The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1508: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-introduce, this is me-woman

Yu Sheng watched Jiang Yu press the number key, which was a familiar place for her.

"Mr. Jiang, do you know what Feng is looking for?"

Yu Sheng asked tentatively, Feng Xi could find her home, what if she knew she was pregnant?

Also, the hospital shouldn't call her, right?

There are various guesses in Yu Sheng's head, but none of them is good anyway.

"I don't know too well. After he answered a call, he asked me to catch you... not... he was looking for you."

Jiang Yu scratched his head embarrassedly.

In fact, this is not the case.

The young master of their house did answer a call, and Gu Shaoting called.

Tell him about Secretary Yu's unjustified disclosure of the bid.

The young master of their family hung up the phone and said to him, "Xiao Yu'er, you said that if I give her a head, will she be grateful to me and then agree with me?"

Jiang Yu looked at his young master, "Who is the young master going to give?"

Is their young master so kind? Who can he put in his eyes?

Their young master is a hibernating cat, too lazy to die.

"Who are you talking about, who are you talking about, who are you talking about?"

Feng Xi was annoyed. Why didn't he understand his thoughts so much. He still couldn't understand who he was thinking of in his head all day?

"Master said Secretary Yu? Didn't you say that you never want to see her again..."

Jiang Yu felt wronged, how did the young master say something like farting.

"I have said too much, why don't you remember anything else, you remember this sentence clearly."

Feng Xi took a pen casually and smashed it at Jiang Yu.

Jiang Yu caught it quickly, one was to avoid injury, and the other was that the pen was very expensive.

"Secretary Yu came to the company today. This meeting should be in the executive office..."

The young master clearly had a secretary in his heart, but he didn't admit it.

"Go and catch her for me!"

Feng Xi heard that this was brought to the door by himself.

The handsome face who was still angry just now, this moment the sun will be shining brightly.

Feng Xi's words were measured in an overcast test, and the river fish's back felt cold.

Jiang Yu still felt a cold sweat on his back at this time, because of the smile of the young master.

"Who called him?" When Yu Sheng heard Jiang Yu's words, his heart suddenly tightened, wouldn't the hospital really call her?

Feng Xi knew she was pregnant?

"I don't know this well, Secretary Yu."

The call came from Gu Shaoting, and Jiang Yu couldn't say, "You go up quickly, Master wants to give you a heads up, I want you to be touched so much."

However, where did Jiang Yu dare to say that, Secretary Yu promised to be scared away.

"That, Jiang Yu, is that another girlfriend?" Yu Sheng looked at Jiang Yu and changed the subject with a smile.

It was Mr. Jiang just now, so this will be called Jiang Yu kindly.

"No, I have been following the young master all day, and I don't have any time for myself."

When it comes to Jiang Yu, he feels even more wronged. He had a girlfriend before, but because he was with the young master all day and had no time to accompany her, he finally broke up.

I have been single until now.

"You are such a good person, and you are so handsome. There must be many girls who like it. I will introduce you to one later."

Yu Sheng looked at the upward cutting head, his palms were sweaty, did Feng Xi know that she was pregnant?

"Then the relationship is good, Sister Yu, I don't actually pick it. It's a long time, mainly sensible. I am limited at this time and I definitely can't be on call. It is best to be like Sister Yu. I will be content. ."

Jiang Yu stopped calling Secretary Yu, and directly called Sister Yu to get closer.

"Okay, Sister Yu is relieved about this, and I will definitely find you a good girl."

Yu Sheng smiled and squeezed the strap of the bag. "It's actually fine for me to be fired now. It's too tired to do things with Mr. Feng. It will be sunny and cloudy for a while, I can't bear it."

"No, for a while, for a while, I said I would never see you again yesterday, and today I will teach you a lesson in bullying..."

Jiang Yu immediately shut his mouth, why did you say it smoothly?

Yu Sheng smiled and asked Jiang Yu, "What is it? Who is bullying me?"

Yu Sheng was relieved, it was not because of her pregnancy.

"Here, Sister Yu, go in quickly..."

As soon as the elevator door opened, Jiang Yu immediately pushed Yu Sheng out.

Push her directly to the president's office, open the door, and move on.

Yu Sheng did not expect to see Du Xiaoyu, Gu Shaoting and Gu Qiwen here...

At this time, she understood what Jiang Yu said just now.

Feng Xi leaned on his super invincible and comfortable seat, with his legs folded on the desk, in a lazy posture like sleeping on the bed.

It was almost time to close the curtains and light up the night light.

Feng Xi squinted at Yu Sheng. The white t-shirt was printed with marshmallows, light blue denim shorts, white canvas shoes, and pretty ponytails. They all looked like college students who had just walked out of campus.

Where is it like that secretary Yu with a black and rigid suit.

Before, why didn't I find that this woman is so good? I had to strip off her clothes to discover her beauty, which turned out to be so irritating.

"Come here." Feng Xi hooked at Yu Sheng, his voice hoarse with laziness.

If no one else was around, Yu Sheng would definitely say, "If Feng always has something to say, I can hear it."

However, with the current situation, she was always upset about Feng Xi's face.

If he annoys him again, and he scolds himself to get out, wouldn't it make Gu Qiwen happy to death.

Seeing her eyes really resent and hate, but having to sit there trembling, Yu Sheng felt relieved.

Yu Sheng walked obediently and stood beside Feng Xi. Yu Sheng pointed at his computer desktop with slender and clean fingers. The evil and lazy movements made people look like boneless.

Yu Sheng glanced over, and his delicate face instantly burned red.

The screensaver on Feng Xi's computer desktop turned out to be... the photo she took when Feng Xi was lying on her body and biting her soft.

There is nothing on her body that can't be seen, but the jeans are half retracted, revealing the black lace panties. It is this half-exposed state that makes people more bloody...

To say that what is exposed is her mellow cut, which looks so tender and white under the water blue shirt.

To say that what made Yu Sheng blush the most was her expression, which seemed to be enjoyable but also intolerable, and there was a bit of pain in her slightly squinted eyes.

That was bitten by Feng Xi...

"Does it look good?" Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng's delicate little face, blushing pretty.

He naturally held her hand and asked.

"You deleted it..." Yu Sheng kept looking at the screen, forgetting to withdraw his hand, and his tone was deliberately lowered as if he was acting like a baby.

"No, I like it, how good is it, don't you think it is good?"

Feng Xi's handsome face was slightly lifted up, looking at Yu Sheng with aggressive eyes.

"It's not good at all..." Yu Sheng tried not to get angry. She wanted to ask Feng Xi what he was going to do and didn't count what he said?

"Really? Then let me ask them if they look good?"

When Feng Xi was speaking, he had already put down his legs and got up to turn the computer...

Only then did Yu Sheng realize that Feng Xi was actually holding her hand.

Yu Sheng instinctively grasped Feng Xi's hand that turned the computer, and prevented him from turning.

"Don't ask, it's pretty, pretty..."

Yu Sheng was not afraid of what Du Xiaoyu would see or what happened, but he didn’t want to be told that she had anything to do with Feng Xi, or that she could be the secretary to the president because she was in Feng Xi’s bed. ...

She don't want to bear such a reputation, she has earned it with her own efforts today.

It took Feng Xi to hold Yu Sheng's hand, not to let her break free.

Du Xiaoyu's face is ugly, and his mood is also very complicated.

A pair of eyes seemed to be nailed to the hands of Yu Sheng and Feng Xi.

Du Xiaoyu's fists were clenched tightly, and then a tingling pain suddenly came from the back of his hand, and his eyes were suddenly retracted.

What I saw was Gu Qiwen picking the back of his hand with her nails, with warnings and grievances in her eyes.

Gu Qiwen never thought that Yu Sheng, who was a bitch, was actually with Feng Zong...

It seems that Mr. Feng still spoils her very much. Why is a **** able to hook Mr. Feng?


In the upper-class circles, who doesn't know that the chic and romantic front cover is very picky, and no woman can catch him.

However, Yu Sheng, a bitch, did it, and it really was a good method.

And her husband still remembers her, enough to see how charming this woman is.

Gu Shaoting had been sitting there calmly, seemingly not shocked by the hands that Feng Xi and Yu Sheng held together.

What is the dignity of status, even if he is the president of a large group, but in front of Feng Xi, he is nothing.

Since they appeared here, Feng Xi hadn't looked at them directly, let alone said a word, he had been staring at the computer screen.

Gu Shaoting was also very curious, what kind of thing it was that kept Feng Xi admiring for so long, and what was it that made Yu Sheng look shy when he saw it, really curious...

"Give you your phone, take a look!" Holding Yu Sheng's hand, he sat on the sofa opposite Gu Shaoting and the two of them sitting next to each other.

Yu Sheng took the phone, glanced at it, and quickly moved his eyes away. Even her phone screen is the screensaver of the computer...

"Let me show you..." Feng Xi actually leaned against Yu Sheng's ear with a thief and smiled.

The man is not familiar, but it is also a strange breath, lingering around Yu Sheng's breath.

"I don't see, why are you doing this, I..." Yu Sheng drew his hand, but couldn't get it back.

Feng Xi's hands are very beautiful, slender and beautiful than women's hands. Such hands actually made Yu Sheng feel warm.

Looking at Yu Sheng's shame and annoyance, Feng Xi didn't want to be discovered by others. Did he dare to threaten him last night?

"Let’s go home and watch again!"

Feng Xi stretched out his hand and squeezed Yu Sheng's face, it felt really good.

This kind of pampering action that can only occur between lovers, really made Yu Sheng stunned.

It also shocked the three people sitting opposite, even Gu Shaoting was shocked, because the doting in Feng Xi's eyes was so obvious.

It gives people the feeling that there is no room for other people in his eyes, and only Yu Sheng is alone.

Gu Qiwen trembled with anger. Everyone was a woman, so why would she be betrayed by her husband.

And this **** is favored by the most precious second master...

She is not reconciled, why?

Just when Yu Sheng was about to take out his hand and leave, Feng Xi actually opened his mouth, but when he said it, Yu Sheng forcibly forgot all his actions.

"Introduce everyone, this is me-woman!"

Feng Xi's tone was lazy, but arrogant, and that kind of carelessness showed a strong aura.

Du Xiaoyu closed his eyes, he could no longer feel the pain in the back of his hand.

When was Yu Sheng and Feng Xi together?

No, it is impossible. If Feng Xi is so rich together, would Yu Sheng care about borrowing money?

Gu Shaoting frowned and looked at Yu Sheng. The face that was always smiling and not surprised was full of shock and anger at this time.

Gu Shaoting said, "President Feng has a good eye, Secretary Yu is very beautiful!"

"I remember the last time Mr. Gu said that he would give me an explanation. I don’t know if Mr. Gu has a bad memory. My woman was wronged again and was beaten last time. This time I was wronged. Not happy!"

Feng Xi speaks slowly and his tone is very light, but he is not irritable and pretentious.

Yu Sheng closed his eyes, really couldn't listen anymore, "My woman..."

When did she become his woman?

Yesterday, I yelled and said that I never wanted to see her again. This would make a high-profile announcement that she is his woman...

How could he act so recklessly, regardless of her feelings and situation?

"President Feng, this is my negligence and my lack of strict discipline, which has caused Secretary Yu to be wronged."

Gu Shaoting looked apologetic, but in fact he was also very wronged.

He had called Feng Xi to make an appointment to resolve this matter.

However, he said there was no time, what could he do.

Now he has a bad memory. This is the advantage of status and status. If you are in a high position, what you say will always be right.

"I'm reluctant to touch this face, she, just her, just hit me if you want to fight, so courageous!"

Feng Xi didn't bother to use his hands. He raised his foot directly and pointed at Gu Qiwen, as if she was something dirty, he didn't want to look at it.

Gu Qiwen blushed and white, even if she was not seen in the Gu family, but after all, she was also the Gu family's lady, and she had never received such treatment.

Now it was pointed at by someone...

However, this person is Feng Xi, and no one can afford to provoke him. Not to mention that he is not easy to provoke, and his brothers stomping their feet can make them disappear overnight.

On the way here, her brother had warned her that something happened again and kicked her out of Gu's house.

These are all harmed by Yu Sheng, a bitch. The grievances and humiliations she suffered today, tomorrow, she will definitely give her back twice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mr. Feng, it was because I was so excited that I beat her. I just gave birth to my baby. They said that my husband was taken away by a fox. I was so impulsive. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Anyway, just forgive me..."

Gu Qiwen covered her face and cried bitterly, her voice was so loud, it made people sick to hear.

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