The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1478: Sinking——Sinking the boat, look at me, make you sober (6,000 words)

Naren squatted on the edge of the sofa, with a plea in his clear eyes, and his wet eyes were like a poor deer.

Gu Jue cursed in his heart, why was Naren so cute and innocent, he was stunned by his third son's pig.

"Naren, don't say that you quarreled with your third son. I want my dad to teach you a lesson. I'm too lazy to look at him and annoy him."

Sir Alex was really annoyed to see his third son, and Naren had a cold fight with him for the past two days and returned to live with Lord Xiu.

It's annoying that he lives at home...

"I don't bother to argue with him, naive is not good, I have other things to ask for master."

In terms of feelings, Naren is very relieved that Ji Chenzhou, if you ask him to go out and find someone to sleep, he won't.

Regarding this aspect, Naren is both relieved and worried. What is relieved is that this man is single-minded about himself.

The worry is that after I left, one year, two years, three years...

Ji Chenzhou hasn't been looking for anyone, is it so lonely for life?

The thought that he and Ji Chenzhou would be lonely old, Naren felt heartache.

On each side...

"What's the matter? Don't say you still like me..." Sir Alex cleared his throat, isn't his charm still great?

Naren's face seemed to be interrupted by a cough, suffocated and red, like a frightened deer, looking at Sir Alex in fear.

"Lord, I have never liked you..."

This is the truth. Didn’t you really like it? At that time, it was appreciation, but it was interesting.

Because Sir Alex's character was something he had never seen before, and wanted to get close to him.

"..." Sir Ferguson suddenly lost his face and didn't like it...

It's better to say it's too embarrassing.

"I want to ask Master Xiu, don't let the knight and baby call you grandpa..."

Na Renxiang doesn't know how to talk around, but this meeting also goes round and round with Sir Alex Ferguson.

"Of course, I still want my baby to be our daughter-in-law..."

Gu Jue suddenly realized that he had said something wrong. They Chu Baiqing had said it, and they must not let them know that they were hitting the baby.

The third son is nervous for a day, and the baby is nervous. He always says that Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu will bully others. If you know that you want to give the baby to Xiaoqi or Xiaojiu as a wife, you will definitely disagree.

"Lord, don't call you grandpa not only to you, but to anyone."

Naren's purpose is actually not to let the two children be called Grandpa President...

No matter what he wants to do or not, he can't accept it. His child calls that man grandpa...

"...Don't call the father of the third son?" Gu Jue was slightly taken aback, what kind of request was this.

The relationship between the third son and his father has eased now, and the child's affairs will be known sooner or later. It must be called grandpa.

What happened to Naren, suddenly made such a request.

"The kid can't tell the difference. If you call that grandfather, you must be called Sir Sir...Grandpa!"

Naren is actually not good at playing languages, but he can't take care of that much anymore, so let Ferguson go around first.

"Yeah! That's not called, no matter who is called Grandpa in the future, that's it!"

Gu Jue thought, isn't that what happened? Fortunately, Naren reminded him.

He couldn't ask for anything about this.

Naren was a little guilty, so he dared to say this to Sir Alex, because he didn't like to use his brain, and generally wouldn't think deeply about some problems.

If this matter was told to Chu Shao, he would surely be able to smell something wrong.

When Ji Chenzhou came back, he saw Naren squatting there looking up at his father.

He remembered that Naren still liked his dad, and immediately walked over a few steps, pulled Naren up, and looked at his dad defensively.

Don't Sir Alex still see such a look? This is what he does almost every day.

How many people are thinking about their family Chu Baiqing!

He always looks defensively like this...

But why did his third son look at him with this look? Who is the brat against?

"What is the look in your eyes?" Gu Jue stood up all of a sudden and looked at his third son who was staring at him.

"What are you doing so close to him..."

Ji Chenzhou returned to the past without showing weakness.

Naren felt the strength of Ji Chenzhou holding his wrist, how nervous this man was.



"Fuck, you have no conscience. I'm here to show you children most of the night. You still guard me, you guard me, are you really serious?"

"You white-eyed wolf, don't go home in the future, I'll guard you, and hook up with your mom!"

Gu Jue said on his lips, he kicked Ji Shenzhou, this unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

"Lord, don't kick it, it hurts!"

How could Naren let Ji Chenzhou be kicked, and immediately guarded Ji Chenzhou, and smiled at Sir Alex.

With his own wife protecting him, Ji Chenzhou actually made a grimace at his father by sticking his tongue out, which is not too naive.

The angry Gu Jue really wants to smoke him...

"That's why I can't go back to my house. Besides, my little mother will miss me if I don't go back."

Ji Chenzhou still didn't want to provoke his father enough, and even dared to pour fuel on his anger.

"shut up."

Naren felt his brain hurt suddenly.

Naren looked at Sir Alex Ferguson's anger, and moved a little bit away.

It was just enough for Sir Alex to kick Ji Shenzhou.

Sure enough, when Naren just gave way to a little bit, Ji Chenzhou over there screamed.

Sir Ferguson stepped down quickly. Seeing Ji Chenzhou's painful look, Sir Ferguson went upstairs with satisfaction and went directly to the guest room...

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou and even changed his clothes, still a bit self-aware, turned and went upstairs.

"My wife, my leg hurts!"

Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to grab Naren's arm and said pitifully.

"Deserve it." Naren suffocated a smile, and Ji Chenzhou's acting like a baby was very funny.

In fact, Ji Chenzhou's acting like a baby is quite cute, and it doesn't make people feel uncomfortable at all, but every time he acts like a baby, he wants to laugh.

I think he is so funny...

As soon as Naren entered the house and did not close the door, Ji Chenzhou quickly followed in.

He picked up Naren directly from behind, ran directly into the bed and went.

Naren didn't resist either, knowing that it was useless to resist. Just now at the hotel, Ji Chenzhou wanted it. If you don't give it to him this time, he will be mad.

That night's incomparable enthusiasm was so hot that Shenzhou couldn't resist it in the last season.

"Are you taking any medicine?" Ji Chenzhou held Naren in his arms, his stern face with exhausted laziness.

"Feeding you once will make you hungry for a lifetime!"

Naren encircled Ji Chenzhou's waist, feeling his heartbeat, and watery eyes were full of greed.

Naren's hand stroked Ji Chenzhou's body back and forth, and the hooked Ji Chenzhou came to feel it again.

"Who said you fed me? Your husband and I'm still hungry!"

As Ji Chenzhou said, he began to tease Naren again, even though both of them were tired, but still couldn't stop...

Ji Chenzhou was a little surprised when Naren suddenly said that he wanted to take him to the island where he lives. However, thinking that Naren hadn't been back for a long time, he thought about it and agreed.

Naren said to visit Master Xiu, Ji Chenzhou also wanted to go, but Naren gave the order to watch the children at home.

Naren went to Tan Meng's cemetery first

The piano-shaped tombstone is very beautiful. Looking at the photos of Tan Meng, Naren smiled so beautifully and brilliantly, which is really attractive.

"Mengmeng, brother came to see you! Are you okay over there?"

Naren squatted there, his eyes flushed slightly, but a smile was squeezed from the corner of his mouth.

"Show you pictures of the baby and the knight, isn't it cute?"

Naren took out his mobile phone and opened the photo album. There were photos of the baby and the knight. Every day, he turned them out to face the photos on the tombstone...

"Did you... see your Nan brother..."

Naren finally couldn't help crying when he said this.

What came out of my mind were the pictures of three people together, so warm and joyful...

But now he is alone.

Regardless of whether it is Mengmeng or Nan Ge, their deaths are all related to themselves. In fact, he is the most damned person.

"Should I ran into it? Brother Nan missed you so much..."

Naren's tears couldn't stop falling, and in the end he cried bitterly, and his whole body shrank to the ground, his body trembling constantly, it was too painful...

"I thought about going to accompany you, but what should I do? I can't leave. I have to take care of Brother Nan's parents. That is my responsibility. After they are a hundred years later, I will definitely go to you and find you..."

Qin Nan is dead, his parents are still there, he must take care of them.

After that, he planned everything, everything planned...

Leaving Tan Meng's cemetery, Naren went to Master Xiu's villa again.

They entered the villa, but went straight to the back courtyard.

There is Qin Nan's tomb. For this, Naren is very grateful to Master Xiu.

Qin Nan loves Master Xiu so much, and Naren thinks he will be very happy to be closer to him in this way.

"Brother Nan, I miss you, especially..."

Naren thumped and knelt on the ground, where would he be alive now without Qin Nan.

It was Qin Nan who exchanged his life for his own life, the benevolent guilt.

"Brother Nan..."

Naren slowly closed his eyes, his heart hurt so much that he couldn't say a word when it hurt.

These days, Naren seems to be living in a false world, and he hides all his sadness.

He didn't cry or make trouble and kept quietly not talking about Qin Nan's death. In the end, he killed Ji Jiu and avenged him.

He was with Ji Chenzhou every day, as if nothing had happened.

However, how can those existing pains be hidden.

Once it broke out, it was out of control, just like Naren now.

"Brother Nan, let me talk to you..."

Naren and Qin Nan said a lot, and he said everything between him and Ji Chenzhou.

The curtain in a room on the first floor moved slightly...

Naren was hugged by Master Xiu in the end, because he kneeled for too long and his legs were numb.

Naren has been nestled in Master Xiu's arms, just like when he was a child, holding him to sleep like this.

"I think Brother Nan, Master Xiu, the heart, liver, spleen and lungs all hurt..."

Naren's voice was hoarse, too dumb.

"I don't want to go to bed, I will accompany you, obedient!"

Master Xiu still had a tired look on his face, and there was an irresistible boredom between his eyebrows.

"Master Xiu, don't smoke anymore, choke!"

Nestled in the arms of Master Xiu, Naren could smell a very strong smoke, and he didn't know how much he smoked a day, it would have such a big smell.

When Naren thinks about what he will do later, Master Xiu will be very sad, and he will be full of guilt.

"Well, I won't smoke anymore."

Normally, he would do what Naren asked him.

"Master Xiu, you can find a wife!"

Naren said that he would provide for Master Xiu, but now he has to break his promise. He thinks that Master Xiu can't live alone, so he must have a companion.

"Besides..." Master Xiu kept patting Naren's back gently, coaxing him to sleep.

Naren was probably tired from crying and kneeling, but fell asleep like this.

Master Xiu called him twice, but he didn't wake up, so he took out his phone and sent a message.

After a while, the door was gently opened, and Chang Qing walked in pushing the wheelchair.

Nameless island

Ji Chenzhou looked at the azure blue in front of him, he still felt incredible at this moment, how could Naren be so crazy, threw the child to his father and mother, and dragged him to this small island.

This place where Naren lived, he had visited once, and it was indeed a very beautiful island.

Master Xiu's base camp is still here, and all those who have been brought to Cloud City have their identities changed, and those who stay here are those who have no identities and drift.

Still in charge of the arms business...

"Take you to see my room!" Naren took Ji Chenzhou into the room he had lived in before, "We will live here tonight."

Ji Chenzhou looked at it. The room was very simple, with little furnishings. The most were shells.

"Are you sure this bed can sleep the two of us?"

Ji Chenzhou pointed to the single bed and asked.

"I'm up and down, why can't I sleep?"

Naren kept breathing, the smell of sunlight and sea in the room was so good.

"Don't even think about it in your life!"

Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren over, lowered his head and kissed him, actually wanting to be on it...

The experience at the hotel that night was something that Ji Chenzhou would never forget in this life, and Naren even dared to think about it.

Naren responded enthusiastically to Ji Chenzhou, but the enthusiasm changed in a short while.

"Fuck... what are you doing?"

Ji Chenzhou discovered that Naren's strength had become much stronger recently, and he could actually push him under him.

It can also confine his hand and prevent him from resisting.

"I said you are up and down!"

There was a playful smile in Naren's eyes. Although playful, he was very serious.

"Instead of you, give it to me quickly, fuck...Don't..."

Ji Chenzhou didn't expect that Naren would use his mouth for him.

Before that, Ren was thin-skinned and shy, so Ji Chenzhou mentioned it several times, but he stared at him.

But I didn't expect that this would actually take the initiative to this point...

It was really comfortable to the extreme, Ji Chenzhou even forgot the question of who is on and who is off.

Just enjoy...

In the end, as Naren said, he sank the boat last season...

Ji Chenzhou bit the bed sheet, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

Can you ask an inexperienced person to make you comfortable?

No, so, the result can only hurt you...

"Nahren, why are you waiting for me, waiting... hurt me to death, fuck..."

Ji Chenzhou was really going to die of pain. When he got up the next day, he was holding the bed under his waist.

Naren actually told him to go out to sea, he wanted to swim...

Where can Ji Chenzhou move?

"Why are you so useless? When you got me, I wasn't like you!"

Naren smiled and watched Ji Chenzhou gritted his teeth, but his eyes were painful.

Even a man can't stand such anger, "Blue sea and blue sky, I'll let you on the boat later, and feel whether your husband can do it."

Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren's arm and walked out. The environment here is really good, and it is particularly comfortable to step on the beach.

Naren's palms are sweaty, looking greedily at Ji Chenzhou's profile, really handsome...

After the boat sailed out for a certain distance, Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren over and kissed him there.

What Naren likes the most is the sea. No boat will appear here. It's not bad to be on the boat and watch the blue sky overhead.

This distinction is really special enough...

At the thought of separating the two words, Naren became especially crazy.

"Come on, today you don't make me happy, if you feel comfortable doing it, I will jump into the sea!"

Naren bit on Ji Chenzhou's lips, his eyes red, as if crazy.

Men do this, mostly like excitement, Naren's words are undoubtedly giving Ji Chenzhou a strong medicine.

"Enjoy, I must make you cool, so cool that you want to jump into the sea."

Naren once said to Ji Chenzhou that when he is happy, he is willing to swim in the sea, which is especially comfortable...

"Then I will wait and jump into the sea!" Naren slowly closed his eyes.

Tossing all night last night, the two of them were also energetic in broad daylight.

From twice to the third time, Ji Chenzhou forced Naren to ask, "Are you comfortable? Well, tell her husband is it comfortable?"

Because of that benevolent enthusiasm and initiative, the hooked Ji Chenzhou is almost coming out.

It's not enough.

"I want to swim in the sea when I am comfortable, Ji Chenzhou, you haven't seen me swim yet?"

Naren's body is still a little trembling, that is Yu Huan after climbing the peak...

Ji Chenzhou was lying on the boat board so carelessly.

It's really refreshing, "No, why do you want to do it once in the sea?"

Naren also didn't wear anything. In such a natural environment, the body and mind are liberated, and this feeling is naturally good.

"Then you watch me jump once! Master Xiu said that I look very good when I enter the sea."

Naren stood up, put his shorts on his gloves, his skin glowing honey in the sun, very attractive.

"Don't wear it, just jump and show it to me."

That's what Ji Chenzhou said, but Naren still put it on, and Ji Chenzhou regarded him as shy.

Ji Chenzhou was actually very satisfied, and it really surprised him that Ren could do it with himself in such a bad situation of exposing himself.

After all, Naren in his family is very shy and shy...

Naren stood on the side of the boat and stood facing Ji Chenzhou.

"Ji Chenzhou, do you remember the first time we met, what was the first sentence I said?"

Naren thought about the scene where he and Ji Chenzhou met for the first time. It seemed that it was yesterday, but it seemed like a long time passed...

"Did I speak? I didn't kiss you directly..."

Ji Chenzhou put his hands behind his head and smiled.

In fact, he really didn't remember what he said when he met Naren for the first time.

I just remember that I kissed him, making him ashamed and annoyed, that little appearance is really seductive.

"I don't remember anymore, then we will meet again, this time you have to remember what I said."

Naren smiled, the special bright sunshine of that smile was still dazzling.

Ji Chenzhou only thinks that Naren like this is really good-looking, and Naren today is also very special...

"Well, you said, I will remember this for a lifetime!"

Ji Chenzhou smiled and pursed his lips, it was really attractive.

Naren's eyes were moist, but Ji Chenzhou couldn't see clearly when facing the sun.

"Ji Chenzhou, I love you..." After Naren said this, while tears were falling, he leaned back, jumped up, and jumped directly backwards into the sea.

Ji Chenzhou smiled and blew a whistle, saying that he loves him, and he still wants to play tricks...

Naren in their family is so cute.

Ji Chenzhou was still lying on the board, shouting to the sky, "Naren, I love you too!"

About three minutes later, before Naren came up, Ji Chenzhou frowned and sat up.

"Naren..." Although Ji Chenzhou was lying on the boat, Naren never came up to breathe.

But Naren did not respond to Ji Shenzhou.

"Naren, come up quickly and stop playing!"

Ji Chenzhou yelled at the calm sea, where can you see Naren in the clear water.

"Naren, what are you so... where did you go?"

Ji Chenzhou jumped directly into the sea, thinking that there would be no trouble with the water of that benevolence.

After all, I grew up by the sea, how could anything happen.

However, as Ji Chenzhou went down to the sea without seeing Naren, his heart became more and more disturbed.

Twenty minutes later, Ji Chenzhou still did not find Naren...

One hour……

Two hours...

Seven hours...

Twelve hours later...

Naren was still not found.

The people on the entire island went down to the sea to find Naren. They were all familiar with this sea, but they just didn't find Naren.

No one can live or die, no corpse...

Ji Chenzhou was lying on the beach. He was tired and could not swim before lying here...

He couldn't find his benevolence, and he couldn't find it anywhere, just like that, he disappeared before his eyes.

Twenty-three hours later, Master Xiu, Chu Baiqing, Li Beichen, and Huo Zhongrao arrived...

Chu Baiqing staggered towards Ji Chenzhou who was lying motionless, his lips were dry and peeled.

The whole person was dumbfounded, and he kept calling Naren's name...

"Shen Zhou, look at me, you are a little more sober."

Chu Baiqing is a doctor, and he knows too much how dangerous Ji Chenzhou is now.

How many people go crazy after being stimulated are going crazy in this state.

"Mother, Naren said he was too naughty to show me a swim... he is too bad, no matter how good he swims, he can't bully people like this... not coming back..."

Ji Chenzhou looked at Chu Baiqing with an anxious look in his eyes blankly, his voice was hoarse, because he kept calling Naren's name.

After hearing what Ji Chenzhou said, Chu Baiqing couldn't help crying. After a day, Ji Chenzhou has been lying here for a day, waiting for Naren to return.

Master Xiu said that Naren wouldn't have an accident with his eyes closed in this sea area, but, how could something happen...

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