The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1491: Sinking——Just give me a bite, I like to watch it (5,000 words)

Naren didn't know what was going on, but gave the student back, and was dragged away by Ji Chenzhou.

As far as the underground parking lot, Ji Chenzhou sat in the car and couldn't help laughing.

Naren asked him a few times what was wrong, but he didn't speak, and finally didn't ask, letting him giggle there.

Ji Chenzhou is like this, the more you want to know things, the more he doesn't tell you, just likes to tease you.

If you are not interested, he will take the initiative to tell you, you have to listen if you don't.

"Laugh enough and drive."

It was the first time that Naren saw Ji Chenzhou smile so successfully.

Like a child, so happy.

Although I don't know what it is, it is certain that something bad must have been done.

"Why didn't you ask? I told you..." Ji Chenzhou couldn't help but want to laugh when he thought of his father killing him and quarreling with his little mother.

It is estimated that his father will not sleep on the sofa these two days, plus his little mother's cold eyes.

"Don't tell me, I don't listen, I don't ask, if you have any funny and happy things in the future, you will go on secretly without interest."

Naren was also a rare arrogant one in front of Ji Chenzhou.

Look out of the car window without looking at Ji Shenzhou.

The tone of this gesture clearly tells me that I am angry.

Ji Chenzhou is happy again, he likes Naren's cute and awkward look.

He was not a hypocritical person, so it was very cute to start such a thing.

At first glance, if you tease it a little bit, you will immediately lose your breath.

"Baby, is this angry or angry?"

Ji Chenzhou leaned over, squeezed that Ren's face, and smiled wickedly.

Naren didn't speak, but did a biting lip.

Ji Chenzhou knew he couldn't stand it anymore.

Naren's lips are slightly fleshy, and Naren would never do this biting lip before.

He probably won't know how attractive this action is.

Ji Chenzhou's eyes slowly darkened, and his Adam's apple couldn't help but slid.

The slender fingers touched Naren's lips lightly, with very light movements.

As soft as a feather, Naren shook his body, and his wet eyes looked at Ji Chenzhou and blinked.

Naren was about to let go of his biting lip to speak, but Ji Chenzhou held it with his finger.

"Just give me a bite, I like to watch it."

Even if it is pressed, Ji Chenzhou's strength is not great.

It seems that I am afraid that this attractive beauty will be destroyed.

Naren couldn't speak, he could only express it with his eyes.

Staring at Ji Chenzhou with shame and annoyance, he saw Gu Qian in his eyes.

How can I think about it anytime, anywhere.

I still don't have a long memory, I've been interrupted again and again, and I still don't control my own debts every time.

"When I first saw you, you looked like this, wet, ashamed and annoyed, so I couldn't help but kiss you."

Ji Chenzhou always thinks of his first meeting with Naren.

If they didn't see it that day, maybe there wouldn't be today.

Everything is destined and arranged.

Naren blinked, and became ashamed when he was ashamed and angry.

Even though they had kissed Ji Chenzhou many times later, for Naren, the first time they kissed, I am afraid they will never forget it in this life.

He still remembers Ji Chenzhou's rogue appearance.

It is also interesting to say that he was interesting to Sir Alex at the beginning, and Ji Chenzhou liked Young Master Chu.

In the end, it was the two of them walking together. I'm afraid that such fate is rare.

Naren wanted to speak, but could only make a whining sound.

His eyes turned into shame and annoyance again, and Naren's eyes were particularly pure and clear, so slight changes in his expression could be clearly seen.

"Bow and Wang, I'll let go." Ji Chenzhou was playful, and Naren looked like an aggrieved puppy.

Squatting there, wagging his tail, begging for mercy.

Naren's eyes widened and began to struggle with anger, but was imprisoned by Ji Chenzhou.

Because the distance between the two was very close, Ji Chenzhou seemed to be really angry when he could see the flames in Ren's eyes.

What to do, the more Naren gets angry, the more Ji Chenzhou wants to bully him.

I want to bully him and cry...

Naren just retracted his teeth, just when he was about to open his mouth to scold Ji Chenzhou.

However, his lips were clamped by Ji Chenzhou's **** like clamps.

Naren wanted to stretch out his hand, but he couldn't. One hand of Ji Chenzhou clamped his two wrists.

"Call your husband twice, I'm listening to learn if the dog barking is also so attractive..."

Ji Chenzhou looked at the look in his eyes that kindness wanted to eat him, and his smile became more frantic.

After hearing Ji Chenzhou's shameless words, Naren was really annoyed this time, and couldn't move his body, so he directly hit Ji Chenzhou with his head.

Ji Chenzhou didn't expect that Naren would hit him with his head, and was hit hard.

Naren's practice of hurting the enemy by one thousand and eight hundred had worked, and Ji Chenzhou was hit by him and let go.

Touching his head, smiling and looking at Naren, his forehead instantly turned red.

He stretched out his hand to feel for the bag, but was knocked out by Naren with a wave of his hand.

Then when he was stunned, Naren turned over and sat over.

The situation reversed all of a sudden, Ji Chenzhou didn't resist, he couldn't help laughing when he looked at Naren's angrily.

"Is it fun?" Naren pinched Ji Chenzhou's face and used a lot of strength.

The face of Ji Chenzhou was directly pinched and deformed, not only pinched but also pulled...

It seemed that he was really angry, or how could Naren be willing to treat Ji Chenzhou so much if he changed to normal times.

Like what Sir Alex said, he is always reluctant to bear it before being bullied by Ji Chenzhou.

Tell him to learn how to bark? Thanks to what he thought...

"Um..." Ji Chenzhou nodded, still making a vague hum.

That Ren stared at Ji Chenzhou speechlessly, and only a shameless person like him would nod his head.

"Since it's fun, then you learn how to bark a puppy, no, a big dog barks, come..."

Naren tugged at Ji Chenzhou's face again.

That's what Naren actually said, he still doesn't understand Ji Chenzhou's temperament.

It's shameless, but to save face, if you want him to bark like a dog, he won't.

But this time, Naren was wrong, and Ji Chenzhou actually learned how to bark.

Wangwang yelled twice, and it was quite fierce. It matched his fierceness and stared. It was really a fierce dog...

Naren didn't squeeze for a while, he couldn't restrain himself with joy, and what made him collapse even more.

His hand let go of Ji Chenzhou's face, and Ji Chenzhou even said, "You just squeezed my face and you didn't call it fierce enough..."

As he said, he pointed at Naren and screamed fiercely.

This sound is completely the bark of a big wolf dog.

Naren was so scared that he fell back and hit the back of his head directly on the windshield.

"Ji Chenzhou..." Naren's forehead and back of his head are now hurting.

I was also scared, it was too angry.

"Why don't you call me bad? Call me one wife, I will learn..."

When Ji Chenzhou watched Naren covering his forehead with one hand and touching the back of his head with the other, he suffocated a smile with an expression of humility asking for advice.

"Ji Chenzhou, you are the shameless rascal!"

Naren slammed Ji Chenzhou's chest fiercely, but he was still unwilling to let go.

Angrily lying on his shoulders, through the shirt, bit him badly.

Ji Chenzhou knew that he was really angry and didn't move, letting him bite.

"I'm a rascal, so I will depend on you for a lifetime, and I will depend on you without my face. You must be responsible to me."

Ji Chenzhou said it was pitiful, but it was a lifetime agreement.

Naren was a bit relieved, but when he heard Ji Chenzhou's tone and what he said, he was immediately amused.

"Fortunately, sons and daughters are not like your temperament, or I will be **** to death one day..."

Naren felt angry and funny, even though he said he was going to be angry to death.

However, my heart is full of happiness,

The knight's personality is cold, not very talkative, and the baby is sweet and cute, and not too loud.

"Why don't you say that I can make you die in bed..."

To Naren's ear, Ji Chenzhou said dumbly.

The low and deep voice and the ambiguous tone made blood boil instantly.

Because Naren was sitting on his lap and rubbed around again, although it was Naren's unconscious movements.

However, Ji Chenzhou, who had no determination for Naren, was so easily hooked out of the evil fire.

"You really don't have a long memory, and you'll be disturbed for a while, and you won't be afraid of...not being hard anymore." Naren grabbed Ji Chenzhou's dishonest hand, really shameless.

"Am I uncomfortable? Look, it's really uncomfortable."

He said that he grabbed Naren's hand and wanted to touch it there, but he was beaten by Naren, "Hurry up and drive away. I told Master Xiu. We will go back soon."

Where would Naren allow Ji Chenzhou to be foolish anymore, he is really ashamed of him.

Sitting back in the co-pilot, Naren didn't go to see Ji Chenzhou, but sorted out his messy clothes.

"Waiting for the night, I won't let you beg for mercy."

Ji Chenzhou glanced at his unworthy place, it was too easy to be hard...

Started the car and drove out of the parking lot...

Xiuye ​​Villa

When Ji Chenzhou saw Qin Nan alive, even if he knew he was alive before.

I was shocked when I saw it with my own eyes, and the shock was no less than when I knew that Naren was alive.

Because having memory is different from not having memory.

Qin Nan greeted Ji Shenzhou with a smile, as if it was five years ago, smiling so brilliantly.

It's just that he can only sit in a wheelchair, instead of giving Ji Chenzhou a buddy hug as before.

Ji Chenzhou choked up several times without saying anything. When he walked into the villa, he told himself to be natural.

However, I really saw it, but I couldn't.

Say thank you? Thank you for losing the life of Naren in my house.

Still say, "It's good to be alive, good..."

It would be better if they had legs.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to say anything, so Ji Chenzhou just stood there.

If it is possible, he wants to do everything possible to make Qin Nan stand up.

Whenever there is a little way, he will try, even if it is only one in a billion.

"Naren has not had a good time in the past few years. You must treat him well in the future."

Qin Nan also knew why Naren had suspended his death back then, since Naren chose not to say it.

Naturally, he wouldn't say it, just hope that after so many hardships. ‘

Naren and Ji Chenzhou can be together happily.

The most important thing is that Ji Chenzhou can love Naren forever.

The main problem is that if Ji Chenzhou didn't know his father killed Naren's parents, if his father embarrassed Naren, he would take care of him.

Master Xiu said that Ji Chenzhou's father disagrees with them being together, especially knowing that Naren is still alive.

Naren had to endure how much torture, so that he could not care about the revenge of killing his father and killing him, and be together with Ji Chenzhou again.

What he has to endure in his heart is something that no one can think of or feel.

The love of Naren deserves to be cherished by Ji Chenzhou.

"I will."

There are only three simple words, but they are heavier than gold.

The corner of Naren's lips showed a happy smile, and he also believed that Ji Chenzhou would treat him well.

This is a kind of trust, which is firmness only when emotion reaches a certain depth.

"Naren, go help me squeeze a glass of orange juice, I want to drink it..."

Qin Nan looked at Naren's eyes red, and the emotional person was always easily moved.

"Well, you wait." If Qin Nan took the initiative to eat, Naren would be very happy.

Ji Chenzhou watched that Renle go out, that is, a simple person like him, and would not realize that Qin Nan deliberately took him away.

In the past five years, Qin Nan has also changed. This is how Ji Chenzhou felt when he first saw him.

The previous Qin Nan was careless and without scheming, but the expression in his eyes when he opened Naren just now was so natural.

"Do you think I am worthy of Master Xiu? To be honest..."

Qin Nan slid his wheelchair and drove to the window. Over the years, he liked looking outside from the window the most.

However, behind him, there is always a bodyguard standing there, cautiously, afraid that he will suddenly burst through the French window and jump off the building with a wheelchair.

Later, Master Xiu let someone press the guardrail...

Ji Chenzhou didn't know why Qin Nan suddenly asked him this.

If he were to be honest, he felt that Qin Nan and Master Xiu were inappropriate, but had nothing to do with whether they were worthy or not.

"You don't think it's worth it, too! My family is an ordinary family in a small county, so it's more than enough! But if I want to buy a pair of new shoes, I have to hesitate, and Master Xiu... he is like heaven. God, is the being looked up to. Me and him are like clouds and mud..."

"But this is such a man who has taken care of me like a babysitter for five years, accommodating me...bearing my temper, how can I...can't stand it...can't stand it..."

Qin Nan smiled, his eyes gradually moistened, and the sky he saw through the glass was hazy.

"Qin Nan, don't do this, he knows what Xiu is doing best. If he doesn't want to, no one can force him."

In fact, Ji Chenzhou also wanted to say that it was not the difference between cloud and mud. The private life of Master Xiu was also very messy. He was not emotional, but there were many women.

Therefore, Qin Nan didn't need to feel that he had checked with Master Xiu.

Moreover, love has nothing to do with money status.

"Then what did you say he did?" Qin Nan asked again.

Like the unworthy question before, Ji Chenzhou couldn't answer it.

Why did Master Xiu treat Qin Nan like this? Anyone's first answer would be because he saved that Ren's leg...

But, who can guarantee that in the past five years, Master Xiu will not have a long-lasting love for Qin Nan?

In fact, there is no such thing as emotion.

When people are together for a long time, they will find each other's goodness in the process of getting along, and then develop emotions.

And Xiuye ​​and Qin Nan have been together for five years, maybe love already exists.

The man Xiu couldn't express emotions, so naturally he wouldn't tell Qin Nan.

Maybe he just knows to be kind to him blindly, and this possibility also exists.

Although Master Xiu had pursued Huo Qingge back then, everyone later understood that it was just a liking of kindness, because Master Xiu didn't understand love for too long, so naturally he couldn't distinguish it.

Therefore, there are no straight men and crooked men. He is not crooked at first, but he feels comfortable when he sees his little mother, and his smile is like his mother.

I just pursued it recklessly. Later, I saw Naren again and kissed him at first sight. It wasn't like I liked it, it was just an attraction.

Isn't it also in the future getting along with the accumulation of emotions that I fell in love?

Therefore, emotion is hard to say.

"Everyone knows that he did this to me because of Naren, but I don't need it, I really don't need..."

When Qin Nan said this, he slowly stood up.

Ji Chenzhou ran over to help him in shock, but saw that Qin Nan could go by himself...

Although I walked very slowly, I was able to stand up and walk around...

"You..." Naren said very clearly, Qin Nan couldn't move his legs and would fall down after standing.

However, he was sure that it was not his own eyes that were blinded, and Qin Nan really stood up in front of him.

"I can walk, but I can't take a few steps. If I continue to practice, it should be fine. Although I can't run as fast as before, there is no problem when I walk."

Qin Nan said very lightly about the things that he could go, as if just saying, what I ate today, it tasted good...

"When can I stand up and walk..."

Ji Shenzhou watched Qin Nan stand well, not trying to show him.

It stands to reason that if Qin Nan could stand and walk, then Renhe Xiuye ​​would not know.

There are special people who accompany him to do rehabilitation exercises, and Naren also said that a special doctor will check him every few days.

With such a surprise improvement, I must tell Master Xiu...


Ji Shenzhou looked at Qin Nan with a calm face, unless someone didn't want Master Xiu to know.

And those people Qin Nan can't order, that's only...

"Everyone knows that I am not worthy of Master Xiu. Even doctors and rehabilitators know that if I can stand up and walk, then the end result is that I will definitely be with Master Xiu, and this is them. Don't want to see.

Everyone here is very respectful and kind to him. The doctors and rehabilitation practitioners are doing their best to treat his legs, but they also have selfish intentions.

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