The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1490: Sinking-can you stop telling me, just point your face! (6,000 words)

"Ji Chenzhou, shall we point our face? Don't you think it is not enough to be embarrassing in front of Sir Alex."

Naren wanted to look away, but Ji Chenzhou pinched his jaw.

"That's my dad, what's the shame, besides, he and my little mom are more exciting, I am embarrassed to say."

Ji Chenzhou's thumb was rubbing against Naren's lips. He liked Naren's fleshy lips. It felt very good to kiss. Sometimes, he couldn't help but want to bite it.

"You are still embarrassed, you will pay attention to the children in the future."

Naren couldn't help laughing, Ji Chenzhou would always take shameless things for granted.

Naren admires him for this, not everyone can have such an aura.

"Don't change the subject, do you still want my little mother to call us?"

"Then can you stop making trouble."

Naren didn't want to be with Ji Chenzhou either, because of this problem, there is no end.

"You don't promise me, don't stop continuing."

Ji Chenzhou actually endured very hard, but his expression was full of laziness.

"Well, I promise you..."

In the end, it is the benevolent compromise, because you can never beat a rogue, because he is shameless, you want it.

Naren's handsome face blushed at the thought of the scene just now.

The baby has heard that his four dads love to blush, this will really be seen, and I am surprised.

Jumped directly from the chair and ran to Naren.

Na Renshun hugged her on her lap.

The baby's little hand touched Naren's face, "Four fathers, you really blush! It's amazing, what do you want to make your face so red?"

In five years, Naren rarely walked out of the villa, so his skin is now very fair.

Where did the little black look back then.

So his face is especially obvious when he blushes.

When asked by the baby, Naren smiled awkwardly, how to answer her daughter's question.

What he was thinking about was such a shameful picture.

"Baby, your four fathers are thinking about shameful things, don't follow him."

Ji Chenzhou touched the baby's head, but looked at Naren and said.

He looked at Ji Chenzhou in an annoyed manner, and said to him, don't talk nonsense in front of the child, how can you still be like this, can you point your face?

"I said you're going to end it. If you don't eat it, get out."

Sir Alex Ferguson was angry, and the meal was not good, and there was a limit to the greasiness, it was endless.

"Well, eat first, and then Naren will go with me for an inspection, so everyone can rest assured."

Chu Baiqing, who rarely spoke, also spoke, because he couldn't bear the shame of his third son.

"Knowing about Chu Shao!" Chu Shao's words are naturally meant to be heard.

He doesn't have a problem, just check it, so that they are at ease.

"Look at what I am doing, eating!"

Ji Chenzhou kept looking at Gu Jue, and then roared again angrily.

"Father, is it because my little mom didn't satisfy you, you are so angry, you lose your temper at me!"

Ji Shenzhou said wronged.

"I fucked..." Gu Jue was really angry, and his temper had really tempered a lot.

Had it not been for the knight and the treasure to be there, his little face for the father of his third son, he would have gone to kick the boat.

Just kick him in the face and make him shameless.

Chu Baiqing took Gu Jue's arm, and every time he and his third son fought each other, they would go to war. Chu Baiqing said he was serious.

Every time Gu Jue said aggrieved that he was obviously the third son too angry...

Naren smiled, it feels so good.

After the knight had finished eating, he left, and Naren discovered that he was completely Gao Lengfan.

Some are like Mu Mu when he was a child, but even colder than Mu Mu.

Thinking of five years of missing company, Naren felt that he owed the child a lot.

The baby pressed against Naren's ear and asked in a low voice, "Fourth father, was your neck bitten by third father?"

There are a few red marks on Naren's neck, which were made by Ji Chenzhou when he was in the dormitory yesterday.

Naren didn't even have the idea to notice. Hearing this question from the baby, he immediately reached out to cover it up subconsciously.

Who knows that the shameless Ji Chenzhou said to the baby, "Yes, it was the third dad who bit him, because your fourth dad is disobedient."

Naren couldn't bear Ji Chenzhou's shamelessness, and stretched out his leg to kick Ji Chenzhou.

Ji Chenzhou didn't expect that Naren would kick him either, so he didn't avoid it, and took a hard hit.

"You wait for the evening, the terrace..." Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to rub his leg and warned to Naren.

Naren promised him that he would do it with him on the terrace. He is already looking forward to it now.

However, before finishing speaking, Naren stretched out his hand to cover his mouth.

"Could you please stop telling me, just point your face!"

Now Naren can deeply understand why Sir Alex is so angry with Ji Chenzhou.

If it was him, he had already been **** off.

Naren didn't pretend to be angry, but was really angry. Although it was five years apart, Ji Chenzhou could still tell the difference.

"Yes, you all think I'm annoying, can't I leave?"

Ji Chenzhou got up aggrieved and left after speaking.

Neither Gu Jue nor Chu Baiqing paid any attention to him. Naren didn't eat his breakfast when he saw him, so he was about to leave, and wanted to call him.

"You have seen shameless people, will you really be wronged? Naren, it's not me who said you, you are destined to be bullied to death by him like this."

Gu Jue said quickly when Naren wanted to call Ji Chenzhou.

In exchange for the third son's stare.

Naren thought, too, Ji Chenzhou was an aggrieved person, he was originally angry, so he felt soft on him.

Sir Alex was right, he was bullied to death.

Ji Chenzhou wanted to make Naren feel sorry for him, who knows that Naren really didn't move.

The angry Ji Chenzhou glared at his father again.

It all said that I had to leave without eating, and I couldn't sit back licking my face.

Although he is shameless, sometimes face is still needed.

What's more, Ji Chenzhou still has to go to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today, and an important guest visits secretly.

Ji Chenzhou felt a headache when he thought of this mysterious guest.

He was wondering whether to wash He Tingchen, clean it, pack it, and send it to the man to save trouble.

"You go to check up with my little mom today. I'm going to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. If I forget something, I go to the hospital."

When talking about business, Ji Chenzhou was very serious and didn't make it well, or he would have to take Naren with him.

"Mother, it's a full body check, don't let it go anywhere."

Then he said to Chu Baiqing, Ji Chenzhou was still very relieved to do things to his little mother.

Chu Baiqing smiled and said good.

Naren actually wanted to be with Ji Chenzhou forever, and didn't want to be separated for a moment.

However, how can he be tired of being together all the time, after all, Ji Chenzhou is a person with a job now.

He had to go back to Master Xiu after finishing the examination, he was worried about Qin Nan.

Although there is Master Xiu, there is no need to worry about it, but it has become a habit.

"You are busy with you. I have to go back to Master Xiu after I have done the checkup. I didn't go back last night. I don't worry about Brother Nan. Recently, he is not making trouble, and I am always upset.

Brother Nan had committed suicide before, so Master Xiu sent someone to look at him.

So there is no need to worry that he can't think about it, but, the more Nan brother is so quiet, and he also finds care, he thinks something is wrong.

"I will go back with you, and you will be waiting for me in the hospital."

Ji Chenzhou knew that Qin Nan was still alive, and he must repay him well for saving Naren's life.

I thought he was dead, and only his parents could take care of him.

Now that he is alive, there are many things to do.

He would meet Qin Nan's requirements.

"Well, then come back when you are done."

Naren replied with a smile.

The baby's eyes went back and forth between the fourth father and the third father.

that's nice……

Gu Jue couldn't stand the two of them being so tired and crooked.

"You go so fast and let me have some food."

Gu Jue shouted at his third son.

Naren pushed Ji Chenzhou to let him go quickly.

Now even he wondered whether Sir Alex Ferguson was so angry.

Sir Alex must have forgotten at this moment, how bored he and his family Chu Baiqing were.

This breakfast was too noisy.

Chu Baiqing took Naren away, but the baby was very obedient and didn't pester Naren.

When I arrived at the hospital, I checked all the items that could be checked, and there was nothing wrong with it. Some reports took two days to get.

Chu Baiqing never asked Naren why he lied.

That is to say, a person like Naren who has no scheming will let him come and check.

Naren said that he was ill before, but after the check-up on him just now, Naren was in good health.

Except for those who have a low immunity and have never been sick, they can be found out at a check.

Obviously, Naren was still too innocent and could not lie.

If leaving according to what he said is a very serious illness, then there will be no traces to be found now.

He probably didn't know how to lie, so he used his stalk of leaving when he was sick.

This child has been so simple for five years, and it is really not easy.

Ji Chenzhou probably also knew that Naren lied, so he just said calmly, let him come for a check, there is nothing to worry about.

Chu Baiqing had surgery, so Naren waited for Ji Chenzhou in his lounge.

Naren took care of Ji Chenzhou last night and didn't sleep well, so he would sleep in bed...

Maybe it was because of a change of place, Naren was not sleeping peacefully, dreaming in a daze.

Presidential Palace in Dream

The blindfold on Naren's head was taken off, and he moved his wrist.

He was actually tied here by someone, and the other party said "please" before knocking him out.

The man sitting opposite had a gloomy expression, his eyes looking at Naren were cold.

Naren knows that he is the President, the father of Ji Chenzhou.

His image on TV is not so scary, but very close to the people.

Close to the people...

Such a murderer has actually become the president.

Naren sat there quietly, without first speaking or panicking.

He knows why the president came to him.

Ji Chenzhou wants to marry himself, and after he knows that he is not dead, he will marry himself immediately.

He wanted to tell the world that he was going to marry a man...

"Shen Zhou said he wants to marry you!" The president's voice was solemn, his lips pressed tightly.

Naren still doesn't speak. It has been more than five years since he and Ji Shenzhou met for the first time to today...

Many people and things have changed, and he has also changed...

He is no longer the little white rabbit in Ji Chenzhou's mouth, and the big boy who will blush nervously when he talks to strangers...

Naren didn't speak, and the president's eyes narrowed. He patted the table heavily.

"I didn't expect him to say he wanted to marry a man!"

Naren looked up at the President at this time. The deep dislike and contempt in his tone made him very uncomfortable, especially the word "marry".

"Your Excellency, what Ji Chenzhou and I said is, if you want to get married, I will marry him!"

Naren's words caused the President to slap again on the table, "Asshole!"

"Ji Chenzhou also said these two words at the time, so we did not reach a consensus!"

Naren was not hurried, and did not feel nervous or uneasy because the person opposite was the President.

"So, Mr. President, it's useless to find me. I don't want to be with him, but he forced me. What can I do? If Mr. President can persuade him to leave me, I am grateful!"

Naren's hand gently covered the armrest of the chair, the kind of action that didn't know if it was grabbing or releasing, or betraying his insincereness.

"Do you want to leave me that way?" The carved domineering door was suddenly pushed open, Ji Chenzhou asked Naren coldly...

The cold eyes shot towards Naren like a knife, stabbing him in pain.

"Well, I never wanted to be with you!"

After Naren said this, Ji Chenzhou's eyes were dark red like a sea of ​​fire.

Naren said this five years ago, and then he disappeared into the sea.

In the end, even the body was not found...

"You lied, you clearly said you love me, you love me!"

Ji Chenzhou rushed to Naren and pinched his neck fiercely, his eyes scarlet.

"I don't love you, how could I love you, Ji Chenzhou, would you fall in love with an enemy's son?"

Naren was trembling all over because of excessive excitement, and his cold eyes wanted to turn into a knife and kill Ji Chenzhou.

"What are you talking about?" Ji Chenzhou asked viciously, what is the enemy's son?

"Ji Chenzhou, didn't you mean that if you find the murderer of my parents, you will avenge me? Then you go and kill your father now! He killed my parents, he ruined my home... He made me an orphan. Go and kill him..."

Naren pointed at the president standing there like crazy and asked Ji Chenzhou to kill him.

"What are you talking about, what nonsense are you talking about, how could my father kill your parents?"

Ji Chenzhou's eyes were filled with horror. This must not be true, how could such a ridiculous thing happen.

"Oh, you ask your father, I also want to know, our President, why did you kill my parents in such a cruel way."

Naren looked at Ji Chenzhou's father, shaking all over.

There was an extra gun in Naren's hand, and the person who rushed towards it was the President.

"Today I will kill you to avenge my parents..."

"You are crazy, that's my father..."

Ji Chenzhou yelled at Naren.

"Even if your father killed my parents, why should I take revenge? Five years ago, I let him go, and he should live enough."

Naren sneered at the corner of his mouth, he should have killed him five years ago.

"Five years ago, you assassinated my father, Naren, you assassinated my father..."

Ji Chenzhou looked at Naren incredulously, "You feigned death because you wanted to kill my father. You actually wanted to kill my father. I actually wanted to marry someone who wanted to kill my father..."

Ji Chenzhou's eyes gradually turned cold, looking at Naren's eyes as if he were looking at a stranger.

"Your father killed my parents, he killed my parents..."

Naren clutched the sheets tightly, "He killed my parents...I'm going to kill him..."

"Naren, wake up, wake up."

Ji Chenzhou hugged the nightmare Naren in his arms and held him tightly.

Hearing Ji Chenzhou's voice, Naren woke up suddenly, breathing heavily.

Looking at Ji Chenzhou with an anxious expression on his face, look at the surrounding environment.

It's Chu Shao's lounge...

He even dreamed of this kind of dream, in which Ji Chenzhou knew everything.

Although it was just a dream, Naren knew clearly that if Ji Chenzhou knew that five years ago, it was he who was going to assassinate his father.

His father killed his parents again, Ji Chenzhou would be crazy...

That was the last thing Naren wanted to see, and the last thing he wanted Ji Chenzhou to experience.

"What nightmare did you have, who killed your parents? Why do you want to kill?"

Ji Chenzhou stroked Naren's back, it was soaked in cold sweat.

If he comes here a while later and doesn't wake Naren, maybe he really killed someone in his dream. What a fright.

"I don't remember, I forgot when I wake up, I want to drink water..."

Naren kissed Ji Chenzhou's lips, and he must not let Ji Chenzhou know the past.

It seems that it is necessary for him to meet with the president, and some things must be decided.

"You just ticked it up, knowing that my concentration is not enough."

Ji Chenzhou bit Naren's lip, although it was just a kiss, Ji Chenzhou was also ignited.

"You said that your concentration is not enough, how can I let you out without worry, what if you get hooked?"

Naren is just joking, Lu Kai has pestered Ji Chenzhou for so many years, and he has not been hooked away.

It can be seen that Ji Chenzhou's determination is still very firm.

"So you have to squeeze me out every day and let others hook me, I don't feel it."

Ji Chenzhou's hands have begun to become dishonest, and he was interrupted twice last night, and he has never been heartily happy, so if he touches it a few times, he will not do it.

"This is Young Master Chu's lounge, don't mess around."

Naren grasped Ji Chenzhou's mischievous hand.

I really convinced him, how can I think about doing this anytime, anywhere.

"What's the matter, he and my dad are all messing around here."

As Ji Chenzhou said, he kissed Naren and directly imprisoned him under him, not allowing him to move at all.

"Ji Chenzhou, stop making trouble!" Naren dodged to prevent Ji Chenzhou from kissing him.

If Chu Shao came in for a while, he would be ashamed again.

"Just making trouble, suffocated to death."

Ji Chenzhou's words were very aggrieved, but he was about to be suffocated and was interrupted again and again.

Ji Chenzhou's evil fire came up very quickly, and his reaction was like a storm, and he couldn't stop it.

Now Naren will feel it, too fast, hard...

"Young Master Chu should be back soon..."

Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to take off Naren's pants, and didn't care about that much.

"I'm back..." Chu Baiqing's indifferent voice came from the door.

"Fuck, mom, you scared me so much..."

Ji Chenzhou experienced the frightened and interrupted experience again, three times, this is already three times...

It is estimated that it would have been abandoned for a long time, and it will be able to survive.

Naren felt that he didn't want to live anymore, and was bumped into him every time.

"Did you scare you to death, or scared your little sinking boat to death."

Chu Baiqing smiled and walked in. How could he allow his third son, Xiao Hei, to mess around on his bed.

If their Gu Jue knew about it, he might have to demolish the house.

"Little mom, you and my father are learning more and more shamelessly."

Ji Chenzhou took his hand from Naren's waistband and was interrupted again...

Naren couldn't listen to these words anymore, who was shameless, and embarrassed to say Chu Shao.

The shameless one is him...

"Young Master Chu, sorry, let's go first..."

Naren got out of bed in a panic, it was a shame.

"How to go, you see how I go, come and lie down."

Ji Chenzhou motioned Naren with his eyes to look at the place between his legs, how to walk before it disappeared.

Naren ignored Ji Chenzhou's hand extended, turned and walked out of the lounge, really fed up with him.

Chu Baiqing entered the bathroom with a smile. He had to take a bath after the operation.

As soon as Chu Baiqing entered the bathroom, there was the sound of water, and his phone rang on the bed over there.

When Ji Chenzhou saw that his father was calling, he immediately got into play.

Let your couple interrupt me twice...

Ji Chenzhou was connected immediately, and his father's gentle voice came from there, "Wife, what time do you want to eat?"

Gu Jue would speak so softly to Chu Baiqing.

Ji Chenzhou squeezed his throat, "We... the dean is taking a bath, who are you? Calling...what wife?"

Ji Chenzhou was holding back a smile and stammering deliberately.

"Fuck, who are you special? I fucked, you wait for me..."

Sure enough, Gu Jue's grumpy voice came over the phone.

"Neurotic!" Ji Chenzhou hung up immediately after saying this.

Then lay on the bed and laughed.

When Naren heard Ji Chenzhou laugh so madly, he came in again. Just when he walked to the door, Ji Chenzhou who ran out grabbed his hands and took it out.

"Go, go, go..." Ji Chenzhou is like a kid who has done bad things, smiling thief, and happily running with Naren.

And when they opened the office door, the student who was chasing Chu Baiqing in the legend happened to come in.

Ji Chenzhou felt that God was helping him...

"Then your dean is looking for you, you go in and wait for him!" Ji Chenzhou said to the students.

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