The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1480: Sinking—Go and beg him, let him let me go! (6,000 words)

A picture flashed in Ji Chenzhou's mind, Naren encircled his neck, eyes full of affection, shyly closed his eyes and kissed his lips, so active and passionate...

But Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but rushed all over, pushed Lu Kai abruptly, and then looked at him, where is Naren...

Ji Chenzhou felt that his brain hurts. It was really funny. When did Naren be so proactive to him...

How could there be that kind of enthusiasm, he would rather die than be with himself.

It's so funny...

Ji Chenzhou didn't understand why he always thought of Naren lately, and when he thought about it, he would get upset and panic. That feeling was very annoying.

A person who would rather die than be with himself, why should he think of him?

Lu Kai was pushed away abruptly, with a look of stunned expression. Ji Shenzhou obviously reacted. His eyes were obsessed, he clearly wanted it, but in an instant, he turned into this cold look again.


"Put your clothes on and I will take you back!"

Ji Chenzhou glanced at Lu Kai's messy clothes. The white neck was slightly red because of the lack of love. I have to say that it was very attractive.

However, he couldn't be interested in going there, there was always Na Ren in his mind, all Na Ren...

This feeling is pretty bad...

"Do you think of Naren again, he is dead, dead, what else do you want him to do, can you not see me? Ji Chenzhou, how many years have I loved you, do you know that I am special? It has become a joke of Yuncheng, saying that I, Lu Kai, cannot be better than a dead person... Ji Chenzhou has been so many years, should I cover the heat even with a stone? What's wrong with my Lu Kai?"

Lu Kai has a bad temper, but he never dared to have a temper with Ji Chenzhou. This is the first time he yelled at Ji Chenzhou in so many years, because he was too depressed and wronged...

He begged him to ask him, why is he so cold...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Lu Kai, who was about to cry with red eyes. He knew his feelings for him, but this kind of thing barely happened.

He can't even want him. He and Lu Ming are good buddies. If he gets on Lu Kai, he has to be responsible to him.

Besides, he hasn't slept with him yet, and Lu Kai sticks to him like a plaster. If he is asleep, don't think about it.

Ji Chenzhou touched Lu Kai's head, "Don't cry, even if you don't have Naren, it's impossible for me or you. Don't put your mind on me anymore."

Ji Chenzhou tidyed up Lu Kai's clothes, but the buttons were not good enough, and he didn't do it. He didn't know why, and he couldn't say anything cruel to Lu Kai.

Probably because of his birthday today, or maybe it was Lu Kai crying and shouting at him, or maybe it was because he mentioned Naren...

Ji Shenzhou put on Lu Kai's jacket. This should be the first time Ji Shenzhou was so gentle with him.

Lu Kai looked at Ji Chenzhou greedily, and cried more fiercely. He put his arms around Ji Chenzhou's neck regardless, and kissed him casually.

Because I want this man so much, it's like being possessed.

Ji Chenzhou didn't push him away. Ji Chenzhou pressed his lips to prevent Lu Kai from kissing. After several attacks, Lu Kai couldn't open Ji Chenzhou's mouth. Finally, he bit his lips weakly, and then he fell loose. Hand...

"Ji Chenzhou, I'm only twenty-six this year, so why don't I wait for you for another ten years? If it doesn't work, it will only be twenty years and thirty years, and I will have something to do..."

Lu Kai sat there with tears on his face, blood still on his mouth, and his voice was very low and deep.

Ji Chenzhou wiped the corners of his lips with the back of his hand, Lu Kai bit harder, with a lot of blood.

For Lu Kai's words, Ji Chenzhou felt very depressed, and he couldn't respond to his emotions.

Lu Ming didn't know how many times he had persuaded Lu Kai over the years, and he had used all methods, but he couldn't make him give up.

Lu Ming also said that his brother's greatest achievement in this life is to be so persistent to Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou pulled Lu Kai's arm and pulled him out.

Now I just want to send him back quickly, and then go home, only when he goes home listening to his father scolding him, Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu slaps around wildly, the knight eats and laughs stupidly, and the baby hums to hug , He felt at ease in his heart...

When walking out of the restaurant, Ji Chenzhou pulled Lu Kai into the car, but Lu Kai did not get in the car.

Ji Chenzhou was a little annoyed, Lu Kai drank, and he must send him home so that he would not have any problems when he walked out.

Lu Kai recruits people, and any look in his eyes will make a man feel like a wild cat.

"Ji Chenzhou, I don't care about it..." Lu Kai felt aggrieved, and when he saw the wind and wine, he started to mess around.

Because the two buttons on the shirt were not fastened, as he moved away from Ji Chenzhou, his beautiful collarbone was exposed.

That kind of casual style is really inferior to women...

"Stop it, go home!"

Ji Chenzhou felt a headache, just an unusual irritability.

There was a deep pain in the corner of the lips, and it was indeed painful for Lu Kai to bite.

"No reply, no reply, Ji Chenzhou, you bastard..."

Lu Kai pointed to Ji Chenzhou and shouted, why not, why not...

"Well, my bastard, ancestor, can you stop making trouble?"

Ji Chenzhou really had no patience anymore. He stepped forward and grabbed Lu Kai's arm, and then dragged him into the car. The force on his hand was not light.

"Ji Chenzhou, you lighten it, it hurts..." Where did Lu Kai have been treated like this, he was about to cry again.

"You still hurt so much, see you bite me."

Ji Chenzhou is not a person who is afraid of pain, but this will be the pain in the corner of his mouth.

"Who told you...then to me..." Lu Kai also felt sorry for Ji Chenzhou, and he didn't know how he dared to bite him.

If he lets him kiss in, he won't bite him...

It sounded like Ji Chenzhou wanted to kiss Lu Kai forcibly, but he did not allow him to bite Ji Chenzhou...

Not far away, the window of a car was open, and the people in the car wore peaked caps. Hearing the conversation between the two people, the corners of their mouths showed a faint smile...

This laughter didn't slowly disappear until Ji Chenzhou's taillight disappeared from his sight.

Then it turned into a wooden arc, "Ji Shenzhou..."

Muttered softly, with endless complex emotions.

The cemetery at night, the wind is cool.

In front of the piano-shaped tombstone, a thin figure stood for a while.

"Is it delicious? Mengmeng, you are willing to eat."

There are many delicate cakes in front of the tomb, a bowl of fish soup noodles that have been so cold, and a bowl of ball soup that Tan Meng did not drink on the day he died...

Under the peaked cap is a handsome face, and that Ren's hand gently covers the picture of Tan Meng, and the corners of his eyes are gradually moist...

Scenes of Tan Meng's smile appeared in Naren's mind.

"The meatball soup that Brother Nan made for you, is it delicious?"

Tan Meng is a snack food, but he doesn't get fat no matter how he eats.

"You miss Brother Nan... wait a minute, I'll take him to see you, okay, he can't..."

When Naren said this, there was expectation and some pain in his eyes.

It wasn't until his phone rang that Naren straightened up.

"Mengmeng, I will see you next time, next time I will bring my baby and the knight, let you see them..."

Naren thought that Tan Meng must want to see the child, such a cute child, she must want to see.

When Naren drove home, Changqing came out to welcome him.

"That person is making trouble again, Master Xiu didn't eat lunch!"

Chang Qing looked at Naren's eyes slightly red, and he should have cried.

"Let the kitchen prepare to eat, I'll go see Brother Nan first."

Naren patted Changqing slightly, knowing that he felt sorry for Master Xiu again.

When Naren entered Qin Nan's room, the ground was in a mess.

Qin Nan was not dead. The news made Naren cry happily for a long time, but when he saw Qin Nan, he couldn't cry again.

Qin Nan couldn't move his legs anymore and became a useless person. People who love sports and run and jump can only sit in a wheelchair. For Qin Nan, it is really more uncomfortable than death.

Thinking back to that day, when he was about to assassinate the president, two presidents appeared...

Two people who got out of the car were almost identical.

Naren has heard of leaders of many countries and they have substitutes...

Two people, which one is he going to shoot?

He has only one chance to grab, once one falls, his sniper position is exposed.

And he probably killed by mistake...

However, this is what he planned for a long time. This time the president's visit was a rare opportunity, and Naren knew he could not give up.

The images of his parents' tragic death constantly appeared in his mind, and he had to kill his enemies by himself.

Or else he did all this in suspended animation...

It was impossible for him and Ji Chenzhou before. With him, he would be ashamed of his parents. He knew that he was murderous towards his father and would not forgive himself.

At this point, his hatred must be reported.

So, in the end, Naren chose the president with a little more bodyguards. When he pulled the trigger, his heart hesitated. After all, this was a probabilistic shot, so when the grab went out.

It didn't hit the headshot according to the preset, but hit the body...

When the alarm sounded, Naren evacuated as quickly as possible.

He must not be caught, because once Ji Chenzhou knows that he killed his father, then he will be very painful while hating himself. Naren doesn't want him to suffer from torture.

After the sensational presidential assassination, Master Xiu found Naren...

The president did not die. Naren’s robbery hit the double. The rescue was timely and there was no life-threatening. Of course, the public would not know that there was a double. They only knew that the president was dead, but survived the assassination. Come down.

These were all that Naren knew when Master Xiu found him.

At the same time, Naren also knew that Qin Nan was still alive.

At that time, Master Xiu concealed the news that Qin Nan was alive...

Qin Nan did almost die. The doctor said that he would not be able to live a few days after he was rescued, and he could not move his legs.

At that time, Master Xiu was only worried that Naren would not be able to stand Qin Nan's current situation, and would blame himself in pain, and then endure the pain of Qin Nan's death.

Instead of this, it would be better to let him believe that Qin Nan was dead, better than torturing for such a long time.

Time will always fade away...

Later, Qin Nan survived, but Naren "dead"...

Fortunately, Master Xiu analyzed that the president would be assassinated at this time, which is abnormal.

Sure enough, he found Scar Chen, and under his persecution, he knew that Naren was still alive. It was Naren who assassinated the president.

Only then did Master Xiu figure out what happened before and after.

At that time, Naren said that he didn't care about the past, and the past was just over. Master Xiu still thought, how could a person with such a strong affection not care about the death of his parents.

How can I live with Ji Chenzhou so peacefully?

It turns out that he had his own plan...

This kid...

When Qin Nan watched Naren walk in, the bodyguard standing here nodded at him and walked out.

A soft cry, "Naren..."

Naren's heart throbbed when he heard Qin Nan's voice.

"Brother Nan, I will cook what you want to eat..."

Naren didn't care about the mess in the place, picking up the gap and walking over.

For five years, Brother Nan has been rehabilitating his legs, but he can barely stand up and still can’t walk...

"Naren, go and beg him, let me go, I don't want to stay here, I don't want to..."

Qin Nan was still as handsome as before, but he was very thin and his face was not good.

"Brother Nan, Master Xiu won't allow him, you know his temper."

Naren squatted beside Qin Nan's leg, his voice was astringent.

It was because of him that Brother Nan became like this and could no longer stand up.

Qin Nan has such a lively and active temperament, you let him sit in a wheelchair all day long, and he has to be held on the toilet when he goes to the toilet, two days a day...

After five years, he looked at the broken leg and his temper became more and more grumpy.

It's not that he wants to lose his temper, it's that emotions that are not under his own control.

He is really fed up with such a life...

Especially that man's attitude towards him made him want to escape from here.

He doesn't want his pity, he doesn't want...

"I don't know, I don't know, I have nothing to do with him, he can't hold me, can't..."

Qin Nan beat his unconscious leg. He shouldn't be disabled just because he saved Naren, and Master Xiu would treat him...

The love he wants is not like this, no, rather than this kind of compensation, he would rather die by himself.

"Brother Nan, don't do this, Master Xiu has seen it, and he will lose his temper again."

Naren couldn't figure out what Master Xiu meant to Brother Nan, but every time Brother Nan beat his leg with a hammer, he would get angry, and once even hit Brother Nan.

Naren also asked Master Xiu before, if it was because Qin Nan had abolished his legs because of himself, he did this to him.

At that time, Master Xiu said only one sentence, "That kid is very nice..."

Naren couldn't figure it out, what exactly did Master Xiu mean.

After five years, Naren only knew that Master Xiu never looked for a woman...

"Then let him post it and kill me..."

When Qin Nan used to like Master Xiu, he was afraid of him. Even if he lay here cheeky, he would become short of breath because of seeing him.

However, now he dared to throw something in front of Master Xiu and shout, because he just wanted to leave.

He didn't want to live this life anymore, he would rather leave here to fend for himself.

He even thought about going to die, but Master Xiu sent bodyguards to guard him, and Master Xiu even slept with him in a bed at night...

As soon as he moved, the man would wake up, his sharp nerves made Qin Nan suspect that he was not asleep at all.

He just wanted to die and couldn't die. After so many years, he really had enough.

Looking at Naren's guilty eyes, he kept doing rehabilitation, but, for more than four years, there was no improvement at all, and he was fed up with repeating those movements every day, knowing that he could no longer walk...

But still telling myself over and over again, there may be miracles.

"Brother Nan, don't be like this, I feel uncomfortable if you are like this...all blame me..."

Naren has been with Qin Nan for five years. He blames himself when he sees Qin Nan can't move.

If it wasn't for saving him, Brother Nan wouldn't be like this...

"Naren, I don't allow you to say this again. It has nothing to do with you. I would rather be injured and killed than to let you have an accident. You are so suffering. You can't suffer that fate anymore. It is my own problem , I don’t want him to pity me, I don’t need..."

Qin Nan held Naren’s face and gave him a choice of a thousand times and 10,000 times. He would still choose to push Naren away and save him without hesitation...

Naren didn't know his pain, not only because of his inability to move his legs, but also because of something hard to tell.

"Brother Nan, Brother Nan..."

Naren hugged Qin Nan's waist and cried aloud. With such a brother, Naren would be worth his life.

No matter how hard he has been, he won't feel bitter. He would rather God take away his legs so that Brother Nan can stand up again.

"Brother Nan, don't quarrel with Master Xiu. In the past few years, no matter how much you quarrel, Master Xiu has not let you go. No one can change the decision he made."

Naren and Qin Nan had said this many times, but it was useless.

He knew that Qin Nan was very suspicious before.

It was when they first met, Qin Nan's mother called him and asked him whether he was wearing long trousers in autumn. Qin Nan didn't wear long trousers, but he told his mother the truth.

Knowing the mother, Qin said he didn't wear it, but Qin Nan said that he was wearing it with his eyes open. The mother and son talked on the phone for more than two hours.

After hanging up the phone, Naren asked him, "Why are you so stubborn, you didn't wear it, and you said you did it."

Qin Nan asked him back, is this serious?

Naren felt that this was both a manifestation of 犆.

Now, Naren has once again seen Qin Nan's persistence and courage.

In the past few years, I have had trouble with Master Xiu almost every two or three days just to leave.

Master Xiu's temper is very bad, but for Qin Nan's troubles, he at most yelled at him, and then became sulking and nothing else.

That day, Qin Nan rarely said he wanted to eat ice cream, so Master Xiu immediately asked him to buy a lot for him to eat.

At that time, Naren thought that Master Xiu might not only pity Qin Nan, but maybe there was something else.

Even if Changqing said it was impossible, Naren still hoped, and there were really other emotions.

Master Xiu is thirty-nine this year, and although his appearance is still the same as thirty years old, there is no trace of time, but after all, the age is there.

Naren really hopes that Master Xiu has a companion by his side, a companion whom he really likes to find interesting...

Master Xiu loved him so much, always saying that he had experienced too much suffering, but Naren had said it countless times.

It was because he met Master Xiu that he had a very happy life. Master Xiu never let him suffer, love him and pet him, and give him all good things.

The person who really suffers is Master Xiu. He has been an orphan since he was a child. To have this day, he was bought with a single knife and one shot. He should really feel sorry for him...

When Master Xiu walked in with the tray, he looked at the mess in the place, frowning, and said to the person behind him, "Clean up."

The servants are all used to such a scene, clean up silently and move quickly.

Master Xiu glanced at Naren, "You go to eat, the kitchen made your favorite dishes today."

Naren knew that Master Xiu was asking him to leave, and Qin Nan also said, "Let's go eat!"

Then don't turn your head and look out the window, hands twisted together.

Naren sighed slightly, got up and left.

He really hopes that Master Xiu and Brother Nan can be together. He believes that Brother Nan will make Master Xiu happy.

Brother Nan is so good, he will be very good to Master Xiu.

Naren was lying on the bed, and Ji Chenzhou's face appeared in his mind, as well as the wound on the corner of his lips. Even if it was some distance away, he could see clearly.

That was what Lu Kai bit...

Ji Chenzhou coaxed Lu Kai to say go home...

Naren slowly closed his eyes, Lu Kai and Ji Chenzhou were also good...

There will always be someone by his side, he is dead, and he will always find someone.

What's more, he still lacks a part of memory now, so it's good to live like this.

If it were not for seeing Mengmeng today, he would not have taken a step out of the villa. In these years, except for going to the cemetery to see Mengmeng, he had not left the villa.

Yuncheng is very big. Didn’t he still run into Ji Chenzhou’s car on the road, and then followed him to the restaurant, saw him take Lu Kai to dinner, and watched how he patiently coaxed Lu Kai...

And Lu Kai’s messy clothes, the bite on the corner of his mouth, what did they do...

Naren slowly closed his eyes, Naren stopped thinking.

Naren would have the opportunity to assassinate the president again, but he knew he could no longer pull the trigger in his hand.

Because after the fight was out, he regretted it. Ji Chenzhou had no mother, so he couldn't let him have no father...

Fortunately, the grab was missed and missed, otherwise Naren would be more painful.

Master Xiu said, since you don't want to take revenge, then go back to Ji Shenzhou!

However, Naren knew he couldn't, and he and Ji Chenzhou could be together again.

He can't be with his enemy's son, otherwise, after death, what face he has to see his tragic parents and not avenge them is already his greatest filial piety.

Naren fell asleep in a daze. He hasn't had a good sleep all these years, and he always wakes up when he sleeps.

In a daze, he heard someone knock on the door. He opened his eyes and realized that the sky was already bright. He glanced at the time on the wall. It was ten o'clock...

He got out of bed and opened the door. Standing at the door was Changqing, "Ji Chenzhou is here, Master Xiu told you not to come out!"

Evergreen saw that Naren's spirit was not very good, and he knew that he didn't sleep well last night.

Naren was still in a daze, but when he heard Ji Chenzhou coming, he instantly became stiff.

These years, Ji Chenzhou has never been here, because he has no memory of their love, how come today suddenly, do you know that he is not dead?

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