The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1492: Sinking-you two get away from you, it's so noisy (3,000 characters)

Ji Chenzhou didn't understand how being together had anything to do with hiding Qin Nan's legs?

If those people don't want Qin Nan to be with Master Xiu, then Qin Nan's legs are good and Master Xiu doesn't need to take care of him.

Isn't this exactly what they want?

"Because Master Xiu let go, I, Qin Nan, is a handicapped person. It is good for him to cultivate..."

Qin Nan smiled bitterly

Qin Nan still remembered how painful and sweet his heart was when he heard these words from Master Xiu. It was these two extremely contradictory feelings that gave him a decision...

And he has been preparing for this decision.

"They knew that I was disabled and wanted to leave all the time. There seemed to be a tacit understanding between us. I didn't say that my legs got better and they wouldn't say it. They were waiting for me to leave..."

Why it becomes mature is probably formed in such a tacit understanding that does not require communication.

Ji Chenzhou was a little angry, it turned out that this is the case, those people are really brave.

If this matter was discovered by Master Xiu, they wouldn't even want to live.

Both Xiuye ​​and Naren were looking forward to Qin Nan's recovery, and he was also looking forward to it.

Now that Qin Nan can stand up, he is particularly happy.

No matter how well you recover, you can walk freely.

"Do you want to leave? Your legs are not good, Master Xiu won't let you leave, why do you want to hide it?"

Master Xiu forced Qin Nan here to take care of him and tolerate him because his leg was broken.

Because of this, for five years, Master Xiu ignored Qin Nan's various mischief and didn't let him go.

Why did Qin Nan hide so much?

"Master Xiu has never taken back what he said, I am still disabled, it is his own..."

Qin Nan repeated these words again. It is the person who is Xiuye, who?

Family or subordinates, juniors, or friends? Or a lover, no definition.

However, the words "the person of Master Xiu" were enough to keep Qin Nan trapped by Master Xiu for a lifetime.

"And the capital of my mischief in the past few years is that I am disabled. Master Xiu will agree to any request from me. Apart from leaving, if I recover, will Master Xiu still be used to me? He will use stronger means to leave me behind. ."

When Qin Nan knew that his legs could stand up, he tentatively asked Master Xiu.

"Master Xiu, if my legs are better, will you let me go?"

Qin Nan lay with his back facing Master Xiu, Master Xiu answered without thinking, "No."

Qin Nan asked him why.

Master Xiu just said, "I'm used to..."

Later, Master Xiu said, "Let's do this for the two of us in this life. If I die before you, you will be free!"

Of course, Qin Nan wouldn't say this to Ji Shenzhou. This was regarded as a promise from Master Xiu to him.

Or something else, Qin Nan understood in his heart, but he didn't want to think through it.

"So, it can only be that my leg is still stubborn, and then... I need Ji Shao's help."

This time Qin Nan turned around and sat in a wheelchair, looking at Ji Shenzhou...

Without Qin Nan, Ji Chenzhou can probably guess what Qin Nan wants to say to him.

Qin Nan's feelings for Master Xiu were really serious.

However, he also knew that Master Xiu's status would be laughed at when he was with him, and even his subordinates would not obey him anymore.

And if you want to come to Master Xiu, you should have done well with Qin Nan, what you have to face, and what you want to abandon.

Master Xiu should be prepared, and Qin Nan would not let these things happen.

"I want you to tell Master Xiu, you and Naren will take care of me for the rest of my life. After I leave here, I will go where I want to go and live a quiet and stable life."

Everything Qin Nan has planned, including the caregiver he found...

"Qin Nan, I..." Ji Chenzhou couldn't say what I couldn't promise you.

Facing Qin Nan who had saved Naren, Ji Shenzhou couldn't say anything to refuse.

"Ji Shao, just treat it as you repay me, is it successful? I thank you!"

Qin Nan said this, giving Ji Chenzhou no right to refuse.

In the end, he gritted his teeth and nodded.

"If you let Master Xiu know that your legs are healed, and plan to leave him like this, he will be angry."

Ji Chenzhou couldn't judge whether Master Xiu really had feelings for Qin Nan, or just a responsibility.

Therefore, he is not sure what the result will be afterwards.

"No, at that time, there should be someone by his side who can accompany him."

Qin Nan smiled, that smile was very bitter.

"How can..." Naren came in before Ji Chenzhou's neng word was finished.

Carrying good orange juice.

And he had to shut up and said nothing, but he was very bored.

Qin Nan didn't ask him not to tell Naren about this matter, he should have guessed it, he would not tell Naren.

Because Naren wanted Qin Nan to be with Master Xiu, he felt that Master Xiu had feelings for Qin Nan.

During dinner, Ji Chenzhou saw Master Xiu always picking food for Qin Nan.

And the dishes that Qin Nan likes to eat.

And Qin Nan didn't say anything else, just eating.

But he didn't eat much, when Qin Nan wanted to put down his chopsticks.

Ji Chenzhou saw an unpleasant look flashing across Master Xiu's face, but was not angry.

"Eat more!" He continued to put a piece of spare ribs into Qin Nan's bowl and said coldly.

However, Qin Nan put down his chopsticks directly, "I'm full, don't eat."

Then he must push the wheelchair to leave.

Naren still bowed his head to eat, as if he had become accustomed to this situation.

Ji Chenzhou suddenly understood why Qin Nan said that if he had a broken leg, Master Xiu would tolerate him unlimitedly.

And Ji Chenzhou can be seen, Master Xiu has a good temper with Qin Nan.

I didn't get angry with Qin Nan, but just picked the ribs that had been put in Qin Nan's bowl, and put them in his own bowl.

If changing to the former Qin Nan and giving him 10,000 courage, he wouldn't dare to do this to Master Xiu, right?

And even if Master Xiu has a good temper in this life, he will get angry when facing Qin Nan like this?

Naren was still a bit embarrassed when he came out of the Xiuye ​​villa. He wanted to stay here to accompany Brother Nan.

However, I was reunited with Ji Chenzhou again, and agreed to his terrace tonight...

Finally, Qin Nan said, "You should go back and get bored. Besides, the baby and the knight should also want you to go back."

In this way, Naren left with Ji Chenzhou.

But when he came out, Ji Chenzhou actually saw Huo Qingge, and when he was about to call her, he suddenly realized that it was not like him.

"That's the caregiver that Brother Nan looked for..."

Naren sighed and explained to Ji Shenzhou.

"Qin Nan's looking for it?" Ji Shenzhou just remembered what Qin Nan said.

"No, at that time, there should be someone by his side who can accompany him."

It turned out that this was what he meant. It seemed that Qin Nan had already made preparations to leave.

Let him even find someone for Master Xiu.

With Qin Nan, he thought that Master Xiu had liked Huo Qingge before.

Later, Huo Qingge married, and those who were worried about not getting it should be worried.

That's why I found such a person who looked like Huo Qingge.

Just to give Master Xiu...

Ji Chenzhou felt even more bored, how painful Qin Nan should have been while doing all this.

He really loves Xiuye, so he can do this.

It's not because of love, I just want to be together with Master Xiu all my life.

Ji Chenzhou didn't say anything, but drove away with Naren.

When he got home, Ji Chenzhou was going to meet their house directly, but Naren said that he would take him to Sir Alex first.

There is no way to go back to his father's house first, who knows that when the courtyard is tight, he will see his father standing in the courtyard...

However, as soon as Gu Jue saw Ji Chenzhou's car stop, he came over murderously.

Naren's face was inexplicable, and Ji Chenzhou also realized with hindsight, only then did he remember that he answered the phone in the hospital to tease his father.

When he wanted to start the car to escape again, Naren had already opened the door to get out of the car.

Ji Chenzhou had to give up.

Gu Jue kicked the door on the side of the cab.

Naren took a step back in fright and looked at Ferguson through the body and cursed at the window.

"Little bunny, you see that I won't kill you today, so you can even calculate and dare to play with your dad. I think you don't want to live anymore." Gu Jue was really angry, it didn't seem to be a joke at all.

"Lord, don't be angry, what's the matter?" Naren didn't know what happened to Ji Chenzhou, but instinctively told him that it should be related to Chu Shao.

"Naren, you go in, today I have to teach him well."

Gu Jue kicked the car door again as he said, Ji Chenzhou just didn't get out of the car.

The car is only a few dollars, and his life is important.

Gu Jue was kicked out by Chu Baiqing, and it was because he was jealous and angry that his family Chu Baiqing was annoyed.

And the reason why he did everything was a good deed by his third son.

"The Lord Sir..." Gu Jue interrupted the benevolent words before he finished speaking.

"Be obedient, go in, your little mom is cooking, go and see, don't burn the kitchen for me."

Gu Jue was helpless when he said this. When did their family Chu Baiqing go to the kitchen?

Over the years, he has taken good care of him and his children.

Gu Jue was naturally worried that he would **** him off, but he had to cook by himself.

"Oh..." No way, Naren had to leave, and kept giving Ji Chenzhou a look so that he wouldn't annoy Sir Alex Ferguson.

Who knew that as soon as Naren entered, Ji Chenzhou got out of the co-pilot.

Then Sir Alex ran over to chase him.

It's all right now, two people are running around the car...

"Why don't you stop me, little bastard, if you have a daughter-in-law, you forget your father, don't you?"

In the past five years, Gu Jue has been taking care of Ji Chenzhou without talking about **** and taking care of Ji Chenzhou.

In the end, he was tricked by his son and asked his wife to be kicked out. His life was too frustrated.

"What do you say, when I didn't have a wife, I didn't remember you!"

Ji Chenzhou continued without fear of death.

Through the glass of the kitchen, Chu Baiqing made a mess of the kitchen. Looking at the two of you running after me in the courtyard, Chu Baiqing is even more annoying.

"You two get away, it's so noisy!" Chu Baiqing opened the window and shouted.

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