The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1513: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-you say I am younger than you, where el

"Do something bad!" Feng Xi directly picked up Yu Sheng, stepping eagerly, completely unbearable.

Yu Sheng felt that all his bones had been broken, and he was completely limp in Feng Xi's arms.

Even the breath I exhale is like boiling water, hot...

When Feng Xi put her on the bed and Feng Xi began to undress, Yu Sheng seemed to understand what Feng Xi meant by rubbing her mouth just now...

After Feng Xi took off his clothes, he took off his pants. Before he could finish speaking, he was kicked on the chest by Yu Sheng, and he was kicked off the bed...

"That night you...ah!"

"Yu Sheng, you are looking for death!" Feng Xi took off half of his pants and lay on the ground in embarrassment, not daring to move, cursing angrily.

"Perverted!" Yu Sheng pulled the quilt over him, making a muffled voice.

"If you don't want to... then use your hands..." Feng Xi stood up in frustration, thinking that Yu Sheng must be shy, and she was not aware of it that night if she had it for him.

"Don't you have long hands yourself, do it yourself, and if you go out, I'm going to sleep!"

Yu Sheng clutched the quilt tightly, thinking about using his mouth or hands uncontrollably in his mind, blood surged.

Who knew that Feng Xi went directly to bed, opened Yu Sheng's quilt, and got in.

"It's not that I don't have a woman. You need to get it for me. I can't get it out. Don't sleep! Also, this is my room and my bed. You are my woman. Naturally, you want to sleep with me.

Feng Xi held Yu Sheng tightly in his arms.

"Feng Xi, you are shameless..." Yu Sheng was angry and annoyed, but he dared not move.

It was strange and shy to her.

"No, I want you!"

Feng Xi rubbed Yu Sheng's body as he said, and the more he rubbed, the bigger his movements became. It was useless for Yu Sheng to struggle.

"This sound is so nice!" Yu Sheng was squeezed by Feng Xi and made a sound unconsciously, but she didn't know it. Such struggling movements and the sound of the cat scratching his heart were for a man. , What a stimulus.

"Feng Xi, don't be like this..." Yu Sheng didn't know what to do at all.

Because she wanted... and didn't know what she wanted, it was uncomfortable...

"Want?" Yu Sheng didn't know, but Feng Xi knew what was conveyed in those misty eyes.

Yu Sheng was about to cry immediately, shaking his head in embarrassment.

It was an unconscious movement, because Yu Sheng was already a piece of paste at this time.

Feng Xi tempted Yu Sheng while kissing.

Feng Xi's words and his actions seemed to have magical powers, making Yu Sheng, who was already confused, could only follow his words...

Finally, Feng Xi confessed that it was in Yu Sheng's hands...

Next day

This is the first time Yu Sheng has seen Yin Shinian, a beautiful and delicate woman.

"Come and sit, Sheng Sheng." Yin Shinian took Yu Sheng by the hand and let her sit next to him.

Yu Sheng looked at Yin Shinian's hands, slender and beautiful, with a pair of dexterous hands.

Yu Sheng knows that she is a fashion designer and has won many international awards.

"Is there any reaction? Do you like to eat sour or spicy?" Yin Shinian asked with a smile looking at Yu Sheng's stomach.

In the past two years, she and Feng Yan have been worrying about Feng Xi's affairs.

The people around him are all married and have children, but he is still single.

"Occasionally disgusting, nothing to eat..."

Yu Sheng smiled and replied, her hand was still held by Yin Shinian.

"You can tell Feng Xi what you want to eat and let him do it for you. For ten months of life as a queen, you must make good use of him."

Yin Shinian likes Yu Sheng very much. Her temperament is not easy to get close to people, and I feel that Yu Sheng also has such a personality.

"Miss Yin, I don’t have that kind of relationship with Mr. Feng. Even when I was drugged that night, something like that happened, and I didn’t expect to get pregnant..."

Yu Sheng felt that the relationship between her and Feng Xi was a bit embarrassing now. If she had thought that before last night, there was only the relationship between the parents of their children.

However, last night, except that Feng Xi didn't actually go in, they did everything they needed to do...

She is sober, not drunk or drugged...

"Call my sister-in-law! You have to call sooner or later. Get used to it early."

"Shengsheng, who is destined to be whoever is, I have personal feelings about this!"

Yin Shinian is a person who has experienced it. He understands that this kind of love involving destiny is something you can't escape.

It took a while before I found out that it was this person, the person I hit...

"He is not the man I want to live the rest of my life..."

Yu Sheng smiled bitterly, everything now she had never thought of before.

Living here, with Feng Xi, it was like dreaming, so unreal.

"Then which man do you want?" Feng Xi asked angrily when he hung up and walked over.

"No matter who it is, it won't be a man three years younger than me..."

Yu Sheng didn't know what was wrong, now he was a little afraid of Feng Xi, afraid that he would do that to himself again.

"Jiang Yu, Jiang Yu, why don't you go and change the date of birth on my ID card and household registration book to me and make it three years older than her!"

Feng Xi shouted angrily in the direction of the hall.

Feng Yan also walked in just after answering the phone, and what he heard was Feng Xi's words.

The thin lips hooked slightly and rose to an evil arc.

Yin Shinian glanced at Feng Yan, then smiled and blinked, Feng Yan returned her with a petting smile.

Yu Sheng knew that Feng Xi was not joking, he was like this, he could do whatever he wanted.

With such a capricious childishness, Yu Sheng couldn't imagine what it would be like to live with him in the future.

I feel a headache even thinking about it. So, in order to avoid my headache, Yu Sheng told himself that he must get rid of the current situation.

She can't stay here anymore and sleep with Feng Xi in the same bed at night, doing something like that.

The river fish that ran out hurriedly swallowed while still eating in its mouth.

"Yes, Master!" Jiang Yu answered vaguely, and was about to go outside.

"Jiang Yu, don't go!" Yu Sheng stopped Jiang Yu.

"Feng Xi, you didn't change the date of birth and you were older than me. The fact is that I am older than you!"

Yu Sheng's voice was very calm, and she wanted to have a good talk with Feng Xi.

Jiang Yu didn't move, a bit embarrassed, who would listen to?

"I don't care!" It's just three years older. Is this a problem? This woman has changed his age, see what reason she has.

"But I care, and I don't like you!"

Yu Sheng knew that if he said this, he would definitely anger Feng Xi.

As Tong Yu Sheng thought, Feng Xi was annoyed.

"Yu Sheng, I don't like you either!"

How can the second master, who has always been sought after by people, be able to stand it? A woman said she didn't like him in front of so many people.

His face has changed on the date of birth, what else is she going to do?

Like a child, Feng Xi turned around and went upstairs. Although he said cruel words, his eager pace was a little embarrassing.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's back, just like that, how could he talk...

"A three-year-old child won't be so irritable like him. Do you want me to coax the two children in the future?"

Yu Sheng's words seemed to be addressed to himself, and it seemed to be addressed to Feng Yan and Yin Shinian.

"Sheng Sheng, a man is a child. In front of the woman he likes, he will always look like a child who will not grow up."

Yin Shinian did not directly say that Feng Xi likes you, but let Yu Sheng feel it himself.

"If you don't want to be with Feng Xi, we don't want to be forced by the Feng family. We will give you two choices. One is to kill the child and the other is to give birth to the child. I will give you a sum of money and you leave."

Feng Yan stood there in an erect posture, his slightly narrowed eyes were deep and evil.

Yin Shinian didn't speak, she knew what her man was doing.

If Feng Yan didn't say this, Feng Xi, who was forced into a hurry, would also.

If Feng Xi said it, Yu Sheng would not be able to stand it.

Because at this time, after Feng Yan said this, Yu Sheng's face turned pale.

Obviously, she could not accept either of these options.

"Mr. Feng, this is my child. You have no right to make a decision."

Yu Sheng met Feng Yan's eyes without being timid at all.

"I still said that, without Feng Xi, where did you come from, you can test whether I have this right."

Feng Yan actually didn't want to be a bad guy, but who made his younger brother disappointed.

If he were a woman, he would not choose him. He was simply spoiled.

"Shengsheng, I admit that Feng Xi is a little childish, but he will be a good husband, a good father, trust me, try to accept him, he will spoil you."

Yin Shinian believed that if Yu Sheng opened up to accept Feng Xi, they would have a very happy life.

Yu Sheng bit his lip, thinking of the bowl of noodles last night...

She wanted a child, and she knew that she could not compete with Feng Jia. Whether it was Feng Xi or Feng Yan, they pinched her to death as simple as trampling on an ant.

But, do you really want to be with Feng Xi?

Feng Xi's angry voice echoed in his ears, "Yu Sheng, I don't like you either!"

Yin Shinian knew Yu Sheng's worries, and she would be the same if it was her.

After all, Feng Xi was really spoiled.

"Shengsheng, if you don't want to live here, you can leave, but the premise is that you can't leave secretly."

Yin Shinian shook Yu Sheng's hand and said with a smile.

"Really?" Yu Sheng's eyes lit up instantly.

Yin Shinian nodded, and Yu Sheng looked at Feng Yan again.

Feng Yan looked towards Yin Shinian with disapproval.

Yu Sheng had an escape record.

"The most important thing for pregnant women is mood. She doesn't like living here, so let her go home."

This was what Yin Shinian said to Feng Yan.

"Feng Yan, you are in charge of your wife."

Feng Xi didn't know when he would come out again.

In fact, Feng Xi did not enter the room at all, but eavesdropped on the corner of the stairs.

He was annoyed when Yin Shinian said to let Yu Sheng go home.

"Nothing!" Feng Yan said domineeringly.

Feng Xi gave him an angry look.

"Her home is so blistered, how can she live."

Feng Xi went downstairs angrily, and even Jiang Yu waved his hand there, beckoning him not to say, he didn't even see it.

When Yu Sheng saw Jiang Yu's movements, he seemed to understand something.

She said that even if she was in a bad mood, she would never forget to turn off the water.

Then there was only one explanation, and that everything was ordered by Feng Xi.

Later, she thought, there was no one living downstairs, so it was so coincidental that the people downstairs came to the door when her house was running water...

When she sold the house, the intermediary also said that she could not tell the buyer that the house was soaked in water.

Therefore, it will not be said by the intermediary.

"Feng Xi, how did you know that my house was soaked in water..."

Yu Sheng questioned Feng Xi, thinking of the little ornaments he had made, favorite carpets and floor mats...

Yu Sheng was distressed when everything was ruined by bubbles.

She hated herself for several days for this.

"I..." Feng Xi looked at Jiang Yu just then, meaning to ask him.

What should he say, how did he know that Yu Sheng's house was soaking in water?

Jiang Yu gave him a "self-fed" look.

"Your broken house is not a place where people live!"

When Feng Xi went to Yu Sheng's house that night, he saw that the community was still under construction, and few of them had moved in.

The location is remote, he won't live in such a place for free.

The broken house in Feng Xi's mouth was home to Yu Sheng.

She still remembered the day when she got the key and cried for a long time.

She finally has her own home. She worked hard and frugally before paying the down payment...

But Feng Xi said it was not a place where people lived.

"Whoever lives in what house, a high-ranking person like Mr. Feng, naturally lives in this luxurious villa, and a person like me naturally lives in a place like..."

Yu Sheng smiled and walked out after speaking.

What is cloud and what is mud? this is the truth……

Yin Shinian didn't expect things to happen like this, she looked at Feng Yan, and Feng Yan gave her a relieved smile.

"Yu Sheng, stop for me!" Feng Xi was annoyed. He didn't just play with her, nor burned their house.

Is it to force her to come to him? As for this.

"I will give you a house again, and you will come back to me."

Feng Xi went to chase Yu Sheng. Although his tone was shouting, he was obviously coaxing Yu Sheng.

"I don't care about your house, nor do I care about you."

Yu Sheng walked without looking back, as if he had really responded to that sentence, "If you stay with someone for a long time, you will become what kind of person."

Yu Sheng felt that his angry appearance now was extremely naive.

"But I don't care about you, please slow me down..."

Yu Sheng wore slippers on his feet, and walked in a hurry, almost tripping over himself.

"Leave me alone!" Yu Sheng shouted at Feng Xi without turning his head.

I don't know what's wrong, I feel angry and wronged.

"You are my woman, I don't care about you, who cares about you!"

Feng Xi also somewhat thought that it was wrong for him to let people release the water.

"You let your brother control me!"

Yu Sheng thought that he had been captured by Feng Yan, and was threatened by him just now, feeling wronged in his heart.

"Why does my woman want him to control."

Feng Xi protected her behind Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng was also angry, walking indiscriminately, and the two of them circled in the garden.

"Feng Xi, didn't you hear what your brother said just now?" Yu Sheng suddenly turned to stop, and just hit Feng Xi's body, causing his nose to hurt.

"What did he say?" Feng Xi took Yu Sheng into his arms with ease.

"Then what did you overhear just now?" Yu Sheng was annoyed, and didn't pay attention to the current posture between the two.

"I just eavesdropped... I heard you were leaving."

Looking at Yu Sheng's red nose, Feng Xi lowered his head and kissed it subconsciously.

The red nose is like Rudolph.

"Don't kiss me... Your brother said he wanted me to kill the baby, or I gave birth to the baby and gave me money to let me go. Didn't you hear that?"

Yu Sheng blushed at Feng Xi's relatives, and said angrily.

Yu Sheng hadn't noticed at all, the way she treated Feng Xi now.

It is to tell your grievances.

Because what Feng Yan said made her feel wronged and uncomfortable...

Yu Sheng didn't realize that his behavior was actually relying on Feng Xi.

Even acting like a baby with him.

"He just scares you, if you really knock the child out, he will kill you."

"Furthermore, he said he wants you to give birth to a child and leave with money, provided that you don't want to be with me. If you stay with me obediently, this kind of thing will not happen.

What kind of person Feng Xi is, you look at him arrogant and selfish and naive, in fact, his heart is clear, but he just likes to live without thinking.

"Bullying people, you all bullying people..." Yu Sheng cried, this kind of powerlessness made her feel tired.

"Nonsense, when did I bully you?" Feng Xi awkwardly wiped Yu Sheng's tears with his hand.

Although the movements are awkward, they are rare and gentle.

"My brother will not bully you, he is satisfied with you, otherwise he won't talk to you."

In recent years, his brother has still not spoken except for Yin Shinian and Huo Qingge.

The scene of last night was automatically played in Yu Sheng's mind...

Feng Xi was absolutely necrotic, and forced her to say those shameful things. The more she cried, the more he did not treat her.

Yu Sheng felt that the paste in his mind was solidified and couldn't work at all.

"Don't cry, I want to put you in bed as soon as you cry, and bully fiercely."

Feng Xi was telling the truth, not frightening Yu Sheng.

He has no control over her now.

However, God seems to be playing with him, people are right in front of him, but he can't do it.

It was in Yu Sheng's hands last night.

Yu Sheng pushed Feng Xi angrily and ashamed.

"I want to go home, your sister-in-law said I can leave."

Yu Sheng really wants to go home. She is uncomfortable and unhappy here.

"This is your home, you are not allowed to go anywhere."

Holding Yu Sheng to sleep last night, Feng Xi was more satisfied than ever. He kept his hand on her lower abdomen, where their child was gestating.

Just thinking about it makes me happy.

"Feng Xi, this is your home, not my home!"

"This is your home, I said yes, that, Jiangyu..."

Feng Xi seemed to have thought of something, and then shouted Jiang Yu's name.

Jiang Yu is not far away, because he has developed a habit, and must stay within the distance that their young master can hear him.

"Master, what's the order?"

Jiang Yu thought his life would be miserable in the future, because he would have a lot of things to do.

Before, their young master was too lazy, so he can follow along.

"Find a lawyer and transfer all the properties in my name to her."

Feng Xi gave orders casually.

"Yes, master, do this after changing the date of birth."

Jiang Yu specifically mentioned it again, changing the date of birth.

"You are crazy, I don't want it!"

When Yu Sheng heard it, her head was so big that she didn't want his house.

"Also, you don't need to change the date of birth. If you change it, you are younger than me."

Then Yu Sheng gave Jiang Yu another one, and his eyes were not allowed to change.

Jiang Yu smiled and scratched his head, who was listening to.

"Jiang Yu, do it according to my instructions, and it must be changed, so that she will not always say that I am younger than her."

Feng Xi proudly said that he had thought about it, and if Yu Sheng dared to say that he was young, he would throw her ID card on her face.

"Jiang Yu, don't listen to him, I don't want his house."

Yu Sheng knew that Feng Xi had several properties, all of which were of high value. The decoration inside was much more expensive than the house.

"That..." Jiang Yu was embarrassed, who did he listen to?

"Jiang Yu, don't you hurry up and get out of my business!"

Feng Xi was annoyed. If he wanted to do something, he had to do it, and it was uncomfortable not to do it.

"Yes, master."

Jiang Yu ran away immediately this time, and he still had to listen to the young master's words so as not to suffer himself.

"If you don't obey anymore, I will transfer all my property to your name, and you will support me in the future."

Listening to what threatening words are, it is hard to laugh.

"Feng Xi, you are simply unreasonable."

Yu Sheng is really speechless, how could there be such a person.

"Go, I'll give you a head start!"

Feng Xi smiled and pulled Yu Sheng towards the villa.

"Again...what's going on!" With the experience of the last time, Yu Sheng had a headache when he heard these two words.

"Teach my brother, who let him bully you!"

As soon as Yu Sheng heard this, who said it just now, "My brother will not bully you, he is satisfied with you, otherwise he will not talk to you."

Yu Sheng wanted to see how Feng Xi gave her a head...

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