The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1482: Sinking-you have enough, are you not tired for a day like this? (Four thousand words)

Hearing his name from his daughter again, Naren finally couldn't help crying.

He slowly squatted down and held the baby in his arms for five years...

There is no day when you don’t miss your child. Once you have it, you will become greedy.

When the baby was young, Naren hugged her very smoothly. With a small, soft body, she was just that big, so she wouldn't get tired for long.

Now he squatted down, the baby and his half-height, he can see her growth every day, but he lacks the company for her. This is the most regrettable and guilty thing Naren...

It was like hugging her tightly, feeling her existence, but Naren didn't dare to exert any force.

For fear of not knowing the importance, his daughter...

He wanted to hold her in his arms in his dreams.

And the knight, his son...

"Brother, why are you crying? I don't even know how to cry. The third brother said that crying nose will become ugly.

The baby nodded Naren's nose and smiled while covering his mouth.

Naren nodded, Ji Chenzhou also said this to him, bullied him and cried, and then he would say this...

Third brother...

Naren wants to tell baby, that's your father, and I'm your father too...

"Baby, you are so good..." Naren touched the baby's hair, which was already so long.

Mawei was combed by Ji Chenzhou, and I have watched it many times in the previous video.

Ji Chenzhou loves the baby very much, even if he doesn't know this is his daughter, he still loves her very much...

"How do you know my name is baby? Have we met before?"

Baby asked the question he asked just now again, very persistent.

Naren choked and said in his heart over and over again, "We have seen, we have seen, we have seen, I am Dad..."

"And what is your name? Is it Naren? My third brother said that it was my third wife who brought me to see Naren..."

The baby's voice is very sweet, it sounds soft when speaking, but it is very clear.

When he spoke, his eyebrows were crooked, like Naren.

"No..." These two words came out of Naren's mouth, with incomparable sourness.

"Oh, I thought you were my third wife! You look so beautiful."

The baby's eyes changed from initial surprise to disappointment.

Naren touched the baby's face, took her into her arms again, and yelled, ""

When Ji Chenzhou's voice came, Naren suddenly let go of the baby and kissed her deeply on the forehead.

Then, under the blank eyes of the baby, he left cruelly and walked out through the back door...

"You haven't told me what my name is..." The baby pouted and said unhappily.

I don't know why, it is very uncomfortable, and I want to play with this handsome guy. His arms are very warm.

When Ji Chenzhou walked over, the baby was still looking at the door in a daze.

"It's not going to the bathroom, why come here."

Ji Chenzhou knelt down and scratched the tip of the baby's nose.

"Brother San, I saw a handsome guy just now and thought he was the third sister-in-law! But he said he wasn't. What a pity, he looks good..."

"But it seems a bit silly, crying a lot..."

Baby is a little annoyed that Naren just walks away, and he will be called stupid.

Ji Chenzhou was about to hold the baby's hand for a meal, and then laughed again. That person has been dead for five years...

How could it be because the baby said it seems to be, so he thinks it right?

What's wrong with me, I am so attached to a dead person, why...

"If you like to cry, don't play with him. Crying is also contagious, and stupid..."

Ji Chenzhou said to the baby very seriously.

The people here are not smart, and it is not surprising that they are stupid.

It's incredible that these people who live their lives with the tip of a knife licking blood will even cry.

But Ji Chenzhou didn't think much about it. Today was a bit of gain. Master Xiu said that he would consider it and it is best to resolve this matter peacefully.

He also didn't want to forcibly dig out Naren's tomb, and the fight would not end well in the end.

After Ji Chenzhou left with the baby, Naren kept looking at the window without blinking.

Then, Naren became ill, and the high fever did not go away.

Master Xiu watched him all night, distressed.

When Qin Nan came in, the doctor had just given Naren a fever-reducing injection.

Qin Nan can now use the electric wheelchair freely.

Qin Nan felt distressed when he glanced at his flushed face.

He and Ji Chenzhou love each other so much. Why should Wei suffer such pain?

Why would God treat Naren like this, he is so good...

Master Xiu looked at Qin Nan wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. He took care of Naren here last night. Before he went to bath Qin Nan, he probably slept in clothes...

Qin Nan didn't need others to bathe him. At first, he insisted on washing himself, but he made a mess and couldn't get out of the bathtub...

After that, it was Master Xiu who washed him, and had trouble for a long time.

However, how could Qin Nan's strength be better than Master Xiu, every time he was carried into the bathtub and pressed there to wash.

Then he changed into his pajamas and carried him to the bed.

Master Xiu knows that Qin Nan loves cleanliness, and that he is negligent, so he is worried about that Ren.

Calling Changqing in, watching Naren get an injection, he pushed Qin Nan out.

When he arrived at Qin Nan's room, he went directly to the bathroom to drain the water. Qin Nan never said a word from the beginning to the end.

When Master Xiu came out, the sleeves of his shirt were rolled up, his tight arms were full of tension, and he bent over to hug Qin Nan.

Then Qin Nan walked towards the bathroom, stiff all over.

Every time he was stripped naked and taken into the bathtub to take a bath, he felt uncomfortable.

He likes Master Xiu, and bathes himself in front of the person he likes. He is a normal man and it is impossible for him to be unresponsive.

Facing his reaction, Master Xiu seemed to have not seen him, still holding a face that had not changed for a thousand years, and continued to bathe Qin Nan.

Qin Nan felt ashamed and angry, he boldly touched the roots of Master Xiu's legs, without responding...

Qin Nan smiled, this is the difference between like and dislike.

After that, every time Master Xiu bathed Qin Nan, it was like a war.

Qin Nan was very uncooperative, so Master Xiu had to hold him tight.

Several times, Master Xiu was really annoyed and hit Qin Nan's **** directly. After that, even if Qin Nan was embarrassed, he did not dare to resist.

He can't stand being spanked there.

Five years...

Qin Nan felt that time flies so fast, but he obviously lives every day like years.

Soaking his body in the warm water, Qin Nan closed his eyes as usual.

Neither went to see Master Xiu nor spoke.

"That Ren burned badly last night, so I..." Master Xiu raised Qin Nan's arm and suddenly explained.

How could someone like Master Xiu explain his temperament to others.

However, when he saw Qin Nan still wearing yesterday's clothes, he felt uncomfortable.

I didn't take care of him...

"Not next time!" When he raised his other arm, Master Xiu spoke again.

Qin Nan was irritated, and suddenly threw off Master Xiu's hand.

"Mingxiu, you are enough, are you not tired for a day like this? I look at you and tired... I don't need you to take care of me, I hate being taken care of by you..."

Master Xiu's explanation, as well as his guarantee, were like a stone hitting Qin Nan's heart, blocking him from breathing.

He is going crazy, no, maybe he is already crazy...

Master Xiu shouldn't be dragged down by him. He is Master Xiu, but he coaxes him to eat, bathes and sleeps with him...

Master Xiu's jaw floated vigorously, and anyone who knew him knew that he was angry.

However, he did not speak, and seemed to calm his anger.

In recent years, Qin Nan didn't quarrel with Master Xiu less, but this was the first time he even named Master Xiu.

And it roars loudly...

"You take care of the benevolence and righteousness, there is such a father-son friendship between you, what do you take care of me, I am not paralyzed and unable to move, I can eat, I can talk, I can..."

Qin Nan choked up at the end and closed his eyes weakly. What else could he do? He was just a waste.

Mingxiu doesn't let him do anything every day...

"Mingxiu, if you think that I have broken my legs because of Naren, you can buy me a house in a secluded place and give me some money. I can live by myself, really..."

Qin Nan stopped yelling and didn't have the strength. No matter what he was, Master Xiu always had that cold expression from beginning to end.

"Enough trouble?" Master Xiu continued to lift Qin Nan's arm and wipe him.

His tone was faintly angry. As he got older, Master Xiu thought that his temper had really improved a lot.

If it was changed, even if the person in front of him was Naren, who yelled at him so disobediently, he would beat him...

"Mingxiu, you are simply unreasonable. How could I like you in the first place, ah... I forgot, I just saw a character who likes one. I really hate you now. I really hate you."

Qin Nan was made even more irritable by Ming Xiu's indifferent temper.

"Hate me?" Ming Xiu squeezed Qin Nan's chin suddenly, his tone a little heavier than before.

Qin Nan was about to open his mouth and say yes, a pain came from his jaw, and Master Xiu increased his strength.

This strength is like a warning, don't talk nonsense.

Master Xiu's eyes were even more cautious, and Qin Nan who looked directly shut his mouth abruptly.

Then close your eyes and don't turn your head. How could you hate this man? Love him enough, but he can't drag him down.

Master Xiu is affectionate and righteous. If he doesn't leave, he will really take care of him for the rest of his life without complaining.

How could Qin Nan ruin his life like this, he is Master Xiu!

"If you want to go to a quiet place, I will take you back to the island, where you will like it!"

Master Xiu sighed slightly, rubbing his fingers against Qin Nan's lips.

When he felt Qin Nan's tension, Master Xiu realized what he was doing, and he retracted his hand in embarrassment.

Qin Nan closed his eyes from beginning to end.

When Naren talked to himself about the nameless island for the first time, he had thought about how great it would be if he could visit that beautiful island one day.

Now he didn't want to go at all, because that meant that he had put the shackles on Master Xiu for a lifetime.

Master Xiu didn't expect that Ji Chenzhou would come in the morning, with the baby and the knight.

He wanted to see the baby and the knight, but he didn't want to see Ji Shenzhou.

I don’t want to talk about moving the tomb...

"Master Xiu, I made cookies for you!"

The baby held a box in his hand and smiled sweetly at Master Xiu.

The knight behind him politely said hello, "Hello, Master Xiu!"

Ji Chenzhou was lazily sitting directly on the sofa, breathless, as if not awake.

Master Xiu picked up the baby. He doesn't eat sweets, but the baby made it. He must eat it.

"I see what biscuits the baby made, it just so happens that I am hungry."

Master Xiu couldn't help but kissed the baby's little cheek.

Then he waved at the knight, and the knight came over immediately, and Master Xiu touched his head.

All are Naren’s children, his children...

Master Xiu thinks that he is probably older, and now he likes children more and more.

"Cookies are delicious, I secretly put a lot of sugar, they are very sweet..."

In the latter words, the baby said it close to Master Xiu's ear, the expression that she was afraid of being heard by her third brother was very cute.

Master Xiu smiled, very sweet...

Baby fed him one, it was really sweet, and he couldn't help frowning when it was sweet.

The baby looked around and seemed to be looking for someone.

Master Xiu was thinking in his heart, don't look for Naren, this time he is still asleep and the fever has gone, but his body is very weak.

If you let him know that the baby and the knight are coming, he must be uncomfortable again.

In the end, the baby never saw the person she was looking for, so she spoke.

"Master Xiu, I saw a dumb and crying handsome guy that day, you tell him to come out and I will give him cookies."

In fact, the baby came today to meet Naren.

After going back, she always thinks of that handsome guy and likes him very much.

Ji Chenzhou gave the baby one and I knew you were coming, just for this.

Go home and have a good talk with my little mom and his father, the baby is just a little nympho.

Seeing a handsome guy in such a young age, he would think about it, and even come to give people cookies so unreservedly, it's really...

It must be taken care of. Now men are not good things. Their baby must be protected.

Ji Chenzhou must have forgotten this time, he is also a man.

Master Xiu touched the baby's head, "The elder brother you mentioned is a courier, not from me."

Master Xiu is not good at lying, but at this time he has to lie to the baby.

Ji Chenzhou frowned. He turned out to be a courier.

No, the doorman who delivered the courier will sign for it, and how could it be put in? Master Xiu is heavily guarded here, so naturally he will not let a courier in. Obviously Master Xiu is lying...

"Ah...Where can I find him?"

An expression of disappointment appeared on the baby's pink face in an instant.

She came to find that handsome guy, and made biscuits for him...

Just want to see him...

"Will Master Xiu play with you?" Master Xiu tried to coax the baby, but he actually didn't know what to play with.

"I don't want to, I want to see him, I want to see him, I want to see him..."

The baby cried when she wow, she was not a crying child, but she wanted to see that brother.

At the corner of the stairs, Naren's heart throbbed while listening to the baby crying, and his eyes fell on the knight again.

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