The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1486: Sinking——You win, I can meet your one request (5,000 words)

When Naren heard the word hospital, he thought it was Ji Chenzhou.

"what happened to you?"

I didn't wear a jacket, and walked directly out.

"Where are you so much nonsense, come here now."

After talking about Ji Shenzhou, he hung up the phone without giving Naren a chance to speak again.

Because he didn't know what was going on there, Chang Qing was not assured that Naren went there alone, and drove him with him.

When Naren arrived at the hospital, he called Ji Chenzhou again, but he did not answer.

Naren went directly to Chu Baiqing's office, not anxious.

Chu Baiqing had just changed clothes and came out of the lounge, and was stunned when he saw Naren coming in.

"Why are you here?" Chu Baiqing looked at Naren anxiously, thinking about something.

"Ji Chenzhou called me and asked me to come. He didn't answer the phone when I came. I don't know what happened to him."

There was a bit of anger in Naren's voice, Qi Ji Shenzhou did not answer the phone, and when he called before, he did not explain the matter.

Chu Baiqing frowned slightly. If something happened to Ji Chenzhou, he wouldn't know it.

And when he came out of the operating room just now, he called his home, and Gu Jue told him to come back early. He was asked to hook around outside, and he didn't say anything.

At this time, Chu Baiqing's cell phone rang, and he saw that it was Ji Shenzhou who was calling.

He glanced at Naren, then took it.

"Mom, has that little black gone?" Ji Chenzhou's voice was lazy, as if he couldn't lift his energy.

"Well, what's wrong with you in my place?" Naren also leaned over to hear what was going on.

Junsu's face was still anxious.

"I'm okay, it's just that his back is injured. Mom, please take care of him, don't leave scars, and that. Give him some medicine in that place. It is estimated that there will be a wound... OK, I want to coax baby Up."

Ji Chenzhou hung up after talking over there.

That benevolence was too angry, he hurried over, he was okay.

What does it mean that there is a wound in that place? Whatever he says...

Although there was nothing to say with Young Master Chu, Naren still blushed.

Chu Baiqing cleared his throat, smiled and put away the phone.

"He cares about you, and he can't wipe his face. Give him some time. Nothing is important to be together."

Chu Baiqing would not ask why Naren disappeared for the past five years. He knew that he must have had a lasting problem, otherwise he was so sensible and obedient, how could he be willing to make so many people sad for him.

"I know Young Master Chu, Knight..."

Naren didn't know how to face the two children face to face.

"The knight went back and asked me that the kid was not very talkative, but he was so smart. He told the truth to him, he didn't say anything."

Chu Baiqing and Naren told the truth, the knight is already five years old, and he has the ability to judge things on his own. They shouldn't force interference and let him adapt.

"Young Master Chu, I'm so sorry for the child, I..."

Naren didn't know how to tell Chu Shao his feelings, five years, he owed the child five years.

He knew it would cause harm to children.

This is why he did not go to see the children in these two days.

He doesn't know how to face them. He is afraid that he will not be able to control it. He will tell them that I am your father...

That is even more a kind of harm to the child, the most direct, perhaps accompanied by a lifetime.

"Naren, don't feel guilty. Let's just let the flow go. Tangtang and Mumu both had parents afterwards. They can accept them, and the knights and babies are also OK. Don't worry about this.

Regarding this point, Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue's opinions are unified, let the children know naturally.

"Okay, now I will show you the wound."

Chu Baiqing spoke with Naren and walked out of the office.

"No, Ji Chenzhou has given me medicine, and it will be better in a few days, Young Master Chu."

When Naren heard the wound, the first thing he thought of was not the one on his back, but the place...

At the place that Ji Chenzhou specifically explained, his face turned red.

"Everyone is here, let's take a look!"

Chu Baiqing smiled and said, the third son has already asked, he naturally wants to take care of it.

After everything was processed, Chu Baiqing asked Naren if he wanted to go back with him, he hesitated, and nodded.

On the way, Naren asked Chu Baiqing to stop by the road and went to the cake shop to buy a lot of cakes.

Chu Baiqing glanced at it, and all four children were willing to eat.

It seems that these years, Naren has been paying attention to children.

"I am watching the videos that Shao Chu sends to Master Xiu every day..."

Naren explained with a smile, he thought that one day if he said why he suspended his death, he thought he would be the first to talk to Chu Shao.

If he could, he didn't want to say it all his life.

"Then you should also know that Lu Kai has been chasing the sunken boat all these years, and now he is also working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

In view of the fact that he has been making troubles from Lord Ferguson in the past few days, Chu Baiqing felt it necessary to explain this issue to Naren.

"I have seen, does Ji Chenzhou have that meaning with him?"

Seeing the interaction between the two of them that night, Naren was uncertain, because Ji Chenzhou had no memory of their love.

Therefore, he is not sure if anything has happened to him and Lu Kai over the years.

"Shen Zhou didn't mean that, or if Lu Kai had chased him for so many years, he didn't respond either." Chu Baiqing was sure of this.

"Actually, Lu Kai people are good, and they are really good to Ji Chenzhou."

Regardless of everyone's strange vision, a man has been moved by Ji Chenzhou alone for so many years.

Even going to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for him, time can change many things.

But over the years, his feelings for Ji Chenzhou have not changed. Lu Kai has also loved Ji Chenzhou for more than ten years, and Naren can't hate him with such persistence.

"How can you speak for a rival in love like this? Shen Zhou is now resenting you and your life is not easy."

Chu Baiqing knows Ji Chenzhou's temper best. If he doesn't make his heart happy, he may not decide how to torture Naren.

Humans are such contradictory animals. On the one hand, they are distressed, but on the other hand they are still hurting.

"Fortunately, I haven't experienced it before..."

"Young Master Chu, regarding Ji Chenzhou’s memory, I think it’s better to keep him from remembering it. This is actually quite good. He doesn’t remember how we fell in love, nor how his mother died. Without these memories, it wouldn’t be so painful. ."

Regarding the tragic death of Ji Chenzhou's mother, after Ji Chenzhou learned of it, it became a thorn in his heart. Without that memory, he would not be so painful, which was very good.

"Naren, let's just let this happen. After all, there are treasures and knights. One day, he wants to know that the child belongs to him."

Chu Baiqing's thoughts are very delicate, and many things are not suitable for talking at this time.

His experience tells him that going with the flow and following the schedule is the best decision.

Don't worry here, time will naturally give you the answer to your destiny.

Naren knew that as long as Chu Shao was there, there was nothing to worry about.

He and Ji Chenzhou are both lucky people, because it is rare to have these people around them who help them solve their problems.

In fact, Naren was uncomfortable. After all, Ji Chenzhou had been tossing him for so long, and without any lubrication, the pain was unavoidable.

And again after so many years...

However, in order to see the child, he still felt tolerable.

Five years later, when he walked into the home of Lord Ferguson and Chu Baiqing again, the benevolence felt a bitter.

Little has changed here in five years.

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing are used to living here, so they have never changed houses.

Because there are so many children at home, the huge living room has become an amusement park. Although it is a little messy, it is very warm.

Because on the way, Chu Baiqing received a call from Gu Jue. When he went back and forth, Chu Baiqing had already told him that Ren was also here.

Therefore, Gu Jue deliberately made some dishes that Ren would like to eat.

Xiaoqi Xiaojiu was taken home by his grandparents, so only the knight was playing in the living room.

Ji Chenzhou played with her in the baby's room.

When the knight saw Naren, he did not speak or leave, and continued to play with the spliced ​​toy in his hand.

At that moment, Na Ren felt sore and swollen, Chu Baiqing patted him on the shoulder and motioned for him to take his time.

Naren adjusted his emotions, walked over to the knight and sat down without speaking.

Pick up the toys on the carpet and start stitching.

The knight didn't say not to let him play, and the father and son didn't say anything, fighting each other.

This is a Transformers assembly toy. Naren made an Optimus Prime, and the knight made a Bumblebee...

Both moved very fast, and the knight placed his bumblebee beside Optimus Prime, got up and walked up the stairs.

Naren wanted to stop him, but thought that the child probably didn't want to talk to him, so he didn't say anything.

The knight went up a few stairs and stopped. "You come with me."

After finishing speaking, he speeded up his pace and ran up.

Naren was stunned for a while, and quickly got up and followed.

The room that the knight lives in is the previous room of Xiaoqi and Xiaojiu.

Baby is a room by yourself.

Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was still in the same room, but changed to a larger one because there was a desk or something.

Naren is familiar with the knight's room, because it is often seen in the video.

The Cavaliers cleaned the room by himself at the age of three. Although he couldn't do it well, he always did it himself.

Now that he is five years old, the room is clean and tidy, and Naren is very happy to see.

Naren stood at the door and did not enter because the knight did not invite him.

"Come in and sit there."

The knight pointed to a large Totoro cushion on the ground and said to Naren.

Naren walked in obediently and sat down, and saw the knight looking for something in his toy cabinet.

After a while, he took out a finishing box, then walked to Naren and sat down face to face.

"If you lose, you must agree to a request from the winner."

The knight poured out the contents of the storage box.

Naren glanced at it, and it was the assembly of Transformers.

Naren knew that the knight liked these assembled things, no wonder he was so smart.

If it were before, Naren would definitely not be able to do this.

However, in recent years, watching the video, the knight is assembling, and Naren is also assembling, so now he is familiar with these things and his movements are fast.

As for the child who proposed to win, he could get a request, Naren thought, he must lose, he wanted to satisfy any request of the Cavaliers.

"Well, let's start!" Naren was very happy to be able to play with children face to face like this.

This time, the Cavaliers chose Optimus Prime, and the rest was Bumblebee.

The assembly this time is obviously more complicated and larger than the one downstairs.

Naren looked at the Cavaliers earnestly doing it, and was very happy. The child wanted to win.

However, did Naren deliberately slow down his hand speed, lest the knight could see it.

The knight moves very fast, no wonder the brain is so good, the hand is particularly flexible, the mind works very fast.

"Don't you want us?" The knight lowered his head, carefully looking for what he needed, and said calmly.

"Want... very much."

Naren's hand movement paused, and he choked up when he was thinking about words.

Almost abruptly couldn't raise the tone.

Even if I can see the video every day, even a video is watched repeatedly.

That kind of heart-wrenching pain, tortured Naren is really better than death.

How much I want to hug my children, I want their little hands to hug themselves, and call Dad...

"Be careful." The knight said lightly, seeing Naren misspell one.

Didn't continue the topic just now, thinking or not...

Naren realized that he had misspelled it.

Because of the knight’s "careful"

Naren was really concentrating on stitching, and even the knight over there slowed down his hand movements, he didn't notice.

Because his son asked him to be serious, he must be serious.

Unconsciously, Naren actually assembled the Hornet. When he looked up, he realized that the Optimus Prime in the knight's hand had not been assembled...

At this time, Naren wanted to secretly tear down the two, he wanted the Cavaliers to win.

He wanted to meet the child's request, but accidentally finished it first.

"You win, I can satisfy one of your requirements."

Just when Naren was about to take it apart, the knight opened his mouth and at the same time joined the last two pieces together.

Then he put his Optimus Prime there, and took Naren Bumblebee over and put it there.

Naren looked at the knight, "You can make a request to..."

Naren almost said that you can make a request with Dad.

"You won, I allow you to make a request with me, any..."

The knight emphasized any two words specially, his eyes kept on the bumblebee made by Naren.

His favorites are Optimus Prime and Bumblebee, and now he has done both.

Naren looked at the knight, and for a moment, suddenly realized the child's intention, but he was not sure, after all, he was still a child.

It shouldn't take such a big circle to satisfy his request.

And it seems that he can predict what he will ask for...

"Hurry up, a while... baby should be here."

Seeing that Naren remained silent, the knight was a little anxious and urged.

"You know who I am, so, can you... call me Dad?"

Naren squatted in front of the knight, trying to hold him in his arms, but wondered if this little man would allow him to hold him.

What Naren didn't expect was that the knight called...

"Dad..." only yelled, and then he was about to run away.

But Naren hugged him in his arms, "Good boy, I'm sorry for Dad..."

The knight's father's voice was not loud, but Naren heard it really and called his father.

Naren hugged the knight very tightly, his voice choked, and tears couldn't stop falling.

He wanted to hear this dad. He had dreamed of it countless times. The knight and the baby called him dad.

Really heard now, really heard.

His good son...

The Cavaliers are very clever, they know everything clearly, but they are not good at expressing.

"What are you doing?" Ji Chenzhou hugged the baby and saw Naren crying while holding the knight.

"He and I lost compared to assembling toys, so we cried..."

The knight said calmly, then came out of Naren's arms and walked out.

The knight is very good at assembling, Ji Chenzhou knows, but he wants to believe in Naren because he cried because of losing, then his IQ is problematic.

However, if Ji Chenzhou didn't say anything, what the knight said was true.

The baby cried as soon as he saw Naren, crying silently.

Naren got up, looked at the baby crying, and messed up again.

Originally, he was both happy and uncomfortable because of the knight's dad. When the baby cried, his heart would start again.

"Baby, don't cry, Dad... I will hug you."

Almost said it was a father again, Naren reached out to hold the baby.

"Liar, liar..."

But the baby didn't let her hold, talking about the liar, crying more and more sad.

Naren's outstretched hand froze there. He closed his eyes slightly and exhaled, trying to calm down his emotions as much as possible. He was afraid that he would be unable to control the baby and say, I am a father...

"Well, baby don't cry, he is a liar, and the third brother will help you beat him this liar for a while."

Not only is Naren a liar in Baobao, but Ji Chenzhou is a big liar here.

"Who wants you to beat him, don't beat him..."

Even if the baby said that Naren was a liar, she did not allow the third brother to bully him.

"Didn't you say that you are not Naren? Liar..."

Baby said that Naren is a liar, it turned out to be because of this.

"I won't lie to you again, baby, let me hug you, okay? I bought you a cake..."

Baby crying, Naren feels distressed, and there are still tears on Junxiu's face. He randomly wiped twice with the back of his hand.

"Then are you my third sister-in-law?" The baby asked with a little pouting looking at Naren's hand extended again.

Ji Chenzhou also looked at Naren, waiting for him to answer this question.

He was quite surprised that Naren would show up at their house, but after experiencing Naren's active request for love during the day.

Ji Chenzhou seemed to be able to accept it, and Naren was not playing cards according to the rules now.

This question is indeed a bit difficult for Naren to answer, because he has no memory loss.

He is the father of Babe and Knight. It is really difficult to admit that he is the third wife.

I've said that I won't lie to the baby anymore, but if I admit it, it's a lie again. It's obviously Dad...

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren hesitatingly there, looking like he didn't want to admit it, and suddenly became angry.

I don't want to be with him, and I do it with him actively and enthusiastically. Why do I come to their house?

"Baby, let's go, Brother San will call you a handsome Sansao."

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