The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1489: Sinking——You are not ashamed or embarrassed now (6,000 words)

How could Naren care about Ji Shenzhou, Chu Shao said he was okay, so he didn't care.

Go over and squat down to hug the baby, "Baby..."

Naren thought that the baby would be scared to cry, his third brother became a father, and he was also her father...

The five-year-old child also understands some things, afraid that the child will not accept it.

Who knew that the baby dropped the doll and put his arms around Naren's neck.

"Fortunately, you are not my third sister-in-law. It turns out that you are my father, which is great."

The baby really likes Naren, and she likes it the first time she sees him. It turns out that the kind of love is the father-daughter connection.

Naren was also stunned. After Ji Chenzhou discovered his existence, he wondered how to tell the treasure and the knight that he is their father.

He was afraid that the children would not be able to accept it. After all, he was too young, or at an age that seemed to understand.

However, he did not expect that whether it was a knight or a baby, he would be able to accept him easily, which was simply surprising to him.

"It's not good if we are your father. Like him, you are also a little white-eyed wolf."

Just as Gu Jue carried his third son up, he was really sad when he heard the baby say this.

He has raised her for so many years, and his father has already appeared, and immediately forgot him and Chu Baiqing.

The baby stuck his tongue out, "It's all my dad, all okay!"

The baby is really happy. When he talked, he still hugged Naren's neck and bounced.

However, everything is fine, but he can still see that Naren is his father, which makes him even more happy.

She was not so happy even when her third brother became a father.

Naren hugged the baby tightly, and was more grateful to Chu Shao and Sir Alex.

They teach the baby very well, and only enlightened education can make the children accept this easily.

"Baby, scream daddy..."

When the knight called his own father, the feeling of happiness and sourness left Naren with lingering fears.

At this time he was expecting the baby to call him father, even if it really made him dead at this time.

He is also relieved, really content...

"If I yell, will you stay with me forever?"

When the baby said this, the arm around Naren's neck tightened.

"Well, I will always be with you, as well as my brother. I care not to leave."

Caressing the baby's back, the benevolence is aching, the baby is afraid of losing him.

Now that he has these, even if the knife rests on his neck, he will not leave.

Five years is enough...

During the five years he has not been with his children, he has been full of debts and can no longer feel sorry for the children.

"You must not lie to me, or I will hate you."

The baby is holding Naren's face with a small mouth pouting, very cute.

At that moment, the heart of benevolence was about to melt, this is his daughter, really cute...

"Well, Dad won't lie to you, never will."

Naren kissed the baby's little hand. When he was a child, when he kissed the baby's little hand, she would giggle at herself.

"Dad, it's itchy..." The baby laughed again, unlike the giggles when he was a child, this time the baby called Dad.

Called Naren's heart is like being poured honey.

God still took care of him. He thought it was the life of a lonely old man, but now he is so happy.

Sweetness that has never been before, and now waiting for Ji Chenzhou to adapt to all this, the family will be exhausted.

Ji Chenzhou stayed asleep until the next morning.

I woke up several times in the evening, but all fell asleep again in a daze.

Naren was worried about what was wrong with him, but Chu Baiqing said that it was okay, and that it would be fine if he had enough sleep.

Even Ji Chenzhou's hand while asleep was holding Naren's hand tightly.

When Ji Chenzhou woke up, he looked at the ceiling with a dry throat. Looking at the ceiling, he seemed to have slept for a long time.

I had a long dream, a long, long...

Dream Naren is back...

Ji Chenzhou sat up suddenly, and Naren came back.

As soon as Ji Chenzhou moved, Naren who was lying on the bed also woke up, his arm was numb and painful, and he looked at Ji Chenzhou blankly, and then he came over.

"You woke up, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Naren reached out to touch Ji Chenzhou's head. She had a slight fever last night, and Shao Chu said it was okay.

However, as soon as Naren stretched out his hand, Ji Chenzhou avoided him and looked at him coldly.

Naren's hand froze there, and then slowly retracted. Is Ji Chenzhou angry with him?

"Sorry, I shouldn't lie to you..."

Naren stood there, looking at Ji Chenzhou's cold eyes, Ji Chenzhou was angry that he could understand.

After all, it has been five years since his departure...

And he also lost his memory, for him, none of this can be forgiven.

"Lied to me? What did you lie to me?"

Ji Chenzhou gritted his teeth when asked, wishing to eat Naren in his stomach.

Five years ago, he jumped into the sea like that in front of him. The moment before he was still immersed in their happiness, so he left...

He who left without hesitation, without warning, just left him and the child...


Yes, Ji Shenzhou recovered his memory after sleeping like this.

The memory of hypnosis also needs to be maintained. Recently, Ji Chenzhou has frequently felt headaches and always thinks of some previous clips.

Those stimuli last night opened his final blockade.

He used to die in pain because of Naren's departure. He even didn't care about the children, so he wanted to go with Naren.

Because without him, he really couldn't live.

He had said it all his life, but left him behind. He was really cruel.

Regardless of the reason, Ji Chenzhou felt that Naren was too cruel.

Even if you are sick, you can't tell him, can they face it together?

Is he so untrustworthy?

Can he rely on Master Xiu without relying on him?

Is he still his husband?

What the **** is Ji Chenzhou in his benevolent heart?

In five years, he was really ruthless, and he was in the same city, but he never appeared.

Don't you want him and the child?

When he knew that he didn't have that part of his memory, and Bao Bao and the knight called him the third brother, what was his feeling about being that kind.

"Should not feign death..."

Naren is actually ready to endure Ji Chenzhou's anger, because if it is him, he will be angry and angry when he encounters such a thing.

"You are damned, we are a good family, but you have been torn apart for five years... Why is your heart so cruel, don't you want us?"

Ji Chenzhou said, his eyes were full of pain, and when he thought, he cried...

Don't you miss us?

I think what you think is going to die...

The pain is dying, you know, but you still can’t escape...

"Blame me, blame me, I'm not good, blame me..."

Now that the plan is to prevent Ji Chenzhou from knowing that his father killed his parents, then Naren is ready to bear everything alone.

It doesn't matter how Ji Chenzhou misunderstands him, as long as he doesn't make him hurt or uncomfortable, he can bear as much as he wants...

It's better for one person to have pain than two people who keep hurting.

Naren wanted to step forward and hug Ji Chenzhou, but he was afraid of being pushed away by him.

He could bear his anger, but he could not bear his push away.

He is afraid that he really doesn't love himself...

"I will use my whole life to make up for you and the child..."

Even if it takes a lifetime to make up, Naren knows that he can't make up for the lack of five years.

"A lifetime is not enough, Na Ren, I want you to make up for me in this life, next life, and next life."

Naren said to make up for him and the child, and Ji Chenzhou directly kicked the child out aggressively.

Just make up for him...

"The child also has to make up..."

Naren smiled, Ji Chenzhou said this, which means he forgave him.

While Naren was happy, he didn't forget to catch Ji Chenzhou's speech disorder.

He didn't forget that Ji Chenzhou said that he didn't care about him because he always accompanied the knight and the treasure.

At that time, the knight and the baby were still very young, and Ji Chenzhou could be so jealous.

Now that he is old, if he is always with him, it is estimated that Ji Chenzhou will have trouble again.

"They can live with you for the rest of their lives, and it's not me who walked with you to the end. If you go around them again and ignore me, I can do without you."

Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren's arm and pulled him onto the bed.

Domineeringly circled him, looking at his slightly flushed face, Ji Chenzhou couldn't help it.

Sure enough, one thing drops one thing, as long as it is Naren, even if he is regenerating, it will be useless to speak ruthlessly.

Naren suddenly reacted, Ji Chenzhou said this...

"Do you remember the past?" Naren asked excitedly.

Ji Chenzhou said to go around the child again...

That was the past.

"Hmph, I don't know who you are or what reminds me of the past."

Ji Chenzhou turned away and said coldly on purpose.

However, his hand still tightly encircled Naren in his arms.

How could he forget the things they had loved each other, such beautiful things.

Even if it is sealed, he can't remember it, and will ask his little mother to find a way to make him remember.

That is their most precious thing, and he will never forget any little bit between him and Naren.

Naren came back alive after five years of death. He was indeed angry with Ji Chenzhoulai, and he shouldn't hide it from him.

However, when he was angry, Ji Chenzhou was grateful, thanking God for returning Naren to him.

Ji Chenzhou felt incredible to be able to hold him in his arms again, but it was destined.

They are destined to go all the way, sweet and sweet.

He believed that in the future, they would be full of flowers and thorns all the way.

Because they have experienced enough, too much pain and suffering.

"It doesn't matter if you don't remember, I will tell you every day, who am I..."

Naren gently kissed Ji Chenzhou's face, again and again.

Without Gu owe, just want to be intimate.

"Who are you?" Ji Chenzhou was changed by the benevolent voice.

As long as their family Naren takes the initiative, he will not have the ability to parry.

It was like this five years ago, and if it is like this five years later, he thinks it will be like this in this life.

I wanted to do it last night and didn't get it done. I was holding back and felt uncomfortable. How could I stand Naren's teasing.

In fact, Naren was purely unintentional teasing, persevering Ji Shenzhou's concentration is too poor.

When you encounter Naren, you will be defeated.

"I'm your wife..." Now when Naren talks about his wife, he doesn't blush anymore, and the more he speaks, the smoother he goes.

"You are not ashamed or embarrassed now, but I like it, you can do it a bit more."

Ji Chenzhou abruptly imprisoned Naren under his body, and it didn't matter whether he was injured or not.

Such a moment must be celebrated in a fierce way.

This time it was his father who knocked on the door and didn't open it.

"No, that..." Naren was just about to say don't do it, and the children should come in after a while.

However, Ji Chenzhou directly sealed his lips, not allowing him to speak.

Naren was afraid that it would be bad if the child saw it, and struggled to push Ji Chenzhou away.

Ji Chenzhou became annoyed and kissed even more fiercely, Gu Qian was provoked, and now he must do it.

Must do must do...

When Naren was kissed, he lost the consciousness of struggling, so he didn't want to.

However, just when Ji Chenzhou was about to enter, the door was opened.

The baby's voice came, soft and sweet, very nice.

"Dad, daddy... have dinner!"

When Ji Chenzhou heard the baby's voice, he still called his father, and immediately fell limp on Naren's body.

There was a fierce slap in my heart, this is to make him unable to harden in the future!

Naren hurriedly pulled the quilt over him and Ji Chenzhou.

The two of them didn't wear anything, let the baby see what happened.

As soon as the quilt was covered here, the baby ran in...

"Dad...what are you doing?"

The baby looked curiously at Ji Chenzhou lying on Naren. What are the two fathers doing?

"Baby, you go out first, Dad and... Dad will get up right away."

Naren blushed again, and in front of his daughter, he was simply ashamed.

I blame Ji Chenzhou for letting him not want to listen.

"Dad, are you playing? I want to play together..."

The baby ran to the bed as he said, happy.

"Baby, no, three... Dads are not playing, well, stop, don't come over."

Ji Chenzhou is still not used to talking about father, and before he wakes up to sleep, both Naren and Babe recognize each other.

"Why, don't you bring your baby to play with?" The baby stopped, looked at the two dads aggrievedly, and said sadly.

"That..." Naren didn't know how to explain it.

He pinched Ji Chenzhou on the waist and asked him to speak.

He can deceive most...

"Because that I... and Dad are doing sports..."

Ji Chenzhou didn't know how to lie to the baby, so she was afraid to say anything she wanted to play.

"Come on, baby, go downstairs to dinner with Dad."

At this time, Gu Jue walked in and saw the two people lying on the bed stacked on top of each other. He rolled his eyes, really doing it anytime, anywhere...

So young...

"There are too many dads, how about one, two, three, four, dad..."

The baby put his arms around Gu Jue's neck and said with a smile.

She thinks this is very good, not easy to mix, or what would she call the four dads.

"Then which dad am I?" Gu Jue walked out holding the baby, not forgetting to point to the two people on the bed, motioning them to get up quickly.

"Papa!" the baby cried with a smile covering his mouth.

"Let's call it Big Daddy!" Gu Jue felt Yi Dad was awkward.

"Then your wife is my second dad, my third brother is my third dad, and Naren is my fourth dad..."

The two people on the bed listened to the voice of the baby getting farther and farther, three fathers and four fathers...

"Okay, get up quickly and say no. You don't listen. You can't do this in the future, so that the children will be ashamed to see."

Naren pushed Ji Chenzhou who was resting on him, his face still blushing. If the baby didn't speak when he came in just now, he just ran in and the two of them would do that...

It was horrible to think of Naren’s cold sweat.

"You still said me, I didn't know who just took off my pants in a hurry..."

No matter how Naren pushed Ji Shenzhou, he stayed on his body, sniffing his breath from Naren's neck.

It's good, it's true, Naren is in his arms, he is not dreaming, they are together again...

It was so happy, so happy that he didn't want to let go of Naren for a moment.

"If you don't mess with me, would I do that? Stop making trouble and get up!"

Naren was a little breathless by Ji Chenzhou.

"I really want to do it with my own wife, why is it so difficult? It's either father or daughter..."

Ji Chenzhou is dead on Naren's body.

He didn't want to take a cold shower, it was too uncomfortable.

He has a wife, he has a wife...

"You still said it!" Naren covered Ji Chenzhou's mouth, really overwhelming his mouth.

Is it something worth talking about how I was bumped into by my father and daughter?

"I don't care, you do it for me!"

Ji Chenzhou grabbed Naren's hand, shamelessly.

"Stop making trouble, you're all waiting for us, I'll get it for you later."

Naren doesn't blush anymore now, at least compared to before, he doesn't blush all the time.

However, he was still blushing by Ji Chenzhou.

It is impossible for him to be as cheeky as Ji Chenzhou in his life.

"I want to do it now, or just lie down like this and let them wait."

Regarding playing a rogue, who would be Ji Chenzhou's opponent, anyway, Naren is not good, and his face is too thin.

Naren was angry and annoyed, "Ji Chenzhou, you bastard."

Ji Chenzhou is shameless, but he still has to.

It’s too late to go down, how do you face Sir Alex and Young Master Chu...

Ji Chenzhou smiled contentedly at the corner of his mouth. After five years, Naren in his family is still so bullying.

Sure enough, when the two of them went down, Sir Alex looked at them, saying that you are really good.

Naren lowered his head, allowing Ji Chenzhou to hold his hand and sit on the dining chair.

Naren felt that he and Ji Chenzhou were a bit too much.

The child wants Chu Shao and Sir Alex to watch, and waits for them to come to eat late...

It's simply too much...

"Three fathers and four fathers, what were you playing just now?"

The baby is still curious about what I just saw.

"Eating your meal, where is so much talk."

Ji Chenzhou's attitude towards the baby is still the same as before, even after knowing that she is his own child with the knight.

He hasn't changed much, and he doesn't want his children to think there is any difference between the third brother and the third dad.

The knight was eating quietly, but, after all, he was a child, and his eyes were always meowing between Naren and Ji Chenzhou.

He hasn't been called Father Ji Shenzhou...

Ji Chenzhou felt it too, but he didn't deliberately say that he asked the knight to call him father.

Although he wanted to hear the knight call Dad, a knight is different from a baby. He has his own ideas and judgment.

He is not easy to be influenced by others. In general, he makes his own decisions.

"Mother, take Naren to the hospital in a while and check him up to see if his illness is really better. I can't bear him to give me suspended animation and disappear for five years."

Naren said that he was ill, and although he said it was OK, Ji Chenzhou was still worried that he could not bear Naren's departure again.

So we must make sure that he is really all right now.

Naren just took a sip of porridge and almost didn't choke.

"I'm really fine now, so I don't have to be so troublesome."

I am not ill, so I don't need to see it.

"Do you dare to listen to me?"

Ji Chenzhou deliberately bites hard and dare not listen to the three words.

As soon as Naren heard this, he blushed immediately, and his mind was filled with the scenes of helping Ji Chenzhou just now.

Naren begged him in a hurry.

"Please, stop making trouble..."

Naren blushed and begged Ji Chenzhou, as long as Naren begged him before, he would feel soft.

However, this time Ji Shenzhou just didn't come out on purpose.

"Who are you asking? Who am I?"

"Husband, please..." That benevolence was too angry, knowing that Ji Chenzhou was deliberate.

However, if you don't get it out, go to eat, Sir Alex will come up and call them again.

"Do you not listen to my husband?" Ji Chenzhou squinted, and he wanted to bully the man who was so shy and begging for mercy.

But just thinking about it, how could it really break.

"Listen..." As long as Ji Chenzhou can come out quickly, Naren agreed indiscriminately.

"That night you..." Ji Chenzhou said in Naren's ear.

Naren, who was ashamed immediately, stopped his hand movement, "No, I won't."

Ji Shenzhou actually did something like that...

Ji Chenzhou was talking about the last time Naren and him did it on the boat.

This time Ji Chenzhou said that he would be in their garden...

How could Naren's character agree? The last time I was on the boat, he was ready for suspended animation.

So, he can take everything, he can do anything, he can be crazy, but now it is normal, how can he do such a thing.

Naren also knew that once he agreed to Ji Chenzhou, he might have something new to play next time.

"It was not great last time. I still want it. I don't care. If you don't agree, you will break your hand when you are tired and I will not come out."

Ji Chenzhou's attitude was very tough, and he also imprisoned Naren, lest he ran away in anger, and he threatened who would go.

"Ji Chenzhou, you change your request, this won't work."

This was Naren's concession, and he couldn't be ashamed of both of them in the bed.

"Then change to the terrace, our big terrace...or my father's balcony, which is big enough, it depends on you!"

Ji Chenzhou deliberately misinterpreted Naren's meaning, he changed a place and did not do it in the garden.

Looking at Naren's face, Ji Chenzhou was completely blushing and bleeding came, and it was almost deadly.

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