The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1479: Sinking-five years later, "Brother, I hate..."

It was another day of search and rescue, but Naren was still not found. For two days and two nights, there was little hope of survival from drowning, but the dead body was not seen.

Ji Chenzhou was completely in a coma in the afternoon of the next day.

Master Xiu was even more speechless in his dumb voice.

Finally, Huo Zhongrao and Li Beichen presided over the overall situation.

Chu Baiqing is responsible for taking care of Ji Shenzhou...

Master Xiu has always been standing by the sea. He is very familiar with this sea area. It is normal to swallow a person and not find it.

This is also the reason why no one has been able to walk here in these years.

However, he couldn't believe that Naren would die here, he was the dragon in this sea, how could he die in this sea.

This is where everyone can't figure it out.

Because Naren hadn't shown any abnormality before this, even Ji Chenzhou said that they played well, just to swim for him to see, the people would not swim.

There is no possibility of kidnapping. Except for the people of Master Xiu who can enter this sea area, it is impossible for others to enter alive.

"Master Xiu, there is no trace, there is no possibility of surviving!"

Evergreen's complexion was cold, and for two days, Master Xiu lost all weight.

He asked the brothers on the island, and they all said that Naren's body might have been washed away by the sea, or it was eaten by sharks.

The sharks here are very big, and it's normal to eat them whole.

However, he couldn't say this to Master Xiu, this man who existed like a **** would collapse.

Although the difference between Master Xiu and Naren is only a dozen years old, in the heart of Master Xiu, Naren is no different from his own son.

Master Xiu closed his eyes suddenly, and his body was shaking. After two days of search and rescue, this result was expected. However, when Chang Qing said, "There is no chance of surviving," his heart was still twisted. Now, if it hurts, I can't breathe...

This is the first time Chang Qing has seen Master Xiu crying. This man who has licked his blood with the tip of a knife has experienced countless lives and deaths, but at this moment, he is as fragile as a person piled up with sand, and will fall apart when touched.

When Ji Chenzhou woke up again, there was no sound of waves or the smell of salty seawater in his ears.

What caught the eye was his bedroom, but his father's room.

Ji Chenzhou's mind was in confusion, and he only felt the burning and pain in his throat, "Naren, water..."

After Ji Chenzhou said three words, he felt his voice like being slashed by a blunt knife, hurting him, and sweating on his forehead.

Then he couldn't get a response, he sat up suddenly, "Naren..."

His Naren went swimming, hasn't he returned yet?

Why haven't you come back, no...

Then why did he come home? Is he still dreaming, right...

He must be dreaming, he should be waiting for him by the sea, right?

Ji Chenzhou lay down again, covered the quilt, and closed his eyes tightly.

However, he couldn't sleep no matter what, he was anxious and didn't know what he was talking about.

When Chu Baiqing came in, she saw Ji Chenzhou there saying "Naren, come back, come back..."

The body under the quilt was shaking all the time, and Chu Baiqing hurried over and hugged Ji Chenzhou in her arms.

"Shen Zhou, calm down, you must be calm, you can't let yourself be like this, you will go crazy!"

Chu Baiqing couldn't hold down Ji Chenzhou, so she simply straddled him, fixed his face with both hands, forcing him to look at him.

"Shen Zhou, obedient, you can't do anything more, you can't..."

Chu Baiqing felt exhausted physically and mentally. Naren's death was too sudden, and a good person just said that and it was gone.

How do you call these people who care about him...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Chu Baiqing blankly, his eyes flushed, "Mother, Naren hasn't returned from swimming..."

Ji Chenzhou's voice was like a child, so helpless, he didn't know what to do.

"Shen Zhou, Naren is dead and won't come back again..."

Chu Baiqing directly gave Ji Chenzhou a strong dose, and he couldn't let him deceive himself so much.

In fact, Ji Chenzhou knew it in his heart. He knew that Naren was dead, but he just didn't want to believe it.

So, still self-hypnosis and self-deception, this will really be crazy.

How many people go crazy, that's how they deceive themselves.

"No..." Ji Chenzhou suddenly overturned Chu Baiqing to the ground. The stimulated Ji Chenzhou looked like a sleepy beast, roaring...

However, no matter how painful he roared, his Naren would never come back.

The presidential motorcade drove out of the presidential palace, and the police car cleared the way.

Unobstructed along the way, on a tall building, an excellent hidden place.

The sniper is already ready to be in place, just waiting for the target to appear.

Naren's eyes were cold, and he was emotionally numb as if he was lifeless.

He knows that because of his "death" those who care about loving him are now suffering.

He is ashamed of everyone, and time will dilute their sadness.

He must avenge his parents, otherwise he will not feel at ease in his life.

He killed Ji Chenzhou's father. He and Ji Chenzhou were enemies, and Ji Chenzhou was in pain.

Therefore, he must die first, and then kill his father, so that Ji Chenzhou would not know that he did it, and his hatred can be avenged.

There will be no hatred between him and Ji Chenzhou...

There are so many lives between them, even if he does not "die", he can't be together, it will only be more painful.

Rather than torturing a lifetime, it is better to have a long pain than a short one. Time will dilute everything.

He will live forever in Ji Chenzhou's heart. He knows that this is cruel to Ji Chenzhou and cruel to all those who love him.

However, he has no choice. Since knowing who killed his parents, he has not slept well for one night.

The tragic death of his parents seemed to be engraved in his mind, lingering.

He is going to be tortured crazy, he loves Ji Chenzhou, loves Shen...

It is because of the deep love that he is more painful.

He "dead" is the best way, Naren tells himself repeatedly that this is the best.

When the president's car stopped and the bodyguard opened the door, Naren's hand moved slightly.

When the president got out of the car, Naren took aim, and the cross flower clearly appeared on the president's head. As long as he moved his finger, his parents' revenge would be avenged...

Naren's eyes were extremely cold, but when his finger was about to pull the trigger, he was stiff...

Some accidents always catch you off guard...

Five years later

On the **** bed, Ji Chenzhou's forehead was covered with a thin layer of cold sweat, and his hands were tightly holding the sheets.

"Do you want to leave me that way?" he yelled at the other man.

Another man sneered under the sun, "Well, I never wanted to be with you!"

This is the last word the man said to him, and then he jumped into the sea in front of him and disappeared into his world.

Five years, five years, this man disappeared for five years...

"Naren..." Ji Chenzhou woke up suddenly, breathing heavily. After seeing the furnishings of the room, he wiped his hands on his face again, not in the sea...

Why don't you want to be with me? I told you not to force you. Why don't you want to be with me?

When he went downstairs, the knight just ran out of the room and hit Ji Chenzhou directly.

"Brother, early."

The knight bounced downstairs.

Ji Chenzhou's face was heavy and dark, and he didn't know what his father and little mother thought, so he would actually give their son such a name, Knight...

Is your mind flooded?

Ji Chenzhou went directly into the baby's room. The five-year-old baby was beautiful and cute, but there was only one thing that was not good, it was particularly lazy, and it was especially difficult to get up.

Ji Chenzhou found the clothes the baby was going to wear today, and then went to lift the quilt, "Baby got up, be good."

Ji Chenzhou squeezed the baby's small face and said in a petting manner.


The baby murmured, and then she pulled the quilt with her little hand, but couldn't do it.

He muttered in confusion, "Brother, I hate..."

The baby is a little annoyed with his calf.

"Well, third brother, I hate it, baby, get up, I'm going to be late for kindergarten."

Xiaoqi, Xiaojiu and the knight were afraid of Ji Chenzhou, and knew that the third brother had a bad temper, so they obediently followed what Ji Chenzhou said.

Only the baby has no temper, it is the baby how he does it.

No way, his father and little mother have four children, only the baby and one daughter. Why is it called baby because she is a treasure and must be pampered.

"I don't want to get up, I want to sleep, not go..."

This is almost a daily dialogue. Even so, Ji Chenzhou still coaxes the baby patiently every day.

"Baby, you get up obediently, and the third brother will give you a lollipop, okay, quietly not letting Dad know."

This trick of lollipops, Ji Shenzhou tried Bailing, because the baby likes to eat lollipops the most.

Sure enough, the baby immediately sat up, his big eyes flickered, smiled and made a "hush" motion with his fingers on his lips, very cute.

Coaxing the baby to put on the clothes, Ji Chenzhou combed her hair again, and took her downstairs after everything was set.

Xiaoqi Xiaojiu has eaten and left by school bus, and they are in elementary school.

The remaining knights and babies are sent to kindergarten every morning by Ji Chenzhou.

The knight had eaten breakfast, sitting in the living room, waiting for his third brother and sister.

"I said, can you get up early tomorrow and call the baby aura, what time is it?"

Gu Jue kissed the baby, sat on the dining chair with her in his arms, and spoke to the third son in an angry tone.

"If you have the ability, go and wake her up and call me something."

Ji Chenzhou directly sat down to eat. At home, he was the least status person.

In any case, he is also the "eldest son" of the family, as if he was picked up.

He thought that his father and little mother were really amazing. All of a sudden, four sons and one daughter would be cool. If these two old men get old and wait for so many children, how happy they are.

"What am I... I yelled something to you, keep your voice down, your little mom is still sleeping."

Gu Jue still swears from time to time, and Chu Baiqing has quarreled with him several times over this matter.

Just because he always didn't pay attention to what he said, Xiao Qi completely learned from him, and said at every turn, "Fuck, stop eating." "This meal is so terrible."

It's because this Xiaoqi has not been beaten less.

"Yeah, I feel bad for my little mother at this time. Why don't you know that you feel bad when you toss him at night."

Ji Chenzhou gave his father a blank look and put the peeled boiled eggs into the baby's bowl.

He squeezed the baby's face again, and it felt so good.

"Have you been such a brother? What did you say in front of your sister! Not ashamed or ashamed."

Gu Jue kicked Ji Chenzhou's calf and said angrily.

"I don't know anyone who is not ashamed or embarrassed, always rude."

Ji Chenzhou took a bite of toast, and his father is getting more and more confused about cooking now.

"I fuck... don't eat, I have a white-eyed wolf."

Gu Jue was alive, the small and the ignorant, the big and the ignorant, one by one wanted to **** him off.

"Don't say you raise me, our family is my little mom making money, you stay at home every day, who raises who!"

But no, Gu Jue is now at home every day, cooking in the morning and evening, he doesn't need to cook at noon, but the third son has to cook for him if he wants to be at home.

None of them went out to work...

"Tell me again!"

Gu Jue was angry. He had been waiting for them so hard all day, and something went wrong in his service.

He doesn't go to work, but since the company has Qin Shaoyou, he doesn't need to care.

He is really making money and keeping the family right.

"Tell me this again." Chu Baiqing gasped and appeared behind Gu Jue, hit him on the head, and said in a deep voice.

"Wake up, I'll cook noodles for you!"

When Gu Jue saw Chu Baiqing's face sinking, he knew that he was swearing again.

Immediately accompanied by the smiling face, he hurried to the kitchen to cook noodles for his wife.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the toast bread in his hand, this treatment?

"I want to eat noodles too."

She shouted at his father's back.

"Get off." In exchange, his father yelled with deep disgust.

"Mother, I want to eat noodles too."

Ji Shenzhou ignored his father, turned to his little mother, and said pitifully.

"Cook a bowl of noodles for Shen Zhou," Chu Baiqing said to Gu Jue in the kitchen after kissing her baby's face.

"You get used to him!"

Gu Jue's unhappy voice came from the kitchen...

Ji Chenzhou ate a bowl of noodles contentedly, and took the baby and the knight away. After sending them to kindergarten, he had to go to work in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Chu Baiqing looked at Ji Chenzhou holding the knight in one hand and holding the baby's back in her arms, and her heart hurt.

Five years, time is so fast...

"Is it time to take him to hypnosis? He always talked about dreaming these two days."

Gu Jue poured a cup of warm water for Chu Baiqing and sighed.

"Well, I arrange."

Chu Baiqing's tone was very astringent.

During the period when Naren just died, Ji Chenzhou had no intention of living. He didn't care about the knight and the treasure. No matter how everyone persuaded him, he wouldn't listen.

Waiting for Naren to come back after swimming, as if she was stunned.

Sitting by the pool at home every day, waiting...

Only living in the world of him and Naren, I don't want to come out at all.

No way, in the end, everyone decided to hypnotize him.

I wanted him to forget Naren, but after a few attempts, he couldn't work, because Naren was already deeply ingrained in his heart.

Especially the scene of Naren jumping into the sea...

In the end, he could only hypnotize him because Naren didn't want to be with him before jumping into the sea, and blocked the process of their love each other.

Only the memory of their first acquaintance and the memory of Naren jumping into the sea remain.

Sure enough, after being hypnotized, Ji Chenzhou had only hatred for Naren, only grudges.

The man also came alive, but he didn't remember the knight and the baby anymore. In the end, he only told him that it was a child artificially produced by his father and mother...

It will be five years after this day...

Ji Chenzhou followed his father's arrangement and entered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and now sits in the position of Ji Jiu that year, the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Every day is very busy, but his love life is always blank. Even if Naren is dead, he still has a certain position in his heart. After all, when he first met, he was very interested in Naren.

For these years, Lu Kai has been chasing Ji Chenzhou for five years, without any response or giving up in the slightest.

In order to get the month from the water, Lu Kai also joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through family relations.

When he got off work, Ji Chenzhou had just gotten into the car, and Lu Kai didn't know where he got out of, so he went directly to the passenger seat.

He naturally fastened his seat belt and looked at Ji Chenzhou with a smile, "Today is my birthday. Would you like me to eat something delicious?"

If it is said that Lu Kai Chang's demon and enchanting spirit, then Lu Kai five years later will be three points more calm. After all, he has entered the workplace and his temperament has also changed.

Ji Chenzhou thought that Lu Ming had called him and asked him to bear more of Lu Kai today. It turned out to be his birthday.

Every year on Lu Kai's birthday, Lu Ming will greet Ji Shenzhou specially to make him treat Lu Kai better.

Because Lu Kai's mother died on his birthday, so every year Lu Kai's birthday is a torture to him.

Ji Chenzhou didn't say anything and started the car directly.

Without being driven out of the car, Lu Kai knew that Ji Chenzhou would take him to eat delicious food.

The corners of his mouth are slightly upturned, full of happiness.

He thought he had no chance to have this man anymore, but he didn't want Naren to die...

He thought Ji Chenzhou would be crazy, didn't he say that he loved that man very much?

However, it is not so good now, maybe I have forgotten who that man is.

He just said, how can someone like Ji Chenzhou fall in love with others.

He doesn't understand love at all. He doesn't ask him to fall in love with himself, he just asks to be with him.

He thinks that as long as he perseveres, one day he will let him accept himself.

He has loved him for so many years, and it has become a habit, he waited.

Ji Chenzhou took Lu Kai to his love restaurant. It didn't mean anything else, but he just happened to come over to handle some things.

However, Lu Kai doesn't think so. Love Road Restaurant...

When getting off the car, he directly took Ji Chenzhou's arm, "I like it here."

The eyebrows are crooked and the corners of the mouth are upturned, as if they have become the arrogant little wild cat from five years ago.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak either. Ever since Naren didn't want to be with him and jumped into the sea, Ji Chenzhou became very indifferent in front of outsiders.

It was in front of his little father and little mother that the true self would be revealed.

The dishes were all ordered by Lu Kai, and he ordered red wine. Ji Chenzhou thought how it was his birthday, so he asked someone to prepare a cake.

"Shen Zhou, I am very happy today." Lu Kai was indeed very happy. After drinking a lot of wine, he sat directly beside Ji Shenzhou.

The whole person sticks to him, and the smell of alcohol slaps on Ji Chenzhou's face with heat.

"It's almost time, I'll send you back."

Ji Chenzhou didn't drink much, because he knew the amount of Lu Kai's alcohol, and he would get drunk with a little alcohol.

"I don't want to go back, do you want me? My birthday wish all these years is to miss you and sleep with me..."

Lu Kai said he was going to kiss Ji Chenzhou, but he avoided him.

"Stop it!" Ji Shenzhou naturally knew about this. On Lu Kai's birthday the year before last, he shouted loudly, wanting to sleep him by himself...

"I'm not making trouble, Ji Chenzhou, why can't you sleep with me? I look good and have a good figure. You use your own hands. Where can I serve you comfortably..."

Since that Naren died, no one has appeared beside Ji Chenzhou.

There is a need for a man, Lu Kai does not understand why Ji Chenzhou would rather solve it by hand than him...

Lu Kai was very sultry, his hands kept burning on Ji Chenzhou's body, and his words were soft and waxy.

If Ji Chenzhou had the memory of him and that kindness, he would definitely push Lu Kai away without hesitation.

However, he didn't have those memories, all he had was interested in Naren, and he would rather jump into the sea than he would follow.

Ji Chenzhou can't remember how many years Lu Kai has chased him, but no matter how he alienated him, Lu Kai still doesn't give up.

He didn't understand why he didn't like Lu Kai. He was better-looking than Naren, his skin was white, his figure was good, and he would be attractive. The most important thing was that he loved himself, so he was not interested...

Ji Chenzhou pinched Lu Kai's chin, Lu Kai pursed his lips slightly, trying to kiss him...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Lu Kai's lips and narrowed his eyes slightly.

What appeared in his mind was that Ren's lips, not the thin lips of other men, that Ren's lips were a bit fleshy, and it felt good to kiss...

Lu Kai saw that Ji Chenzhou's eyes had owes.

He stretched his hand to Xiao Chenzhou, tempting Ji Chenzhou with his blurred eyes.

Ji Chenzhou’s Adam’s apple slid, there was no Lu Kai in his eyes, but Naren’s seductive lips...

Lu Kai's hand tightly hugged Ji Chenzhou's neck, and finally caught Ji Chenzhou into a fire, and there was a reaction there too, he must let him sleep by himself.

For so many years, his Lu Kai has become a joke, chasing Ji Chenzhou every day, but there is no response, and his love is humble and unworthy.

However, he is so willing, he wants to get this man, and he must get this man too.

Ji Chenzhou's thumb ran over Lu Kai's lips, and his head slowly underneath. He liked listening to Naren's voice resisting begging for mercy. Every time he heard it, it made him excited.

"Kiss me, want me... Ji Chenzhou, I will make you comfortable, take me!" Lu Kai's tongue swept across Ji Chenzhou's fingertips, psychedelic eyes, soft and waxy urging Ji Chenzhou .

No matter if any man meets Lu Kai who is so sassy, ​​he can't resist it. What's more, Ji Chenzhou still regards him as Naren...

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