The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1495: Sinking——A troublesome character came (6,000 words)

Naren made the call in the Pian Ting, and when he turned around, he saw Lu Kai standing behind him.

A pair of slightly red and swollen eyes stared straight at him.

Naren was really surprised, and then just when Naren was about to speak, he turned around and left.

Naren looked at the bottom of his feet without wearing slippers, just barefoot.

It was his clothes that Lu Kai changed last night, or the clothes five years ago, and the two of them are similar in shape.

Lu Kai stepped on his feet while wearing his pants, and if he saw that he stepped on it, he would trip over him.

Naren can now understand why Ji Chenzhou forbids him to wear such pants at that time.

It is really interesting to think about that time now.

Ji Chenzhou has been persecuting him, and he has always wanted to leave. At that time, he felt that life was like years, and life was better than death.

At that time, I must have never imagined that he would have one day, not leaving this man for a minute.

Ji Chenzhou quickly made the tomato and egg noodles, put it on the table, and called for Lu Kai to come to eat.

The voice of this voice is not small, but also full of breath.

Lu Kai walked into the restaurant and sat down, looking at the bowl of tomato and egg noodles, without moving his chopsticks.

Ji Chenzhou's temper came up, is it possible to have him feed him? What's wrong?

"Why don't you eat it, it won't taste good after a while." Naren came in and saw Lu Kai sitting there without moving his chopsticks.

Ji Chenzhou stood there with his arms in arms, his posture was nowhere near holding a knife in his hand.

"The thing I didn't like to eat since I was little is tomato and egg noodles..."

Lu Kai picked up the chopsticks, picked up the noodles, put it in his mouth, and then vomited it out.

"Fuck, you don't like to eat you want me to make..."

Especially when Naren from their family wanted him to do it well, he also paid special attention to the sword skills.

But Lu Kai actually vomited out after one bite. Isn't this an insult to his craft?

The most important thing is that he doesn't like to eat, so he can't make it too much.

"Before I thought, I love you so much, even if you give me shit, I should think it is delicious! But, now it is not! I still can't eat this tomato egg noodle, even if you make it... "

When Lu Kai said this, he cried...

For more than ten years, just love someone like this.

Knowing that he will not fall in love with himself, but there is still hope in his heart, year after year, day by day...

From the ignorance of greenery at that time, to now, more than ten years...

I couldn't make this man like him.

But he loves Naren such a humble man so relentlessly.

Before yesterday, he could not figure out this question.

I couldn't understand what I thought, so I felt frustrated and furious.

However, after he met Naren by the river last night, he seemed to be able to figure it out.

Then he was drunk, and everything appeared clearly in his mind when he woke up in the morning.

He imagined that if he was in the position of Naren, facing his rivals like yesterday, he would definitely not be able to reach the level of Naren.

Will not have his mind and patience.

No matter how arrogant and arrogant Ji Chenzhou is, he won't be forever, but in front of Naren, he has no temper.

Obediently, it's not because he is afraid of Naren, but that is the way to spoil him.

What Lu Kai said made Ji Chenzhou laugh, he thought Lu Kai wanted to understand.

Sure enough, Lu Kai got up and turned around, looking at Naren.

"I am convinced to lose to you!"

Lu Kai's eyes were slightly red and swollen from crying last night.

Two lines of clear tears crossed his white face, so silent, but it made Naren look distressed.

"Love doesn't win or lose, only fit or inappropriate. I think the person who fits you is right around the corner. You just need to look back and you will find out."

Lu Kai is really beautiful. Maybe it is inappropriate to describe a man with the word beautiful.

However, Lu Kai gave people the feeling like this, exquisite and beautiful, with all the charm of his facial features, and his skin was even fairer, and that arrogant temperament really made people have to like it.

Therefore, Naren believed that there must be someone in love with Lu Kai, but his eyes were always on Ji Chenzhou's body, and he couldn't see that person.

"You have to be careful in the future, be optimistic, it's so likable..."

Lu Kai looked back at Ji Chenzhou, pointed at Naren and said.

Just talking about Naren, Lu Kai knew that he was really convinced that he had lost.

He is not hypocritical, but he really feels that he has lived in vain over the years, and his life is not transparent.

But fortunately, Narendian woke him up, so that he wouldn't waste anymore, at least it was not too late, and he could start a new life.

"As long as you don't like it."

Ji Chenzhou sneered, thinking that if Lu Kai liked Naren, he would pester him for another ten years.

Then he will prevent him from playing in his life...

Ji Chenzhou felt like he was a superfluous person now. It was as if he was originally a leading actor, but he would become a soy saucer.

"I'm sorry that I buckled your cake that day, I just can't control my emotions."

Thinking of the things he did to Naren that day, Lu Kai really felt quite fucked.

Compared with Naren's mind, he is really not even a bit inferior.

"If you don't want to hurt you, it's sincere. You deserve better."

In fact, Naren didn't care about that night.

After all, it was their couple who hurt Lucie, whether directly or indirectly.

All hurt him, and he was a bit wronged.

Lu Kai smiled. He didn't expect so many years of obsession, just because of Naren's words, he would be put down, who would have thought.

I'm afraid no one would think of...

"Naren, you have to be optimistic about him. We have a lot of beautiful women and handsome men in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and there are not a few people who admire him. There will be tens of thousands of me who are busy with you. ."

After Lu Kai said this, he glanced at the tomato and egg noodles on the table and turned and left.

No one really would have thought that when Lu Kai left, he would say goodbye to him so easily.

Their Naren is no longer the one who blushes, is shy and shy.

Ji Chenzhou received a call from Lu Ming, saying that he would invite Naren to a meal and thank him for letting Lu Kai put it down.

Their family thanked Naren...

Ji Chenzhou, who hung up the phone, looked depressed if he wanted to invite him to dinner.

Where is his protagonist halo?

coffee shop

Huo Zhongrao didn't wear a military uniform today, and Naren looked a little uncomfortable with him.

And Huo Zhongrao is not used to sitting in a cafe.

Knowing that Naren was still alive, he was also very surprised. After meeting with Master Xiu that day, Huo Zhongrao still couldn't calm down when he returned home for a long time.

Just stay alive, even after five years, he didn't dare to mention Naren's name in front of his sister.

Any mention of it will make her cry.

Even after five years, seeing Huo Zhongrao again, Naren was still a little nervous and afraid.

In front of Huo Zhongrao, he would also be detained.

When I looked up, I saw a few red marks on Huo Zhongrao's neck. Naren was familiar with those marks.

It seems that Big Brother Huo and Little Demon still have a very good relationship. It's really not easy to be together after so many experiences.

Over the years, he hid in the villa, but knew everyone's life.

Day by day, year after year, now that I think about how I have survived these five years, I really don’t dare to think about it. It hurts to think about it...

"Brother Huo, I am looking for you today to tell you something, a secret that I can't tell others."

Na Ren just didn't say it clearly and couldn't tell Ji Chenzhou.

Because he knew that after he finished speaking, Brother Huo would understand that he couldn't say to Ji Chenzhou.

Huo Zhongrao took a sip of coffee and frowned. Why do so many people like to drink something so awful.

Waved to the waiter, "A glass of water."

Huo Zhongrao's face did not show the slightest interest in Naren's secrets.

Naren did not speak either, waiting for the water to come, and the waiter left.

"Let's talk!" Huo Zhongrao took a sip of water and dilutes the taste of the coffee in his mouth before speaking.

"I..." Huo Zhongrao asked Naren to say, but he didn't know what to say.

Perhaps it means, where should he always start.

Seeing Naren this way, Huo Zhongrao narrowed his eyes slightly, "Perhaps you start with why you suspended your death."

His sister was crying to death that day, and asked Naren why she was so cruel, and she had to conceal everyone while she was alive.

Naren only said that he was ill, but that is just to favor someone else.

Huo Zhongrao believed that even Ji Chenzhou would not believe the reason Naren said.

"Because Ji Chenzhou and I can't be together, my parents were killed by his father..."

Naren held the coffee spoon, her hand trembling slightly.

My parents, his father...

It was like a sharp knife, piercing Naren's heart with a single knife.

Even five years of suffering, five years of separation, and five years of punishment are not enough for him to face this problem calmly.

Therefore, Naren found Huo Zhongrao to solve this problem.

Huo Zhongrao's hand holding the water glass trembled, and the glass slipped from his hand, fell on the table, and then rolled to the floor, making a cracking sound.

Naren stared at the broken glass on the ground, unable to move away for a long time.

Brother Huo, who has always been calm, would react like this when he heard this. One can imagine what would happen if Ji Chenzhou knew about it.

Even if it is a hypothetical question, Naren dare not think about it.

Huo Zhongrao was really surprised by this incident, how could such a thing exist.

Ji Chenzhou's father...killed Naren's parents...

What kind of hatred could make him do this?

Is it?

"Your father's surname is Ouyang?" This is what Huo Zhongrao can think of, and the only thing he thinks is possible.

Because when Ji Shenzhou's father was preparing to run for president, his biggest opponent was the Ouyang family.

In the end, the Ouyang family was destroyed overnight, and the three of the Ouyang family were forced to flee away from the country by collaborating with the enemy to treason and stealing state secrets.

As for what happened later, Huo Zhongrao is not clear, after all, he had just entered the army at that time.

"Hmm..." Naren sobbed, it is rare that Brother Huo still remembers Ouyang's...

"How can you and Shen Zhou... have such a fate!"

Huo Zhongrao didn't know what to say, he knew how much the two children loved each other.

After Naren's "death", what kind of state Ji Chenzhou was in, he had also seen it.

It's really better to live than to die. It turns out that Naren's suspended animation is because of this, and what he has to endure should be more painful.

"That's why I suspended my death, but I didn't expect that I would end up together because of too much love and too much pain..."

Naren lowered his head and held the coffee spoon in his hand. The joints were slightly white, similar to the color on his face.

Glowing white and blue, as if to endure pain as hard as possible.

Huo Zhongrao looked at Naren and he knew exactly what kind of person Ji Chenzhou's father was.

It can be described as a means to achieve the goal without compromise.

This is also the reason why Ji Shenzhou agreed when he found him and asked him for help.

At that time, he was to help Ji Chenzhou seek justice for his mother.

Although the misunderstanding of his mother's death was resolved later.

Ji Chenzhou and his father have also reconciled, but that is in the category of family affection.

Huo Zhongrao does not judge how much affection he has for Ji Chenzhou.

After all, he is getting older, and he wants to make up for such a son, and he wants Ji Chenzhou to sit in his place and let the glory of the Ji family continue.

That is not something he should take care of. He believes that a smart person like Ji Chenzhou will naturally judge.

As for the president's methods and methods, Huo Zhongrao still cannot agree with it.

"Then you are together now, what are you going to do? The secret you said you can't tell, is that you can't let Shen Zhou know, right?"

In the past, Huo Zhongrao always felt that Naren was a weak temperament, and that he should be protected.

However, Huo Zhongrao felt distressed when he thought of his responsibility alone for the past five years.

How can ordinary people endure to this point.

Huo Zhongrao thought that the president was assassinated five years ago, and it should also be related to Naren.

Because it happened shortly after Naren's death.

What was his mood at that time.

If the president died at that time, Huo Zhongrao thought, even if Naren hid for five years, maybe that year, he and Ji Chenzhou would not be together.

No one can forgive them because of the double hatred between them.

"I want him to step down from the position of president. He didn't murder my parents cruelly for the position of president. Then I will let him lose the right he cares about most."

When Naren said this, his tone and expression were very weak, but his hands were still shaking.

It was because of anger, the scene of his parents' tragic death appeared in his mind again, and it was lingering.

"You asked me to help you?" Although Huo Zhongrao asked so.

However, he felt that his benevolent temperament would not cause trouble to others.

However, he couldn't think of another reason...

"No, let him go down, I can do it myself, I want to let Brother Huo go up and be president..."

Only then did Naren say his purpose, which is what he thinks is the best, and it is also the way he can accept it without causing harm to Ji Chenzhou.

If Ji Chenzhou's father hadn't used those despicable methods to force his parents to flee, they would not have died.

It will be his parents who are now in the presidential position.

So for the sake of his parents, he can get comfort in the sky, and Naren wants a candidate who is the most suitable president to sit in this position, so only Huo Zhongrao is the only one.

Huo Zhongrao didn't speak, was silent, Naren didn't ask him whether he agreed.

"You and Shen Zhou are in the same family. At first, Shen Zhou asked me to promise him one thing, that is, let me be president after he finishes revenge!"

That's what Ji Shenzhou told him back then, saying that it was because of Master Xiu.

What Naren did now and what Ji Chenzhou did back then are actually the same.

That is to ask the president to step down, pay for what he has done, and make him lose the right he cares most about.

I just don’t know if it’s a misunderstanding this time. Maybe Naren’s parents were not killed by the president...

However, this kind of possibility feels impossible here in Huo Zhongrao.

After all, it was true that Naren’s father was designed to frame him, forcing him to flee, so that he could easily start abroad. This is the insider's knowledge.

After being surprised, Ren Ren laughed. It turned out that it wasn't just that he thought Brother Huo was suitable. At that time, Master Xiu thought that Brother Huo could be a good president.

It turned out that Ji Chenzhou thought the same way, it was really...

How to put it, maybe turn around, God just let him take revenge in this way.

Not hurting Ji Chenzhou, it was an explanation to his parents.

It was just the kind that caused Ji Chenzhou's father to die directly and robbed him of it.

One is to make his father better than to die, which is to let him step off the throne of power.

"Brother Huo, would you agree to me? I don't want to throw the country into chaos because of my personal reasons. Someone must be able to sit directly after him. That person can only be your Brother Huo."

Ji Chenzhou's father hoped that Ji Chenzhou would take over his place, and Ji Chenzhou and Naren made it clear.

He doesn't know how to be president. He just wants to be with him and his children, just like his dad is with his little mother, taking care of Xiaoqi Xiaojiu.

They also planned and enjoyed their lives. Life is really not that long. Five years between them didn't pass so quickly. Even if you feel that life is like a year again, the pace of time never stops.

Brother Huo is different, he is born to be in a high position for a long time.

Therefore, Naren made such a request.

He believed that Big Brother Huo would also be a good president.

"Good." Huo Zhongrao only said one good word.

Some people are born to be in power, just like Huo Zhongrao.

I just don't know, what would happen to her if the little demon knew about this.

Recently, because he was busy and didn't have time to accompany her, he wouldn't let himself go to bed and play around.

"Thank you Brother Huo, and also, about my parents, I can't let Shen Zhou know, mainly because I can't let my sister-in-law know."

In fact, it was quite challenging for Naren to call Xiao Yao's sister-in-law, after all, she was her peers.

And his impression of the little demon was always the same, staying at the time when a woman pretended to be a man.

However, she is now the mother of the child, how incredible.

A tough guy like Big Brother Huo was softened by a little goblin like the little demon.

After separating from Huo Zhongrao, Na Renxin wanted to go back to school, go to the cafeteria to buy some sliced ​​noodles that Nan brother likes to eat, and let the chef cook some sliced ​​noodles for Nan brother to eat.

What Naren didn't expect was that he ran into He Tingchen at the snack street behind the school.

Although he wears casual clothes and a peaked cap, he still can't stop his handsome face and perfect figure.

Naren didn't see him, but he saw Naren first.

"He Shao, why are you here?" Naren was quite surprised.

After all, how can a person with such a noble temperament like He Tingchen eat in such a small alley?

As soon as He Tingchen was about to take out his mobile phone to type, he was stopped by Naren, "Just the two of us, just speak up!"

Naren shook his head helplessly, speaking and writing one by one, how tired.

He didn't know that He Tingchen could speak.

He Tingchen retracted the phone with a smile, his deep and charming eyes were smiling, as if he was about to **** people in.

"I want to miss my student days."

He Tingchen held a glass of freshly squeezed corn juice in his hand and was satisfied with a sip.

In fact, He Tingchen didn't tell Naren that he came near the school to hide from someone, rented a one-room house, and enjoyed a simple and happy life.

Because once he is captured by that man, his life will be dark.

"You look like looks like a student."

Naren looked up and down at He Tingchen's outfit, it was indeed like a college student.

"Would you like to drink it? I'll take you to buy it."

He Tingchen looked at Naren staring at his corn juice and asked.

"That...good." Naren didn't sell this freshly squeezed corn juice when he went to school and then.

It smells very fragrant, and the weather is a bit cool now, and a drink should be very comfortable.

He Tingchen bought a cup for Naren, and Naren took a sip, really satisfied.

I was going to buy the noodles for Nan, but in the end I went shopping with He Tingchen at the snack street.

He Tingchen is probably not accustomed to talking. When he wants to say something, he always subconsciously wants to get his mobile phone.

Then suddenly I remembered, and smiled apologetically at Naren.

When Naren's cell phone rang, He Tingchen specifically told him that if Ji Chenzhou calls, don't tell him that they are together.

Why can't Naren tell him, He Tingchen said straight, he can't stand his jealous jar.

Naren is right to think, Ji Chenzhou is really a jealous jar now.

"Where are you?" Ji Chenzhou's voice came over the phone.

"Going to Master Xiu, what's wrong?"

Naren didn't say that he was at the school. He was worried that if he said that, Ji Chenzhou would also come over.

"I have a party in the evening, and a troublesome character came to accompany me. You must either eat at Master Xiu’s or go back to my father’s to eat at night. No, my father is still at our home. , And stay there for one night!"

Ji Chenzhou is still guarding his father at this time, and he may not return at night.

Never let his father and Naren be alone. Lu Kai said that his wife was too recruiting.

His father was kicked out by his little mother, what if he was emptiness and loneliness, and he had a wicked attitude towards their family.

If Sir Alex knew that his third son thought about him that way, he would definitely kick him to death.

Before Naren finished speaking, He Tingchen ran away. Someone was chasing after them...

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