The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1502: Sinking-let's do something bad + the author has something to say

Qin Nan raised his head to look at Naren, gently lowering the chopsticks in his hand.

Then he wiped his mouth and didn't rush to answer Naren's words.

The knight also stopped eating and looked at Qin Nan.

"I have nothing to pack, just a few clothes."

Qin Nan then picked up the chopsticks and continued to eat.

A look of disappointment flashed in Naren's eyes. He thought that Brother Nan would say that he would not go, and then take care of Master Xiu...

It seems that Brother Nan is determined to leave Master Xiu, which is difficult now.

The disappointment flashed in his wife's eyes made Ji Chenzhou realize at this time what the words he said just now meant.

The co-author said that he would go back to take care of Master Xiu. They were all told to Qin Nan here.

However, it can be seen from Qin Nan's attitude that he pretended not to hear.

"Oh..." Naren said disappointed.

"If we leave, what will Master Xiu do?"

My own daughter-in-law looked strangely distressed when she was acting, and Ji Chenzhou brought the topic to Master Xiu again.

"Just let Brother Chang take care of...I'm actually not at ease."

That Ren Junsu's face lit up again.

"It's not that it's not well taken care of, or should we leave a few days later?"

As soon as Ji Chenzhou said this, the baby blinked aggrievedly, why is it a few days late...

After Qin Nan finished a bowl of rice, he put down his bowl, "In fact, no one would ever take care of Changqing."

"I'm full, the knight will come to my room to play assembling!"

Qin Nan stood up on his own. Although he stood up agile from time to time, he still stood steady after getting used to it.

Then turned and walked towards his room...

The rice bowl in Naren's hand fell on the table with a bang, and the chopsticks in his hand were abruptly broken by him...

Breathing quickly, he didn't even believe what he saw, Nan Ge could go...

He stood up in front of him, and walked step by step, that figure from the back was his brother Nan!

Ji Chenzhou did not expect that Qin Nan would choose at this time to let Naren know that he could go, and it was such a natural but unexpected way.

"Brother Nan..."

Naren's voice choked and called out to Brother Nan unbelievably.

"He will get used to it without me, Master Xiu... won't fall in love with anyone!"

Qin Nan is more sensible at this time than ever.

He knew that being with Master Xiu would not be happy for both of them.

He would rather live alone in this life than two people together, just because of that habit.

There were tears in Naren's eyes. It was because he was so happy and so excited. Now there is still no way to believe that Brother Nan has really stood up and can go...

So that what Qin Nan said, to Naren, he didn't even listen.

Gradually, Dunaren came back to his senses, got up excitedly, the chair fell, and almost tore off the tablecloth...

Just rushed to Qin Nan in such a panic...

Naren held Qin Nan tightly in his arms and called out to Brother Nan, really crying.

"You lighten..." Qin Nan almost didn't fall down because of being so tightly held by Naren.

"Brother Nan, I'm so happy... You don't know all these years... I hate myself when I see you in a wheelchair... It's really great."

From the day Naren knew that Qin Nan was not dead and alive, there was no day in his heart that was not living in regret.

It's all because of him that Brother Nan can't stand up and can't run anymore, all because of him...

Now that I can see Qin Nan standing in front of him like this, I can imagine how exciting Naren's heart is.

"We won't talk about this, for you, I am willing, and I also get a lot..."

Over the past five years, Qin Nan is very satisfied with Master Xiu's company, and is really very content.

If he changed his job before, he would have broken his leg and couldn't keep up with Master Xiu's footsteps, nor would he let him look at himself more.

This is already good, really good...

Sometimes you don't have to have to be happy. There are many kinds of happiness, and the most important thing is in your heart.

This night, Naren slept in Qin Nan's room, and the two of them talked a lot.

It seems to be the days when I returned to college, which was really good.

It is rare that Ji Chenzhou was not jealous when his wife slept with other men.

After checking, the two children slept peacefully, Ji Chenzhou changed clothes and left home.


Ji Chenzhou looked at the photos of the young men and women on the tombstone. This is the graveyard of Naren's parents that Xiu Ye told him.

"Uncle and aunt, I'm Ji Chenzhou, Naren's other half..."

Ji Chenzhou squatted down with a solemn expression. The man and woman in the photo were strange to him, but they were Naren's parents.

They were killed by his father when they were so young.

Regardless of whether his mother's affairs were true or false, Ji Chenzhou didn't want to pursue it anymore.

Because no matter what the final result is, he and Naren will only be injured.

They were already wounded all over, and they could no longer withstand any injuries.

"In the future, I will take good care of him and love him. The previous grievances are right and wrong. Let it pass. I think you also hope that he will be happy!

Ji Chenzhou said a lot. In fact, Naren's parents might not hear it.

However, speaking out is considered a promise.

In the end, Ji Shenzhou used the greatest gift and kowtow to Naren's parents.

Naren might never know that Ji Chenzhou came here this evening.

However, if Naren's parents were alive in the sky, they would know that his son is happy.

Uninhabited island

As soon as Qin Nan set foot on this place, he fell in love with it deeply. It seemed that the shadow of Master Xiu could be seen everywhere here.

The air here is so free, so good...

"Naren, I want to live here in the future..."

Qin Nan said to Naren next to him.

"Five years ago, you said that if you could come here, you might not want to leave..."

Qin Nan was wearing beach pants, with a hideous scar on his exposed calf. Naren felt distressed when he saw it...

"It's really beautiful here, the breathing is different, I really like it here."

There are now two people taking care of the house, and the others have left.

"Then stay here..." After talking with Brother Nan that night, Naren knew what Brother Nan thought.

He didn't know what to do, and in the end it was Ji Chenzhou who said "go with the flow".

Then, the Cavaliers even said the simpler two words "Fate"

Then let fate make arrangements for Xiuye ​​and Nan Ge!

Not far away, Ji Chenzhou was playing with the knight baby on the beach.

The laughter of the children floated along with the waves, playing a beautiful movement in everyone's heart.

"Then don't call this uninhabited island anymore, just call it Happy Island!"

Since then, there will be no uninhabited island, and everyone will be happy and happy on this happy island.

Naren smiled, the name is good, and I hope there is nothing but joy for the rest of his life.

Qin Nan doesn't use a wheelchair at all now, but he can't stand for too long. He has to sit down and rest for at most half an hour.

The knight and the baby pulled him to build a sand castle, and Ji Chenzhou pulled Naren onto the boat at this time.

Naren smiled when he looked at Ji Chenzhou's grinning look, and knew what he wanted to do.

The two sitting on the bed paddling, slowly rowing towards the center of the sea.

If you want to do bad things, the children will be...

"Aren't you afraid that I will jump in front of you again?"

Naren joked that he actually didn't want to uncover the scar.

"You jump? See if I can catch you!"

Ji Chenzhou threw down the oar and rushed to imprison Naren under him.

"You can't catch me even if you are old. I grew up in the sea when I was young."

There is a blue sky above my head, and a blue lake below. There is really no more beautiful place than this.

"Would you like to try?"

Ji Chenzhou bit on Naren's slightly fleshy lips and said evilly.


Naren didn't swim for a long time. Ji Chenzhou didn't care about the scene where he jumped from him five years ago. Naren knew he was relieved of many things in the past.

Ji Chenzhou got up, moved away, and let Naren get up.

Naren stood beside the boat, looking at Ji Chenzhou, smiling brightly like a diamond.

"Catch up with me, I will call your husband, forever!"

Naren jumped into the sea, Ji Chenzhou smiled and jumped down.

In the blue water of the sea, the two chased one after another, their bodies agile and graceful.

I don't know if Naren deliberately slowed down, or Ji Chenzhou is really quite capable.

Naren was really caught by Ji Chenzhou, but the position he grabbed was Naren's swimming trunks.

Holding his breath, Naren shook his head at Ji Chenzhou, but he still tore off his underwear.

Then the place was held, moved by the sea, and within a few strokes, his head was raised.

Naren blushed with shame, his breath was obviously unstable, Ji Chenzhou kissed his lips and gave him a breath.

Ji Chenzhou took Naren aboard when the two places were too hot.

Naren was lying on the bed, breathing heavily, Junxiu's face was red.

"I listen to the crying husband..." Ji Chenzhou circled Naren in his arms and lowered his hands.

"Husband, come!" Naren circled Ji Chenzhou's neck and issued the most direct invitation.

"Hey, let you be on it today!" After turning over, Ji Chenzhou lay on the deck.

"Forget it, don't hurt you anymore..." Naren smiled awkwardly, his technique is not good.

"What are you thinking about! I let you do it yourself!" Ji Chenzhou squeezed on Naren's **** and said badly.

"Ji Chenzhou, you bastard!" Naren bit on Ji Chenzhou's neck angrily.

Between the blue sea and blue sky, there are all shameful voices...

Three months later

Qin Nan walked on the soft sand and picked up beautiful shells when he saw it.

A person walked not far away, greeted with the hot and dazzling sunlight, with a majesty like a king.

The shell Qin Nan picked up just now fell into the fine sand again.

Together with the sound of the waves, it stirred up unrest, as if in line to welcome the return of the owner here.

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