The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1484: Sinking-I will never spare you lightly

The knight's face was very calm, but what he said stopped Naren's steps just now.

Looking at the knight in shock, what did the child say?

"You are the father..."

Naren opened his mouth several times, but didn't say anything, because the knight's eyes were too calm, as if he was telling you, I see, you are our father...

And his calm tone is like telling Naren that he hates him...

Why do they want to call someone else's father when they hide it? This is Naren's most direct feeling.

It was not until the knight heard Ji Chenzhou's roar that he silently turned and left the room.

Naren was about to limp to the ground at the moment his body disappeared from the knight. Fortunately, Changqing supported him in time to prevent him from being injured again.

Looking at the mess in a place, Chang Qing didn't understand why Master Xiu didn't let himself stop Ji Chenzhou.

If Ji Chenzhou hadn't come up just now, these things wouldn't happen.

Ji Chenzhou’s expression and the words he said just now obviously hated Naren, hated his deception, and hid it for five years...

This is the memory of not being in love, all hate like this, if there are those memories, what would be like, Changqing dare not think.

When Master Xiu walked in, he hugged Naren lightly. Naren cried, crying silently, but fiercely.

It was like Qin Nan died in front of him five years ago, in a state where he could no longer speak.

Master Xiu squeezed his face and forced him to look at him.

"Baby crying in front of me, I can't stand it, she can feel your presence, so can Ji Chenzhou, he can feel..."

Master Xiu does not regret not letting Changqing stop Ji Chenzhou. When the baby is crying so sad, just to see Naren, the most important thing is...

The baby lay in his ear and asked him in a low voice, "Is that express delivery Naren? I think he is Naren..."

At that moment, after hearing the name of Naren twice in the baby's mouth, Master Xiu felt that the tense one in these years had burst.

He also knew how much Naren wanted to see the child. After seeing the baby two days ago, Naren became ill.

Master Xiu is also worried that if this continues, the benevolent life will not last long and will be stagnant all day long.

He and Ji Chenzhou shouldn't be like this, those hatreds...

It has been five years since Naren, Ji Chenzhou and their children have been separated...

His parents should have seen Naren's pain in their own right. As parents, they would forgive their son.

Even if he didn't avenge them, it was enough. This kind of separation, five years, was enough, really enough...

Master Xiu thought, so be it, let them be together and stop torturing each other.

"Master Xiu... the knight knows... I am his father..."

His son spoke to him so calmly, with no emotion in his eyes, that Ren's heart seemed to be dug out and thrown into an ice hole.

The pain was icy.

"Sooner or later, you will know that both the knight and the baby are smart children. I can't help it..."

Baby is really like Naren, you must stick to what you decide.

She said that the person he saw was Naren, or to be more precise, this is the heart of father and daughter.

Bloodline affection, even if it is separated, is continuously blocked and still has a magical traction.

"Ji Chenzhou hates me..." Naren can understand the state of Ji Chenzhou today. Whoever experiences such a thing will go crazy.

He saw deep hatred in Ji Chenzhou's eyes.

"He is not qualified to hate you. It is their Ji family who is sorry for you. You are tortured yourself, but you are atonement for his father."

After Naren came back, Master Xiu thought about killing Ji Chenzhou's father, but Naren stopped him.

He didn't want Ji Chenzhou to have no father, no father.

In fact, Naren himself knew very well that when he was robbed, it was because he cared about Ji Chenzhou in his heart. Otherwise, he would shoot all through, if he could kill the true and false president.

At that time, he really hesitated. Therefore, he eventually shot the fake president, but did not give him a fatal blow.

When the robbery went out, Naren regretted it. He wondered if Ji Chenzhou's father died, would he experience the pain of losing his mother again.

He has no mother, no maternal love, and has been indifferent to his father for so many years. Now he has finally reconciled, and his father is dead again...

Then he died again, then Ji Chenzhou really couldn't live anymore. At that time, Naren really regretted it.

Fortunately, the president is still alive and has been re-elected all these years.

Without the memory of their love, Ji Chenzhou lived well or badly, at least he lived well compared to Naren.

"I think there will be a lot of people coming in a while, you...Changqing bring the medicine box."

Before he finished speaking, he realized that Naren's back was covered with blood and was injured.

But Naren himself didn't have any, and felt the wound on his back hurt.

Sure enough, the wound on Naren's side had just been treated and he had some food.

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing are here...

Master Xiu said hello in advance, so the guard let him go.

Naren sat on the sofa. The wound on his back was not deep, but they were all scratched buttons, so he couldn't lie down.

Gu Jue ran in first, and when the baby said that Naren was alive, he still didn't believe it.

When the third son got home, he lost his temper and threw things everywhere, wishing to tear down the house, and then shut himself into the room.

It happened that Qin Shaoyou was there, so he let it watch the child, and he and Chu Baiqing rushed over.

Seeing Naren sitting there alive, Gu Jue only felt that his blood was pouring up, it was real, Naren was really alive...

Knowing that Naren is alive, he should be particularly happy, but his voice is full of anger.

He seems to be able to understand why his third son is going to get angry. If he wants to get angry, his heart is very suffocated.

Can't find a word to describe how he feels, especially uncomfortable.

Naren's eyes did not dare to look at Sir Alex, he knew how much torture his death was for those who cared about him.

Over the years, without Sir Alex and Young Master Chu, Ji Chenzhou didn't know what his life would be like.

The baby and the knight were so well taken care of by them, and he really appreciated them.

"Lord Sir..." Naren saw Sir Alex Ferguson's eyes full of anger, and called Lord Sir Alex and didn't know what to say.

Just stood there for five years...

He knew everything, what happened to them every day, he knew everything.

It is these that support him to live, imagining that he is still living with them.

Gu Jue walked towards Naren step by step, staring at him steadfastly.

As if afraid of him disappearing from his eyes.

Naren wanted to smile at Sir Alex Ferguson, but couldn't smile. It seemed that there shouldn't be any expression at this time.

Sir Alex punched Naren on the left shoulder, "Why don't you tell us if you are alive?"

Sir Alex gritted his teeth to ask, staring at Naren ferociously.

The strength of Sir Alex Ferguson was not small, and Naren, who hit directly with this punch, took two steps back.

Naren opened his mouth and couldn't say anything. He smiled bitterly. Even if he smiled like this, he felt happy because it was great to be able to look at Sir Alex Ferguson face to face.

No longer hiding in the dark, watching secretly...

Then Sir Alex took a step forward and punched again in the spot where he had just hit.

"Do you know how many times I cried for you."

Ferguson really cried many times, when he thought of Naren's such a good "daughter-in-law", it disappeared.

Why did such a good child die...

He would almost not be able to live without his third son. When he thought of this, Gu Jue's heart hurts, it hurts badly, and then he cry.

He is such a hard-hearted person, but when he thinks of Naren, he feels soft instantly. If he is weak, he will only cry.

But this guy was alive and well, but he didn't tell them that he really should fight.

"Lord Sir... I'm sorry..."

Naren was directly meditated on the sofa this time, and his back inertia directly leaned on the sofa, frowning slightly in pain.

"I don't care what **** reason you have, I have no culture, but I think no reason is not important to live."

Chu Baiqing made various analyses on the way here, and he thought that Ren must have difficulties.

However, in the end, Gu Jue only said one sentence, "If you have any difficulties, you can't face it and solve it together."

Yes, what kind of problem, as long as we are together, face and solve it, why do we go to suspended animation and hide everyone for so many years?

Do you know how sad everyone is because of his death...

Gu Jue pulled Naren's body and looked at his face, exactly the same as it was five years ago, exactly the same, nothing changed.

He raised his fist and wanted to fight. He was really too angry. Okay, why didn't he tell them...

However, this punch did not go on in the end.

Instead, he hugged Naren tightly in his arms. With great strength, Naren almost couldn't breathe.

Naren has been crying a lot recently. This is how people are, and there is sadness in his heart, just a little touch will make him collapse.

What's more, with such emotions, Naren cried fiercely and kept saying sorry.

Keep talking...

Gu Jue also cried, and kept scolding him, "I really want to beat you hard..."

"beat you……"

"You are so alive and well, don't you say..."

"Don't you want the baby and the knight, they are all five years old, five years old..."

"Just stay alive, just stay alive, Sir Alex is happy..."

In the end, Sir Alex Ferguson was crying bitterly, and Changqing beside him was really frightened.

Unexpectedly, the famous Sir Alex would cry like this.

But at the same time, I am also happy for Naren, it's great that so many people care about him.

Although he has no parents anymore, he has so many relatives, this kind of blessing is not common to all.

"Lord Sir, you hit, beat me, I'm not good..."

Because of his being alone, so many people are uncomfortable following him, Naren feels that he is too guilty.

He had discussed with Sir Alex just now that he would not tell anyone about Ji Chenzhou's killing of his parents.

They just need to be in pain, and instead of everyone else, Naren would rather hurt himself.

The most important thing is that he doesn't want Ji Chenzhou to suffer or torture him...

Sir Alex also agreed, and Naren apologized to his parents again and again in his heart.

He hoped that they would forgive him, and hoped that they would forgive him in heaven.

He really misses children too much, too much for Ji Shenzhou...

He didn't know how many more years he could have, he didn't dare to think about...

When he took the baby into his arms, he knew that he might have to bear it.

Master Xiu knows himself better than him, so he didn't stop Ji Chenzhou.

Chu Baiqing stood there all the time, with a soft light in his eyes, and the usual smile at the corner of his mouth, so gentle.

Chu Baiqing took out his mobile phone and took a picture of Naren and Gu Jue.

Then looked at the screen and smiled with satisfaction.

"Fuck, you still want to take pictures..." Gu Jue stared at Chu Baiqing in annoyance. At this time, how could he still be in the mood to take pictures.

He knew that their Chu Baiqing was the most calm, but this was the living Naren, standing in front of them alive, he didn't react at all?

It’s so amazing...

Naren ran over and hugged Chu Baiqing tightly, "Young Master Chu, I'm sorry..."

He knows how much Chu Baiqing has paid for Ji Chenzhou, and has taken care of him carefully these years.

For fear that he will be hurt, Naren is grateful to him...

"It's fine to live. I prayed countless times that there can be miracles. Really, no matter what reason you have, you don't want to say that no one will force you, just live."

Chu Baiqing, the most considerate, also understood Na Ren the most.

The reason for this is that he can face him so calmly.

This is Chu Baiqing, whoever is with him will not feel pressure and will be at ease...

"Chu Shao, thank you, thank you, I will tell you one day, I will... but not now, sorry, sorry..."

Naren didn't want to cry, really didn't want to cry, but, how can he be loved by so many people, he really has nothing to return.

"Okay, don't cry. Some of you will cry in the future. Shen Zhou almost blew up his home when he returned. He will not spare you lightly, especially he..."

Chu Baiqing wanted to say that Ji Chenzhou didn't have the memory of their love each other, but once thought, if Naren knew this, he would not be able to stand it.

"I know he has no memory. That's good. Really, it's not good to remember. It doesn't hurt."

The smile at the corner of Na Ren's mouth was very bitter, and Chu Baiqing didn't say anything.

Sometimes you don’t have to ask or say anything again, it's naturally clear.

Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue stayed here for a while and then left. After all, there was Ji Chenzhou at home, and they had to go back to comfort them.

Naren still remembered what Ji Chenzhou told him, let him wait, he really waited obediently, even if he missed the child very much.

He finally waited for Ji Chenzhou to arrive, but he was violent and arrogantly snatched Naren from Master Xiu.

It was also because Master Xiu had told him not to stop him, otherwise how could he take Naren away.

In the car, the two of them were speechless. Even if they hadn't seen each other for two days, Ji Chenzhou still had a fierce expression on his face, wishing to tear Naren apart.

Naren didn't ask him where he wanted to take him, so he sat quietly in the co-pilot.

When the car stopped, Naren was really stunned. Here is...

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