The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1501: Sinking-even raising a cat and dog has feelings, let alone a person (four more)

The little demon also realized the seriousness of the problem and went upstairs quietly.

Ji Shenzhou followed Huo Zhongrao into the study.

Huo Zhongrao just sat down and took another call.

Huo Zhongrao hung up, and Ji Shenzhou spoke, "What's the matter about my mother?"

Regarding mother and father, Ji Chenzhou cares more about his mother.

Huo Zhongrao glanced at Ji Chenzhou and lit a cigarette, "Talk about your father first!"

He took a bit of a cigarette, "He doesn't want to go down."

Huo Zhongrao directly said the key point. This is human nature. For a person who has been at the peak of power these years, it is unwilling for anyone to suddenly step down from the peak.

"He is not qualified to sit in that position."

Ji Chenzhou didn't want to see his father, he just wanted to wait for him to resign before...

"Next, let's talk about your mother's affairs. I'm not sure if this matter is true or false, but I think it is necessary to tell you."

It seemed difficult for Huo Zhongrao to speak up, and he lit another cigarette before he finished smoking.

"Brother Huo, just say it if you have something..."

Ji Chenzhou had never seen Huo Zhongrao hesitating, and his heart gradually became uneasy.

"Your father asked me to bring you a message, saying that it was about your mother's injury back then, and Naren's mother was involved. She and Ji Jiu's mother are good best friends! The reason why he killed his family is because your mother……"

Huo Zhongrao actually didn't want to tell Ji Shenzhou about this.

He didn't expect that there would be so many entanglements between Naren and Ji Chenzhou, and there would be no such thing as writing a TV series.

What happened to the people in the previous life happened to fall on both of them.

First Naren has to bear it, now Ji Chenzhou has to bear it...

Ji Chenzhou's whole body was stiff, even his hand holding the pillow was shaking.

This must not be true...

"This is what your father said. There is no way to verify it now. After all, the parties are dead. Maybe he said this to let you attack Naren or prevent you from being together. These are all possible."

It's not that Ji Chenzhou's father couldn't do such a thing, otherwise he wouldn't say it at this time.

Ji Chenzhou closed his eyes, his body limp on the sofa, what kind of evil fate this is really, really enough...

What did he and Naren do wrong, and why they have to bear everything.

why why……

Huo Zhongrao looked at Ji Chenzhou and knew that he would need someone to be quiet.

He gave Ji Chenzhou the right to choose this matter. As for whether to tell Naren, that was Ji Chenzhou's business.

When Huo Zhongrao finished smoking a pack of cigarettes, Ji Chenzhou spoke dumbly.

"He leaves without resignation, let's impeach!"

When Ji Chenzhou got up, he stood up while leaning on the armrest of the sofa.

"Also, don't tell anyone about this."

Ji Chenzhou's steps are a little heavy, this is such a **** life.

Ji Chenzhou's attitude is that Huo Zhongrao takes care of everything.

Ji Chenzhou hasn't dragged racing for a long time, and he used to like that kind of exciting speed.

Even if he knows the danger, he still loves it.

Later, after being with Naren, he stopped playing.

Because he drove a little faster, Naren would call him.

Let alone drag racing.

Driving along the seaside road, Ji Chenzhou didn't know where to go.

Many pictures flashed in his mind, scene after scene, including his mother, mother, and the scene when Naren said that his parents died, all flashed in his mind.

Then there was Naren's smiling face, and Naren's face was clear from beginning to end, and that bright smile gradually calmed his heart.

The dead are dead, and the alive must continue. Why do you want to put yourself in shackles?

Those grievances and grievances of the last life should not be raised on them.

Five years have been wasted between him and Naren. How many five years are there in a person's life...

Ji Chenzhou found the exit, turned the front of the car, turned on the phone, and sure enough, there were many calls from Naren.

He called Naren back, only to pick it up over there.

"No wonder you like the sea so much, it sounds really nice."

You can hear the sound of the sea waves from the lowered car window, the sound that stirs your soul. You listen to the noisy, but gradually it makes you calm down and only hear one sound...

Naren on the other side of the phone paused for a few seconds before speaking, "I told my baby that the place where I grew up had the most beautiful shells in the world, and the softest sandy beaches, where the water was particularly blue... …"

Naren's voice was choked.

He couldn't find Ji Shenzhou, so worried, he asked Lord Ferguson to send someone out to find him. He called Ji Shenzhou's cell phone over and over again.

After every sound, he hoped that the call would be answered, but he always hung up automatically.

He was afraid of what Ji Chenzhou would do. He couldn’t bear to lose him, he would go crazy and die...

The moment the phone rang just now, his eyes were red, and tears couldn't help but slip.

"Then we will go there to live for a while, while they are still young, we are not old, the time is just right!"

Ji Chenzhou's speed was very fast, but he was not as agitated as when he came.

At this moment, his face was relieved, everything was not as important as he and Naren came together.

Life is short. The first half of his life and Naren's life were all because of their parents, which made them both affected by sadness.

After finally falling in love, is it possible that in the second half of life, will you be influenced by these grudges?

No, he doesn't want it, he only wants happiness between him and Naren.

"Okay, listen to you..."

Naren laughed over the phone.

Ji Chenzhou's fingers tapped gently on the steering wheel, with a brisk rhythm.

Ji Chenzhou's Villa

When the baby heard that he was going to play at the beach, he immediately went to the eldest dad's house to find a swimsuit.

Ji Chenzhou stopped him and said, "Your swimsuits are all too small, wait for the third brother...the third dad will buy you a new one."

"Then I want to buy a pink one. The blue one my eldest dad bought me last time was not good at all."

The baby is unhappy when he thinks of this swimsuit.

Gu Jue bought a blue swimsuit for the baby before. It was actually very beautiful, but the baby thought the color was not good.

"Well, buy what you like."

"Dad and second dad go?" The knight raised his head and asked Ji Shenzhou.

"Don't bring them." His little mother has to go to work all the time, and if he takes his father there, then fight every day.

"What about Brother Nan?" The knight glanced at Qin Nan's room.

"Of course it's with us."

Qin Nan must take it with him, mainly to take him to see, Naren told Qin Nan before how beautiful the island is.

Qin Nan has always longed for it, and Ji Shenzhou knew this.

"That's all right!" The knight actually wanted to ask Qin Nan if he was going.

This is how children are, whoever has a secret, get close to them.

Naren went to Master Xiu's place and has not returned.

Chang Qing called and said that Master Xiu was ill, and Naren hurried away.

Qin Nan was also there when Naren answered the phone. After Naren left, he went back to the room and never came out.

Xiuye ​​Villa

Naren looked at Master Xiu who was lying on the bed. In his impression, Master Xiu would lie on the bed except for injuries. He had not been lying in bed because of illness.

Needless to say, it must be because of Brother Nan. Naren really didn't expect that Brother Nan could have such a heavy weight in Master Xiu's heart.

"I kept coughing last night. The doctor said the fire is hard to get rid of, and the cough is not easy to heal."

Changqing sent water in, with a rather helpless tone.

Seeing that Master Xiu was asleep, Chang Qing said again, "I don't know what Qin Nan's pretentiousness is. Is Master Xiu treating him bad? Almost lifted the sedan chair to usher him in. Go, for five years, even raising a cat and dog will have feelings, let alone a big living person."

Chang Qing was very upset that Qin Nan had to leave here.

Usually he is arrogant and foolish, Master Xiu is left to him, and how happy he is.

Over the years, Master Xiu's temper was lost in the process of taking care of Qin Nan.

Five years, not five months or five days, everyone should know why.

When Qin Nan hadn't broken his leg, he was here and pestering Master Xiu. He thought, if Qin Nan could break Master Xiu, his evergreen name would be written backwards.

Now the way is not good, Master Xiu is used to living like Qin Nan, but he just wants to leave.

"Brother Chang, don't say that about Brother Nan. He is actually not comfortable. He thinks he is not worthy of Master Xiu, let alone..."

In fact, Naren also knew that brothers didn't want Master Xiu and Brother Nan to be together for these years.

The people here are very respectful of Brother Nan, but part of this respect is because Qin Nan saved him and disabled himself.

The other part is that Master Xiu has an explanation, not to neglect Qin Nan.

"Master Xiu doesn't dislike him. He is pitying him when he is Master Xiu? Only to be with him? I have said that raising a cat and dog requires feelings, not to mention raising him as a living person. After so many years, I have slept together for more than five years. Let's not talk about feelings or feelings. I don't know anything about it. I just talk about habits and can't give up, right?

Chang Qing had been suffocating her temper during this period, and Qin Nan automatically recruited the female nurse who looked like Huo Qingge.

Chang Qing was holding her breath in her heart, but it was not easy to attack Qin Nan.

Even Master Xiu said, follow him to make trouble.

Ever since Qin Nan bumped into a woman coming out of Master Xiu’s room and fell down the stairs, there has been no woman in the villa. After so many years, Qin Nan still doesn’t understand why?

"Why haven't you noticed that you talk so much before? Cough cough..." Master Xiu opened his eyes and said angrily with a calm face.

"I wasn't so angry before..." Chang Qing hurriedly handed over water.

I was still complaining about myself, and when I got excited, my voice became louder, and he woke up Master Xiu.

"I'm mad at you?" Master Xiu didn't receive the water glass, he got up and leaned against the head of the bed.

"Master Xiu, you know what I'm talking about..." Chang Qing wanted to clarify the matter regardless.

However, before he finished speaking, Master Xiu overturned the water glass in his hand.

The glass fell to the ground with a cracking sound, and Changqing immediately lowered his head in surprise.

"Without him, Na Renhuo died five years ago, and I wouldn't be able to live to this day. Maybe Ji Chenzhou will live as well. He saved three lives by himself. What would happen to him? He can do whatever he wants. Trouble, we owe him..."

Master Xiu coughed as he talked and was very angry.

Naren got up and sat on the side of the bed, ignoring the spilled water on the bed.

"Master Xiu, Brother Chang is just talking to your heart. Brother Nan has the idea of ​​Brother Nan. In the final analysis, it's me..."

Brother Nan was disabled because of him, and Master Xiu was also doing this for him today. That benevolence felt particularly uncomfortable.

"I don't blame you, it has nothing to do with you, it's me, I like that kid!"

This is Master Xiu, who responded positively to Qin Nan's feelings for the first time and said he liked it...

Naren smiled, he knew that Master Xiu had feelings for Brother Nan.

How difficult is Brother Nan, and Master Xiu is so good, they should be fine.

"I like you and let him go..." Chang Qing didn't understand what Xiu Ye showed was that he wanted to be with Qin Nan.

However, he never said that Qin Nan finally left and he fell ill...

"I said that what he wants is up to him!"

Master Xiu kept coughing, and the voice sounded distressing.

"It has been five years, and he has always wanted to leave, so let him leave, and see if he can live without me!"

It's really scary to get used to this thing, it's really addictive.

Naren smiled, Master Xiu obviously didn't let Brother Nan leave, but let him know that he would never be able to live without...

Naren always thought that Master Xiu didn't know what love is.

In the past few years, he slowly discovered that Master Xiu always smiled casually while taking care of Brother Nan.

That kind of laughter comes from the bottom of my heart, I'm very satisfied and spoiled...

Ji Shenzhou Villa

Ji Chenzhou was originally worried that Naren would be in a bad mood when he came back, and he would be worried about Master Xiu's illness.

But he didn't expect that he was in good condition, and he had eaten a lot of food.

"I have to take care of Master Xiu after I have eaten, he is very sick."

Naren glanced at Qin Nan, who bowed his head to eat, and said to Ji Chenzhou beside him.

As soon as Qin Nan picked up a shrimp, it fell off, and then he gently picked it up and placed it in a plate aside.

"Where is Changqing?" Ji Chenzhou couldn't say not to let Naren go. After all, it was Master Xiu, but he also felt distressed for Naren. He had been there all day.

"Changqing can't take care of him well, and Master Xiu loses his temper, probably because he is uncomfortable and he doesn't eat any food.

In fact, Naren is a person who doesn't know how to lie. These are all he thought of on the way back.

"Or I will take care of it. If Master Xiu wants to eat, I will cook it for him."

Ji Chenzhou really didn't notice this time that his wife was acting, but the cooperation was quite good.

"Farewell, you are at home, let me go! You can't handle Master Xiu's anger, hey, this is the first time Master Xiu has fallen ill since I can remember. I don't know when I will get better..."

Naren sighed, worried.

"By the way, you have your things ready at home, and we will leave the day after tomorrow. Have you packed your things, Brother Nan?"

Naren suddenly looked at Qin Nan and asked.

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