The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1473: Sinking——Baby, be good, stop making trouble (4,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou's voice changed completely, extremely hoarse.

Naren raised his head and looked at him, his eyes were complicated, and his heart was tumbling.

What Ji Chenzhou had said before echoed in his ears. He said that he hated his father and must make his father pay for what he did.

Then, what price should he make the Ji family pay for this hatred of killing father and mother?

Who made his surname Ji...

At that moment, Ji Chenzhou actually saw hatred in Naren’s eyes, but in the blink of an eye, it disappeared...

It must be that I was over-worried, how could I see hatred.

Ji Chenzhou thought that Naren could not speak, so he could only press his anger and walk towards him.

But I saw the blood on his trouser legs...

The nerves that had just relaxed were tightened again.

"Injured?" Ji Chenzhou knelt on the carpet, raising Naren's leg to check.

"No, Ji Jiu's blood..." Naren's voice was very cold, soft, without temperature.

By this time, Ji Chenzhou's guess had been confirmed that Ji Jiu was arrested by Naren.

He did this without telling him, and saw the blood. What happened?

However, when Ji Chenzhou realized something, he suddenly raised his head and Na Ren could speak.

"I can speak... I can speak... one more sentence."

This will have forgotten to ask Naren why he wanted to catch Ji Jiu behind his back, do you know this is a very dangerous thing...

His family can speak...

"Ji Chenzhou..." Naren called Ji Chenzhou's name and called out, his heart hurt, and he wanted to shout when it hurt.

"You guy, can you tell... it's so good!"

Ji Chenzhou has been getting angry with Naren these days, his voice has been dumb, and Naren disappeared today, he was too anxious that his whole voice seemed to be broken, and what he said seemed to be a different person.

Naren was held tightly in his arms by Ji Chenzhou, his eyes were a little loose while looking at the slide not far away.

Even Sir Alex, who was more nervous, found that Ren was wrong, how could Ji Chenzhou not feel it.

The baby and the knight were caught between them. Surprisingly, the two children didn't cry because they were caught.

"Ji Jiu is dead, his mother is also dead, and all the photos are destroyed. No one will threaten you anymore, and no one will die again..."

Originally killed Ji Jiu to avenge Nan Ge, and then let the photos disappear, so that Ji Chenzhou was no longer threatened. He should be very pleased and ecstatic to do these things, but he could only feel abnormally depressed.

That kind of feeling is like being strangled by someone abruptly, I can't breathe out that breath, I'm about to suffocate.

I am afraid that he will not be stretched, so he can't bear to push Ji Chenzhou away now.

Although his father did the things back then, it was his father, Ji Chenzhou had his blood flowing on his body, and his surname was Ji...

His parents died tragically, but his father was a brilliant president.

And he checked, his parents are also accused of treason and fleeing abroad. Their Ouyang family is a famous family, because of this crime, the family is ruined, and this kind of hatred lies between him and Ji Chenzhou. How can he be with him again?

If his parents in heaven knew that he was with the enemy’s son, they would hate him to death.

It's ridiculous not to avenge them, but to avenge the enemy...

After hearing Naren's words, everyone was silent. They never thought that Naren killed Ji Jiu and his mother...

If you say these things were done by any of them, someone will believe it, but it happens to be Naren...

How did he do it, and those photos...

Ji Chenzhou held Naren's face, and what he started with was cold.

Ji Chenzhou's breathing became a little unstable, he only felt that the coldness in front of him made him strange.

Is this still the shy and introverted Naren? Why did he hear that Ji Jiu died and the photo issue was resolved? He didn't feel relieved or happy when he heard this.

I only feel shocked, these things shouldn't come from Naren's hands, nor should they be said from his mouth...

Ji Chenzhou hit and hugged Naren up, "Father, mom, you help us take care of the baby!"

Ji Chenzhou's voice was very low. Chen left with Naren in his arms.

I just feel that the person in my arms is so thin that he weighs no more.

When Ji Chenzhou left with Naren in his arms, Gu Jue finally couldn't hold back his words.

"Naren, what's wrong? It's too wrong."

Chu Baiqing's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and he didn't know what happened to Naren, but Ji Jiu must have said something to him.

However, except for Tan Meng's pregnancy, Ji Chenzhou didn't hide anything from Naren.

All this has been said, what else can make Naren abnormal?

Ji Chenzhou kept holding Naren into the bathroom, **** him after putting the water in, and neither of them spoke.

It seemed that he was holding a sigh of breath, Ji Chenzhou's movements were not gentle, and Naren frowned slightly.

However, he still didn't speak or look at him.

When Ji Chenzhou was about to take off his last pair of pants, Naren squeezed his hand.

"I wash it myself!" Obviously refused, his tone was as cold as his body.

Because of Naren's attitude, Ji Chenzhou's anger completely broke out.

The compassionate shirt in his hand was directly thrown into the bathtub by him. Because of his strength, he threw up a lot of water splashes and splashed on Naren's face.

The water slid down his neck...

"What's wrong with you? What did the **** Ji Jiu tell you? Can you believe what he said?"

"Is there anything that makes you misunderstand, what are you telling me, ask me, don't do this?"

In Ji Chenzhou's eyes, terrible anger was brewing.

Naren's indifference made him feel uneasy, the kind of uneasiness about to lose.

Ji Chenzhou didn't know why he felt this way, how could Naren leave him, their feelings are so good, they have gone through so much, they won't leave him, there is no reason to leave him, right...

"Which way?" Naren has recently lost weight, and the arc of the collarbone is even more beautiful.

Before, Ji Chenzhou always wanted Naren to become whiter, and then he didn't care about this problem anymore, but some things always changed inadvertently.

It's like now, Naren's skin is fairer. Although it is not as white as Chu Baiqing's natural whiteness, it is much whiter than before.

Because of the heat in the bathroom, there was a trace of powder on his skin, which made people look at him, and he couldn't hold it.

"You are so special..." Ji Chenzhou told himself to calm down, Naren made it clear that he was looking for something with him.

Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren’s chin, "Who allows you to do such a dangerous thing? Did you know that Ji Jiu is a beast, he can do everything, is Ji Chenzhou such a useless person? I need me Wife tells me?"

Ji Chenzhou told himself not to be angry, not to get angry with Naren, but looking at Naren's attitude, he couldn't help it, really couldn't control it.

He was crazy looking for him, but he saw it like this, as if he was a stranger to him.

"If you have an accident today, what do you want me to do? Huh?"

Even if he told himself not to get angry, Ji Chenzhou couldn't restrain himself and shouted at Naren.

"Ji Chenzhou, in this world, anyone who leaves can live. There are so many people who die. Not everyone else is still alive. My parents are dead in front of me. I am still alive..."

Naren said and laughed, but that handsome face was sad.

"If I die, you will live well, it's all like this..."

When Naren spoke a dead word, Ji Chenzhou's anger was completely provoked.

Naren's inexplicable indifference, and said dead words, how can he not panic.

"Don't tell me any more dead words, stop telling..."

Ji Chenzhou directly kissed Naren’s lips, blocking all his words, Ji Chenzhou didn’t want to hear anything from Naren’s mouth now, no, he didn’t want to hear a word...

The kiss was out of control, and the more Na Ren refused, Ji Chenzhou insisted on...

He was afraid of Naren's inexplicable resistance and wanted to push him far away, making Ji Chenzhou angry and flustered.

It seems that only by entering deeply can he feel at ease and prove that this person is still his. Such absurd and ridiculous thoughts made Ji Chenzhou act eagerly and ruthlessly.

From the initial resistance to the final initiative, Naren took the initiative to leave a bite mark on Ji Chenzhou's body, and some of them saw blood.

This is the most ruthless time that two people have done since they were together. In the end, both of them were lying on the bed. Naren's body was all traces made by Ji Chenzhou, and his body was full of Naren's teeth marks.

It is enough to see how intense the joy that ended just now...

The two came straight out of the bathroom, and the water on their bodies wetted the sheets.

It can be said to be a mess...

Naren's body was still trembling, Ji Chenzhou hugged him in his arms, ignoring the pain from where he was bitten.

"Baby, stop making trouble, tell me what's wrong..."

Ji Chenzhou gently bit Naren's earlobe and asked in compromise.

"It's the first time killing, it's a bit emotional!"

Naren slowly closed his eyes, he hadn't figured out how to do some things.

The joy just now, I have to say, made him vent a lot, especially every bite of Ji Shenzhou, he felt that he could breathe more with his heart.

"..." Ji Chenzhou was silent, Naren killed Ji Jiu, and he couldn't believe it at this time...

How did he kill Ji Jiu, no, and his mother...

"Ji Chenzhou, they all say that you are bad and you hate. In fact, your heart is the most kind. If you are really bad and cruel enough, you will know that those photos were taken by Ji Jiu's mother and that she found someone to harm your mother. At that time, you just went to give a tooth for a tooth... But why didn't you do that?"

Naren was right. Ji Chenzhou did want to kill Ji Jiu's mother and torture him, but he didn't.

"My father knelt in front of me, begging me to let her go, he knelt down for me... Said that Ji Jiu's mother has been alive with advanced gastric cancer soon, let me let her go..."

Ji Chenzhou wanted to kill Ji Jiu’s mother more than anyone else, but his father, the man whose majesty made him hate him for so many years, knelt down and said that he had never seen Ji Jiu’s mother in these years. Ashamed of this woman.

Facing his father's kneeling, Ji Chenzhou had nothing to do except retreat. The woman was dying anyway.

It seems that Ji Chenzhou really cares about his father now, but his father killed his parents so cruelly...

If Ji Chenzhou knew about this, how would he choose to stand on his side or his father’s side?

It should be on his father's side! As long as his father kneels for him, he will feel that everything can be forgiven, or how can he let the woman who hurt his mother so miserably...

"Hehe, I'm not as kind as you. I have found several men to let her experience everything she made by herself in those years, and let Ji Jiu see how her mother was retributed."

The tone of Naren's speech was very light and light, as if he was not talking about the weather today.

Ji Chenzhou's body stiffened. He didn't expect that Naren would do something he had thought of doing.

This kind of tooth-for-tooth method will be done by people who are so simple and kind.

"Ji Jiu gave out the addresses of all the photos. I didn't let his mother experience the pain she inflicted on your mother. However, they must die and must pay the due price to comfort the dead."

Whether Ji Chenzhou's mother or Qin Nan, these people who died unjustly should be comforted.

What Naren said was done, not too much, because they deserved their sins, but it shouldn’t be Naren’s injury that was stained with blood, shouldn’t...

"I'll take you to take a bath!" Ji Chenzhou said nothing, holding Naren and went to the bathroom.

He doesn't know how Naren has dealt with the aftermath, he must put Naren to sleep, and then go to figure out the whole thing.

I have to say that Scar Chen is a professional. Just after Ji Chenzhou put the man to sleep, he received a call from his subordinates.

It is said that Ji Jiu took his mother with a large amount of cash and some secret documents intending to escape, but the car accidentally fell on the ring road, and both of them were dead.

After Ji Chenzhou hung up the phone, he kept sitting on the sofa and smoking non-stop. Na Ren even did the aftermath so perfectly...

He can't do such a thing alone, so is Master Xiu?

Ji Chenzhou changed his clothes and went directly to Master Xiu's villa.

Ji Chenzhou sat in the living room and waited for Master Xiu. It took more than ten minutes before Master Xiu came out with a slightly tired expression.

"Is Naren okay?" When Naren came back, Master Xiu received news from his subordinates.

"No, Master Xiu, did you help him kill Ji Jiu?"

Ji Chenzhou smelled the smell of medical disinfectant on Master Xiu's body. How could there be such a smell at home?

"No, I don't know what he did, but I know who helped him do it, and I was surprised by his technique." Even though Master Xiu was sitting on the sofa, his eyes still looked towards the corridor. The direction to the end.

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