The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1485: Sinking——Go back to bed and lie down (6,000 words)

Ji Shenzhou actually took him downstairs in the school dormitory...

Naren's mood is very complicated. It should be said that this is the place where the two of them really began to entangle.

Ji Chenzhou forced him in the dormitory, and he still can't forget the memory of that night.

It was so rude and fanatical, that kind of pain, now that I think about it, Na Rendu still has a lingering fear.

Ji Chenzhou has this memory, so he will bring himself here.

However, more than five years have passed, and this is no longer their bedroom.

Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren's collar. Tugged him into it.

The students who came in and out looked at them curiously. After all, their faces were all there, which was quite eye-catching, even if it was a male dormitory.

Naren's face was blushing, and Ji Chenzhou's selfish temper has become stronger over the years.

Naren was originally a little shorter than Ji Chenzhou, and being so tugged by him seemed like a miserable bullying.

When he was dragged upstairs by Ji Chenzhou, Naren finally opened his mouth unbearably.

"Ji Chenzhou, stop making trouble, it's been five years, that dormitory..."

Before Naren finished speaking, Ji Chenzhou took out the key and opened the door of the dormitory.

When the door was kicked and opened by Ji Chenzhou, Naren seemed to have returned to five years ago in an instant. No, to be exact, it should be six years ago...

Nothing has changed. The furnishings of the concept are exactly the same as when he lived here. There is no change at all, the same as in the memory...

Naren was pushed forward by Ji Chenzhou.

The air in the room does not smell of dust, can you feel it, there are often people cleaning and opening windows for ventilation.

Naren stood there blankly, with mixed feelings in his heart, Ji Chenzhou actually kept it here.

Naren was hugged by Ji Chenzhou from behind, to be exact, was imprisoned.

"We were in this room and that bed for the first time, remember?"

Ji Chenzhou pointed to Naren's bed and asked him, his tone was heavy, as if he was trying his best to restrain something.

Ji Chenzhou's voice is a bit hoarse. He hasn't shaved these days, and the stubble on Naren's neck makes him feel a slight itching and tingling, but he feels very satisfied.

He couldn't even think about embracing him like this before.

How could he not remember the unpleasant things he thought he was with Ji Chenzhou, he would never remember, but he remembered everything very clearly.

Because that is the beginning of nourishing and regenerating love.

"Well, remember, you drank too much that night..."

Naren remembered all the memories of that night, not just pain.

"Why do I drink too much, but I just want you."

Ji Chenzhou's alcohol volume is not bad, pretending to drink too much, but just to make him.

Naren smiled, how could he not know.

"I didn't drink today. We revisited the old place and reminisce about what it was like."

Speaking of Ji Chenzhou, he moved Naren's face impatiently, pampered his lips, and kissed him.

When he held Naren in his arms, he couldn't help it, completely unable to restrain it.

It seems that his Gu Qian only reacts to Naren, in fact, it is true.

In five years, Lu Kai has seduce him many times, except for the moment he took him as Naren last time, and after he reacted, he did not do anything else.

Naren staggered back two steps, and Ji Chenzhou hugged his waist and rushed to the bed.

The kiss after five years of absence is like a long drought and rain, dry wood meets a raging fire, and it is out of control.

Even if Ji Chenzhou does not have the memory of loving each other for the past five years, but deep down in his heart, the love for that benevolence has not changed from beginning to end.

Naren closed his eyes and responded to Ji Chenzhou. It has been five years. He didn't want to. Sometimes it hurts as much as he thought, and he couldn't cry.

Ji Chenzhou was taken aback for Naren's active response.

No matter how strong Naren is, he won't respond to him if he doesn't force him.

Just now he kissed him, and he actually responded with his arms around his neck.

This is also...

It's so incredible, but Ji Chenzhou damnably likes it.

In the past, what Ji Chenzhou liked most was to tear Naren's clothes, but today...

Naren came to pull at his clothes, more anxious than him.

When Ji Chenzhou originally went to find Naren, he prepared a lot of anger, just to bring him here to give a good vent.

Then, he humiliated him fiercely, watched his blushing blood, and forced him to beg for mercy.

But, this time, Naren doesn't need to force...

Complete initiative...

Ji Chenzhou didn't care about so much. For five years, he had been living as a monk, and he didn't think there was anything.

However, the clothes of the two of them were almost stripped clean, and the scent of tears was burning.

Although everything in the dormitory is the same as before, the only exception is the lack of cover and lubrication.

However, this is already the time, and I can't control that much.

After five years, I entered again, both of them felt bad, both hurt...

Naren bit the quilt and said nothing, but cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

"Fuck, I'll come out..." Even if Ji Chenzhou was angry with Na Ren, five years of deception made him want to pinch him to death every minute, but after all, he felt distressed and pained.

However, Naren refused, "Go on, I'm fine..."

Naren's voice was trembling, and his whole body was trembling in pain.

However, even so, he has to do it with Ji Chenzhou.

Na Ren's words once again made Ji Chenzhou stunned. If he didn't resist, he took the initiative. Would this be even more painful?

Could it be that Naren hid for five years, and then realized that he fell in love with himself, that's why?

Why would you care about this, Ji Chenzhou, Naren had already hooked his neck and kissed him.

Even if he felt sorry for him, this meeting was completely ignited.

In the bathroom

Naren carefully took off his compassionate shirt. Both he and Ji Chenzhou's clothes were taken off, but he was the only one who prevented him from taking off his compassionate shirt.

Bleeding from the wound, and then realized the pain, let Naren exhale.

Not only was the wound on the back hurt, but there was also no good pain, but the pain was very satisfying.

Three times, not tired...

Ji Chenzhou was lying on the bed, with obvious scratches on his back, it is conceivable that it came from whose hand.

Looking at the bathroom door, Ji Chenzhou got up irritably, picked up his clothes from the ground, turned out the smoke point, and took a hard breath.

Especially irritable, because just now when Naren was climbing to the highest point of happiness, he actually called his husband.


Why did he feel shocked when he heard these two words, but the pain was not good, this kind of pain seemed to want to tear a hole and rush out, but he was blocked by something.

This extremely dull feeling that could not be torn apart made Ji Chenzhou smoke non-stop.

There is no sound of water in the bathroom, and Naren is not taking a shower...

Ji Chenzhou didn't know what he was doing.

See you in five years. After Naren came back from the dead, Ji Chenzhou felt that he had changed, and his attitude towards him was completely different from five years ago.

He thought he would just continue to use force on him, just like before, to persecute him, wasn't he because of this fake death, then he would use this to punish him.

However, Naren took the initiative completely, even when he said that he was kneeling there, he smiled and did it without any objection.

Such Naren is very strange to Ji Chenzhou, but he feels that this is normal. It is this kind of contradictory feeling that makes him very depressed.

He didn't like the feeling of being unable to control, he wiping out the cigarette in the ashtray casually, Ji Chenzhou just opened the bathroom door naked.

What caught the eye was Naren's injured back, and many wounds on it were bleeding.

Naren turned around in a panic, not wanting Ji Chenzhou to see his injury.

Lest he worry...

However, what Ling Naren didn't expect was that Ji Chenzhou walked directly inside, opened the shower, and took a bath.

Ji Chenzhou took a bath irritably and didn't go to see Naren.

No wonder, just now, he has never allowed himself to undress him or touch his back.

This is a new injury...

Even if I was injured, I didn't say a word. I deserved it for pain and bleeding.

Ji Chenzhou was obviously distressed in his heart, especially distressed, but the action that Naren just turned around to prevent him from watching still annoyed him, and asked him to say, "How did it happen?"

He swallowed it abruptly.

He was hurt like this, and he was still pestering him. Such Naren made his anger go up.

Very irritable, just like getting angry, getting angry at Naren, but still reluctant, what a **** contradiction.

Obviously he deceived himself. After five years, he was alive and well, but he was tortured because of him.

If he doesn't kill him, even if he has a good temper, how can he feel sorry for him, Ji Chenzhou, you are sick.

Ji Chenzhou's indifference caused Naren's mouth to show a bitter smile.

Ji Chenzhou still has such a childish temper, but he doesn't know what he will be angry with.

Obviously he was full just now, and he kissed him tenderly contentedly.

That kiss made Naren feel in a daze that they had not been apart for five years, they had lived together for five years, so naturally.

However, the passion faded, and the problem came again. His five-year suspended animation was unforgivable by Ji Chenzhou and must be punished.

Qin Nan asked him if he really didn't tell Ji Chenzhou why he had suspended his death, so that he would continue to misunderstand him and suffer the pain alone. Is it worth it?

What Qin Nan said about endure refers to Naren's guilt towards his parents, not being able to avenge them, and having to be with his enemy's son again. Such torture, Qin Nan worried that Naren would not be able to bear it.

You still have to be together when you go around, life is like this, you can't help but choose.

Those who should be together, even if they have been separated for many years, will be held together by fate.

Naren didn't know whether it was worth it. He only knew that he didn't want Ji Chenzhou to be tortured. Instead of suffering for both of them, he might as well bear it alone.

Five years of separation and punishment would at least allow him to face his dead parents...

Naren just saw that the medicines in the medicine chest were out of date and could not be used.

Go back in a while and ask Changqing to re-bandage him.

When Naren picked up the compassionate shirt, he had to put it on. There was blood on the compassionate shirt, although the black one was not visible.

Through the water vapor, Ji Chenzhou saw Naren's movements and walked over with a few steps of anger. He tore off Naren's compassionate shirt, threw it back, and dropped it under the shower.

"Go back to bed and lie down."

Ji Chenzhou's tone was very aggressive, and he pulled the towel at random and wiped it randomly on himself.

Seeing that benevolence did not move, he pulled him out.

The two of them were doing it on Naren's bed just now, and it was messy. Ji Chenzhou directly asked Naren to go to his bed and lie down.

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou with a cold face, his eyes full of anger, but his heart warmed.

Even if there is no memory of falling in love, even because of his suspended animation, Ji Chenzhou wants to kill him.

However, after all, I was reluctant to bear him, felt sorry for him, and still couldn't help it.

Ji Chenzhou put on his clothes and went out with the key. Naren lay on the bed and slowly closed his eyes, not to let himself cry.

Many things have changed in five years, and I really think that nothing has changed.

Just when Naren was about to fall asleep, Ji Chenzhou came back and bought medicine and bandages.

When applying medicine to Naren, looking at the small wounds, Ji Chenzhou suddenly thought that when he pushed Naren to the ground that day, he just fell on his back.

It seems to

Ji Chenzhou cursed damned in his heart.

The action of applying the medicine on the hand is a bit cruel.

"It hurts..." Naren was going to sleep in a daze, and the sudden pain made him groan dissatisfied.

"Why didn't it hurt you!"

Although Ji Chenzhou said so, the smearing movement returned to its previous lightness.

"Do you really want me to die?" Naren asked with a smile lying on the pillow.

Sometimes the smile on the mouth is to cover up the bitterness in the heart.

Ji Chenzhou didn't speak, of course he didn't want to, but he certainly wouldn't speak.

"Since you don't want me to die, don't say such things. If I... really die, what should I do."

Naren thought, if he really died, it would be fine. Ji Chenzhou would not be so painful without the memory of their love each other, but would only be unwilling.

There are people who don't know what is good or bad, he is chasing after Ji Shao, and actually escapes with death, nothing more.

"Shut up!" Ji Chenzhou started hard again. He didn't want to listen to Naren's words. When he heard him, he wanted to kill him.

"Okay, when you finish, hug me to sleep! Tired!"

Naren missed Ji Chenzhou's arms, and missed the days he held in his arms every night.

Before Ji Chenzhou slept with him, he liked to hold him, but he was used to sleeping alone, he was always angry and said he hated him.

However, now he is very greedy for this embrace, wanting him to sleep in his arms for a lifetime, what a **** happy thing.

"Do you really fall in love with me?"

Ji Chenzhou pinched Naren's jaw, twisted his face, let him look at himself and asked.

Now actively asking him to sleep with him? Just now he took the initiative to ask for joy, he could understand that all men need it, and they are all slapped like that, they must be released.

How do you explain it now?

Repeatedly taking the initiative made Ji Chenzhou doubt if he really fell in love with him, but he felt that it was impossible. In short, it was really annoying.

"Well, love you very much, love very much..."

Naren's voice was vague, and he was too tired to be sleepy.

He has always used drugs to get himself to sleep, but now as long as Ji Chenzhou is by his side, he can fall asleep so easily.

"what did you say?"

Ji Chenzhou's face can be said to be quite wonderful, shaking Naren's body in astonishment, asking him to say it again.

He is sure he heard it right, he said he loves you very much, but is that what he said to him?

Or does he treat him as his father in a daze?

Or maybe another man appeared next to him in the past five years...

Both of these possibilities are possible, but neither one is what Ji Chenzhou wants.

And that husband, do you think he is another man?

Thinking of this possibility, Ji Chenzhou was furious and shook Naren several times without actually waking him up.

Even though he was so angry, but in the end, Ji Chenzhou still wrapped the man's back with a bandage.

He didn't wake up even when he lifted Naren's body.

This time Naren was sleeping very heavily. When he woke up, Ji Chenzhou was not there, and his heart was very lost, and he couldn't say anything.

Fortunately, there is a t-shirt he wore when he went to school in the dormitory, and now it still fits well.

Looking around the room again, Naren smiled, as if he was reborn.

"Mom and Dad, I'm sorry, this time, I want to be with the child and him, please forgive me..."

When leaving the dormitory, Naren said these words silently again in his heart.

When Ji Chenzhou returned to the dormitory, there was no trace of Naren.

Throwing the food container in his hand on the table, his mobile phone rang.

He took a look at his father's, and quickly picked it up. Normally his father would not call him unless there was something wrong.

"You gotta go back soon, baby won't eat."

Gu Jue's irritable voice came from the phone, and it was a headache.

"I know, go back now. You can drink a yogurt pad to cushion her belly, so don't be hungry."

The baby's temperament didn't know who had followed his father and mother, it was very awkward.

No one can get rid of the sullen temper.

Xiao Qi, Xiao Jiu and the knight would not be like this. Although they have a little temperament, they will never be like a baby. If you don't say a word to you, you will be bored.

How would Ji Chenzhou know that this is all for Naren.

"Don't talk nonsense, come back quickly, all of them are quarreling with me, who am I going to quarrel with."

Gu Jue said this as if he was **** off with someone.

When Ji Chenzhou heard this, it was definitely not because of the baby, then his little mother was the only one.

I heard that a group of new intern doctors came to the hospital of my little mother. There is a big boy chasing after his little mother. Everyone knows the hospital.

His father asked his little mother to drive people away, but his little mother said that the rare good seedlings actually brought them herself.

Can his father not be angry or angry...

Can not be wronged...

"You are angry at my little mother, what do you yell at me, who am I yelling at."

After speaking, Ji Chenzhou hung up the phone, and he was still upset!

Looking at the cleaned up room, Ji Chenzhou narrowed his eyes suddenly.

"Naren, you'd better not let me find out. In addition to hiding in fake death, you also hid a man."

Ji Chenzhou gritted his teeth and said.

Naren, who had just returned home, sneezed, and Qin Nan also jokingly said that Ji Chenzhou must be thinking of him.

Naren didn't say a word, and peeled the orange with his head down.

At this time, Chang Qing walked in and watched Qin Nan not speaking.

Naren felt that the atmosphere was wrong, but Qin Nan finally spoke.

"Brother Chang, is someone looking for me?"

Qin Nan took the orange that Naren had peeled for him and ate a piece of it in his mouth. It was really sweet.

"Qin Nan, what do you want to do?" Changqing has always been respectful to Qin Nan, and for nothing else, he saved Naren's life for him and made himself a disabled person.

However, what Qin Nan did today really made him angry.

Naren watched Qin Nan calmly eating oranges, while Brother Chang's face was angry, but he didn't know what happened.

"Master Xiu said that I can do what I want. I just hired a caregiver, can't it?"

Qin Nan didn't lift his head, he was still eating oranges, oranges that were originally sweet, but the more they ate, the tasteless.

"What are you looking for a caregiver for? I can take care of you, Brother Nan."

Qin Nan didn't like others to touch him. He usually did it by himself, and occasionally it was himself.

How good is it to look for care.

"Where is he looking for caregiver... he is adding to the trouble for Master Xiu."

Chang Qing's entire face was flushed because of anger.

"Brother Nan, what are you going to do? Can we stop making trouble."

Qin Nan didn't say anything about leaving here in the past two days, Naren thought he wanted to understand.

Who knows that this will be another caregiver. Just look at Brother Chang's expression and what you say to him, you can know that it is definitely not just a caregiving problem.

"If you don't bring in Brother Chang, I will pick it up by myself!"

Qin Nan didn't answer Naren's words, but still ate oranges there without raising his head.

No one in this villa knows that what Qin Nan said is equivalent to an imperial edict, because Master Xiu gave orders, and Qin Nan's request was an order.

Chang Qing turned angrily and walked out, picking up someone...

As soon as Naren was about to speak, Qin Nan spoke before him, "I know what I'm doing, I didn't make trouble, really didn't..."

Qin Nan's tone was exhausted, and the hands that ate the oranges trembled.

He just wanted to...

Naren looked at Qin Nan like this, his heart began to hurt, and the needles hurt.

He squatted down and held Qin Nan's hand, "Brother Nan, I will always be with you, for the rest of my life."

What Naren said is not to say, even if he wants to be with Ji Chenzhou again, he will accompany Qin Nan, will not leave him alone, will not...

However, Na Ren didn't know that this was what Qin Nan was most afraid of.

What he fears most is that they say they will take care of him for the rest of their lives.

When Changqing walked in with a woman, Naren knew why Changqing was so angry.

Qin Nan was looking for a caregiver, he was really making trouble for Master Xiu.

This woman...

When Qin Nan saw this woman, the corners of her mouth showed a sour smile.

When Naren was about to ask Qin Nan why he did this, Changqing's cell phone rang.

Chang Qing glanced at the phone number, then handed the phone to Naren.

"It's Ji Shao's call!"

Naren was still in a daze, and answered the phone in a daze.

Ji Chenzhou's roar came over there, and Naren almost threw the phone away.

"Naren, come to the hospital, hurry up, my mother's hospital..."

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