, they broke up, he is a bastard..."

When Qin Nan thought of Naren being dumped by Ji Chenzhou and the crimes he suffered these days, he wanted to kill Ji Chenzhou.

"This is your home? Are you sure?" Ji Chenzhou pointed to the corner of the living room with his finger, and asked the angry Qin Nan with a smile.

And Naren stared at the knife in Qin Nan's hand. My Nan brother, who was so amazing, could desperately work for him and others, and was moved.

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