The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1471: Sinking——Naren, how dare you do this... (4,000 words)

Before Ji Chenzhou came back, Naren had already returned, changed his clothes, lay on the bed, and closed his eyes to sleep.

What surprised Ji Chenzhou was that Naren started eating.

Ji Chenzhou was naturally happy, but the only anxious thing was that Naren still couldn't speak.

Naren wrote on the tablet, "Take the kids back and miss them"

Ji Chenzhou hurriedly went to his father to pick up the child.

The baby cried when he saw Naren, and Naren cried when holding her.

When the knight saw that his father and sister were crying, he cried with a wow.

Before Ji Chenzhou heard the child crying, he would have a headache, so he straightened his face and told them not to cry.

But now, when he saw the children and Naren crying, he felt pain in his heart.

He knew that Ren felt uncomfortable, especially uncomfortable. Qin Nan was his best friend, but he died in front of him like this.

Ji Jiu made all of this. Ji Chenzhou's anger was enduring because he had to accompany Naren.

Now that Renneng started to eat, he was about to settle all this with Ji Jiu.

The death of Qin Nan let Ji Chenzhou know that he couldn't go on like this. The reputation of the president and the reputation of his deceased mother were nothing compared to human lives.

If it wasn't for Qin Nan to rescue Naren this time, Ji Shenzhou wouldn't dare to imagine whether he had followed Naren now, what would the knight and baby do?

A harsh look flashed in Ji Chenzhou's eyes, his phone rang, he glanced at it, turned and walked to the study.

Ji Chenzhou answered the phone, and the voice of his subordinates came over there, "Ji Shao, Ji Jiu still didn't find it, it's like the world has evaporated."

The voices of the people under them were a little frightened. After looking for two days, there was still no news. They were not doing things like this, and Ji Shao would get angry.

"Keep looking for me!" Sure enough, Ji Shenzhou's low anger sounded his anger at the moment.

Will Ji Jiu disappear? He should be right now when he is proud and arrogant. He thinks he can sit back and relax with those photos in his hand.

But how could it disappear?

His dad would not move him, because they all knew that Ji Jiu had photos in his hands.

So who will it be? Master Xiu...

No, he also said hello to Master Xiu, even if he caught Ji Jiu, he would tell him.

So who will it be?

Naren ate and slept well these past two days. To Ji Chenzhou's surprise, Naren would take the initiative to hug him and kiss him, so much that he wanted to do it was self-evident.

Even if Ji Chenzhou had thought about it, he never wanted to. After all, that benevolent body is not good enough. Besides, Qin Nan’s affairs make everyone feel bad, so how can they be in the mood to do this, but tonight Naren is extraordinarily passionate.

"Naren...Don't..." Ji Chenzhou took Naren's hand and didn't let him move. Although Naren started to eat, his body was still very weak and he was not in a hurry at this time.

After all, even if Ji Chenzhou wants to go crazy, he still cares about Naren's body most and loves him.

Naren couldn't speak, so he only expressed what he wanted with his actions.

Ji Chenzhou saw that he didn't care about it, and he was getting more and more excessive, and he was even talking...

How can he withstand such torture and be served like this? If Ji Chenzhou doesn't do it again, then he is not a man.

I haven't done it for a while, and Naren's initiative and enthusiasm, after doing it, Ji Chenzhou feels tired as well.

He was lying on the bed, three-point tired, seven-point lazy and evil, looking at Naren who was lying still.

Ji Chenzhou regrets a bit, he will be ruthless...

Finally he saw Naren's back trembling slightly, Ji Chenzhou knew he was crying...

It was this kind of crying that couldn't make a sound, which made Ji Chenzhou's heart hurt. Just now, all the way down, apart from the sound of bumping together, there was no other sound in the room. There was no Naren's past crying for mercy, and there was no such shame Calling him in annoyance, Ji Chenzhou slow down...


All these voices are gone, and his Naren can't speak now...

Ji Chenzhou had never felt that he was so useless. He wanted to catch Ji Jiu immediately and cost him hundreds of times, but he couldn't find anyone.

He also regretted that he had worried so much at the beginning and didn't directly kill Ji Jiu. Now he killed Qin Nan and made Naren unable to speak.

Ji Chenzhou's chest was suffocated with a sigh of relief, and he couldn't get up and down, making him feel uncomfortable and unable to vent.

Holding Naren in his arms, Ji Chenzhou kissed his back and comforted him.

"It will be good, it will be good, don't be like this, I'm uncomfortable, uncomfortable..."

Ji Chenzhou’s eyes were red, scarlet, he could not cry, Naren cried, he couldn’t cry, couldn’t...

Too tired last night, when Ji Chenzhou woke up, it was past ten o'clock, he suddenly sat up, Naren was not in his bed, he thought he was downstairs.

However, Ji Chenzhou didn't see Naren when he went downstairs, and didn't look for it everywhere.

Ji Chenzhou hit Naren's cell phone, but a ringtone was heard on the sofa. Naren was not at home and did not take the cell phone away.

Ji Shenzhou called Master Xiu and asked him if Naren had gone there, Master Xiu said no.

I called his father again, but Naren didn't go...

Ji Chenzhou panicked and sent everyone to find Naren. Thinking of Naren's enthusiasm last night, he had a bad feeling in his heart.

He thought about the disappearance of Ji Jiu again...

Ji Chenzhou scolded fiercely in his heart, "Fuck..."

"Naren, if you dare to do stupid things, I will kill you!"

Ji Chenzhou was really panicked. There were many possibilities in his mind, but they were all bad.

An unfinished building

Naren looked coldly at the man kneeling opposite him, the man in a panic.

The man standing behind Naren had a hideous scar from forehead to cheek, like a centipede lying on it.

This person was Dao Scar Chen. He was once a subordinate of Master Xiu. He was kicked out by Master Xiu because of a mistake, and his friendship with Naren was very strong.

Even though he was driven out by Master Xiu, he still remembered Master Xiu's goodness, a very loyal person, and now he takes someone to work on his own, which is also a murderous business.

"Naren, you are so skinny and beautiful..."

Ji Jiu was wounded all over, he was crushed on his knees, smiling, not knowing whether he was alive, his face was wretched.

On Na Ren Su killing face, the lower jaw was faintly floating, and his eyes gradually turned scarlet.

Scar Chen stepped forward and kicked Ji Jiu to the ground.

"Naren, Ji Chenzhou dare not kill me, you move me? Do you know why Ji Chenzhou dare not move me? Haha...he dare not kill me in this life, if you kill me, he will do it Will be cast aside for a lifetime, because he has a mean mother..."

Ji Jiu didn't care that he was kicked to the ground by Scar Chen, bleeding from the corner of his smiling mouth, still looking at Naren presumptuously and greedily.

"I just asked him to send you to my bed, he has to obediently do believe it or not? Haha..."

Ji Jiu actually planned to do this, but he was caught by Naren, but he was not afraid, he could just use this to threaten Naren.

Ji Chenzhou will definitely not tell Naren the humiliation of his mother. Naren loves Ji Chenzhou so much and will definitely agree to any request from him for the photo.

God really helped him, he wanted Naren not to be a day or two.

Naren’s sweet begging for mercy tortured him every night, he wanted him madly...

"The next thing..."

Scar Chen Yi heard that Ji Jiu insulted Naren so much, he kicked his feet again, with great strength, Ji Jiu arched himself and vomited blood.

In Naren's mind, Qin Nan's nonchalant look appeared, Ji Chenzhou's annoyed and self-blaming cry, Tan Meng's mother's madness...

Ji Chenzhou didn't tell him, he also saw that it was Tan Meng's mother who was about to hit him that day.

Ji Jiu did all of this, and it was all because of him.

Naren is not a bad person, but he was forced to be like this. He wants to protect his lover, he wants to avenge his brother, so he wants to kill Ji Jiu...

And his vicious mother...

All the emotions, all the grief and anger, caused Naren to cough violently.

"Ji Jiu..." After Naren coughed hard, he was able to roar Ji Jiu's name.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. It turned out that he was extremely angry, which is not a bad thing.

Scar Chen was also taken aback, Naren could make a sound, he walked over happily, and hugged Naren tightly, "It's so good, I can talk!"

After several slaps on Naren's back, Scar Chen's eyes were red.

Naren grew up as he watched, so when he knew that Naren couldn't talk anymore, he didn't know what to do if he was distressed.

This child has been suffering since he was a child and can't talk anymore. How could God treat him this way?

"Brother Chen, I'm fine..." Naren's voice was a little hoarse, not as soft as before.

But, fortunately, I can talk, so good...

He walked towards Ji Jiu step by step, then stepped on his heart, and then gradually exerted force and force, watching Ji Jiu smile in pain, Naren also smiled.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want with those photos in your hand, eh?"

Na Ren's eyes are fierce. After all, he is a person who is used to seeing big scenes. He has been by Xiu Ye since he was a child. Although he is shy and shy, the things of murder and abuse are really not unfamiliar to him.

Who would have thought that the benevolence who would blush shyly and stutter when he saw people would have such a fierce side at this time, just like Satan from hell.

"Well, because Ji Chenzhou is afraid of the photos being exposed! Let everyone see how his mother was wheeled..."

"Then you should also see how your vicious mother got rounded..."

In this sentence, Naren said that it is extremely light, very light, and light is like feathers without weight.

As soon as his words came out, Ji Jiu was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Naren, you wouldn't do this, you are so simple and kind, you can't do it..."

No one would have thought that Naren would say that, and planned to do so.

In everyone's eyes, Naren is pure and kind, like a little white rabbit that has always been harmless.

"Joke, just because of kindness, you should be bullied by you wicked? It was because Ji Chenzhou's mother was kind, so, should your vicious mother do such a shameless act?"

"Qin Nan is so kind, he should have been killed by your trickery."

"Tan Meng's mother is kind, should you use it?"

"I'm kind? Ji Jiu, let me show you what retribution is, and I also show you how kind I am..."

"Today you and your mother will know my kindness."

"Ji Jiu, don't you have a photo in your hand? I will broadcast it to you live so you can see how your mother got retribution.

Naren gritted his teeth with all the words, it was cruel to spit out all the hatred and swallow it.

"Naren, don' can't do this, you are not such a person..."

Ji Jiu saw the cruelty in Naren's eyes. At that moment, Ji Jiu panicked. He couldn't let his mother suffer this.

"Are you afraid too? When your mother does those disgusting and dirty things, she should think that she will have retribution. A vicious woman like her should have such an end."

"Aren’t you threatening Ji Chenzhou with those photos? I’ll threaten you with your mother’s video. No, there’s also yours. Are you not both men and women? Just so, I asked Brother Chen to find some men and women I will also record a video for you to let everyone see how colorful the life of our Minister of Foreign Affairs is."

"If you dare to expose those photos, I will expose the video of you and your mother. It's fair!"

If it wasn't for the extreme anger, how could Naren say these things and do these things.

What kind of people should be bullied, it shouldn’t be like this.

The bad guys should be punished, not arrogantly doing whatever they want.

"Naren, do you dare... do you dare to do this... Ji Chenzhou dare not, you dare to do it..."

Ji Jiu completely lost his usual calmness. He panicked. He didn't expect Naren to be so cruel, but he would actually think of such a method...

"Ji still have the face to mention him. He is the kindest person in the world. You are worthy to mention him. It is an insult to him to say his name from your mouth."

Naren kicked Ji Jiu again...

Naren gave Scar Chen a look, and saw him give another hand gesture.

After a while, a woman was pulled out, behind him were several men who had already taken off their clothes and were only wearing boxers...

Seeing that it was his mother, Ji Jiuyi immediately struggled to rush over.

"Watch the live broadcast!"

When Ji Jiu's mother was pushed to the ground, Naren said softly.

"Nahren don't... I will destroy all the photos... You tell them to stop... I immediately destroyed those photos..."

"I now want to experience how your vicious mother calmly watched Ji Chenzhou's mother get rounded..."

Naren snorted, his face gloomy.

"Naren, you are avenging Ji Chenzhou, do you know how your parents died?" Ji Jiu asked with a grinning smile while holding Naren's trouser legs.

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