The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1507: I will live up to you for the rest of my life——Yu Sheng, Ben Shao’s patience is limit

Feng Xi had a lollipop in his mouth. It was the last time Tangtang came and left it. He just took out one to eat when he was bored just now. It was delicious.

Seeing Yu Sheng walking towards him, Feng Xi clearly felt that under him, it slowly became harder than a lollipop.

That night Yu Sheng was wearing a dress, right in front of him, with a charming and blurred face, his white arms stretched out to his back, and slowly pulled down the zipper, his skin was white as snow, which could be broken by blowing...

Feng Xi has seen all kinds of women, but there is no one who can be like Yu Sheng, leaving him with the word "do" in his mind.

After doing it, it's "one to the end"

This feeling has never happened before, and it has just been confirmed.

This woman can easily provoke him.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi coldly with a pair of water eyes, and sat directly on his lap, hugging his neck.

"President Feng, you can push me away..." Yu Sheng's voice was like the expression in her eyes, with a chill.

Feng Xi squinted his eyes and didn't speak, but he couldn't help but encircled Yu Sheng's waist.

Yu Sheng's body is very soft, but this meeting is a bit stiff, she has never done anything like this.

Feng Xi's eyes slowly moved down from Yu Sheng's eyebrows, his nose curled up, small and full lips, slender and soft neck, beautiful and attractive collarbone...

Feng Xi's hand followed Yu Sheng's unbuttoned shirt and touched it in...

Yu Sheng lay down on the sofa as soon as he fell, while Feng Xi was pressing on her.

"Yu Sheng, you are a fairy!"

Lifting Yu Sheng's buttocks with both hands, she retracted her jeans a lot...

Feng Xi really likes this woman under him...

However, the answer to Feng Xi was a series of "clicks".

Feng Xi looked sideways, Yu Sheng held the phone in his high hand, and was taking pictures of them just now...

"The female secret of the **, caused her to become pregnant, forced her to have a child, became unbearable, committed suicide by jumping off the building, I wonder what Feng Zong would think of such a report?"

Yu Sheng received his mobile phone, smiled with eyes bent, stretched out and pulled back his shirt...

Covering her body, such an ambiguous posture made her feel embarrassed.

"Threat me?" Feng Xi pinched Yu Sheng's chin.

"Don't dare, just begging Mr. Feng to let me go, don't fix me!"

Feng Xi's actions just now caused Yu Sheng's brain to flash some blushing and heart-pounding images...

The picture in the screen is much wilder and rougher than Feng Xi's action just now...

Once some memories are opened, it is like a flood that opened the gate, and it is out of control...

Yu Sheng is a person who doesn't blush easily, but this will, white and delicate skin, this will be tender and red like blood.

"You came here like this, are you begging me to let you go? Or are you begging me to ride you?"

Feng Xi sneered, he was really laughing.

Jiang Yu also said that Yu Sheng was smart. At this time, he really didn't see how smart she was.

Want to threaten him with so many photos? It's so funny.

If the things she said happened, would Feng Xi be afraid of him?

Yu Sheng raised his leg to get up, but was suppressed by Feng Xi, completely unable to move.

"Besides, if you are pregnant, I will definitely not force you to abort, because I like children, I like them very much, maybe, you already have them in your stomach now, but I didn't do anything that night..."

Feng Xi's slender fingers stroked Yu Sheng's lower abdomen, drawing circles again and again.

The lazy voice was full of domineering.

Yu Sheng's head slammed, without taking any measures...

Thinking of his disgusting reaction, Yu Sheng's red and tender face slowly turned pale...

No, definitely not...

Yu Sheng's white hands held onto her shirt tightly, and she calmed herself down.

Things that are still uncertain, Yu Sheng, don't scare yourself, don't scare yourself...

Even if she was really pregnant, she couldn't let Feng Xi know.

He had said something like that just now. If he really had a child, then Feng Xi would definitely not give her the child.

"You have it?" Feng Xi asked nervously looking at Yu Sheng's slowly pale face.

It's really nervous, the feeling is that the heart comes out of my throat.

Cordo has the advantages of Cordo, but there are also disadvantages.

That is, he is always called to see children. He likes children, but it is interesting to see him.

He just wanted to give birth to his child, which is definitely a collection of thousands of pets, and it must be better than his dad.

There are so many brothers and sisters!

There are two or three in this family, which makes it cool to think about it.

If Yu Sheng is really pregnant, Feng Xi thought, he must be beautiful...

"How is it possible, my aunt just left..."

Yu Sheng whispered, she avoided Feng Xi's eyes, which were full of expected excitement.

It made Yu Sheng panic and scared.

If she was really pregnant, what would she use to fight Feng Xi for a child...

Feng Xi's eyes instantly turned into disappointment...

"Yu Sheng, I don't want to sleep with you many times, will you give me a baby?"

Feng Xi said this very seriously, and he was indeed serious.

But with this seriousness, it looks like a child is thinking about what to eat.

I wanted to eat burgers, but suddenly said, "I don't want to eat burgers, I want to eat pizza."

"I'll give you as much money as you want. You can go back to work if you want, and you can give me a baby at home if you don't want it! It's better to have a baby or twins..."

Feng Xi became more excited as he spoke, it was as if Yu Sheng already had his child in his stomach.

But Yu Sheng was full of humiliation in his ears...

How much is it for her? In Feng Xi's eyes, is Yu Sheng a woman who can sleep with money and can give birth to him?

What does he think of her?

She lives very hard and tired, but she is tired and practical, and she is also very happy.

Because she wants to warm herself and rely on herself.

So even if the journey is exhausting, she can face it with a smile.

No one loves her and loves her, so she loves and loves herself.

She told herself, Yu Sheng, you will get better and better. One day, someone will pamper you in the palm of your hand and treat you like a baby.

However, at this moment, she was treated like this by Feng Xi as if she were talking about commodities.

While Yu Sheng felt embarrassed, an inexplicable grievance was born in his heart.

It was probably because Feng Xi was her first man. With such a relationship, she felt wronged by what he said and hurt her.

That kind of grievance can't be said, can't be ignored, and a bit embarrassing.

"Sorry, Mr. Feng, I won't sell you how much you give!"

Yu Sheng squinted and smiled, with a layer of mist in her eyes. She told herself, "Yu Sheng, don't cry!"

This is that every time she encounters something unbearable, she will hold herself and tell herself, and then she will survive again and again.

"Yu Sheng, I just don't give you money, I want to sleep with you, and you have to give it too. I can value you when I let you give birth to me! Don't know what it is.

Where did the spoiled Feng Xi have been rejected by others?

But still a woman.

And this woman has rejected him more than once, how can he not be angry.

Feng Xi's temper came and went quickly.

He was very angry and annoyed about Yu Sheng asking him to come to him last time, and then leaving again.

But when Yu Sheng appeared here today, he forgot about it again.

Seeing such a tempting Yu Sheng, he only had the idea of ​​sleeping with her.

Then he thought she might be pregnant, so he wanted Yu Sheng to give him a baby.

This is what it feels like, as if you want to eat a chef’s dishes, you must make them, and you won’t eat those made by others.

"Then please don't look down on me, Mr. Feng. If it really drives me to death, it will be bad if Mr. Feng's reputation is dirty!"

Feng Xi said that, Yu Sheng could only say that.

When she got down from the taxi and squatted on the ground, she thought about either threatening Feng Xi with a photo and letting her go.

But she did not expect that Feng Xi was not afraid of her threats at all, and actually wanted her to give him a baby?

It's simply unreasonable.

"Yu Sheng, don't think I'm interested in you. You just want to indulge yourself like this. My patience is limited."

Feng Xi was really angry. He was hooked out of the fire. If he couldn't get rid of the fire, he was threatened and rejected again and again. How could he not be angry.

However, even if he was angry, his tongue was dry and evil fire ran wild.

This is probably the case for men, the more they don't get, the more itchy heart.

Especially women, the more they resist themselves, the more they want to conquer her.

Let her completely surrender under her...

"President Feng, do you think I am trying to get caught up? I'm not obviously rejecting you, please stop being interested in me?"

Yu Sheng felt wronged in his heart, and what he said to Feng Xi seemed to be losing his temper.

Just now I felt that I was so disheveled and lying under Feng Xi, it was very embarrassing.

However, at this time, apart from grievance, she had no other feelings.

"Yu Sheng, get out!"

Feng Xi's raised hand did not finally fall, and he got off Yu Sheng and pointed at her and cursed.

Feng Xi raised his hand just now, really wanting to slap her.

Even when he was chasing men, he never had such patience.

Didn't she put the person under house arrest directly, to her Yu Sheng, he is quite good-tempered, what else does she want?

He doesn't know what is good or bad, he is not rare, so he should get out of the way, and it is annoying to watch.

Yu Sheng stood up and put on her jeans, her trembling hands tied the buttons of her shirt, she didn't know how she had the courage to untie them one by one just now.

"President Feng, we have slept once anyway. Please raise your hand and don't block me again. I have been in the company for more than a year, and I have been conscientious and have made no mistakes. Therefore, please call me a good one and give me a way to survive."

A person who is strong for a long time will become stubborn and will not easily ask for help.

However, Yu Sheng wants to survive. At this time, dignity and self-esteem are extravagant for her, so she would rather bow her head.

"Get out of here now, never want to see you again, get out."

Feng Xi at this time, where could I hear what Yu Sheng said.

I'm so angry...

Yu Sheng didn't stay here either, as it was for this reason, if Feng Xi still embarrassed her, he would really not be a man.

After Yu Sheng left, Feng Xi threw another thing that could be thrown in the living room.

When Jiang Yu came, he sighed and had to buy it again. These things were only bought back within a few days...

When Yu Sheng returned home, he took out the pregnancy test stick from the bag, held it in his hand, and held it tightly.

Go to the bathroom and check it out according to the instructions. It is one, but she feels that there is still one vaguely...

She was a little confused, she bought three, thinking about testing again tomorrow morning.

This night, Yu Sheng didn't sleep peacefully. She had a long dream.

In the dream, she stepped into the cold river water step by step, the water covered her thighs, she looked down, and the river water was about to flow over her waist.

Looking at her belly bulging slightly, she forgot...she was pregnant.

Then why is she here, who will save her, save her...

Water was about to overflow her waist and abdomen, Yu Sheng struggled desperately, but her body sank more and more.

When she was about to be submerged in the water, she was suddenly lifted up.

The hands holding her are warm, they are a pair of men's hands.

The man said to her softly, "Don't be afraid, I am here."

This is a sentence she has always wanted. She once told herself that if one day, when she needs someone to rely on, a man would say this to her, then she would entrust herself to him.

However, she wanted to see the man's face clearly, but she couldn't see clearly, but she had heard this voice, who was it?

The man smiled and bowed his head to kiss her, Yu Sheng wanted to see him clearly, he wanted to see, but...

Yu Sheng sat up suddenly and touched his belly, flat and firm...

Her body is also clean, without water...

It was a dream, but Yu Sheng felt it was unusually real. She almost knew who the man was.

Those hands are really warm.

Yu Sheng checked it again. This time, the second line was vaguely visible, but he still couldn't see clearly.

My heart is so nervous, afraid of panic, and looking forward to...

In the end, Yu Sheng decided to go to the hospital to get the most accurate results, and he felt at ease. After all, things like pregnancy test sticks were not accurate.

maternity hospital

Yu Sheng sat in a chair, waiting for the results of the blood test.

She kept drinking water, her mood was contradictory. On the one hand, she did not want to get pregnant by herself, because this child would not have a healthy family, either without a father or without a mother...

She has not been good at her childhood, let alone happiness. Except that Jiang Lan treated her well, she can say that she was not good.

Therefore, she hopes that her child must be happy, have a warm home, and be loved by her parents.

On the one hand, Yu Sheng hopes to become pregnant, because it is her child, and the child with her blood relationship, she is no longer alone...

In this torment, Yu Sheng didn't know how he sat on the chair opposite the doctor.

"I'm pregnant..." The doctor's words were simple.

Yu Sheng's hands were tightly clenched, and the nails were embedded in the flesh of the palm, stinging, but she didn't feel the pain.

She was pregnant, she broke Feng Xi's child, and she was actually pregnant.

The doctor looked at Yu Sheng's gradually pale face and the infallible expression, which she would encounter every day.

"If you don't want it, take advantage of the small month, you can get rid of it, the damage will be smaller."

The doctor's tone is very professional.

Knock out...

Yu Sheng's first reaction was not to, she should not beat the child.

She will do her best to make this child's life happy and give her everything.

"No, I want him..."

Although Yu Sheng's voice is very low, she is very determined. She wants this child.

"The first three months is a dangerous period. Pay attention to it. If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital in time."

The doctor will follow the pregnant woman's own wishes, emphasize the precautions, and call the next one.

When Yu Sheng came out of the hospital, she felt in a daze, she was really pregnant...

What an incredible thing, she had a child in her belly...

Yu Sheng remembered that she agreed to Du Xiaoyu and would pay him back today...

However, this is not the way to pay back the money. One is that she can't spend two hundred thousand at present, and the other is that some things cannot be solved in this way.

When Yu Sheng returned to the Feng Family Consortium, apart from the women who were jealous of her, she was still respected by the senior management.

After all, Yu Sheng's work ability is well known to everyone. People who can achieve high-level positions are all experienced and beaten people. What they value more is strength.

Yu Sheng came this time for the things that revealed the base price on the phone yesterday. She didn't do things that she hadn't done. She didn't take the blame. Whether it was Gu Qiwen or Feng Xi's method of forcing her, she would not accept it.

She was met by Gao Cheng, the head of the administration department, who was in her forties and had a strict working style.

"Senior executives, since the company wants me to cooperate in the investigation, I will cooperate well. Unilateral rhetoric is not enough to judge a matter. I think it is best to find Du Xiaoyu, director of Gu’s marketing department. Come, and whoever broke this incident, I also called it in person to explain that one is one, two is two, everyone is not idler, don't waste time."

Yu Sheng has been in the workplace for six years, and she knows how to handle things.

What he said was well-founded, and his tone was calm, but he never gave up.

"Secretary Yu, this matter, Mr. Gu of the Gu family had already called in the morning, saying that it was a misunderstanding, and he would personally explain to Mr. Feng, which made you feel wronged."

Gao Cheng admired Yu Sheng very much. As for the reason for her dismissal, no one had known the reason before.

Yesterday, everyone in the company was rumoring that she was fired because of leaking company secrets. However, Gao Cheng thinks that she is very accurate, and Yu Sheng is not that kind of person.

"The senior executive also knows that I was wronged. The leak of company secrets has been spread. I can't find a job now, but now it is a misunderstanding..."

Yu Sheng laughed aggrieved. Such misunderstandings are not uncommon. Large companies often have such misunderstandings.

"I think Mr. Feng will make you fair after he understands the matter."

Gao Cheng feels that although their CEO Feng is cynical and does not work well, they treat their employees well.

"President Feng doesn't know about this?" Yu Sheng heard the clue from Gao Cheng's words.

"President Feng doesn't know. Someone called to report you. You know, according to the rules, we must strictly investigate such things. Until there is no result, we will not report to Feng."

Gao Cheng smiled and got up, and poured a glass of water for Yu Sheng himself.

It turned out that Feng Xi didn't know about this, so it was very simple, Gu Qiwen did it.

Not enough medicine was given to her, and she was wronged and charged with stealing company secrets.

If she hadn’t instructed people to give her medicine, how could she have **** with Feng Xi and provoke him, how could she be fired, and now she can’t find a job...

Gu Qiwen, you deceived people too much.

When Yu Sheng walked out of Gaocheng's office, he heard someone discussing that Feng Zongxin had recruited three female secretaries, all of whom were good-looking and in good shape.

I also heard that a secretary came out from the president, all lipstick was spent, and the clothes were messy...

That's what Yu Sheng heard while waiting for the elevator.

My heart is a little stuffy, especially stuffy, and there is a very disgusting feeling.

The elevator door opened, and there was no one except Jiangyu inside. Everyone looked at each other and did not dare to enter.

Feng's family knew Jiangyu from above and below.

Naturally, Yu Sheng wouldn't enter either, just politely nodded at Jiang Yu, and then said nothing.

"Secretary Yu, please, Master."

Jiang Yu was actually very helpless. The young master doctor ordered that he could only come down to pick up people in person.

As soon as Yu Sheng appeared in the company, the young master knew.

I smashed my house into a mess yesterday, yelling and cursing that I would never see Yu Sheng, the young master of this woman, and I would see others again.

"Sorry, I have something to do, it is not convenient to see Mr. Feng."

Yu Sheng's hand squeezed the belt tightly. When Jiang Yu said that Feng Xi wanted to see her, Yu Sheng was scared, afraid that he would know that she was pregnant.

Afraid that he would steal the child with himself...

Yu Sheng thought, to solve Du Xiaoyu's 200,000 affair, she must leave Beicheng immediately without delay.

"Secretary Yu, don't make me embarrassed. You also understand the young master's temper. If you don't see him, you...can't get out of Fengshi's door!"

Jiang Yu is very embarrassed, who made him follow such a wayward master.

Yu Sheng naturally knew Feng Xi's temper. This man was nothing but words. Yesterday, he said that he never wanted to see her again and that he would see her again. It was simply unreasonable.

"There is also Secretary Yu's cell phone that fell on the young master last night..." Before Jiang Yu's "home" was spoken, Yu Sheng had already walked into the elevator.

Yu Sheng was in a trance yesterday. He couldn't find his mobile phone when he got up in the morning. It turned out to be Feng Xi's.

There are photos taken yesterday in the phone, Yu Sheng, you are really confused, and today she seems to have kept her phone number in the hospital booklet.

Sure enough, the brain is confused, and you will do things without thinking.

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