The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1483: Sinking——Ji Chenzhou, don’t scare your children, what is coming at me (4,000 words)

The knight commander looked more and more like Ji Chenzhou, especially the domineering expression between his eyebrows and eyes.

It's just that the knight is a little bit more calm.

Ji Chenzhou let the baby make a fuss, his fingers tapped gently on the sofa.

Looking at the left and right sides of Master Xiu, the treasure was nestled in his arms, and the knight sat next to him nicely.

Master Xiu's temperament didn't seem like he would like children.

However, how could he treat his little father and little mother's children with such kindness and spoiling his eyes.

There is also the express delivery he mentioned just now. It is okay to deceive children, but how can he be treated as a child? Is this because he has insufficient IQ?

Ji Chenzhou looked at the corner of the stairs, not knowing why, he always felt that someone was looking at him there, but there was clearly no one there.

Naren's feet tried to lift up several times, but they seemed to be nailed there, unable to move.

Listening to the cry of the baby, Naren felt that his heart was broken...

There was footsteps behind him, and Naren turned around and saw Changqing standing there.

"Naren, you can be with Ji Chenzhou, as long as you feel that you can face him and face his father, without feeling guilty for your parents in your heart, and if Ji Chenzhou knows that you have assassinated his father, this Can you bear the consequences?"

"The most important thing for people in love to be frank together is that if you are together again, if there is a concealment between you, this concealment is like a time bomb that will blow you to pieces at any time."

"Everyone is doing well now, and occasionally I miss you in my heart. At least the hardest time has passed. Ji Chenzhou is also very well now. Isn't this the result you wanted?"

Chang Qing knows that these words are a bit heavy, but Naren is the hardest and most painful one, although he can see a smile on his face over the years.

But it was more lonely and lonely, especially every time he asked for sleeping pills.

The sleepless night makes this child look tired all day.

The man he loves most, and his children are downstairs, and being able to hear their voices but not being able to see them at such a close distance is undoubtedly the biggest torment for Naren.

"Brother Chang, I see..."

Naren exhaled heavily. He was really tired, especially tired. The feeling of weakness and contradiction made him very uncomfortable.

Hearing the cry of the baby, Naren felt his heart broken, and clenched his fists tightly.

In the end, he was helped back to the room by Changqing.

It seems Chang Qing wants to call the family doctor again.

Over the years, the atmosphere at home is really low, but he feels that there is something different.

When Evergreen came down, Ji Chenzhou stood up abruptly, wondering what the pain in his heart was.

It's like being sick, in short, just uncomfortable.

It seems that there is a doctor upstairs who can treat his discomfort.

Master Xiu's eyes were dark, watching Ji Chenzhou suddenly go crazy and head towards the stairs.

Chang Qing made a posture to block, but was pushed away by Ji Chenzhou.

Chang Qing was going to stop him, Master Xiu shook his head at him.

Chang Qing looked puzzled, Ji Chenzhou would definitely find Naren...

Master Xiu kissed and kissed on the baby's forehead...

Ji Chenzhou went upstairs in three steps in two steps. There were several rooms on the second floor.

The position he stood was the one that Naren had just stood.

Ji Chenzhou leaned on the wall with one hand and pressed his heart with the other, his face pale.

Then for an instant, he felt a piercing pain. If he didn't hold his hand against the wall, he might have fallen down by this time.

Ji Chenzhou bit his lip and waited for the headache to feel a little less intense before exhaling.

It's been a long time since he had a headache. After knowing that Naren jumped into the sea, he had a headache for a few days. His mother took him to the doctor, and he got better afterwards.

If he had a headache these years, his little mother would take him to the doctor.

Recently, he just can dream, dreaming of many pictures of him and Naren together.

They are all very sweet, really ridiculous, when will that guy smile at himself so tenderly.

He would only blindly say no to himself, and eventually escape from him with death. For such a person, why did he dream of him, why...

Why do I feel pain in my heart because I think of him, so pain that I can't breathe...

Ji Chenzhou walked step by step, because of the pain, both legs lost strength.

With heavy steps, he opened the door of a bedroom and walked in, empty.

It looked like no one had lived for a long time.

Ji Chenzhou walked out and continued walking, he went in and took a look at every room.

Until he reached the end of the corridor, the moment he opened the door, the smell in the air made him feel inexplicably familiar.

His heart began to hurt again, and Ji Chenzhou's hand gripped the doorknob tightly, supporting the weight of his whole body.

He walked in step by step, breathing harder as he walked.

When he saw pictures of him and the baby knight on a wall, Ji Chenzhou smiled...

That laughter was crazy, and tears came out of his eyes...

Many photos on the wall were taken secretly, some were screenshots of videos, and some were photos taken in the photo studio every birthday of the knight and the baby. The entire wall was...

He looked around this bedroom like crazy...

On the table near the window, there are a lot of shells, all kinds of beautiful.

Ji Chenzhou smiled sullenly at the corner of his mouth, shell, huh...

With a wave of his hand, everything placed on the table, including those beautiful shells, was swept to the ground.

A crisp cracking sound...

Naren, who was hiding in the bathroom, heard the sound from outside, sliding down the tiled wall. Although Ji Chenzhou didn’t say a word, his smile and his tantrum and throwing things were enough to prove that he must know he was there. In this room.

Naren has always understood Ji Chenzhou's keenness and intelligence.

He had thought about whether he would meet Ji Chenzhou in his life, and then he would imagine all kinds of meeting scenes, but there was no such kind.

Ji Chenzhou suddenly rushed into his room, without warning, and discovered the fact that he was still alive in this world.

He had been hiding for five years, and he thought he would hide like this for a lifetime, looking at them secretly forever, listening to their voices secretly, just so lonely.

Ji Chenzhou's fire-breathing eyes kept staring at the bathroom door, and his instinct told him that he was inside...

Ji Chenzhou didn't know what words to use to describe his mood at this time, it was really ridiculous.

Naren, you really dare to do it, you dare to play with him like this, for five years, you actually hid for five years...

Not dead, so good, so good...

There were a few SLR cameras on the bookshelf, Ji Chenzhou strode over, picked up one and threw it to the ground.

Then the second one was thrown to the floor...

He knows how much Naren treasures these SLRs.

How did Ji Chenzhou know that at this time, how could Naren care about SLRs and not SLRs? He doesn't have the strength to even move a finger right now.

Ji Chenzhou launched a ruthless attack. It was estimated that Satan would be afraid of him a bit. In an instant, Naren's room became a mess.

Ji Chenzhou is still staring at the bathroom door, can't come out yet?

Can’t come out yet?

Don't you want to see him?

Still want to escape from him?

Don't miss him at all, do you?

There is a door between the two.

The benevolence inside endured the bone-wrenching miss, he wanted to rush out too much and hugged the man tightly.

This man he loves so much that he can't be together...

However, after such a meeting, how to deal with the problems afterwards, he covered his eyes with his hands in pain, not wanting to cry, not wanting...

Especially not wanting Ji Chenzhou to see him cry.

He doesn't have the memory of them falling in love. What does his crying like this mean to him?

Changqing heard the sound and ran up. He was afraid that Naren would be injured, but he didn't see Naren when he came in. He was in a mess.

"Ji Shao, what do you mean?"

Evergreen glanced at the direction of the bathroom calmly, not sure what was going on inside.

"Get out!" Ji Shenzhou shouted at Changqing without turning his head, still looking at the bathroom door.

"Three brothers..." The baby also followed, Nuo Shengsheng called Ji Chenzhou, but there was fear in his eyes.

Because she had never seen her third brother lose her temper.

Behind the baby was a knight. He saw the mess in a place and instinctively kept the baby in his arms.

Hearing the baby's voice, Naren opened the bathroom door abruptly, then grabbed the doorknob tightly, and could no longer move.

The moment Ji Chenzhou saw Naren, his breathing stopped.

Even if he guessed the absurd possibility, Naren was not dead, he was in this room.

However, when Naren stood in front of him alive, Ji Chenzhou was completely dead, unable to think, unable to speak, and unable to move his eyes...

It's really Naren. He hasn't changed at all for five years. He is still so handsome and attractive...

It's just... his face didn't red anymore when he saw him.

Don't you want to escape from him? Isn't it to leave him, would you rather jump into the sea and die?

Ji Chenzhou, you are really stupid. He grew up by the sea. How could he jump into the sea and die? You are so stupid that you will be fooled by him for five years.

He actually wanted to move his tomb away. When his Naren knew about this, he must have laughed to death, right?

He was dead, and he still remembered him so much that he even had to move his tomb.

Ji Chenzhou felt ironic when he inadvertently saw the picture of that wall.

So why do you secretly take pictures of him?

Not only secretly photographed him, but also the baby and the knight. What does he want to do?

Ji Chenzhou looked at the photos very unsightly, he walked over a few steps, and tore the photos indiscriminately, scared the baby to shrink into the arms of the knight.

They have never seen such a third brother...

Naren rushed out and hugged Ji Chenzhou's back, "Don't tear it..."

Naren just yelled out such a sentence. Over the years, he has relied on these photos and videos to live.

Ji Chenzhou can't destroy them, can't...

"Go away, Naren, why go away..."

Ji Chenzhou waved his hand and threw Naren out. Together, they had never beaten Ji Chenzhou in strength.

Especially when he is still sick and very weak.

When Changqing wanted to go to La Naren, it was too late.

When Naren fell, his back happened to hit a few shells, and he shrank in pain.

The baby cried immediately when she saw that Naren was thrown to the ground. I don't know why, but she felt distressed when she saw the third brother bullying this handsome boy.

She ran over immediately, because the ground was in a mess, and when the baby ran, she almost fell.

Chang Qing hugged her.

"Baby, don't come here..."

Naren feared that the child would be hurt, and immediately endured the pain and said to her.

"Brother, you hate, you hate... why are you so hated."

The baby was crying fiercely, stretched out to go to Naren, Changqing glared at Ji Chenzhou in annoyance, then took the baby a few steps and walked in front of Naren, putting her on the ground carefully.

"It doesn't hurt to blow, and it doesn't hurt to blow..." The baby didn't know where Naren was injured, so he blew around like that, tears falling in anxious tears.

Naren's heart was shattered, and he took the baby into his arms with a hand, "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anywhere, baby don't cry, dad...don't cry."

That dad was swallowed by Naren abruptly, he was afraid that he would scare the child.

Everything happened too suddenly. Ji Chenzhou hates him now, hates his deception, and the child's affairs cannot be said at this time.

Ji Chenzhou laughed. Master Xiu's love for the baby is so inexplicable. Now Naren is so loving to the baby, and the love is like his child.

Really ridiculous, so ridiculous...

Is he still obsessed with his father and still likes his father, so...

That's why I took pictures of babies and knights. Is this Aiwu and Wu?

This love is so great...

"Naren, you are really disgusting, don't hug my sister, you don't want to be with my father in your life, you die with this heart, he won't like you!"

Ji Chenzhou came over and snatched the baby from Naren's arms.

"Third brother, you badass, don't want you to hold, hate you..."

His arms were empty all of a sudden, Naren couldn't help looking at the struggling baby, plus Ji Chenzhou's cannibal expression.

There was a bitter smile on Ren Junxiu's face. In Ji Chenzhou's memory, he still liked Sir Alex...

Even though the white compassionate blood was bleeding, Naren stood up while enduring the pain in his back.

"Ji Chenzhou, don't scare the child, what do you have at me, give me the baby."

Naren reached out to carry the baby.

"To you? Who do you think you are? Naren, don't you want to die, I will fulfill you and wait for me."

After Ji Chenzhou said this, he couldn't help holding the crying baby and left angrily.

The knight standing at the door kept staring at Naren, and there was a calmness beyond his age in his clear eyes.

"Knight, can I hug you?" Naren looked at his son and opened his mouth tremblingly.

"You are the father..."

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