The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1494: Sinking-go away, go away, one by one, I'm so angry (4,000 words)


Chu Baiqing held the baby while the knight sat aside by himself, looking out the car window.

Naren was held by a man and fell to the ground, Qin Shaoyou wanted to step forward, but couldn't start.

You can still hear the man crying and complaining.

Naren didn't even struggle anymore, letting the man hold him.

Waved to Qin Shaoyou, motioning him not to stand here.

This posture is endless.

"Second father, who is that man?"

The baby is watching with gusto lying on the car window. Today is so happy.

Not only did I ate delicious food, but also watched the fireworks.

The most important thing is that you can see the four fathers fighting with others.

She thought the fourth father was the most obedient person.

"Your third dad's...friend!" Chu Baiqing thought for a while and could only answer like that.

"Four dads' rivals in love!" The knight who was playing on his mobile phone added faintly.

Chu Baiqing touched his head, "You know everything."

Isn't it? Regardless of how young the Cavaliers are, they know a lot.

"I also know that my seventh brother likes a girl in their class..."

"And this girl likes Brother Nine..."

The knight thought for a while, and finally didn't tell the story of the fight between Brother Seven and Brother Nine.

Chu Baiqing touched the knight's hand for a while, did he like it so early?

When he was as old as Xiao Qi Xiao Jiu, how did he know that he liked it, and it was only later that he had an ignorant feeling for Gu Jue.

It seems that I have to go back and talk to my sons. One is that I like it too early now, and the other is that I don't hurt the feelings between my brothers.

A car from the opposite side drove up and the baby shouted, "Three Dad’s car..."

When the car stopped, Chu Baiqing saw Gu Jue getting out of the car and running over.

With a look of eagerness, Chu Baiqing's mouth turned up slightly.

Ji Chenzhou looked at the picture in front of him, a little bit dumbfounded.

Their family Naren was hugged by Lu Kai and lay on the ground. The most important thing was that Naren calmed Lu Kai's back with his hands, as if he was coaxing a child.

Although he was not happy that other men hugged him, or he hugged other men, he felt that this kind of tolerance was only possible for his family.

The cake was smashed by Lu Kai last time, he was going to teach Lu Kai, after all, it was Naren who was wronged.

However, Naren said, “It’s true that he loves you. After loving you for so many years, I feel wronged by my love. If you vent it, you can forgive it. After all, you called him and stimulated him. He is a poor man."

"I don't want him to love him for so many years, and finally live the rest of his life full of hatred. We should help him out of this emotion so that he can be happy."

Ji Chenzhou did not expect that Naren would be so broad-minded, able to tolerate Lu Kai's unreasonable troubles.

"Why are you good, why does he love you so much, why..."

Lu Kai drank too much, so he hugged Naren and asked why over and over again.

At the beginning, Naren would say "There is no reason to love someone..." "In fact, I don't find why I love me..."

Later, Naren didn't answer at all, because whatever you say, Lu Kai will say that you are a lie.

"Because you are holding...comfortable?" Lu Kai, who was already confused and drunk, rubbed Naren's body again, and it was really comfortable to hold him.

"You feel comfortable, but I feel uncomfortable, you are too heavy..."

Naren was pressed by Lu Kai, and this posture lasted for almost half an hour.

Naren's body was not strong enough, so naturally he couldn't bear Lu Kai's weight for too long.

"Are you uncomfortable? How can you make me uncomfortable... I'm going to die of pain, die of pain... That **** Ji Chenzhou, he just doesn't love me..."

Lu Kai was so sad that he would keep kicking his legs so that Naren's back was in closer contact with the ground.

Ji Chenzhou saw that his daughter-in-law was almost unable to withstand it, so he hurriedly came over and grabbed Lu Kai by the collar to pull him up.

But Lu Kai clung to Naren tightly, and didn't know where the strength came from, so Ji Chenzhou didn't pull it up.

"I don't know if I drank alcohol or took Dali pills, why didn't I let go..."

Naren looked at Ji Shenzhou with a wry smile, but he didn't expect that the skinny Lu Kai could be so powerful.

"Fuck, you really get up and press me down..." Ji Chenzhou looked at the sweat on Naren's forehead, which must be tired.

However, before his wife was uttered, he was interrupted by Naren.

"Don't irritate him, it will make him uncomfortable."

If it's not uncomfortable, I won't drink like this, hugging him and crying.

"Good good, I don't irritate him."

Ji Chenzhou squatted down and squeezed Naren's ruddy handsome face, Junxiu's face was very seductive.

Fuck, what are you thinking...

"Lu Kai, look at me!" Ji Chenzhou took Lu Kai's arm and let him, who was already confused, look at himself.

"I don't look at you, I don't look at anyone, I will look at this little **** from now on..."

Lu Kai held Naren's face and said angrily, if you say he is drunk, he still knows that Naren is his rival in love.

If you say he is not drunk, he didn't even recognize Ji Shenzhou.

Just as Ji Chenzhou was about to scold Lu Kai, you were the little bitch, but Naren reached out and stopped him.

Because his face was held by Lu Kai and he couldn't speak, the expression in his eyes probably meant "He is drinking too much, let him make trouble!"

Ji Chenzhou was on fire, unhappy that his wife was wronged.

"Looking at it this way, it's not unsightly if it's long... However, it can't compare with me, Ji Chenzhou is still blind."

Lu Kai shook Naren's face and squeezed Naren's face. The backlog was ugly, but it was cute.

Ji Chenzhou was not stunned.

Then he was annoyed, his wife, he was not willing to play like this, why would Lu Kai dare?

"You give me your hand!" Ji Chenzhou didn't care about Naren's eyes, and grabbed Lu Kai's hand to pull him up.

"Who are you?" Lu Kai really drank too much, and he really didn't recognize Ji Chenzhou.

"I am his husband, who do you think I am, get up."

Ji Chenzhou didn't bother to talk to him, whether he knew who he was.

"Little bitch, you actually have a husband, are you still going to sink the boat?"

Lu Kai glared at Naren and said angrily.

"You are the little bitch, Lucky, don't make a fuss!"

How could Ji Chenzhou allow Lu Kai to scold Naren all the time.

"You are also a bitch, you are a double bit..."

Lu Kai stared at Ji Chenzhou and said fiercely.

"He drank too much, it's useless to tell him this."

Naren felt that he would be hungry this time, and was really exhausted by tossing.

"Foot your back, don't stop..." Naren stopped just now and didn't caress Lu Kai.

Lu Kai is like a child who has a bad temper, yelling unwillingly.

"Well, caress your back..." Naren helplessly stretched out his hand to support Lu Kai's back.

When Naren touched Lu Kai's back, Lu Kai continued to lie on him contentedly, smiling happily.

"Fuck, what's wrong with this?" Ji Chenzhou felt that Lu Kai, the furry little wild cat, turned into an obedient puppy in Naren's arms in an instant.

"Magic? Do you want to go home and try it for you?"

Naren blinked at Ji Chenzhou, that was a bit playful.

"I don't want it, like a puppy..."

Ji Chenzhou looked disgusted, but his eyes were full of spoiling.

I am gratified for their tolerance to Lu Kai.

"You are a puppy... I am obviously a cat!"

After being touched by Naren a few times, Lu Kai actually fell asleep.

Ji Chenzhou felt distressed that Naren was still lying on the ground and wanted to pull Lu Kai up.

"Wait for him to sleep, so as not to make trouble again, he said he was kicked out of the house..."

Before Naren finished speaking, Ji Chenzhou stopped him with a gesture.

"Don't say you want to take him home?"

Ji Chenzhou squinted his eyes and asked the squinted Naren, he knew his smile too well.

That is definitely to do something he does not want to accept.

"It's hard to throw him out... just stay for one night, and let him go home tomorrow when he wakes up from alcohol."

The movement of Naren's hands still didn't stop, Lu Kai was already asleep, probably really tired.

Or maybe Naren’s embrace is really too comfortable...

"Let Shaoyou take him to the hotel, or take him to his brother's place. Anyway, you can't let him go to sleep at home."

Even if he is satisfied with Naren's generosity, he can't make Lu Kai go home.

"Then I will take him to the hotel, what if he wakes up at night and makes trouble again, he just said he should not live..."

Naren was actually worried about Lu Kai, for fear that he was really upset and didn't want to live anymore.

"You can believe him when he says he doesn't want to live. Just tell him that I'm full as often."

"Besides, what's the matter with you and him going to the hotel!"

Ji Chenzhou still doesn't understand Lu Kai, and his brother Lu Ming also has a headache because of the trouble in two days.

"Then how about you accompany him to the hotel to sleep?" Naren joked with a smile.

"Just one night, let him go away tomorrow."

Naren said all this, that is, he made up his mind to take Lu Kai home to live, and Ji Chenzhou didn't want to argue with him.

After all, he felt sorry for him lying on the ground.

After throwing Lu Kai asleep in the car, Naren took the driving position and Ji Chenzhou got into the co-pilot.

At this moment, Sir Alex Ferguson came over pitifully and wanted to take their car home.

Naren realized that Chu Shao's car was gone, and it seemed that Sir Alex had been left behind by Chu Shao.

This time, Shao Chu really wanted to cure the jealous habit of Lord Sir Alex.

"Fuck, where do I sit?" Gu Jue asked Ji Chenzhou as he watched Lu Kai lying in the back seat.

"Anyway, my little mom won't let you into the house, you can follow Shaoyou to live with them! You have also seen it, I still have a problem, I can't control you dad!"

Ji Chenzhou pointed to Lu Kai lying behind, and said helplessly at Gu Jue who was staring at him.

"Don't, my daughter is most afraid of Sir Alex, how about I send Sir Alex to the hotel?"

Qin Shaoyou quickly refused when he heard that his boss was going to live with him.

More than his daughter-in-law is afraid of Sir Alex, he is even more afraid that his daughter-in-law will not let the boss in.

After all, the boss of these years has left all the matters to him, and he has no time to accompany his daughter-in-law.

His daughter-in-law was angry, saying that she must have a good theory with him after seeing Sir Alex.

"Get out, get out of here, one by one is mad at me!"

Gu Jue was angry, pointing at Ji Chenzhou and then at Qin Shaoyou, really angry.

"Brother Qin, you send Lord Jue to our house, let's go first!"

At last Naren smiled and opened his mouth, thinking that Sir Alex was pitiful and funny.

"It's still our benevolent and lovely, that...I will go to your house for one night."

Gu Jue said immediately, as if he was afraid that when he finished speaking, his third son would say something like that.

What a frustrating life is going through this time!

Next day

Lu Kai woke up, saw the strange room, did not move, still lying on the bed, the scenes that happened last night echoed in his mind...

Although I was drunk, it seemed that every fragment was clearly engraved in my mind.

Lu Kai got up and went downstairs, just in time to see Ji Chenzhou coming out of the kitchen.

Behind him is Naren...

Ji Chenzhou ignored Lu Kai, and Lu Kai did not act like before. When he saw Ji Chenzhou, his eyes glowed, and his legs ran towards him as if they were equipped with a motor.

Instead, he looked at Naren, "I want to eat tomato and egg noodles."

This is to Naren.

"Problem, you tiao soy milk is willing to eat or not." Ji Chenzhou lazily returned to Lu Kai.

"I want to eat red persimmon egg noodles..." Lu Kai continued to watch Naren repeat this.

"Hey, fuck, Lu Kai, I said..." Ji Chenzhou has a bad temper and has no patience with Lu Kai.

"Go make him a bowl of tomato and egg noodles!"

Naren said this to Ji Chenzhou, his tone was light, and the corners of his mouth were still smiling.

"I'm not going, he wants to eat it and let him get it."

Ji Chenzhou is not a habitual master, so he cooks for their family Naren.

"Hurry up!" Naren was a half-command.

Ji Chenzhou gritted his teeth and couldn't take away the face of his wife.

Finally had to enter the kitchen reluctantly.

Then came the clanging sound and Ji Chenzhou's curse.

"It's not delicious, I will laugh at you."

Naren was worried that Ji Chenzhou would do it with emotion and would add more materials, so he reminded such a sentence.

"Fuck..." Didn't Ji Chenzhou just want to add something, he was even more annoyed when his wife said that.

"It's really cheap!" Lu Kai said such a sentence and went to sit in the living room, even turning on the TV.

It's not cheap, he is obedient to Ji Chenzhou, Naren is fierce to him and doesn't give face, but Ji Chenzhou just loves him.

Naren smiled and said nothing, he could feel that Lu Kai had changed.

This is a good beginning, at least you can see now that he is a little disgusted with Ji Chenzhou...

Naren's cell phone rang, and he glanced at a strange number.

Finally picked it up.

Naren listened to the people on the phone, her eyes complicated and cold.

"Just in time, I want to see you too."

Naren clenched his hands into fists, even though he was ready, but when he heard the voice of Ji Chenzhou's father, he couldn't help shaking all over.

The hatred was still in his heart and could not be suppressed.

After hanging up the president's call, Naren made another call.

"Brother Huo, I want to see you and tell you something." Naren made his decision.

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