The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1496: Sinking-you will pay for your escape (4,000 words)

Naren didn't know what was going on, so he ran with He Tingchen. When he ran, he was afraid that Ji Chenzhou would be worried, so he hung up the phone.

Naren was dragged by He Tingchen to run, obviously He Tingchen was very experienced in running away.

Such small alleys with many people are very suitable for avoiding people who are chasing.

Naren felt that he was too much exercise, and when he arrived at He Tingchen's place, he had already fallen directly on the bed.

The soundproofing effect of his one-bedroom is not good. The men and women next door are doing shameful things in broad daylight, and their voices become more and more intense.

It is hard for Naren to imagine how such a noble person as He Tingchen could aggravate himself to live here.

Experience life? Obviously not, because someone is chasing.

Naren remembered that Ji Shenzhou had said that He Tingchen's man was very powerful.

The person who can make Ji Chenzhou say good is certainly not bad.

Why let He Tingchen live here?

Thinking of the people who chased them just now, could it be that He Tingchen was hiding from that man?

He Tingchen watched Naren lying motionless on the bed.

He didn't speak, but turned on the phone and played a song.

They are all English songs, Naren has no interest in music.

So, I don’t know what the title of the song is, but it’s nice, it’s not fast-paced, and it’s very comfortable to listen to.

Especially the sunshine just happens to make the whole person lazy.

Although the environment here is not good, the free sunshine is very enjoyable.

"When you go back, don't tell Ji Chenzhou that you have seen me."

He Tingchen seemed to have experienced what happened just now before he told Naren.

"Well, I know, I didn't expect you to live here, it feels good here..."

Naren changed the subject directly, and didn't ask He Tingchen why he couldn't say it.

Naren is not a gossip, but if He Tingchen asks him to help, he will definitely be obliged.

Naren vaguely remembered that it seemed that the man was getting married, but that was five years ago.

The marriage must be over, why He Tingchen still escapes now.

Naren suddenly felt as if he had changed gossip.

He is very interested in the man of He Tingchen.

"I used to live in a worse environment than here, much worse, I didn't have a good meal..."

Recalling the past, He Tingchen's eyes became deeper and gradually formed a whirlpool, and he wanted to **** people in again.

Naren was wondering what the difference was. He Tingchen gave people the feeling that he was noble, the kind of person who was raised with care.

Unlike Lu Kai's exquisiteness, he didn't seem to belong to a human being.

"Your eyes are so special!"

He Tingchen's eyes are really beautiful, more beautiful than any pair of eyes Naren has ever seen.

"But I hate these eyes most."

He Tingchen smiled faintly at the corner of his mouth, but Naren felt cold, no, it was despair.

"Shao He, if you want me to help you, you can tell me."

I don't know why, Naren just feels that He Tingchen is helpless now. He is smiling the most, but it is just like a walking dead.

Even the feeling that one day counts as one day.

"Then you lend me some money! I haven't spent anything on food these days."

He Tingchen didn't feel embarrassed because of borrowing money or anything else.

None of his cards can be used, and his cash has been spent these days.

There is no way to eat too much, he wants to taste it.

If he was caught back and put in a golden wire cage, he would not be able to eat it.

Or he is dead and can't eat it...

"I don't have much cash. This is my card. The code is 112233."

Naren put his own card on the bed. It was his own card with hundreds of thousands in it.

"This code..." He Tingchen smiled, that is, with a temperament like Naren, he would not ask anything and give him the card without defense.

The password is so simple. He Tingchen knew that he was a worthy person the first time he saw Naren.

I also felt that he was going to be wronged by Ji Chenzhou, but he didn't expect that now Ji Chenzhou would also obey Naren's words, and still love to this point.

Fan Bin said that Ji Shenzhou is now "strictly governed by his wife"

In fact, Naren didn't come back for a few days, but Ji Chenzhou couldn't leave him every second.

If he can't stick to him, what does Naren say.

This is someone else’s love, not his. From the moment he was bought back, his fate was out of his control.

What to eat at every meal and what clothes to wear today, you have to listen to the man's arrangements.

He has never been able to express his emotions, he just needs to obey.

When the man got drunk at the engagement banquet that day, he asked him, "Xiaochen, what birthday gift do you want?"

That day was his birthday, but it was also the engagement banquet that the man made a sensation in the world...

What gift do you want? He Tingchen didn't say for the first time, "I like everything you send..."

Instead, he said, "I want freedom..."

That night, he was tortured by that man and almost died, severely torn apart.

"You are a pet, and you dare to be free, He Tingchen, I spoil you, it doesn't mean you can be presumptuous."

This is what the man told him before he left.

Yes, He Tingchen, you were bought, how could you forget this fact.

after that……

He Tingchen doesn't want to think about it...

Naren watched He Tingchen sitting there and gently closed his eyes, enjoying his gaze.

Although it is a single room, the windows are large, so there is plenty of sunlight.

"It will be very hot here in summer!" Naren said when he thought of it.

"You can't live in summer..."

Maybe I will be caught back tomorrow...

I was caught back, what should I eat tonight!

Spicy crayfish!

He was not allowed to eat all these cold and spicy things before, because it would be bad for the skin...

That man kept his pet so delicate.

Everyone thinks that He Tingchen is some kind of noble son, a joke, but just a pet of that man!

Naren could hear the sadness in He Tingchen's tone...

"How about I take you to a good place!"

Naren can only be sorry for Brother Nan, and accompany He Tingchen first, always feeling that he is too lonely.

"Really?" He Tingchen opened his eyes, and there was a light of surprise flashing in those deep eyes, so clear.

"Well, you don't need to feel naive."

Naren didn't know if it was a good place.

However, he always went with Nan Ge before.

The place where Naren brought He Tingchen was the video game city.

I bought a one-hundred-yuan coin and divided it into He Tingchen's hands...

"Don't waste it, vote again if you are optimistic."

This is a habit. When he comes with Brother Nan, Brother Nan will say this to him.

Because it was near the university town, the students who came were all students. Naren and He Tingchen stood among them, not at all looking old.

Just like college students, He Tingchen is very happy to put everything aside for fun.

Naren thought He Tingchen would never have played such a naive thing.

However, he obviously played well, and he was a veteran player and he should have played before.

"I used to work in a place like this..." He Tingchen, who was smashing the mole, said with a smile to Naren who was watching him.

"Oh, no wonder."

He Tingchen's voice is a bit hoarse, which should be related to his refusal to speak for years.

Ji Chenzhou said that He Tingchen was dumb after being stimulated.

Naren just wanted to know what kind of stimulation he had received and why he was dumb.

And he can talk, why not let people know?

Naren thought, this must be related to that man.

When the two of them played enough, their foreheads were sweaty. If Naren hasn't been so relaxed for a long time.

"Are there any spicy crayfish around here to eat? Or something hot and spicy."

He Tingchen's charm is just between his gestures. Drinking water can make Naren's Adam's apple roll twice unconsciously.

For evildoers like He Tingchen, that man should look very strict on him, right?

If you don't let it go, it's very likely that you won't be able to find it back. It's too attractive.

Where did Naren know how the man looked at He Tingchen abnormally.

Ji Chenzhou said that the only man in this world who can bear the evil spirit He Tingchen is that person.

No matter whether it is power or patience, no one can match, and his cruelty...

"Yes, do you like spicy food?"

The spicy crayfish that he and Nan Ge often go to is delicious and fresh.

"I don't know if I like it or not, I just want to eat... and then go eat ice cream!"

It's like a dying person who always wants to do things that have not been done or eaten.

"Well, you and I are in charge today!"

Hearing He Tingchen's words, Naren felt distressed. This is a state of luck. He doesn't even know if he likes spicy food.

No wonder when he saw He Tingchen five years ago, he always gave people a very vague and unreal feeling.

It turned out that he was not the real him, but at this moment this is the most real He Tingchen.

The two ate three servings of crayfish. It turns out that He Tingchen can eat spicy food.

It was really good to eat, and He Tingchen was very satisfied.

Naren thought he would not be able to eat ice cream, who knew he ordered a large portion of handmade ice cream, such a large portion...

"Eat less, it's hot and cold, it will cause diarrhea."

After Naren took a few bites, it was very refreshing, but his stomach was aching.

He can eat a little spicy, but he ate too much tonight, three servings of crayfish for two people...

"It's okay, it's really delicious..."

He Tingchen ate regardless, bite after bite.

This handmade ice cream has been around for many years. Brother Nan likes to eat their ice cream, and the taste has not changed in so many years.

Naren's cell phone rang, and when he saw that it was Ji Chenzhou, he answered the call.

Ji Chenzhou asked him where he was. Fortunately, Naren responded quickly, saying he was outside.

Almost at Master Xiu’s place, since Ji Chenzhou asked him where he was, instead of asking if he was still at Master Xiu’s place, it proved that he knew he was not at Master Xiu’s house.

"With whom?" Ji Chenzhou's voice was a little heavy.

"What's your tone?"

Naren didn't think about how to lie. Ji Chenzhou knew all the people he knew.

Therefore, I can only ask rhetorically pretending to be unhappy.

"I... I just asked who you are with?" Ji Chenzhou's voice dropped a few pitches obviously.

"What's wrong with several men?"

Naren said sorry to Ji Chenzhou in his heart, he was so unreasonable to make trouble.

He Tingchen smiled and put down the spoon, and gestured to Naren that he was leaving first.

Naren said anxiously to Ji Chenzhou on the phone, "boring."

Then he hung up the phone and followed He Tingchen out.

"I'll take you back!"

In fact, Naren didn't worry about He Tingchen. He ate so spicy and so much ice cream.

What if this is sick...

"Alright!" He Tingchen looked at the neon flashes on both sides of the street.

that's nice……

But, the bad thing is that He Tingchen is really sick.

So delicate people, how can they withstand such a stimulating way of eating.

"Blame me, I should stop you..."

On the way to the hospital, Naren complained that he shouldn't have let He Tingchen eat so much ice cream.

He Tingchen's face was pale, with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.

My stomach hurts...

"It's delicious, it's really delicious..."

At this time, He Tingchen was still thinking about it, and he didn't care whether he was in pain now.

"Next time you will definitely not be allowed to eat like this, and you can't eat together."

Fortunately, the road was not blocked at this time, and I arrived at the hospital soon.

"There should be no next time..."

He Tingchen's hunch has always been very accurate, and he can predict that he will be arrested soon.

When He Tingchen was lying on the bed, he asked the doctor, "Will I die?"

The doctor judged from experience that it should be acute enteritis, "This disease will not die, rest assured."

However, what surprised the doctor was that He Tingchen's beautiful eyes showed a disappointed look.

There are people who are expecting to die. They are... sick.

When Naren returned from the procedure, He Tingchen lay on the bed for an infusion.

"The doctor said that you need to fast for twelve hours, and then you can only drink some rice porridge."

Naren thought that Chu Shao's morbid beauty was already very beautiful, but he didn't want He Tingchen to be even more eye-opening.

"This is the price of gluttony." He Tingchen was so weak because of the pain, what he said was also very weak.

"You will also pay for your escape."

Naren's cold voice came from behind Naren.

This kind of coldness is really no temperature, Xiuye ​​Li Beichen and Huo Zhongrao are all cold people, but what they said, compared with the sound from behind, it was simply warm.

Naren didn't even dare to look back because of such a cold voice.

His eyes fell on He Tingchen's slowly closed eyes. The moment they closed, Naren saw despair and resigned.

Naren had also experienced being persecuted by Ji Chenzhou, obviously He Tingchen's despair was heavier and heavier than when he came.

No need to ask, Naren should also know at this time that the owner of the cold voice just now is He Tingchen's man...

"Naren, come here."

Ji Chenzhou's voice also came from behind Naren.

Naren turned around and saw a shocking mask...

He Tingchen's man wore a delicate silver mask, a color as cold as his voice.

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