The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1453: Sinking—Ji Chenzhou, are you hiding something from me? (Four thousand words)

Naren had forgotten that the other person he thought was his man.

Ji Chenzhou's aura is that he doesn't need to shout to you, just speak softly and softly.

Born with a powerful aura, a word can shock you.

Qin Nan's hand holding the knife trembled. He looked at Naren and asked him with his eyes, what's the situation?

"You put the knife down first..." Naren wanted to laugh when he looked at Qin Nan like that.

"Brother Nan, you cook first, you are hungry!" Tan Meng has finished eating an apple, so he will pick up another one.

"You just have to eat one, don't eat it, the noodles will be ready soon!"

When Qin Nan heard Tan Meng say that he was hungry, he immediately turned and walked towards the kitchen, then walked two steps, then stopped again, "No, what's your situation?"

"You go cook Mengmeng first!"

Naren pushed Qin Nan to the kitchen.

"You didn't tell him that this house is mine?" Ji Chenzhou took off the woolen coat, and Naren took it naturally and hung it up for him.

"Yours?" Naren turned to look at Xiang Ji Chenzhou. Is this obviously his house?

"Well, I bought it, you signed the contract!"

Ji Chenzhou watched Tan Meng have started to eat the second apple, his eyes moved down, he looked at her belly, his eyes were responsible.

"When did I sell the house to you?"

Naren remembered that Ji Chenzhou had said that he wanted to buy his own house, but he did not say that he wanted to sell it.

He is not short of money. Besides, Ji Chenzhou wants to buy his house, just to let him have no place to go in the future and can only live with him.

At that time, he thought that Ji Chenzhou was just talking about signing the contract. Why didn't he know?

"You got up that morning and signed a document that you bought and sold a house!"

One morning, when Ji Chenzhou woke up, he still wanted it, but that benevolence was really exhausted, so I won't give it.

In a daze, Ji Chenzhou asked him to sign an agreement. He remembered that he said at the time that he was applying for a leave of absence and he signed it...

"Ji Chenzhou, you bastard..." Naren punched Ji Chenzhou on the chest, very angry.

He didn't care about such a house, but was angry that Ji Chenzhou lied to him.

"This is a lesson for you, don't just sign it next time, lest you don't know if you sell yourself."

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's hitting hand and bounced it on his head.

"Ahem..." Tan Meng couldn't stand the two of them being in such a lonely state.

Bad prenatal education...

At this time, Naren realized that Tan Meng was there, "Stop it!"

Unable to withdraw his hand, he could only stare at Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou ignored him and pulled him directly onto the sofa.

Then he felt something turning around his feet, and looked down at a little stupid dog.

Ji Chenzhou reached out and grabbed Mao Qiu's back, lifted him up, and put him on his lap. Mao Qiu immediately nestled on Ji Chenzhou's lap to sleep.

Tan Meng ate the apple very quickly, and this time the second apple will also be eaten.

Just when she was about to take the third one, Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but speak.

"Eating fruits is good for children, but you should also eat them in moderation!"

Tan Meng looked at the tempting apple and wanted to eat it, but after touching his stomach, he finally put it down...

"How do you know that Mengmeng is pregnant?" Naren became stiff. He and Qin Nan knew about Mengmeng's pregnancy. No one had ever said it. How could Ji Chenzhou know?

Ji Chenzhou and Tan Meng exchanged glances, then Tan Meng lowered his head to play with Apple and did not speak.

"There is nothing around you that I don't know!" Ji Chenzhou replied calmly.

"Don't tell anyone about this, it's not good for Mengmeng!"

Naren thinks about it, there is something Ji Chenzhou doesn't know.

"It's not that pregnant women cannot be with pets!"

Ji Chenzhou touched the fur ball, saying that this dog looked like a lazy temperament, lying lazily on his lap, he was about to fall asleep...

"Maoqiu is fine, very well-behaved, and takes a shower every day!"

Naren immediately explained that he didn't think so at first, and wanted to send the fur ball away.

Later, I consulted and said it was all right.

Just when Tan Meng couldn't help but want to eat an apple, Ji Chenzhou could only reach out and grab the apple in her hand, and then threw it into the fruit plate.

Tan Meng just looked at Apple pitifully, but didn't say anything. Naren felt that Ji Chenzhou was a bit too rude.

"Well, Mengmeng, let's stop eating, we will eat in a while, you eat too much!"

Naren pinched the back of Ji Chenzhou's hand and said with a smile at Tan Meng.

"Then ask Brother Nan when is good, I'm hungry!"

Tan Meng seemed to have not eaten after eating recently, and was hungry for a while.

"Okay, okay, come and eat!"

Qin Nan came out with a bowl of noodles and put it on a small table on the balcony.

The seat is a plush cushion, which seems to be a special place for Tan Meng to eat.

Tan Meng got up immediately...

"You slow down!" Naren quickly got up and went to help her, for fear that she would run again.

After Tan Meng became pregnant, she looked like a child. If she wanted to eat, she would eat it immediately.

If you don’t eat it, you can’t feel uncomfortable.

I also have to eat my own homemade pie. Where did Qin Nan make stuffed pie?

However, Tan Meng wanted to eat and could only do it. Naren checked the recipe and Qin Nan did it. After two hours of tossing and making the stuffed pie, Tan Meng fell asleep...

Qin Nan made a large bowl of noodles, and Tan Meng ate it all by herself and drank all the soup.

"She is twins, so... more edible!"

Naren watched Ji Chenzhou frowning all the time, and quickly explained.

He didn't know why he wanted to explain.

He and Qin Nan are used to it, Tan Meng's appetite, so it doesn't feel strange, but Ji Chenzhou is different. The first time I saw it, I was afraid that it would be incredible.

Qin Nan always wanted to call Naren aside and asked him what was going on?

He can't just be nice to him just because Ji Chenzhou's people are protecting him. Everyone is going to get married and dump him, but he can't let him know.

Qin Nan kept winking at Naren, and Naren saw it, but he couldn't help if Ji Chenzhou wouldn't let him get up.

"Your eyes hurt?" Ji Chenzhou asked with a wicked smile looking at Qin Nan's winking look.

In fact, he should be very grateful to Qin Nan. He was taking care of Naren during this period.

However, judging by his funny way, Ji Chenzhou felt uncomfortable.

Qin Nan was dull for a while and didn't speak. He was winking for a while, and indeed his eyes hurt.

"Qin Nan, I didn't tell you before that Shen Zhou's marriage was fake, and he didn't do anything to sorry me!"

Naren finally explained with a smile, he thought that if he didn't say anything, Qin Nan would feel pain all over his body.

"You believe what he said?" Qin Nan rubbed his eyes, Ji Chenzhou had many eyes, and Naren was so simple and deceiving.

"The little demon said it!" Naren glanced at Ji Chenzhou, his eyes were, you see that you have a bad record, Qin Nan feels that what you say cannot be trusted.

"What if they get together to lie to you? Both are human spirits!"

That Little Demon Lu was even more an evildoer, and couldn't believe what he said.

In fact, both Naren and Qin Nan are simple people. You lie to them and don't know what's going on.

"What lie to him? Does his IQ still lie?"

Seeing Qin Nan's nervous look, Ji Chenzhou thought of who really played with.

Naren and Qin Nan are together, he is a hundred rest assured, they are both simple and simple.

"What are you talking about!" Naren pinched Ji Chenzhou's waist, with an angry voice with an inconceivable smile.

That smile filled with happiness.

"Our benevolence is smart, we just don't bother to play with you, tired!"

When Ji Shenzhou said that benevolence was not good enough, Qin Nan was not happy again.

"Qin Nan, Naren has your brother, it is his blessing!"

Ji Chenzhou suddenly said to Qin Nan very seriously.

As soon as this sentence came out, Qin Nan couldn't get rid of it immediately, and he sat there uneasily, touching his head, and squeezing his face...

" can have him, it's your... blessing!"

Qin Nan stuttered, and he would actually hear such nutritious words in Ji Chenzhou's mouth.

It's really not easy. In fact, what Qin Nan wants to say most is, "Ji Chenzhou, it turns out that you can speak human words!"

"I'm going to sleep, Brother Nan, I want to eat fried pho for supper!"

Tan Meng was full, walked slowly from the balcony, and said with a breath.

"Well, fried rice noodles, eat at ten?" Qin Nan has adapted to Tan Meng's lifestyle of sleeping when he is full and eating when he wakes up.

"You can't sleep after eating, Naren, you accompany her for a walk!"

Ji Chenzhou frowned again, a little dissatisfied with Tan Meng's state of not being aware of any pregnant women.

"Huh?" Naren took a walk for a while?

Ji Chenzhou would let him walk with other women? When did his exclusivity become so loose?

Naren seems to feel Ji Chenzhou's attitude towards Tan Meng...

A feeling that cannot be said, in short, it is very strange.

"No, I want to sleep!" Tan Meng directly refused. She knew that pregnant women had to exercise more, but she was sleepy when she was full, so she could exercise again wherever she had the strength.

"Well, don't forget to turn on the humidifier and cover the quilt!" Naren warned, worried.

"Don't play with mobile phones!" Qin Nan said again.

He and Qin Nan are now exclusive babysitters, and Tan Meng is well taken care of by them.

After Tan Meng breathed out and left, Ji Chenzhou reluctantly opened his mouth.

"You are too accustomed to her. This is not good for your children. You must eat small and frequent meals, exercise moderately, and start tomorrow. Follow my arrangements!"

As soon as Ji Chenzhou's voice fell, Qin Nan spouted out the water that entered his mouth.

"what did you say?"

"What are you going to do?"

Naren and Qin Nan asked in unison, it was incredible.

"This house is still too small. We will move to our villa tomorrow!"

Ji Chenzhou looked around in the living room. Naren bought this apartment because he lived in it by himself, so it was not big.

"What are you kidding?"

"Is this bad?"

Naren and Qin Nan asked in unison.

In the end, Ji Chenzhou nodded with certainty.

Naren was tossed by Ji Chenzhou for four or five hours. The two have not been together for several months, and Ji Chenzhou will inevitably be more aggressive.

Na Ren couldn't stand it, and he was so cruel.

In the end, it was Qin Nan who couldn't stand it and knocked on the door, "I said that if the soundproofing of your villa is not good, Mengmeng and I can't move in, this...too much influence on prenatal education!"

Qin Nan's words came through the door, and the shameful Naren pushed Ji Chenzhou who was struggling out of bed and fell to the floor.

"Brother Nan...Don't say anything, go to sleep!"

Naren felt too embarrassed, and stared at Ji Chenzhou angrily, saying not to come, not enough...

"The soundproofing is very good. If I beat you up, no one will hear you!"

Ji Chenzhou got up from the ground, gritted his teeth towards the door and roared.

"Hey, I'm sleepwalking again!"

Qin Nan's muffled voice came from outside the door, and there was an urgent sound of closing the door.

"You just sleep on the ground!" Naren directly wrapped herself in a quilt, which is really embarrassing...

I hate Ji Shenzhou...

How could Ji Chenzhou sleep on the ground, lifted the quilt and hugged Naren directly.

"Baby, you have to have a beginning and an end in everything you do, come on, let's continue..."

How can Ji Shenzhou care about the sound insulation? He hasn't asked for enough.

"Ji Shenzhou, hiss..."

All of Naren's protests were blocked up and down!

Tan Meng has no opinion on moving to Ji Chenzhou’s villa.

Anyway, she doesn’t need to move things...

In this way, four people and a dog moved into Ji Chenzhou's villa.

Tan Meng and Qin Nan both chose a room on the first floor.

Qin Nan thought that this way he would not worry about hearing Naren's charming voice.

In other words, he feels very sorry for Naren. Obviously Ji Chenzhou has a big appetite in this regard, and it is very strong. He can hear that voice, and the time is long enough...

When Qin Nan moved in, Ji Chenzhou was relieved because someone was cooking.

Tan Mengwo was eating fruit on the sofa. This time he replaced it with cut fruits, each of which is a little bit.

Prenatal music echoed in the living room.

In the kitchen, Qin Nan was cooking, and Naren was making freshly squeezed corn juice for Tan Meng.

Ji Chenzhou is blowing the hair on the hair ball after the shower.

When Master Xiu came, Naren and Qin Nan in the kitchen didn't hear them after pressing the doorbell for a while.

Ji Chenzhou in the bathroom was naturally inaudible.

Tan Meng didn't move when she heard it. Ji Shen Zhoufei just let her walk in the courtyard for 20 minutes, but she didn't want to move.

Later, it was Ji Shenzhou opening the guard to hear the doorbell ring.

"How long has it been ringing?" Ji Shenzhou asked helplessly as he watched Tan Meng rather covering his ears than opening the door.

"It's been five minutes, so noisy..."

Tan Meng replied lazily.

"You are so lazy to give birth to children!"

Ji Chenzhou threw the fur ball directly on the sofa and went to open the door.

When the door was opened, Master Xiu had a calm face and stood at the door, followed by Changqing.

And Chang Qing carried two big bags in his hands.

"What's the password?" Xiuye's face is as ugly as it is, he is almost killing someone.

"520520" Ji Shenzhou immediately reported the password.

"..." Master Xiu closed his eyes and exhaled, 520...

"Master Xiu, I didn't hear me bathing the dog, Naren is in the kitchen!"

Ji Chenzhou quickly explained, five minutes, if he thinks he will get angry.

"Why do you let him cook again?"

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