The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1457: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou, I'm so scared... (4,000 words)

The so-called collection of thousands of pets, probably refers to Ji Nianxi...

Now Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu has reached a particularly irritating stage, very disobedient, saying it is the first rebellious period in the legend.

It is simply that the oil and salt do not make progress. Whether it is Chu Baiqing's persuasive education or Gu Jue's stick education, it doesn't work for the two wicked children.

The last two decided unanimously to stock them both.

Therefore, the two who made their sons heartbroken put their experiences on the baby.

The baby is very well-behaved and sensible. His big eyes flicker and flicker. The blueberries that Tan Meng ate were really not in vain. The baby's eyes were black and bright, very cute.

She likes to bite her fingers and giggle the most, she rarely cries when she is particularly flattering.

"Father, haven't you been tired?" Ji Chenzhou was lying on the sofa, the knight lying on his chest, his eyelids couldn't be lifted, and he was going to sleep.

Every time the knight was sleepy and breathless, Ji Chenzhou would coax him to sleep like this, and he didn't need to hug or sway around, which was very troublesome.

Such a fleshy little thing, in his own body, sometimes Ji Chenzhou sleeps faster than the knight...

Several times, he almost fell to the ground because of turning over.

Because of this, Naren quarreled with him several times.

"After all, don't call me dad anymore. Do you want your baby to call me grandpa in the future?"

As long as Gu Jue thought of being called Grandpa, he would collapse.

When I asked for my third son, why didn’t he think that if he had a child, he would become a grandfather...

"What is your idea with my little mother, don't think I don't know, don't even think about it!"

Ji Chenzhou still didn't know how careful his father and mother were thinking.

"What are we making?" Gu Jue blinked at the baby, and the funny baby giggled.

"I want my baby to be one of my seven and nine younger brothers as a daughter-in-law. Do you dare to say that you don't think so?"

Ji Chenzhou snorted coldly. He knew what his father and his little mother wanted to do when their eyes turned.

"..." Gu Jue didn't speak, and Chu Baiqing from his family said, this matter can't be known to the third son, or he should prevent them from coming to see their daughter-in-law.

Ji Chenzhou squinted at his dad's deflated appearance, and couldn't help but smile.

The beauty in his heart, his father must think in his heart now, if there were two little bastards, Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu, if one of them was a daughter.

At least the two will not be annoying and annoying together.

Now Xiaoqi Xiaojiu is in kindergarten. It is said that he is called the little overlord of the kindergarten, and no one dares to provoke him.

"When are you going to tell Naren about these two children?"

Gu Jue kicked Ji Chenzhou with his foot. As soon as the knight fell asleep, he was about to sleep.

"I don't want to tell him in this life. You also know his temperament. If you know it, what it will be like."

Ji Chenzhou's eyes were a little hollow, and there were some things that he didn't think so much about when he was doing it. Only afterwards would he think about whether it was right to do it.

However, when you think about it this way, some things are destined to never go back to the past.

"But, have you ever thought that if he knows one day, he will definitely not forgive you!"

It's rare for Gu Jue to talk to Ji Chenzhou so seriously and seriously because it was really difficult to handle.

Some people can understand, because the sentiment is different, some people cannot accept it because the feeling is too deep.

"Then let him be known for the rest of his life, anyway, you won't say it, and no one knows about it!"

A chill burst out of Ji Chenzhou's Ling Ling eyes, and he would let Naren never know about it for a lifetime.

"You should know that some things are beyond your control. Just like Ji Jiu, he has returned to his position now, and you also want to get those things in his hands."

"Now that things have turned to the point that the president is threatened by him, you just grabbed him to force a confession and didn't ask anything. There was almost something wrong, and you couldn't kill him. These things were beyond our expectation. "

"So, Shen Zhou, you can consider telling Naren, give him time and he will accept it."

The knight and the baby grew up day by day, and some things were also changing.

No one thought that Ji Jiu, who was dismissed from his post, would return to the position of chief of foreign affairs.

Something even more unexpected happened...

All things caught Ji Chenzhou off guard, but it seemed to be doomed.

The knight in his arms snored slightly when he slept, a small and cute sound.

Ji Chenzhou couldn't help thinking, what path his son should take in the future...

Just a few seconds of thinking, Ji Chenzhou knew that his son must not go his way, he was too tired.

"Father, to Naren, Tan Meng is the younger sister. You think, what would happen if he knew? There will be no forgiveness..."

Ji Chenzhou knows Naren too much, and because he knows too much, he is always in terror, worried that one day Naren will know.

Once in his dream, Naren knew about it. The disappointed look in the eyes, the angry anger, and the cold tone made Ji Chenzhou suddenly awakened with cold sweat.

Seeing Naren sleeping beside him, sleeping peacefully and sweetly, Ji Chenzhou couldn't sleep anymore.

Sometimes something deliberately concealed is like an untimely bomb, which might explode sometime and catch you off guard.

Xiuye ​​Villa

Seeing the plaster cast on Qin Nan's leg, Naren felt very complicated.

Before, in order to stay with Master Xiu, Qin Nan had used everything...

All the tricks are used...

But this time...

He saw a woman coming out of Master Xiu’s room. He was aggrieved and angry. The entire villa knew why he stayed here and didn’t leave. He wanted Master Xiu to know too, but...

However, Master Xiu said that he only sleeps with women.

When Qin Nan went downstairs, because of sadness, he didn't look at the stairs, so he rolled down the stairs and hurt his leg.

I thought I could get Master Xiu's care...

The result is that Master Xiu went abroad on the day Qin Nan fell and has not returned...

Qin Nan still received the best care living here, but Master Xiu never appeared again.

"Xiao Hei, Renren, then... he won't come back..."

Qin Nan has lost a lot of weight over the past few months, enough to see how torturing love is.

"I said Brother Nan... It's impossible between you and Master Xiu..."

Naren followed Master Xiu since he was eight years old, and he has seen more women around Master Xiu.

Master Xiu will not be moved by them, it is purely physical...

There are so many women that Master Xiu has slept with, so I don’t know if I can count them...

Master Xiu can't be straight anymore, Qin Nan wants to bend him, how could it be...

However, in this matter, Naren saw Qin Nan's stubbornness.

Even if he hit the south wall, he didn't look back, vowing to go all the way to the dark.

The pure mind is to be with Master Xiu...

Naren knew that Qin Nan really fell in love this time...

"I'm no worse than a woman, except that I don't know how to have children. How can I be better than a woman? I can satisfy him and let him..."

The more Qin Nan said, the more aggrieved, everyone told him that it was impossible for him and Master Xiu.

However, he just couldn't let go of what to do.

He also liked Ji Chenzhou and Naren before, but just let it go. When it comes to Master Xiu, nothing will work.

He also knew that according to the temper of Master Xiu, he had not driven him away. It was entirely because of Naren's face and thanked himself for taking care of Naren before, nothing more.

For Master Xiu, Qin Nan is one more person in the family, but one more person to eat...

"Brother Nan, Master Xiu was only interested in my sister because she saved him back then. Then, for so many years, he has never had love or affection in his heart. He is Master Xiu. No need for those..."

Naren didn't know what else he could say. He had said everything to Qin Nan, but it was useless.

"He needs it. I saw how lonely he was when he was sitting there smoking a cigarette. He must be very lonely. As long as I work harder, I will be better..."

Qin Nan looked at his legs, and Master Xiu watched him roll down the stairs.

Just to Chang Qing, after taking him to the hospital, he left so indifferently, without even looking at himself...

Qin Nan's tone was very low, and he actually knew that it was impossible for him and Master Xiu...

But what to do, he just can't convince himself, even if he is ignored, he is still waiting for Master Xiu to come back...

He didn't know that Master Xiu just avoided him and waited for him to leave before he would appear.

And I still stay here with such a stubborn face...

"Brother Nan, I'll take you back! Didn't you also say that you missed the knight and baby."

Naren is not at ease with Qin Nan's state, but he can't stay here to accompany him, nor can he be at ease with his children.

It's not like there are no children, he has nothing to worry about, and now he feels like grass grows in his heart.

"I will not go to your house. If I leave, there will be no reason to live in. You know that I am here..."

Qin Nan shook his head immediately, then lowered his head...

The benevolent man didn't know what to say about him, stood up and sat down...

Looking at the time on the wall, he was worried about the two children at home, but Qin Nan was not at ease...

"You go back! Or your Ji Chenzhou should be irritable again, now it looks too tight for you..."

Qin Nan's tone was very envious, Ji Chenzhou was really good to Naren, and he couldn't live without it all the time.

When can Master Xiu treat him that way...

It's impossible to think about it...

"Brother Nan..." It's not that Naren didn't call Master Xiu, but Master Xiu's attitude was very tough and told him it was impossible.

Actually, there is no need for Master Xiu to give such a positive answer, that Ren knows it.

Qin Nan couldn't help but laughed at himself, "I'm just here, waiting for him to come back. It's great to have food and drink..."

In the end, Naren failed to persuade Qin Nan to leave.

Naren left until he fell asleep, thinking about talking to Brother Chang and taking care of Qin Nan.

I went to Changqing's room to find him, the door was not closed, Changqing was calling.

Naren stood at the door waiting for him...

He didn't want to hear Changqing call, but listened to him, "Then wait until Master Xiu comes back to decide."

Naren only listened when he heard that Master Xiu was back.

"As for why Naren's parents were killed, we have searched for so many years and haven't found out, but at this time we got the news. The person who released the news must have a purpose, so this matter must be determined by Master Xiu."

Evergreen is either talking on the phone with Master Xiu or Awen.

Naren couldn't tell, because Changqing always spoke in the same tone.

However, this is not the point. The point is that Chang Qing said why his parents should not kill.

In Naren's mind, there was a picture of blood.

His parents died tragically in front of him, their eyes widened...

Just looking at him like that, with love and reluctance in his eyes...

But he was so scared that he couldn't say a word, so he hid under the cabinet and looked at...

Watching his parents drain the blood a little bit...

Then, Master Xiu rescued him, and then, he kept having nightmares every day...

In the dream, his parents desperately shouted at him, "Jenren, want to avenge mom and dad, revenge..."

The intelligence network of Master Xiu has been very powerful over the years, but the killing that year can only find out that it was a group of rioters.

Such things often happen locally, and it can only be said that his parents are very unlucky.

If I wanted to stay in that village, I was killed like that...

Now that there is new news, Naren wants to ask Changqing why his parents were killed...

He was about to push the door in, but he heard Chang Qing say, "Of course I won't tell Naren, this matter is not the same after all..."

"Naren?" Changqing is a well-trained killer after all. When Naren's hand was on the door, he still heard a voice.

He hung up the phone calmly, "Don't ask me anything, Master Xiu who you should know will tell you, if you shouldn't know, it's useless to ask anyone."

Chang Qing is a very calm person and has a cold temper, so when Naren didn't speak, he said directly.

"Brother Chang, take good care of Qin Nan!"

Naren also knew what kind of person Changqing was, and didn't ask much, but after explaining, turned and left.

That Ren's heart is particularly chaotic, why should he hide him?

Who is this thing related to?

Why is he so upset, why...

From Xiuye’s villa to home, it takes 40 minutes to drive normally, but Naren drove home in only 20 minutes.

When Naren came in, just as Ji Chenzhou came out of the bathroom, Naren ran over and hugged him...

"Ji Chenzhou, I'm so scared, I am particularly uncomfortable here..."

Naren pointed to his heart, and there was a chill there, he didn't know how to describe this feeling.

Ji Chenzhou hugged Naren tightly and felt his body shaking.

"Don't be afraid, tell me what happened, my husband is not afraid..."

Ji Chenzhou's face was very heavy, he didn't know what happened to Naren, if anyone dared to hurt him, he would definitely kill him.

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