The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1454: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou endured his anger and left... (4,000 words)

What is it?

When did he want Naren to cook?

Is there nothing okay? When Naren wanted to escape from him before, he deliberately pretended to be annoying to him, and made two meals at that time.

After that, it seems to have cooked twice, but he took the initiative.

In other words, Naren is long and beautiful, and you really can't watch or eat when you cook.

Therefore, Ji Chenzhou would rather be a little tired himself, he cooks instead of letting Naren cook.

However, Xiuye ​​said so, what else could Ji Chenzhou say.

Originally, this time he was going to fake marriage, which made Naren sad. Master Xiu already had a big opinion on him. Hold it back!

When Master Xiu walked into the living room, he saw Tan Meng lying halfway on the sofa with a dog in his arms...

And he also heard... what kind of music is this?

"All said, don't hold it when you are pregnant!"

When Ji Chenzhou saw Tan Meng holding the fur ball in his arms again, he became angry again.

Ji Chenzhou grabbed the fur ball from Tan Meng's arms and threw it directly on the single-seater sofa.

"What's the matter with her?" Where did Master Xiu know Tan Meng, and when he heard that he was pregnant, he became calm.

Ji Chenzhou's record in Master Xiu's place is so bad that he can't help thinking.

"The blind date that his sister Naren introduced to him before is pregnant and has nowhere to go. He is coming to our house!"

Tan Meng had just finished touching the dog and was going to get some fruit to eat, so angry Ji Chenzhou beat her.

"Don't eat anymore, wash your hands!"

Tan Meng was really not like this before, and now he is too lazy to move.

"Your child?" When Master Xiu heard this, there was a problem. One of Naren's blind dates just ran over. Ji Chenzhou's temper could tolerate, and he was still waiting? There must be a problem...

Before Ji Shenzhou spoke, Tan Meng shook his head.

"Dumb?" Xiuye ​​thought that Tan Meng could not speak, and asked again.

"No, she is lazy and unwilling to speak!" Ji Chenzhou was also speechless, and Tan Meng's laziness was simply crazy.

"That child is Naren?" Xiuye ​​took a step back and thought, and thought it was impossible. Naren was not that kind of person...

"Master Xiu, no, no..." Naren just came out with corn juice at this time, and was startled when he heard what Xiu said.

How could it be his child? Don't let Ji Chenzhou misunderstand the big jealous jar. Don't make it clear then.

Ji Chenzhou and Tan Meng glanced at each other, and then Tan Meng said to Naren, "Give me a wet wipe and don't want to wash my hands!"

"Immediately, you lie down and wait! Cover the blanket and don't get cold!"

Both Naren and Qin Nan are used to Tan Meng, and they will satisfy any request she says.

"Master Xiu, Brother Chang, sit down for a while!"

Naren put down the corn juice, turned around and looked for wet wipes.

Ji Chenzhou reached out and grabbed him without catching it. He was really furious and going crazy.

As soon as he looked at Tan Meng, Tan Meng closed his eyes.

Naren hurriedly took a pack of wet wipes, which Qin Nan bought when he went to the supermarket before, in order to facilitate Tan Meng's use when he was out.

"Mengmeng, you said, Brother Nan, you can drink half a cup and have to eat later!"

He took out two wet wipes and handed them to Tan Meng, watching her wipe her hands, and then handed her corn juice.

The Master Xiu who was watching this service was inexplicable, and Ji Chenzhou's Qi Qiao Qi produced smoke.

"Not sweet..." Tan Meng took a sip and frowned slightly.

"It can't be too sweet, as the doctor said, this can't depend on you!"

This corn juice, Na Ren was cold for a while before bringing it to Tan Meng to drink.

Tan Meng's mouth is very anxious now. If you let her take a cold mouthful and drink, she will be crazy.

"Shen Zhou, go tell Brother Nan to cook some more dishes!"

Naren couldn't see Ji Chenzhou's displeasure, and said to him with his head down.

Mengmeng is like a younger sister here in Naren, and he wants to spoil her as long as she can. He also knows that she is too used to her, but he can't get used to it...

"Wait to clean up you at night!" Ji Chenzhou said this in Naren's ear, and walked away angrily.

In the past two days, he said that if Tan Meng was to be like this, Naren and Qin Nan had to say that.

It was simply against him...

Naren naturally knew what it meant to clean up, and couldn't help blushing.

"Qin Nan also lives here?" Master Xiu was more interested in whose child was in Tan Meng's stomach. When he heard that Qin Nan was there, he couldn't help but wondered if the child belonged to Qin Nan?

"Well, the three of us lived together before. Ji Chenzhou said that my apartment was too small, so we moved here!"

Naren turned his head to look at the bag Changqing put on the table, knowing that Master Xiu brought him to eat.

For so many years, no matter where he goes, Master Xiu is used to buying food for him and bringing it back.

This is a habit that he has cultivated since he was eight years old, and he has continued to do so over the years.

The thought of staying with Master Xiu for more than ten years is so fast.

If he hadn't met Master Xiu, he didn't think he would survive this time.

He still remembered that at that time, his mother would quarrel with his father, complaining that he shouldn't have done something wrong, otherwise they would not be forced to live abroad and lead a life of upheaval.

Later, his parents had an accident and were so brutally murdered that he could no longer hear their quarrel.

So far, he does not know why his parents died...

Many people died at that time, and they were brutally murdered, but Naren remembers clearly that those who killed his parents had a clear purpose to make his parents die, and others seemed to be murdered by innocent implicated...

"These are all for you, don't give Ji Chenzhou to eat!"

When buying these things, Master Xiu did everything by himself, and he wouldn't let his subordinates buy them.

At most, it is to let Changqing hold it, enough to see how much he loves that benevolence.

When Tan Meng heard that there was something to eat, she immediately moved. She is very greedy now...

"She can't eat either!"

Master Xiu can also see that Tan dreams of eating, but these things are not suitable for pregnant women to eat. Don’t eat them badly. No one can take responsibility.

Tan Meng turned his head away, touched his stomach, and said nothing pitifully.

Qin Nan made a lot of dishes, and he dared not bring it out until the last soup.

He heard Naren talk about Master Xiu. For such a legendary figure, Qin Nan admired and feared.

So he didn't dare to come out and went around in the kitchen.

When Naren came in, he still heard Qin Nan's mumblings there, and he didn't know what he was talking about.

"Brother Nan, come out to eat, waiting for you!"

Naren came out with the soup bowl, and did not notice Qin Nan's nervousness.

Qin Nan thought that it was too bad for such a table of people to wait for him.

So you can only go out and tell yourself not to be afraid, and you should be happy to see people who worship and admire.

As soon as Qin Nan walked into the restaurant, he realized that there was only an empty place between Xiuye ​​and Naren...

Could it be that he wants to sit there?

Sitting next to Master Xiu? OMG...


Qin Nan was shy and twisted like a new wife entering the door, moving slowly.

Ji Chenzhou immediately squinted his eyes, and those sharp and wise eyes suddenly burst into light of discovering the new world.

He didn't forget that Qin Nan was also a crook. He said he liked himself before, and then he said he liked Naren.

Seeing a person who loves one another makes him feel that Qin Nan doesn't understand love at all, just blindly likes...

He has never seen Master Xiu and Chang Qing, but this posture is obviously just the attitude of whom he likes...

Following Qin Nan's twisted eyes, Ji Chenzhou was sure that he was looking at Master Xiu...

I'm going, that's interesting, Master Xiu's stubborn and dull temperament, if you spread the fire of Qin Nan, it won't burn him outside and tender inside...

Just think about that picture...

"Qin Nan, go and sit next to Master Xiu, just waiting for you!"

Ji Chenzhou immediately said to Qin Nan who was still moving slowly.

", I'm sitting next to her food!"

Qin Nan stammered again. As long as he was nervous, his words would be uncomfortable.

Tan Meng raised his head and glanced at him, then lowered his head to continue eating, for fear that he would not be able to eat for a while.

"I'll pick up food for her, you go to Master Xiu's seat, Master Xiu specially reserved a place for you!"

Ji Chenzhou took a mouthful of Master Xiu, and even the person who was so slow in his reaction heard that this was wrong.

"Come and sit down!"

Master Xiu glanced at Ji Chenzhou, who was smiling evilly, and said to Qin Nan who was embarrassed.

For Qin Nan's care of Naren, Master Xiu always wanted to personally thank him.

In today's society, there are not many people who can treat each other sincerely.

Especially for children their age, there are not many that can be so affectionate and righteous.

He hoped that Qin Nan and Naren would continue to be so good and be good brothers for a lifetime.

"Oh..." Qin Nan felt shocked by an electric shock all over his body.

Not dare to slow down, Qin Nan walked over and sat down...

"Master Xiu, these are all made by Brother Nan, try it!"

No matter Tan Meng had eaten first, none of these people moved their chopsticks, so Naren was asking Master Xiu.

They can eat only after he moves his chopsticks. This is the rule.

"Yeah, eat them all!" Master Xiu glanced at the dishes on the table. They were all home-cooked dishes. They looked good and smelled good.

It is not easy for a boy to cook such a good meal.

Master Xiu didn't speak while eating, and Naren didn't speak either. Changqing just ate bored, and soon left the table for dinner.

Ji Chenzhou was drinking the soup slowly, and Qin Nan was sitting next to Master Xiu, feeling thorns all over, very uncomfortable.

This meal was extremely long, for Qin Nan.

When Master Xiu poured wine to Qin Nan, he didn't even notice. When he found out, Master Xiu had already toasted.

Qin Nan immediately held the wine glass in both hands, looking at Master Xiu, his nervous hands were shaking.

"Thank you for taking care of Naren!"

Master Xiu is a person who can't speak, so a simple thank you is not easy for Master Xiu.

"No thanks... Master Xiu, I should... I and Naren are good brothers... I'm just ordinary... Actually, I didn't do anything. Master Xiu looks different from what I thought... !"

Qin Nan was holding the wine glass and not only his hands were shaking, but his mouth was shaking...

What he said was intermittent, maybe even he didn't know what he was talking about.

When Naren talked to him about Master Xiu, Qin Nan sketched out his appearance in his mind. He felt that such a tough man should be the kind of person with a particularly rough appearance, a hideous face...

Although Master Xiu had scars on his face, he was not hideous and scary, but he was extraordinarily masculine.

At a glance, Qin Nan felt that his heart was beating to death. He had never experienced the messy mood.

Even if Ji Chenzhou had surprised him, but that was just a faster heartbeat, but not to death. At least he still had the ability to think at that time, and he could still think about how to tease him...

However, the feeling of admiration and admiration for Master Xiu completely short-circuited his mind...

It was Ji Chenzhou who came out first, and he couldn't help thinking that if Qin Nan could break the straight man, he would call him Nan Ge and call him a bull.

But that's impossible, no one can bend Master Xiu.

He really wanted to say to Qin Nan, how can you see one love one, and dare to say special affection.

In the eyes of Master Xiu, Qin Nan is a child, so he can understand his tension.

After all, most people who see him are nervous.

Master Xiu said nothing, and drank the wine in the glass, then continued to eat.

Qin Nan also stupidly drank a glass of wine, but Ren did not stop him.

After the meal, Master Xiu left with Changqing.

Qin Nan was drunk. After Naren settled him down, when he came out of Qin Nan's room and passed Mengmeng's room, Ji Chenzhou just came out of it.

Through the open door, Naren saw the mess on the floor of Mengmeng's room.

When Ji Chenzhou closed the door easily, Naren saw Mengmeng and cried.

Although I saw it when the door closed for an instant, Naren was sure that Mengmeng was crying.

And Ji Chenzhou's face is quite ugly...

"You said Mengmeng? Why is she crying?"

Both he and Qin Nan followed Mengmeng, only Ji Chenzhou would say that she couldn't do that, so Naren asked directly.

"Go back to sleep!" Ji Chenzhou took Naren's arm and walked away, in a very aggressive tone.

He could hear him suppressing his anger.

"Mengmeng is pregnant, don't talk about her, it's said in the book, pregnant women are heart-juggling, you have to follow, can you not always ask for this or that, neither for this nor that, she is crying..."

Naren knew that some things Ji Chenzhou said were right, but after Mengmeng became pregnant, she was very willful. Both he and Qin Nan believed that this was a manifestation of a pregnant woman's tenderness.

"There are some things that can't be let go, it's for the good of her and the child!"

Ji Chenzhou exhaled a little irritably.

"You made her cry like this, just for her and the child?"

After Mengmeng became pregnant, she had never cried, and she was happy every day.

"You... sleep on your own! I'll go out and go around!"

Ji Chenzhou felt that he couldn't stay any longer, and if he stayed any longer, he would get angry with Naren.

Ji Chenzhou left and never came back. After three o'clock in the morning, Naren still did not sleep...

In the end, he took out his cell phone and called Ji Chenzhou, but the call was never answered.

Connected to the third time...

"Where are you and why haven't you come back?" Naren asked.

"He is taking a shower, do you want me to call him?" Some familiar men's voices rang over the phone.

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