The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1503: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-she really doesn't love herself, s

Just as Yu Sheng and Du Xiaoyu finished a dance, there was a commotion at the entrance of the banquet hall.

Then there was a woman wearing a fiery red suspender skirt, rushing towards Yu Sheng.

When he came to Yu Sheng, he raised his hand and slapped her fiercely.

"Shameless slut, seduce married women, and see if I don't want you to look good today."

Raising his hand with another slap in the face, Yu Sheng took two steps back.

"Qiwen, why are you here? Go back with me first and listen to me to explain!" Du Xiaoyu grabbed the red-clothed woman by the arm and said nervously.

"Du Xiaoyu, you dare to look for a vixen outside while I have a baby. You still have the face to explain it to me. Don't forget that you have today's position because of Gu Qiwen."

Gu Qiwen yelled at Du Xiaoyu and threw a pile of photos on Du Xiaoyu's face.

The photos scattered on the ground fell into Yu Sheng's eyes. It was a photo of her shopping with Du Xiaoyu holding hands, and the two hugging...

"Qiwen, she seduce me, I was confused for a while, you forgive me, I swear I only love you..."

Du Xiaoyu knew that he couldn't keep it, so he hugged Gu Qiwen tightly and sweared.

Yu Sheng clutched his beaten face, only feeling his head buzzing, Du Xiaoyu is married? Is the woman who beat her just now his wife?

He clearly told himself that he was still single, and that he wanted to marry her?

What irony. When dancing just now, this man said to himself, "Yu Sheng, I love you, I really love you so much. Our two companies are in a cooperative relationship. I've wronged you. We can't disclose our relationship..."

It turns out that the reason he couldn't make it public was that he was married...

She Yu Sheng became a third party without knowing it.

From the whispers of the onlookers, Yu Sheng knew that this person named Gu Qiwen was the sister of their partner company, Gu Shaoting, the president of Gu.

"Yu Sheng is dead this time. He actually seduce married women and do three sons..."

"She really doesn't love herself, but she's really shameless."

"Yu Sheng relies on being our secretary to Chief Feng. Look at her usual cold and arrogant appearance, she deserves to be today."

Yu Sheng listened to these openly insulting words, but at this moment, she couldn't leave in embarrassment.

She can't lose her dignity again without love. Losing everything is the saddest thing for a woman.

"You **** don't get out of here..."

Gu Qiwen pointed at Yu Sheng and cursed.

Yu Sheng looked at Du Xiaoyu, he just lowered his head and hugged Gu Qiwen tightly, not daring to look at her.

How could she be blind and fall in love with such a man?

Seeing her being pointed and abused by everyone, but not even saying a word for her, is she still a man?

Yu Sheng looked up at Gu Qiwen and Du Xiaoyu calmly, she had a clear conscience.

At this time, someone shouted "Feng Zong Gu", and the noisy meeting place immediately became quiet.

Even Gu Qiwen, who is arrogant and domineering, hastened to organize her clothes, her expression a little nervous.

Yu Sheng walked quickly to the side of Feng Xi, the president of the Feng Family Consortium, and she told herself to ignore the strange eyes of others.

She is Feng Xi's secretary, no matter how wronged she is at this time, she will never neglect her work.

Feng Xi's idle and lazy posture, his slightly squinted eyes were disgusted with such occasions.

However, after taking two steps, he stopped suddenly, over-measured his head, and looked at Yu Sheng's face.

Then suddenly squeezed her jaw, "Yeah, got beaten?"

Feng Xi's voice was nonchalant, but it was the kind that made people nervous when they heard it, and even a little frightened.

"Well, a little personal matter!"

Feng Xi's series of movements were so fast that before Yu Sheng could react, his jaw was already pinched.

"Who did it?" Feng Xi's lazy eyes swept across the crowd without anger.

Gu Qiwen shrank, her face showing panic.

Feng Xi, the president of the Feng Family Consortium, heard that he was a very profligate young man, and he was rumored to have a bad temper.

She didn't know that this **** was the head of Feng...

Feng Xi glanced over and could tell who had hit him.

Gu Shaoting, who was standing next to Feng Xi, glanced at Gu Qiwen, and probably guessed who was the one who hit.

"Sorry, Mr. Feng, our Gu family made Secretary Yu wronged."

Gu Shaoting opened his mouth, respectful and self-respecting.

Although Gu's is also a big company, there is still a certain gap between the strength and the Feng's consortium.

"Mr. Gu, you have to look at the owner to beat the dog, not to mention that you are still my own."

Feng Xi's fingers gently rubbed Yu Sheng's cheeks, making Yu Sheng's face flushed abruptly.

He lost his tone and gave a low voice, "Feng Zong..."

With Yu Sheng's voice, he not only lost his tone, but also lost his usual ability. It was tickling people's heart like a cat's voice.

Yu Sheng lamented in his heart, what is meant by "my man..."

Yu Sheng struggled slightly to break free, Feng Xi squeezed her jaw hand, but couldn't.

"After the signing ceremony, I will give President Feng and Secretary Yu an explanation."

Gu Shaoting's voice is still neither humble nor overbearing. Tonight's signing is very important to Gu.

"Just give it to you. Actually, I just want to say that next time you hit someone, don't hit one side. The two sides are symmetrical. I have some obsessive-compulsive disorder."

Feng Xi's face was the same for Yu Sheng's struggle, and everyone was surprised by what he said when she opened her jaw.

How did the posture of guarding just now become like this?

Yu Sheng's expression remained unchanged, as if he was used to Feng Xi like this.

Even Gu Shaoting was taken aback for a moment, and then after a glance at Yu Sheng, he followed Feng Xi on.

After the signing ceremony, Feng Xi went upstairs to rest under Gu Shaoting's arrangement.

At this time, the waiter came over and asked Yu Sheng if he wanted a drink. Yu Sheng was a little thirsty, so he drank half a drink.

Yu Sheng couldn't bear the look everyone cast, so he went to the bathroom, but didn't want to hear her unexpected words in the cubicle.

"Miss Gu, we all added something to Yu Sheng's drink as you said."

A woman's voice came.

"Miss Gu, don’t worry, a **** like Yu Sheng should be embarrassed in front of everyone. We have all arranged, and the supplier will invite her to dance... and then the medicine will work, she is sure Will throw Old Xu down!"

The supplier they were talking about was Lao Xu, an old man who was almost 60 years old...

Yu Sheng said this person.

At this time, Yu Sheng also noticed the changes in his body, it was very hot...

"My brother is also staying here tonight, don't make too much noise!" Gu Qiwen said impatiently, and went out.

I thought she was Feng's person. I scared her to death just now, but I didn't expect that Feng would not put her secretary in his eyes at all, so Gu Qiwen would not let her go.

Be sure to let her know what will happen to seduce her husband.

Yu Sheng felt that her body was getting hotter and hotter, and she had to leave here quickly.

When he walked out of the bathroom, Yu Sheng bumped into Du Xiaoyu and was held by him.

"Yu Sheng, listen to me, I really love you, I..."

Before Du Xiaoyu finished speaking, he was slapped in the face.

Yu Sheng didn't feel any softness in this slap, even though she was very weak now.

"Go away, Du Xiaoyu, don't let me see you again!"

Yu Shengqiang supported his body and turned away without hesitation.

"Yu Sheng, I will wait for you to calm down, and then I will find you!" Du Xiaoyu's voice came from behind him, and now Yu Sheng was listening to it, only feeling sick.

However, after two steps, her cell phone rang and it was Feng Zong's phone.

Yu Sheng leaned on the wall and answered the call, "Feng President, what's your order?"

Yu Sheng felt like she had been thrown into a fireball in her body, and she was going to die from the burn...

"Come to my room!"

Feng Xi hung up after speaking, and didn't give Yu Sheng a chance to speak at all.

Yu Sheng never neglected his work, endured uncomfortable and uncomfortable, went upstairs, forced himself to stand, and knocked on Feng Xi's door.

After a while the door opened, Yu Sheng walked in, "What's the matter with President Feng?"

Yu Sheng tried his best to control her voice, but because of the effects of the medicine, her voice sounded particularly sultry.

"The tie can't be untied, what kind of knot are you doing!" Feng Xi pointed to his tie and said impatiently.

Yu Sheng hurriedly stepped forward and helped Feng Xi get the tie. It was probably because Feng Xi couldn't untie the tie, so it was pulled hard, and the knot was very tight. Yu Sheng took it twice and didn't open it.

Close to the masculine breath, entangled by this breath, Yu Sheng felt that the fire in her body was getting more intense, and her lips were not dry. She licked it, but it was still dry, and licked it again, but it was still not working...

An unconscious movement of Yu Sheng caused Feng Xi to squint involuntarily.

In front of him, Yu Sheng always looked capable and omnipotent.

I haven't had such a gesture, what gesture, little woman...

Yu Sheng's hand slowly left his tie, and touched Feng Xi's chest...

The soft and boneless little hands just touched it tentatively, and there was a hot heat...

The heat is abnormal...

Facing Yu Sheng's blurred eyes and the red lips leaning towards him, Feng Xi suddenly realized that she was being drugged?

"Are you drugged?" Feng Xi pinched Yu Sheng's jaw and said in a deep voice.

At this time, Yu Sheng's mind was still unclear, and when the medicine came up, she could not control herself.

Feng Xi did not get an answer, but was pushed onto the bed, and then his lips were sealed...

The unstructured kiss made Feng Xi stupefied and forgot to move.

"It's hot..." Yu Sheng has already begun to take off his clothes, completely unaware of what he is doing.

"Woman, do you know what you are doing?" Feng Xi asked, panting, turning over and confining Yu Sheng under him.

Yu Sheng shook his head impatiently, aggrieved like a child.

However, a pair of small hands tightly encircled Feng Xi's neck, pulled him towards him, and kissed him again.

There is a tender and smooth touch beneath him, fierce and wild, and criminal...

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