The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1474: Sinking-Ji Shenzhou squinted and asked: "Are you playing with me?" (2,000 w

Master Xiu's eyes were exhausted, he didn't expect Naren to do this.

Scar Chen told him everything, including how Naren used to make Ji Jiu destroy all the photos.

And who killed his parents, Chen told him all these scars.

Master Xiu did not expect to let Naren know in the end.

Does Ji Chenzhou also know?

With his own understanding of Naren, he probably wouldn't talk to Ji Chenzhou.

"Naren's state is very wrong. After returning home, the whole person is cold. I mean his attitude towards me, Master Xiu, do you know what happened to him?"

It was definitely not just what Naren said, because of the first murder, there was emotional fluctuation.

Has he seen few murder scenes? Ever since I was young, I have been numb.

Master Xiu looked at Ji Chenzhou, thinking about how to tell him, Naren had such a reaction, he expected.

It was better than he expected, he at least went home with Ji Chenzhou, he thought they would be over like this.

When Master Xiu was silent, thinking how to tell the story of his father's pursuit and killing of the benevolent parents, Chang Qing walked over with a calm face.

After saying a word in Master Xiu's ear, he stepped back respectfully.

Master Xiu frowned slightly, bending his fingers and tapping lightly in habit.

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou had come to him, and even asked Changqing to tell him that he should not tell Ji Chenzhou anything. He handled this matter himself.

After all, Naren still didn't want Ji Chenzhou to be caught in the middle, making him miserable.

One side is my lover, and the other side is my father. The most difficult thing is Ji Chenzhou...

Even at this time, Naren was suffering in his heart, and he didn't want Ji Chenzhou to suffer at all.

Master Xiu sighed slightly in his heart, silly boy...

"This is the first time Naren murdered. It is inevitable that this will happen. Just relax. The child has a simple mind. I was scared to do such a thing!"

In the end, Master Xiu could only say this, which was reasonable and reasonable.

Master Xiu said the same, Ji Chenzhou felt a little relieved.

However, I can't say what's wrong.

"Naren talked about his parents today, how did they die?"

Ji Chenzhou only knew that Naren was adopted by Master Xiu. As for the specific things, he didn't know.

"The rioters were killed..."

They did indeed die in the riot, which was obviously just a cover-up.

Ji Chenzhou remembered that when Naren was eight years old that year, he suffered such a parting. No wonder he was going to say this today...

Just when Ji Chenzhou was thinking about Naren, he heard a muffled noise coming from the corridor.

It was like the sound of heavy objects falling.

It seemed to be coming from the room at the end of the corridor. Although it was some distance away, it was still audible.

"I have something to do. You can wait for me if you have something to do. If there is nothing to do, go back and stay with Naren."

After hearing the muffled noise, Master Xiu immediately stood up with a cold face.

The steps are eager.

Ji Chenzhou also stood up, vaguely feeling that Master Xiu seemed to be suppressing some anger.

Ji Chenzhou did not leave immediately, but watched Master Xiu enter the room, and immediately saw Awen coming out of it and guarding the door.

Then he heard a roar, "When are you going to make trouble?"

Ji Chenzhou could hear that it was Master Xiu's voice.

Even if Master Xiu had been so benevolent before, he had never yelled like this.

Who is in that room?

It can make Master Xiu unable to restrain his temper so much that he can roar out.

To Ji Chenzhou's surprise, after Naren slept full, the indifferent mood disappeared.

Ask him to bring the knight and princess back, and he has to cook and make dinner himself.

This kind of treatment as if riding a roller coaster made Ji Shenzhou a little uneasy.

He turned off his cell phone after Ji Jiu's accident, because he knew his father would call him.

Even if Ji Jiu and his mother did so many bad things and threatened his father in the end, he still cared about family affection. When Ji Jiu and the woman died, he would definitely think he did it.

Although Naren did it, it was no different from what he did.

At least at this time, he didn't want to face his father, the man who had been alone for his rights for half his life.

After losing his mother, he had to rely on sleeping pills to fall asleep.

One thing that Ji Jiu said was right. Ji Chenzhou's father did commit suicide after his mother left. It is enough to show that although he is the president of a country, he is really in love with Ji Chenzhou's mother.

Naren's cooking skills are really just average, but as long as Naren cooks, no matter what it is, Ji Chenzhou thinks it is good.

Ji Chenzhou ate a mouthful of braised fish, which is simply not so salty...

However, Ji Chenzhou still ate all the fish.

Then drank a glass of water.

Naren is eating rice with small bites.

Ji Chenzhou drank another sirloin and persimmon soup, which was actually sweet, it couldn't be sweeter anymore, it was amazing...

I drank another glass of water. I hadn't eaten the meal yet, and I was almost full.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the plate of spicy chicken in front of him, and could hardly see a few pieces of chicken...

You don't need to eat it in your mouth, it smells spicy.

Na Renshen tried to pick up spicy chicken with his chopsticks, but Ji Chenzhou stopped him, "I like this. Don't eat it. You don't make all this dish for me, don't eat it!"

Ji Chenzhou pointed out all the dishes on the table, then said aggressively.

"It's delicious?" Naren asked with a smile, still eating rice in small mouthfuls.

"Well, it's delicious!" Ji Chenzhou replied gritted his teeth.

It's really delicious...

"Like to eat?" Naren looked at the dishes on the table, looking pretty.

"Well, I like it!" Ji Chenzhou felt that the rice could still be eaten, thanks to the smart rice cooker.

"Then eat it all, not a single bit left!"

Naren picked up the phone on the table and clicked on the video, "I will record it for you to see how much you like the dishes I cook!"

Naren pushed several dishes in front of Ji Chenzhou, smiling harmlessly, supporting his chin with one hand, and holding a mobile phone video with the other.

It's all started to video. If Ji Chenzhou didn't know that Naren was playing tricks on him at this time, he would be a fool.

"Are you playing with me?" Ji Shenzhou squinted, tapping his fingers gently on the table.

"Well, why, don't you play it?" Naren woke up with a smile on the corner of his mouth. The arc of the smile was always the same, as if it were carved on it.

"..." Ji Chenzhou's cheeks floated faintly, his slightly narrowed eyes revealing danger.

"If you don't give it to play, then I will eat it, and you will record it for me?" Naren said, handing the phone to Ji Shenzhou.

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