The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1487: Sinking——What kind of person are you, you care about me (5,000 words)

Ji Chenzhou hugged the baby and turned around. The baby cried and turned his head in disappointment.

"Ji Chenzhou, dare you."

Without thinking about it, Naren grabbed Ji Chenzhou's arm.

"Is there anything I don't dare? Who are you, you care about me!"

Ji Shenzhou sneered, his tone arrogant and arrogant.

"Who do you think I am, Ji Chenzhou, in front of your children, speak carefully."

Naren's face was unhappy, dissatisfied with Ji Chenzhou's swearing.

Naren really wanted to say, am I not your wife? I might scare Ji Chenzhou to death.

"Do you dare to talk to me like this?"

Ji Chenzhou is on fire, the former Naren will blush and become sulking, how dare to talk to him like this.

After five years of hiding, this temper has grown.

If you don't want to please him, you dare to talk to him like this.

"How do I know who you are..."

At the end, Ji Chenzhou also added another sentence specifically, still admitting to him that it was Sansao's matter to him that was wrong, and was angry.

In fact, the anger is more than just because of this. Five years of deception is enough for Ji Chenzhou to be angry for a lifetime.

"You don't know who I am, you sleep with me."

Naren is also a little angry, mainly because Qi Shenzhou said to find the handsome Sansao.

The baby didn't cry anymore, just flashing a pair of big eyes, watching Ji Chenzhou and Naren where you say something to me.

"Which one of us slept with, I don't know who is in a hurry, and haunt me."

Ji Chenzhou was on fire, and Ji Chenzhou was very upset when Naren was talking so ambiguously without admitting their relationship.

Ji Chenzhou thought to himself, if Naren pestered him and said, "Ji Chenzhou, I love you, let's be together!"

Ji Chenzhou thought that he would definitely forgive Naren for his deception over the past five years and stay with him well.

However, Naren just didn't say, Ji Chenzhou was annoyed.

I don’t know what Naren really means, and what he said today "love you very much"

Who did he tell him? Does he have another man...

These messy things disturbed Ji Chenzhou, and he was very impatient.

"Baby, come on, can I take you to eat the cake?"

Naren didn't want to talk about this topic with Ji Chenzhou anymore, and also complained that he shouldn't provoke this sleep problem, in front of the child, not good.

The baby stopped crying. After hesitating for a few seconds, he stretched out his hand for Naren to hold him.

Then he hugged Naren's neck tightly and lay on his shoulders.

Still sucking his nose, very wronged.

Ji Chenzhou's arms were suddenly empty, and it felt particularly unpleasant.

But Naren felt extremely satisfied, his daughter...

Today, for Naren, I am really happy, and I have had close contact with Ji Chenzhou.

The most important thing is that the knight called his father, and the baby was in his arms again.

In the past, these were what he wanted but couldn't.

Now I have them all, even if I feel sorry for my parents in my heart, but once I have them, I don't care about so much.

Naren went downstairs holding the baby. When Ji Chenzhou turned around, he looked at Optimus Prime and Bumblebee on the floor.

This is the knight's favorite toy. It is always assembled and then disassembled without letting others play.

Wouldn’t it be strange that he would play for Naren?

When the baby was eating the cake, she was nestled in Naren's arms, why didn't she come down.

It depends on him.

"Sansao, live with me, or I will go home with you, OK?"

What is a father-daughter connecting heart, that's probably it, I can't bear it.

Baby just likes Naren, she can't tell the feeling.

"Baby, the third brother told you not to be close to strangers."

Ji Chenzhou, who sat opposite, squinted at Naren, and deliberately bit the word stranger.

"He is not a stranger, he is Naren, my third wife."

Baby is very persistent about the name Sansao.

Naren wanted to say, "Baby, I'm not Sansao."

However, he knew that once he said this, it would definitely annoy Ji Chenzhou and also cry baby.

"You want to live with me and ask... Ask your father if they agree."

Saying these things is very difficult for Naren,

The knight ate the cake quietly, but there was still a slight shaking of his head.

"Don't ask, no."

Ji Chenzhou replied directly, no one can take the baby away, neither can Ren.

The baby glared at Ji Chenzhou unhappily, and Ji Chenzhou gave her one, "No way is no way" eyes.

"Then I will stay here with you, OK?"

Of course Naren wanted to be with the baby and the knight, he wanted to coax them to sleep.

For Naren being so good to the baby, Ji Chenzhou decided it was because of his father.

Because the baby is his father's child, Naren loves the baby if he loves Wu and Wu.

When thinking of this, Ji Chenzhou thought of what Naren said, "I love you very much..."

"Fuck..." Ji Chenzhou stood up suddenly and looked at Naren.

Watching hard, then, he took the baby from his arms.

"This is the child of my dad and my young mother. My dad and my young mother have a very good relationship. You have a dead heart."

Ji Chenzhou was very annoyed and decided that the man still liked his father.

If it weren't for the knight and the baby, he really wanted to humiliate Naren.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Just as Gu Jue walked out and heard Ji Chenzhou's words, his face was stern and red with anger.

Damn it, the third son is still eating his own jealousy, fucking...

Chu Baiqing followed Gu Jue with a big smile.

In fact, this situation is also quite interesting.

"You ask him if I am talking nonsense."

Ji Chenzhou pointed to Naren and said.

Naren is angry and helpless, Ji Chenzhou's memory, he still likes Sir Alex.

Sir Alex Ferguson took the baby from Ji Chenzhou's arms, and he wanted to punch Ji Chenzhou in the face.

This jealousy is really no one, I eat all the jealousy, really a good son.

At the same time, I feel sorry for the two children. They obviously love each other, but they have to experience this.

But fortunately Naren is alive, this is more important than anything else, it is good to be alive.

"Well, I love Sir Alex, a special love."

Not only love, but also gratitude and gratitude to Lord Fernando and Chu Shao for taking care of their children and Ji Chenzhou over the years.

This love is worthy of the word love...

"Did I wrong him? How dare you say it."

Ji Chenzhou stepped forward and grabbed Naren's collar. With the look and tone, he wanted to tear him apart.

Naren really wanted to seal up Ji Chenzhou's dirty words.

Can't this temper be restrained?

As soon as the anger came up, it was so special...

"Then you don't love me?" Chu Baiqing asked Naren with a smile.

But at the same time, he also warned Ji Shenzhou with his eyes, not to speak dirty words.

"Love, all love!" Naren used a very positive tone, of course all love.

These people who love him, he loves them, and is grateful.

"Look, he even loves me!" Chu Baiqing smiled and patted Ji Chenzhou on the shoulder.

Then he sat next to the knight, followed him to eat cake, and touched the knight's head.

Ji Chenzhou was completely speechless. Is the person in front of him still Naren?

Can you say love by opening your mouth, or the one who blushed before saying a word?

"Don't you know who you should love?" Ji Chenzhou squeezed Naren's jaw, his thoughts were particularly confused.

The brain is sore...

Naren looked at the enchanting face of Ji Chenzhou, and thought, I have to ask, of course I love you, the love of love...

But I have to say, will it scare you?

When Naren didn't speak, Ji Chenzhou's already backlog of anger would begin to raging again.

Just when Naren was about to speak, "I should love you...".

When the doorbell rang, Ji Chenzhou immediately let go of Naren and opened the door in person.

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing glanced at each other, and the look they passed was that no one should come at this time...

When Lu Kai’s laughter came from the hallway, Naren knew what Ji Chenzhou was doing with his cell phone just now.

Gu Jue slammed, Chu Baiqing didn't react.

Obviously, Lu Kai dared to come, it must be Ji Chenzhou's permission.

Chu Baiqing understands what the third son has done, but he is a little worried.

The knight looked at Naren standing there, picked up a fork, "The cake is delicious, would you like to eat it?"

Naren looked at the knight, smiled and sat beside him, "You like to eat, I will buy it for you next time."

The knight is reluctant to eat cake, but the knight almost eats a piece of cake.

Ji Shenzhou, Ji Shenzhou, you are so naive...

When Lu Kai walked in holding Ji Chenzhou’s arm, there was a brilliant smile on his face, but when he saw Naren, the smile froze on his face...

Pointing at Naren with trembling fingers, he couldn't say a word.

Anyone who has been dead for five years suddenly appears in front of you.

"It's been a long time since Shao Lu..."

Naren actively greeted Lu Kai who was dumbfounded.

When Naren spoke, Lu Kai was scared to death...

"Are you dead?" In the end, Lu Kai was still not too daunted, so he could ask.

Lu Kai still remembers the last time he saw Naren, at the bar that night...

Naren took Ji Chenzhou away and said something to let them take a good look at Ji Chenzhou, but they will never see him again.

Who knows that the last thing I won't see is his Naren, and he is dead...

But now how well he appeared in front of him.

"Sorry, I live again..."

Naren smiled apologetically. In fact, he didn't mean anything else, and he did feel sorry.

Sorry for scaring Lucie.

It was him who suddenly saw a person who had been dead for many years, and he would be afraid, so I had to apologize.

Naren's gaze fell on Lu Kai's arm holding Ji Chenzhou.

His eyes were calm, and the smiles at the corners of his mouth were faint, making people look at them without paying attention.

At least in Ji Chenzhou's eyes, I didn't care.

When he came in, Lu Kai naturally took his arm, he didn't push away, just wanted to see Naren's reaction.

And he actually said hello to Lu Kai so generously...

Is there any awareness of seeing a rival in love?

It is still said that he doesn't care about him at all, so when another man appears next to him, Naren will be so indifferent.

Ji Chenzhou was really irritated with Naren’s hot and cold attitude...

Chu Baiqing gave Gu Jue a look, and then went upstairs holding the baby and the knight.

They left because they believed that Naren could handle such a situation.

If there are children, it is not easy to use it.

"Come and sit down. Would you like a cake? It's delicious..."

Naren pointed to the cake on the table. Naren bought a lot, thinking Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu was also at home.

When Ji Chenzhou saw Naren's attitude as if it was the owner's posture, he felt so angry and funny.

The headache is getting worse, and the frequency of the pain has become more frequent recently.

Ji Chenzhou didn't tell his little mother that recently because someone was chasing his little mother, his father and his little mother were always arguing.

He didn't want to mess with them either...

"Is he... Naren?" Lu Kai turned to ask Ji Chenzhou, clutching his sleeve tightly.

This fact is still unacceptable.

After five years of death, it is not five days after death, but the corpse can still come back to life...

It's incredible...

Ji Chenzhou didn't say a word, he now doubted whether he was dreaming, there was a fake Naren in his dream.

"Shao Lu, shouldn't you let go of your hand, in front of me, okay?"

Naren didn't actually hate Lu Kai, and he admired his dedication to Ji Chenzhou for so many years.

However, there is only one Ji Chenzhou in the world, and that is his benevolent.

Lu Kai didn't want to let go of Ji Chenzhou, but when Naren spoke, he instinctively let go.

Ji Chenzhou was taken aback again, how could Naren's weak temperament give out a warning so imposingly?

In fact, Naren said calmly, with a smile on his lips.

But Naren in Ji Chenzhou's memory would never say such a thing.

So I will be surprised, surprised and angry.

It’s the same again. People who don’t recognize him, but order others as his "wife", you can really do it, that benevolence...

"I heard that Lu Shao, like Shen Zhou, also works in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs."

Naren knew that Ji Chenzhou called Lu Kai, just to **** himself off.

But Naren thought that Lu Kai would be hurt if he continued like this.

Therefore, he felt that he had to explain to him and let him understand that it was impossible to cooperate with Ji Chenzhou.

He would also apologize to Lu Kai, because Ji Chenzhou and his own affairs involved him.

Although an apology cannot make up for the emotional hurt, Naren wants to reduce the hurt.

Now that Ji Chenzhou knows that he is alive, he will never let go, even if there is no memory of falling in love, he will not let go.

Naren is very certain about this, and now Naren wants to understand, five years of separation is enough.

For the rest of his life, he wants to live with Ji Chenzhou and make up for his child's five-year debt.

So, Lucky's love should stop...

He should also have a new life of his own, instead of wasting another five or ten years for Ji Shenzhou...

When I heard the word Shenzhou from Naren's mouth, something stabbed Ji Chenzhou's head, and many pictures flashed in his mind.

But nothing can be captured, because it is too fast, because it is too chaotic...

"Yes, because he went to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs..."

Lu Kai's mood now gradually calmed down.

He returned to the haughty little wild cat, looking at Naren provocatively.

Lu Kai was resentful in his heart. He thought that Naren was dead because he had no relationship with Ji Chenzhou.

My chance finally came, five years...

He spent another five years with Ji Shenzhou. On that day, in the restaurant, Ji Shenzhou obviously reacted to him.

He told himself to hold on, Ji Chenzhou would be his.

As long as Lu Kai does not give up, Ji Shenzhou will be his Lu Kai one day...

After receiving a message from Ji Chenzhou, he cried when he was asked to come to their house.

He thinks his persistence over the years has finally paid off.

Ji Chenzhou finally had him in his heart...

However, I didn't expect that when I came here, I saw Naren.

Why did the person who was obviously dead come back to fight him for the season, why...

"You go and pour Lu Shao a glass of water."

Naren said as he looked at Ji Chenzhou with an angry expression.

In fact, such a tone is regarded as an order.

Ji Chenzhou stared at Naren. Is this ordering him?

How dare to order him?

Naren looked at him with a smile...

Looking at Naren's smile, Ji Chenzhou couldn't say a word.

Naren would smile at him, still smiling so softly...

A gentle smile with love...It was towards him Ji Chenzhou.

As if under a spell, Ji Chenzhou actually walked to the kitchen...

"Lu Shao, I think many people have told you that it is impossible for you and Shen Zhou. In fact, you should also know that the relationship is barely possible. I am not in five years and Ji Shenzhou has not been with you. You Why do you continue to be so persistent, I think you are so good, there must be someone who loves you very much by your side, your eyes are only staring at Ji Chenzhou, and you will miss your happiness."

Naren's tone was very light. He wanted Lu Kai to listen to him and stop torturing himself like this and wasting time.

How could Lu Kai's temperament be tolerated by others.

Especially Naren, let alone him...

Lu Kai hated Naren in his heart. Without him, he and Ji Chenzhou might have been together.

However, he happened to appear...

Why is it called teaching him with such a posture?

"Who do I love, and who loves me, what does it have to do with you? Do you think that the person Ji Chenzhou loves is you? We have already gone to bed..."

Lu Kai stood up angrily, his body trembling angrily. He was held up from childhood, and no one except Ji Chenzhou looked at him.

Naren smiled when he heard the word "go to bed", that smile was a bit bitter.

"It doesn't matter if you are on it... I'm sorry for hurting you..."

Naren told himself that it didn't matter if he had sex, it was really fine.

"Are you sick? Don't come back if you leave. If you die, continue to die. I love Ji Chenzhou and love him more than anyone else."

"You don't look at me with this kind of pitiful eyes, I tell you, Naren, Ji Chenzhou belongs to me and mine..."

Lu Kai picked up the cake on the table casually, smashed it at Naren in the face.

"I, Lu Kai, are you pitiful? You are something, how can you compare to me? Ji Chenzhou is blind to be with you, you are dead, he is not with me the same, who do you think You Are……"

The cake slid down Naren's face, Junxiu's face was very embarrassed.

"I'm his wife, don't you know?" Naren's voice was very soft.

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