The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1456: Sinking——The son is even worse than his father (4,000 words)

Naren listened to the child's cry and wanted to get up, but found that he could not move.

Qin Nan hurriedly circled in front of him, but Naren wanted to call him, but couldn't speak.

A good person, how could it not work, dying...

Naren suddenly thought that Tan Meng's face became pale with pain a few times. She always said that it was a stomach problem, which was caused by not eating on time...

Thinking about it now, was Tan Meng ill at that time, but she didn't say...

Naren was pulled up by Qin Nan, saying that Tan Meng wanted to see him...

Naren looked around, but didn't find Ji Shenzhou and Chu Shao...

Tan Meng was pushed directly from the delivery room to the VIP ward. When Naren entered, he saw Tan Meng smiling at him.

That smile was just like the smile when Naren was wearing a red woolen coat at the entrance of the hospital when Naren accompanied her to the maternity checkup, so warm.

Qin Nan ran out crying, Tan Meng was like his sister.

The doctor suddenly told you that she was out of help, so prepare for funeral!

No one can accept such a thing...

"The doctor said...a boy...a girl."

Tan Meng's face was very pale, with no blood at all.

What I said is even weaker...

Naren's tears kept falling, but the silent but heavier.

"Why don't you say when you are sick..."

Naren doesn't care about the child's problem now, he complains that he didn't realize that Tan Meng was sick earlier.

Obviously she knew it herself, but didn't tell the truth.

"'s useless to say...I don't are worried..."

Tan Meng kept smiling, but when she uttered the word cancer, the corner of her eyes burst into tears.

When she knew she had breast cancer, she thought about death.

Why is breast cancer...

And it was late, she still hadn't done so much.

She has to test her piano, she hasn't fallen in love yet, she is going to get married and have children, and she still has a great life to go...

Why did she sentence her to death...

Naren closes his eyes, cancer...


Tan Meng is such a good woman, why should she treat her like this, she is so kind and lovely.

"Don't cry... Naren... Don't cry... I'm content, I feel very happy during this time... Really, with you and Brother Nan... I am not alone!"

Tan Meng's voice choked up. This time, because of the company of Naren and Qin Nan.

Tan Meng felt that he could face death so calmly...

She was able to survive the pain without taking painkillers because she had a child in her stomach...

Naren sat on the ground, he didn't even have the strength to walk to Tan Meng's bed.

"Why...Don't tell me, Chu Shao...At that time, he also said that he could not survive, but Ji Chenzhou didn't...also found the strange old man, it's alright..."

Naren, thinking of the weird old man who cured Young Chu Chu, find Ji Chenzhou and take Tan Meng to find that person, and he can be cured...

"Naren, Ji Chenzhou have tried it... useless, he has thought of everything he can think of..."

Just when the man was about to get up, Tan Meng knew what he was going to do.

"Ji Shenzhou knows?" Naren was stunned there, Ji Chenzhou knew that Mengmeng had cancer...

"I want him... don't tell you, he and Chu Shao have been... trying to figure out a solution for my illness, but... it's useless, they tried their best..."

Tan Meng's hand gripped the bed sheet tightly because it hurt too much.

"I don't want to stay in the hospital all the time... I don't want chemotherapy, I don't want to be removed... Although I am not pretty, but... I don't want to be ugly...

"If I lie here, you and Brother Nan will only... come and see me as friends, and feel sorry for me, but I live with you, and it’s me... the happiest day in my life, I am spoiled by you ...I'm becoming more headstrong...because I want someone to love me..."

"Naren, I thought...I would be reluctant to leave this world...but now I can...accept and leave calmly...because I have no regrets..."

"I have to be's children..."

"Naren, my child... I gave it to you and Ji Chenzhou, help me take care of them... Tell them that my mother is sorry and can't... grow up with them, and tell them that I... love him so much. ..."

Tan Meng didn't give Naren a chance to speak. She always said it. She was afraid that she wouldn't be able to speak if she didn't...

Naren bit his arm and cried...

No wonder Mengmeng has to prepare so many things for children...

Because she knew she couldn't prepare...

"I'm going to bring the child..." Naren was interrupted by Tan Meng before he finished speaking.

"No, don't let me see the children, I'm afraid I'm worried about going away... I was also let them see me, they will have no mother in the future... I believe you and Ji Chenzhou will take good care of them..."

"Naren, you tell Brother Nan to come in... I still want to hear a few words from him..."

Tan Meng's body was shaking, and tears had already covered her eyes.

Tan Meng looked at the ceiling and said with a smile.

Naren wanted to get up, but found that his body was completely limp. He beat his leg, why couldn't he stand up.

Mengmeng is looking for Brother Nan...

"Qin Nan... Qin Nan... Brother Nan... Mengmeng calls you..."

Naren was crying and shouting, her voice trembling badly.

Qin Nan stumbled in, and ran directly to Tan Meng's bed, his body softened, and he knelt there...

"Mengmeng, are you... hungry, Brother Nan will make it for you, what do you want to eat..."

Qin Nan grabbed Tan Meng's hand, his crying face had a lot of snot and tears...

"Brother Nan made...the meatball soup is so delicious...a pity, I just drank...a bowl, what a pity..."

Tan Meng looked at Qin Nan's face with snot and tears, "Brother Nan is really ugly...You are like this, Master Xiu won't like you..."

"I don't want him to like it, Mengmeng... Brother Nan wants you... You are good!"

Qin Nan felt that Tan Meng's hands were getting cold...

His heart is also cold...

"Naren, hug me! It's cold..." Tan Meng's eyes were blurred, and his voice was much weaker.

"Mengmeng...Mengmeng..." Qin Nan yelled at Tan Meng. He knew that people's bodies were slowly getting cold and they were about to die. Don't...

Naren stood up suddenly, rushed to the bed, hugged Tan Meng, "Mengmeng is not cold...not cold..."

Naren hugged Tan Meng tightly and felt her temperature disappear little by little...

It was like she was going to disappear from his world...

Qin Nan slumped on the ground, because Tan Meng was completely cold...

She left and caught him and Naren off guard...

Tan Meng left, leaving behind two children...

Ji Chenzhou took care of all her affairs. Her parents knew about everything except her pregnancy.

The cemetery was chosen by Tan Meng herself a long time ago. The tombstone is made into the shape of a piano, which is her favorite...

Naren bid farewell to Tan Meng, and on the way back, he leaned in Ji Chenzhou's arms. He hadn't gotten in the past two days.

Tan Meng is his younger sister, and Huo Qingge's position in his heart is the same.

However, just leaving, such a young and fresh life disappeared before his eyes...

Back home, the two children have been sleeping, and the newborn child sleeps when he is full.

"You go take a break and be obedient!"

Ji Chenzhou's voice is very hoarse, he has been busy for the past two days.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou, who was a little haggard.

He only now knows why Ji Chenzhou always drank during this period...

It turns out that Ji Chenzhou has been running around for Mengmeng's illness.

Naren looked at the two sleeping sweet children, and his eyes became moist again...

"Mengmeng hasn't named the child yet..."

Naren touched his sister's little face, and then his brother's little hand.

"I don't know who the child's father is..."

Mengmeng does not say who the father is, and even her parents, she did not tell them that she has children...

Now these two children are them. He wants to dream one is to rest assured that he and Ji Chenzhou will take good care of the children.

She also thought that he and Ji Chenzhou should not have children anymore, so they gave it to them.

When he wanted to escape Ji Chenzhou before, he also asked Young Master Chu to ask him for help, and he also artificially produced a child. At that time, he wanted a child of Ji Chenzhou.

Later, this matter was not mentioned again, I am afraid that it will not be mentioned again.

He and Ji Chenzhou will take care of Mengmeng’s children as their own.

Ji Chenzhou did not speak, but hugged Naren from behind and circled him in his arms.

"You just need to know that these two babies will be our sons and daughters in the future!"

Ji Chenzhou's chin rested on Naren's shoulder, and there were some things that were not suitable for Naren to tell now.

not the right time yet……

"Our son and daughter..." Naren smiled. He and Ji Chenzhou also have children.

He had longed for such a life so much that they could have their own children.

Just as cute as Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu.

A family of four like Chu Shao and Sir Alex are together, so happy...

Now this happiness belongs to him and Ji Chenzhou.

Mengmeng, you can rest assured that we will take good care of the children and will make them happy!

"Son's name is Ji Nianlin, daughter's name is Ji Nianxi..."

Ji Chenzhou took apart Tan Meng's dream character, divided them into Lin Hexi, and gave them to his son and daughter.

They formed homophonic characters again, giving them new life...

The most important thing is that he used a word, even if he missed it, it was a commemoration of Mengmeng...

When Naren heard these two names, he liked them very much and understood the profound meaning of Ji Chenzhou.

"The surname that comes out of the surname goes around..." Ji Chenzhou also thought about the two children's surnames with different surnames, but the names that came out of that word were not good...

He has no opinion on the child's surname.

Whether his surname is Ji or that, he can...

He thinks the last name Ji is better...

Regarding Ji Chenzhou's aura of absolute head of the family, Naren felt that it was in his bones.

He doesn't fight with him either, he doesn't care much about these.

"What's your nickname?"

Naren looked at the two small children and thought about raising them, which was really incredible.

"Why don't one call Mao Mao and the other Qiuqiu?"

Ji Chenzhou thought for a while, the nickname is really not easy to pick.

I just saw the fur ball lying on the carpet...


"Ji Chenzhou, you...if they grow up, they will hate you!"

Naren was speechless by Ji Chenzhou.

The big name is so nice and has meaning, how come it is like this...

Actually split the name of the fur ball...

If the two children grew up a little bit later and knew that their nickname was taken from the little stupid dog, what would happen, then Ren would not dare to think...

"The brother is called the knight and the younger sister is called the baby?"

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren's face no longer sad, and he felt a little relieved.

He knew that Naren and Qin Nan and Tan Meng had a deep relationship.

Tan Meng left so suddenly that neither of them could bear it.

Fortunately, with children, Naren will be distracted and get better.

He asked Master Xiu to take Qin Nan away directly. He was worried that when Qin Nan came back, Naren and him would think of Tan Meng's sorrow together, and it would be even more troublesome.

"This is the name?" Naren was speechless again, and Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but smile.

He wants his brother to protect his sister, and wants her to be loved as a baby forever.

"Well, it's called this, I decided it was good!"

The more Ji Chenzhou thought about it, the better he felt. In this way, when the two children were still asleep, their fathers subscribed their names.

Ji Chenzhou and Naren had experience in taking care of Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu, so they took the knight and the baby with them.

After a hundred days, the child obviously became more active and less time to sleep.

It’s just that the name of Ji Shenzhou Knight is too...

"Knight, come and drink milk!"

As soon as Ji Chenzhou picked up his son, he was disgusted on his face.

The son seems to be very dissatisfied with his name.

Son: Knight, what's your name? Why is my sister a baby? Why not be a princess?

Daughter: The princess is fine too! I like it all, I'm spoiled anyway!

Naren was drinking with her daughter while watching Ji Chenzhou helplessly coaxing her son over and over again, and couldn't help but smile.

In the end, Ji Chenzhou had to compromise, "Come on, son, drink milk!"

This time my son is very generous and started drinking...

Ji Chenzhou exhaled, "I will see my baby in a while, the knight will give you, it's so annoying!"

When Ji Chenzhou said the knight, his son stopped drinking...

The angry Ji Chenzhou wanted to throw him into Maoqiu's doghouse.

Ji Chenzhou is also tough enough. His son obviously doesn't like his nickname, so Ji Chenzhou just refuses to change him, just keep calling him knight...

"How about changing a name!"

Naren didn't know why this son was so stubborn, just like Ji Chenzhou.

Although he knew that this was unscientific and that Ji Chenzhou was not his biological father, he may have been together since birth and was affected, particularly stubborn.

"I won't change it, I've turned him upside down, I said, if I change his name, I will call him father, and I will not change it!"

Ji Chenzhou and his son stared with big eyes, one stared with anger.

One is that if you stop calling me a son, I will not drink milk and let no one.

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