The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1464: Sinking-the ferocious wolf (four thousand characters)

Although he was pinched on his jaw, Qin Nan seemed to be pinched on his neck and couldn't breathe.

He shook his head desperately, he didn't forget what Na Ren said, Master Xiu didn't blink his eyes when he killed people, and Na Ren couldn't tell how many people died on his hands. Thinking of this Qin Nan, he felt a chill in his back.

However, what makes Qin Nan cooler is the cold and unfamiliar look in Master Xiu's eyes...

Qin Nan had expressed his heart to him, but now he looked at his eyes as if he was looking at a stranger.

Anyway, he has lived here for a while, how could he have such a look, even if he raises a dog, he will feel familiar when he looks at it?

Chang Qing knew his temperament, he couldn't help thinking, if he really killed him, he might hate him.

"Master Xiu..." Chang Qing called out at last, but didn't say the rest.

Master Xiu let go of Qin Nan as if he was breathing, breathing heavily, his body slid down the wall, his crutches fell and hit him on the head.

How embarrassed you will be...

"I don't care what you hear, if you dare to say a word to Naren, don't blame me for killing you!"

After saying this, Master Xiu took a steady step and left in front of Qin Nan.

Chang Qing wanted to help Qin Nan, but he shrank, Chang Qing gave up and left with Master Xiu.

Qin Nan's heart is cold and painful, and the crutches are still half-tilted on his head. It doesn't hurt, but it reminds him how unimportant you are...

Insignificant, he is unwilling to even look at you more.

Qin Nan laughed, and cried while smiling...

At this moment, his cell phone rang, and Naren called him when he took out his cell phone and saw it.

As long as he can't come to see him, Naren will call him.

Qin Nan directly wiped his nose with his sleeve, then cleared his throat before answering the phone.

Naren heard that Qin Nan had a nasal voice, what happened to him, he said he had a cold.

Naren said that he would wait to come over and see, and finally Qin Nan said that he would no longer live in Master Xiu's place, and that he wanted to live in Naren's apartment.

Renxin thought that something must have happened, or Qin Nan figured it out right away. After saying something, see you in the apartment, and then hung up the phone.

Qin Nan didn't have much here at Master Xiu, just a few pieces of clothes. He casually put them in a bag. The walking stick was also bought by Changqing. Qin Nan didn't take it. He could walk on tiptoe, but he couldn't walk long without support.

Changqing took all the expenses for his fall and hospitalization, and that was all Xiuye's money...

Qin Nan thought for a while, took out the only card on his body, which contained 13 thousand and all his savings, wrote the password on the paper, and put the card on the table.

Qin Nan glanced at the room he lived in for the last time, thinking that Lai here, being close to him would eventually move him...

Qin Nan laughed again, idiotically talking about dreams.

When Qin Nan left, Chang Qing was not there, and his men did not dare to stop him.

Qin Nan limped on the main road before getting in the taxi. After reporting the address, he closed his eyes and cried again...

Naren called Qin Nan and told him to go there later, the baby vomited up milk, he vomited all over, he had to take a bath before going out.

Qin Nan said to him that he was in no hurry and did not know what was wrong, so he said, "Naren, is my birthday past?"

Naren, who was **** on the phone, was stunned for a moment, and then patted his head, but it was not over. There were so many things during this period that he forgot Qin Nan's birthday.

"Yes, Brother Nan, I'll make up one for you in a while!"

As he said guiltily, he really forgot, and didn't think of it at all.

"However, I don't want to grow up, and the cake is not delicious..."

Qin Nan smiled. If he remembered that he had forgotten his birthday before today, he might still take Naren and say that he would make up for a birthday, and he would tell him that his birthday wish is for Master Xiu to spend his birthday with him. , He thought he would do it.

However, now there is a feeling that I never want to celebrate my birthday.

"Brother Nan, you and Master Xiu...have a quarrel?"

Naren asked when he couldn't meet, he intuitively felt that Qin Nan's mood was not right.

"Why would he quarrel with me and throw me in the crowd, he might not know which Qin Nan is, Naren, I gave up, and I won't go to him again in the future, no, I don't want to Goodbye him..."

It's gone, for a person who doesn't want to look at himself, what else to see, is disgusting.

Think about it these days, is it a joke to be there by yourself?

After listening to Qin Nan's words, Naren didn't care about taking any more baths. He changed his clothes, picked up the mobile phone that was still on and left.

When he went downstairs, he told Ji Chenzhou to take good care of the child and left.

Naren drove his beetle out, and Ji Chenzhou's people followed afterwards.

This is an extraordinary period, Ji Chenzhou is not at ease, so he sent someone to protect Naren, but he couldn't stop him from going out.

He had already talked to the Tan family, and he had said everything that should be said. They insisted on going back to the child in a lawsuit. Naren said repeatedly and talked with them properly.

Ji Chenzhou couldn't say anything rough or cruel. Only one condition was that Ren don't intervene. It was because he was afraid that he would take care of Tan Meng's parents, and he felt soft.

At this time, their emotions were all stirred up by Ji Jiu, and they couldn't listen to anything. They could only talk about it when they calmed down.

Naren also felt reasonable, so he ignored it.

Naren drove faster than usual, so when he first arrived near the community, Qin Nan just got off the car, and taxis could not enter the community. Qin Nan got out of the car ahead of time and stood on the opposite side of the road waiting for the street light aisle.

When Naren saw him, he limped to a halt, got out of the car, waved at him, motioned to him to wait for him to come and pick him up.

As soon as the green light came, Naren ran over. Qin Nan didn't wait for him. He still limped forward. Naren glared at him, speeding up his pace...

When Qin Nan smiled and looked up at Naren, he saw a car driving towards Naren.

It was a traffic red light now, but the car rushed over like crazy.

Qin Nan had trouble with his legs and feet, but he didn't know what happened at that moment. He actually ran. After all, he was practicing track and field and started quickly.

Just when Naren didn't realize what was going on, he was knocked out by a force.

Then I heard the sound of heavy objects falling, and then the screams of pedestrians...

Naren suddenly felt pale in front of him, and there were still screams in the first second. However, when he saw Qin Nan being knocked into flight and lying in a pool of blood, his entire world was silent...

He couldn't yell Qin Nan's name when he wanted to. Naren opened his mouth wide and wanted to make a sound. He wanted to call Qin Nan, but he felt that there was blood in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. sound……

He touched Qin Nan's face, there was blood on it, all blood...

It was like this when his parents died, they were all blood, and then their body became cold a little bit...

Ji Chenzhou’s men also ran over. Some called for an ambulance, and some called Ji Chenzhou. No one expected something like this to happen...

"Renren... hurts..." Qin Nan grabbed Naren's hand, not knowing where it hurts, it just hurts.

Naren opened his mouth and wanted to say "Brother Nan..."

However, he just couldn't make any sound. He shook his head anxiously, tears falling like rain.

"From now on...not...birthday..."

Qin Nan looked at Naren, his eyes blurred with blood.

Naren wanted to say stop talking, stop talking, but he still couldn't make a sound.

He opened his mouth to Ji Chenzhou's men, meaning why the ambulance hasn't come yet, his men said, come soon...

They are also very anxious. If something goes wrong, they are all responsible.

If it hadn’t been for this person to push Naren away, and now it’s Naren lying here, then Ji Shao would definitely kill them...

"Don't cry... I'm fate... I can't die... I still want to see Master Xiu... miss him..."

When Qin Nan spoke, the blood kept flowing, and he knew he would not survive.

If a person doesn’t have a birthday, it’s not dead. A birthday is a life for the born...

He said that he would never see Master Xiu in his life, he really would not see him...

Can't see anymore...

He really fell in love with that man, so humble in love, but he didn't respond at all.

Naren took out his mobile phone, with blood on his hands. He swiped the screen several times and did not open it. Tears kept falling on the screen. He wiped it dry with his clothes, and finally turned on the screen and dialed Master Xiu’s. The phone is connected, he wants to say that Master Xiu, come here, come...

However, he still couldn't make a sound, he couldn't do it in a hurry...

Put the phone in Qin Nan's ear, point to the phone and let him talk...

"Master Xiu...I love..." Qin Nan said a few words to the phone, and then a mouthful of blood poured out, his body moved twice, his eyes widened...

At that moment, Naren's eyes seemed to be dyed red with blood. He couldn't cry for a moment, and the tears stopped falling, just like Qin Nan stopped breathing...

Qin Nan is dead...

Just like that, I left with regret for Master Xiu...

His eyes widened when he died. He wanted to see Master Xiu, and miss the man he loved...

Qin Nan left just like that, and Naren's voice was what left at the same time, he could not speak...

It has been a week since Qin Nan left. He was benevolent and thin. He had been taking nutritional injections and couldn't eat anything.

The expression in his eyes has always been hollow, and when he is not sleeping, I look at the photos he and Qin Nan have taken together, as well as the photos he took of Qin Nan.

They were all pictures of Qin Nan's various handsome and cute treasures, Naren looked at it and cried, and then he was quiet...

Ji Chenzhou was also exhausted these few days. He had been taking care of Naren, and the children ignored him. He directly asked his father and mother to take them home.

Ji Chenzhou didn't tell Qin Nan that the person who hit him that day was Tan Meng's mother, and he ran towards Naren to hit him.

Ji Chenzhou moistened Naren with water with a cotton swab and wiped his mouth. He didn't drink water, and his mouth was peeling.

"Naren's cemetery is in the garden behind Master Xiu's villa. Chang Qing said that Qin Nan always likes to bask in the sun, so Master Xiu was buried there!"

Ji Chenzhou said to Naren while wiping, Naren's eyes were still hollow, staring at a certain point, and seeing that his eyes were sour, he would not blink.

"Chang Qing said that Master Xiu spent two nights sitting in front of Qin Nan's tomb until dawn."

Ji Chenzhou's eye sockets were already very deep, but he has become thinner and deeper in the past few days.

Because of lack of sleep, she was blue and black, and she was exhausted.

No matter what Ji Chenzhou did for him, Naren didn't respond. Ji Chenzhou got used to it, soaked his lips with water, then went to bed and covered the two of them with quilts, and put him in his arms...

"Master Xiu should have Qin Nan in his should be!"

Ji Chenzhou sent someone to Qin Nan’s house to settle down, gave a lot of money, changed the house for them, and opened a shop for Qin Nan’s parents. Although these can’t be exchanged for their son, Ji Chenzhou will feel good about doing this. some.

Qin Nan saved Naren's life with his own life, and that was their brotherhood.

If it were Qin Nan who was going to be hit by a car, Naren would also knock him away without hesitation, because the relationship between them was very deep and it was a fateful friendship.

Qin Nan exchanged his life for Naren, so he could still hold the gasping Naren in his arms. Ji Chenzhou was grateful to him, remembering that for the rest of his life, he would take care of his parents and do everything he could.

Naren closed his eyes, did not speak, nor could he speak.

The damage to his vocal cords is one reason. The main reason is that some people will lose their voice after a sudden unexpected shock or shock. In this case, some will speak on a certain day, and some will be unable to speak for a lifetime. .

Ji Chenzhou watched Naren close his eyes, and soon there was a sound of even breathing. Ji Chenzhou came out of the bed and then left the room lightly.

He had to go to the other side to see the knight and the baby. It was a little trouble for the children to see Naren in these two days, especially baby.

If you don't see him anymore, there will be more trouble.

After Ji Chenzhou left, Naren suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the ceiling with hollow eyes.

He got out of bed, changed his clothes, and left the room.

At the end of the summer, the wind was still quite cold, so Naren kept walking like this.

Only when he got to the main road did he take a taxi. Naren's eyes were very cold. The cold taxi driver couldn't help but glanced at him a few more times, thinking about how such a handsome person could have such cold eyes.

When Naren got out of the car, when the taxi driver drove away, he glanced at him, and then gave him a shock all over his body.

Naren returned to his apartment, turned on his computer, and then looked at the screen with cold eyes, tapping his fingers on the keyboard, and watching the dialog box appear on the computer screen, Naren typed some words. , Ji Jiu's name appeared on it.

Seeing that name, Naren's eyes were fierce and fierce, like a wolf hibernating in the dark at night. His eyes were dim, but his whole body shivered.

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