The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1493: Sinking——I can’t get used to it, I have to be pampered (4,000 words)

When Naren walked into the kitchen, it was a mess.

And Chu Shao's roar...

He could hear that he was really angry.

Although I don't know what happened in detail, but Ferguson's attempt to beat Ji Shenzhou must be inseparable from him.

Naren found that Ji Chenzhou was getting more and more naive now.

Chu Baiqing looked back and saw Naren walk in and pointed to the messy console.

"I thought it was very simple, it's hard to imagine, how could he make the dishes so delicious, not so delicious."

Even if he had just finished arguing with Gu Jue, he just told him to stay away.

However, Chu Baiqing was still complimenting Gu Jue in disguise for taking good care of him and his children over the years.

So far, Xiao Jiu and Xiao Qi's grandparents don't believe that Gu Jue can cook and take care of the family. They can do it for so many years.

"Young Master Chu, Sir Alex is really virtuous... virtuous is not right, too inappropriate."

Naren couldn't find a suitable word, but felt that it was really strange to use virtuous to describe Sir Alex.

In other words, every time he eats the food made by Sir Alex Ferguson, he still finds it amazing.

Sir Alex would make such a delicious meal, just to please a man's stomach.

"This aspect is desirable, but you know that he is too jealous of this jealous jar, and when his temper comes up, he completely ignores it, and then finds himself wrong, and shamelessly apologizes to you."

Chu Baiqing put her hands on the edge of the console and said silently.

Naren thinks that Ji Chenzhou and Sir Alex are the same, both have this kind of personality. No wonder they are both...

But looking at the state of Chu Shao, Naren really saw helplessness.

"The Sir Alex cares about you too much. This is probably the norm in life."

It is said that there is no couple who does not quarrel, it is because they care about it.

"He must be treated this time, otherwise he will be like this next time, it's endless."

Chu Baiqing looked at the two people who were still running around the car and said helplessly.

"I can ask if it is related to Shen Zhou. He took me and ran away from the lounge today..."

"Shen Zhou answered my call and said that I was taking a bath, and then asked my student to wait for me there. Gu Jue thought it was my student who answered the phone and almost beat him."

The thought of the chaos in the hospital lounge makes Chu Baiqing's brain hurt.

The relationship between him and Gu Jue is not a secret. Many people around him know it. Therefore, everyone should avoid this situation because they know that Gu Jue has a bad temper.

Because of this, Chu Baiqing felt very distressed.

I've told Gu Jue many times, don't go to the hospital because you suspect that a man is plotting against him, but it's useless at all.

"Um, I'm sorry Young Master Chu, I blame Shen Zhou..." Naren understood why Ji Chenzhou had to run and why he had to let the student in and wait.

Really, knowing that it would cause a misunderstanding between Sir Ferguson and Chu Shao, still doing so, it shouldn't be.

"Naren, looking at Ji Chenzhou is causing trouble, in fact, he did this deliberately, because Gu Jue always suspected that there was something between me and my students these days. Now that it's okay, he doesn't have to doubt it anymore. The misunderstanding is solved. "

"Actually, when Shen Zhou does things, we usually don't understand what we see, and then we will realize it later."

Chu Baiqing still knew Ji Chenzhou, he was not a person without measures.

Naren opened his mouth slightly in surprise, "If Chu Shao understands him, I just think he is in trouble..."

"Come here, help me clean up, it's a mess..."

Chu Baiqing always felt that there was nothing he couldn't do.

Looking at it now, there are really things he can't do.

In the past, he always felt that Gu Jue would do nothing but lose his temper.

However, he has taken good care of this family over the years, and he still enjoys it.

"Just now, the baby said he was hungry..." Naren looked at the extremely chaotic console, and couldn't start.

When I just came in, the baby was still shouting, hungry, hungry...

"Let's go out to eat and let the two of them keep running!"

Chu Baiqing pushed Naren out, and didn't tidy up. There was no way to start.

"OK then!"

In fact, Naren wanted to say, how could the two of them not follow.

When the baby heard that she was going out to eat, she was very happy. In fact, it doesn't matter what she eats, she is the happiest to go out to play.

The knight didn't have any expressions, and he was still there playing assembling without any rush.

When they came out after changing their clothes, Gu Jue and Ji Chenzhou were sitting on chairs in the courtyard, staring at each other out of breath.

"Why are you doing this?" Gu Jue saw that Chu Baiqing was taking the knight, and Naren was holding the baby and all changed clothes.

Chu Boqing ignored Gu Jue at all, and finally Naren said, "I want to go out to eat."

"I said you can't cook, you still don't believe me, wait for me, I'll change clothes."

Gu Jue didn't care that Chu Baiqing ignored him, and he was about to go in.

Naren wanted to say, just the four of us, without you...

However, he still didn't say, watching Sir Alex Ferguson rushing in to change his clothes, he stood there without moving.

"Naren, go!" Chu Baiqing walked directly to the car.

Ji Chenzhou also came over, Naren shook his head at him, and told him with lips, "I won't take you..."

I don't know if Ji Chenzhou didn't understand it, so he went here.

"Come on, baby three fathers." Ji Chenzhou stretched out his hand to the baby.

Who knows that the baby would hold Naren's neck and not let go, "I want four fathers to hold him, not you."

The baby said to Ji Shenzhou mercilessly.

"Little unscrupulous, love the new and dislike the old."

Ji Shenzhou pretended to be sad.

"Young Master Chu won't let you go, we're leaving, you eat more with Sir Alex!"

Naren held the baby and walked around Ji Chenzhou.

"You just leave me?" Ji Chenzhou asked angrily without hesitation watching Naren go.

"You're not a kid, I'll be back after dinner."

Without looking back, Na Ren got into Chu Baiqing's car with Meimeida's baby.

"Don't come back."

He and Naren had already eaten with Master Xiu.

I wanted to go back quickly, the terrace...

I went to dinner with his little mother, and didn't know when to come back.

According to what he knows about his little mother, he probably won't be back tonight.

Chu Baiqing's car drove out, and Gu Jue also came out.

"What about people?" asked the third son grimly.

"I didn't plan to take you at all, I didn't have any vision to see!"

I didn't have a good tone when talking to my father.

Said good terrace...

"Fuck, you dare to say me, if it weren't for you, he would be angry, and get out of it, and look at you and be annoying."

Gu Jue was also annoyed, and Chu Baiqing's family was too angry now.

"Father, should we go for a drink?"

Ji Chenzhou was accustomed to being scolded and was upset, his little mother took his wife away.

Then he would be filial and take his father out to be cool.

"Finally speaking something, let's go!"

The two men who were thrown away by their wives went to drink their sorrows like this.

Chu Baiqing took Naren and the children to eat Shanghai food, the baby liked it very much.

The knight didn't like it very much, "It's still delicious made by Big Daddy."

Chu Baiqing didn't speak either, but he thought so too.

I'm used to Gu Jue's dishes, but other dishes are really hard to eat.

Naren simply ate a few bites and was not hungry. He also ate a lot at Master Xiu's.

"Second father, where shall we go to play in a while?"

It is rare to come out for dinner at night, the baby seems very happy.

"Baby, we are going back to sleep."

Naren touched the baby's head, this child is playing wild.

The baby looked at his second dad in disappointment, with pleading in his watery eyes.

"It's useless to look at me, I have to go to bed when the time is up."

Chu Baiqing couldn't bear to disappoint her baby, but she had to follow her schedule.

"Okay!" The baby slumped his head, grabbed the rice in the bowl, and responded unhappily.

"Actually, it doesn't matter once in a while, it's rare to be happy."

The knight who didn't speak much actually spoke up.

"Yeah, yeah, just once!" The baby, who was still unhappy, immediately agreed happily.

Chu Baiqing laughed. The knight has always been a more self-disciplined child, and has never worried about him much.

He can do all these things to eat and sleep by himself, get up, wear clothes, brush his teeth and wash his face.

And many times, you don’t need to tell him what to do and what not to do.

"Well, where do you want to go to play?" Since the children all want to play, Chu Baiqing is not good at forcing them to go home to sleep.

As the knight said, once in a while, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Second Dad, you are great, baby is very happy..." The baby ran to Chu Baiqing's side, put his arm around his neck and kissed him, saying happily.

"Where are we going?" The baby has never come out to play at night.

I don't know where it is fun.

"Let's watch the fireworks! There are no fireworks on the riverside."

The knight thought that his sister would like it.

"Well, well, let's go watch the fireworks." The baby clapped his hands, you can see that he is really happy.

"Father four, let's go to see the fireworks, okay?" The baby asked Naren again, because she suddenly realized that she was just getting close to you with the second dad just now, and left the fourth dad in the cold.

"Okay, then we will go to watch the fireworks."

Naren squeezed the baby's face, and said dozingly.

Chu Baiqing didn't say that the time for fireworks has passed.

He took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shaoye Qin, asking him to send someone to the river to prepare fireworks.

Never let the child down...


"Fuck, why don't you drink?" Gu Jue looked at Ji Chenzhou and didn't drink much while shaking his glass.

Drinking with the third son is really boring, absent-minded.

"Father, Naren originally promised me to do it on the terrace tonight..."

Ji Chenzhou looked at the wine in the wine glass with no energy, and said faintly.

"Shameless!" Gu Jue naturally understood what his third son meant.

"You want a face, don't think I don't know where you and my little mom have done it."

Half a catty is good to everyone.

"You are even more shameless when you peek at us..."

Gu Jue was actually a little drunk. In the past few years, tobacco and alcohol have been controlled. Obviously, the amount of alcohol is not enough.

"I don't know if they have finished eating!" Ji Chenzhou took out his mobile phone and supported his head with one hand, as if he wanted to fight but didn't fight.

"Then just ask!" In fact, Gu Jue wanted to call Chu Baiqing a long time ago, but Chu Baiqing, who knew that was angry, would not answer him.

Then the third son will have to laugh at him.

"Forget it, don't take us, just ignore them."

Ji Chenzhou watched his father aim at his cell phone, and said angrily on purpose.

"Don't care about it... In case they drink, it is not safe to drive..."

Gu Jueqi's teeth are itchy, so I almost didn't say anything, so you can call me quickly.

"If you don't fight, whoever tells them not to take us will not fight."

Ji Chenzhou threw the phone on the sofa and poured another glass of wine for his father.

"Fuck, you are still playing your temper. If it weren't for you, would I be kicked out? Are you still angry...Hurry up and ask if you are home."

Gu Jue glared at his third son, annoyed that he was not on the road.

"I don't know who said just now, the daughter-in-law can't get used to..."

Ji Shenzhou smiled and picked up the phone, teasing his father.

"You can't get used to it, you have to be pampered."

Sir Alex patted the table fiercely and exasperated.

How come there is such an annoying son who will be mad at him sooner or later.

"Promise..." Ji Chenzhou called the phone, but was never connected.

Called Naren's cell phone twice, but didn't answer it.

Ji Chenzhou's complexion was bad, and then he hit his little mother, but no one answered him.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jue saw Ji Shenzhou making calls over and over again, his face was not good, and he immediately woke up half of the wine.

"Neither answer the phone..." Ji Chenzhou Naren and his young mother's mobile phone numbers alternated, but they just didn't answer.

If his youngest mother is angry and does not answer the phone, it is possible, but Naren will definitely answer his phone.

"I'm fucking..." Gu Jue quickly took out his cell phone and called Qin Shaoyou, asking him to send someone to find it.

However, Qin Shaoyou didn't answer the phone...

Gu Jue's face was dark and terrible, and there must be no accidents.

Gu Jue called Feng Yan again, asking him to quickly send someone to find the positions of Chu Baiqing and Naren.

"Fuck..." Ji Chenzhou cursed irritably without being able to make a call.

Gu Jue picked up the car key and walked outside, stumbling a little in a hurry, almost falling.

Ji Chenzhou also mentioned his throat with a heart, Naren just returned to him, but there should be no more accidents.

Just when Ji Chenzhou and his father were in the car, Naren called.

Ji Chenzhou quickly picked up.

"Where are you? Are you injured?" Ji Chenzhou asked anxiously before that Ren could speak.

"On the riverside, I was not injured. I was going to be strangled to death. Come here!"

Naren's voice was panting, "I said you don't hold me so tight... where to touch..."

Before the phone was hung up, what Ji Chenzhou heard was Naren's words.

Ji Chenzhou was at a loss and didn't know what had happened. He only knew that someone was holding their family Naren...

And even touched their family Naren, it was almost death...

Really live impatiently.

"Hurry up and drive, by the river!" Ji Shenzhou ordered to the driver.

He and his dad drank and couldn't drive.

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