The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1514: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-you are good, I won't toss you

Feng Xi held Yu Sheng's hand in one hand, and walked in with his arm around her waist with the other.

When Feng Yan watched the two come back together, his expression was as expected.

If Feng Xi played a rogue, how could Yu Sheng be his opponent.

Yin Shinian watched the two walk in hand in hand, pursing his lips and smiling, but Yu Sheng was embarrassed.

It was as if she was ignorant of her character, ran out, and Feng Xi coaxed her back.

Feng Yanshun picked up a grape in the fruit plate and ate it. He probably had some calculations and frowned.

"In those years, you care about him, how can he not speak so much? Sheng Sheng is not happy anymore."

As soon as Feng Xi opened his mouth, Yu Sheng squeezed hard in the palm of his hand.

The painful Feng Xi yelled, "You're hurting me." That tone is as wrong as it is.

"Mr. Feng, Miss Yin, there is nothing, I am not upset..."

Yu Sheng felt really embarrassed, this is Feng Xi's early days...

"Call my sister-in-law, call his brother, they are all a family, I will tell him when I go back, and I really can't speak.

Yin Shinian looked at Feng Xi and Yu Sheng, the more they looked at each other, the better they matched. How could he not see that Yu Sheng was three years older than him.

She also read Yu Sheng's information. She is a strong girl. It is not easy for a person to take root in Beicheng without relying on anyone.

Yin Shinian thought that if she hadn't had the night with Feng Xi, she might still be the secretary of the president that everyone envied, struggling for the stable life she wanted to live.

The hardships that she experienced alone have passed, and if Feng Xi loves her in the future, she can be a happy little woman.

Feng Yan didn't speak, and picked another grape to eat, which seemed sour, and frowned.

"You obediently call sister-in-law, brother, I won't toss you at night, if you don't call..."

Feng Xi clung to Yu Sheng's ear and said badly.

Yu Sheng stretched out his hand to cover Feng Xi's mouth, and directly blocked what Feng Xi was going to say next.

"Feng Xi, you're enough..." Yu Sheng was ashamed and annoyed. Those scenes last night were in her mind, as if they were branded.

Who knew that with a smirk in Feng Xi's eyes, he fiddled with Yu Sheng's palm with the tip of his tongue.

The teasing Yu Sheng's face was red, and his delicate little face was like a burning charcoal, with scorching heat.

Yu Sheng wanted to withdraw her hand, but Feng Xi held it, and her big hand wrapped her small hand and held it tightly.

"Sheng Sheng, call me brother, sister-in-law, good."

Feng Xi smiled and said to Yu Sheng, but the tightly held hand was in Yu Sheng. He didn't call and tossed her at night.

Yu Sheng looked awkwardly at Yin Shinian, who petted her with a smile, that smile was very gentle.

Looking at Feng Yan who threatened her just now, what is this...

"Sister-in-law, brother..." But Yu Sheng knew that if she didn't call, Feng Xi would definitely continue to do that to her tonight.

"This voice is so nice." Yin Shinian smiled, really like this wife.

The most important thing is that she saw love in Feng Xi's eyes.

"Called brother, we are the one who sealed the house. I will call you the shot if something happens in the future."

The corners of Feng Yan's mouth turned up slightly, revealing a faint arc.

"You don't care about anything, you don't care about things that make Shengsheng wronged."

Feng Xi was especially happy because of Yu Sheng's obedient.

"You think I'm willing to manage, if you can figure out your own affairs, I will manage?"

Feng Yan was not happy anymore. He came to help him and was told.

"How come I can't understand my own affairs, as if you had understood your own affairs better in the first place."

Feng Xi was unhappy when he was said to be spoiled.

Yu Sheng bumped Feng Xi with his elbow, feeling a little bad for him to talk to Feng Yan like this.

Although she felt wronged because of what Feng Yan said, she also knew that Feng Yan would say those things for Feng Xi.

"What did you hit me for, you don't know, those stupid things he did at the time!"

Feng Xi frowned and looked at Yu Sheng, rubbing the place where he was hit, and said angrily.

"Shengsheng, you don't have to worry about it. The two of them always get along in this way, just get used to it."

Yin Shinian was also not accustomed to Feng Xi and Feng Yan at the beginning, and when he spoke, he was about to fight.

Yu Sheng smiled, not knowing what to say.

How can I feel confused and become a family with them...

"Let's go, go to the hospital for an examination, what problems should be paid attention to, I also have a spectrum in my heart."

Feng Yan looked at the time of the watch and said in a deep voice.

He didn't care about Feng Xi's attitude towards him just now.

Yu Sheng originally wanted to say that it shouldn't be so troublesome, but she had checked it all, but after another thought, it was useless to say it herself.

Feng Yan had already arranged things, and she wouldn't stop going because she said she didn't need to go.

Yu Sheng went to check in an ordinary maternity hospital, but Feng Yan arranged a high-end maternity hospital.

Yu Sheng felt very uncomfortable because of the VIP treatment throughout.

In fact, in the end, the same advice is to be careful not to exercise vigorously before.

I also said that Yu Sheng has some anemia and needs more attention.

On the way back, four people were in a car.

"Feng Xi, during this time, you can't do that. Hold it back, the child is the most important thing."

Feng Yan gave orders to Feng Xi.

Yu Sheng's face blushed...

"I have a sense of measure!" Feng Xi was happy that Yu Sheng was pregnant, but when he thought that he could only hold it and not do it, he was depressed again.

Although it was released last night, I always felt that it was not enough.

"Just go to our house, Shengsheng, and your sister-in-law will take care of her."

As soon as Feng Yan heard Feng Xi's words, he felt no bottom. He was also a man, and naturally knew that there were many ways to do it.

But at this time, safety must be guaranteed, and stimulation is not enough.

"No." Yu Sheng said quickly.

"No." Feng Xi immediately refused.

Yu Sheng really thought it would be great if he could be invisible.

"Don't worry about it, Feng Xi said that if you have a sense of measure, you won't be fooling around."

In the end, Yin Shinian spoke. She also wanted to take care of Yu Sheng, but, after all, they still had to cultivate their feelings.

"Yes, I still understand me all the time!"

Feng Xi grinned, he almost didn't call Yin Shinian his sister-in-law, because he was used to it.

Yu Sheng lowered his head and said nothing...

Returning to Feng Xi's villa, Yu Sheng wanted to talk to Feng Xi, but Feng Xi just put her in bed and let her go to bed.

Then I went out...

Yu Sheng fell asleep in a daze, and the phone rang. She took it over and saw that her sister was calling.

Yu Sheng was stunned when she got up. She was still not used to Feng Xi's room and thought she was at home.

"What's the matter, Xiaoye." Yu Sheng asked when he got out of bed and poured himself a glass of water.

"Sister, I..." Yu Ye's voice over the phone was very small, and he hesitated about how to speak to Yu Sheng.

Yu Ye went to a health school, majoring in special care, and was somewhat introverted.

"Talk to sister if you have anything, what's the matter?"

Since Yu Sheng came out to work, Yu Ye has been responsible for her living expenses and tuition.

"Sister, my phone is not very easy to use, I want to...change it."

Yu Ye said to Yu Sheng not too embarrassed.

"Okay, sister will buy you one, what do you want?"

Yu Sheng's own mobile phones have been used for a long time and have never been changed.

Yu Ye lost her mobile phone a few months ago, and she already bought one for her.

"The latest Apple that our classmates use, I..." Yu Ye didn't say anything further.

Yu Sheng sighed slightly.

She has no job now, and Du Xiaoyu's 200,000 has not yet been paid.

No matter what, she must pay Du Xiaoyu's 200,000 yuan.

Now that the house can't be sold, Yu Sheng is still angry about the debt.

She didn't have much left, and Du Xiaoyu borrowed the rest from her.

"I know that my sister is working hard to make money, so you can give it to me... or just buy any one."

Yu Ye's voice over the phone was obviously choked.

"If you like it, sister will buy you one, Xiaoye, study hard. Mom has high expectations of you."

Yu Sheng also hoped that Yu Ye would be promising, so that her burden would be less.

"I know sister, then you come to school to find me tomorrow, we will go shopping together, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you, let's go eat Mala Tang!"

Yu Ye's voice over there obviously became happy.

"Well, I will wait for you at your school gate at noon tomorrow."

As soon as Yu Sheng hung up the phone, the door was pushed open.

Feng Xi walked in with a tray.

"Come here, have soup!" Feng Xi put a delicate bowl on the table.

The rich aroma permeated.

Yu Sheng came closer and saw that it was scallop and silky chicken soup...

This is for iron and blood, Feng Xi remembers what the doctor said.

At this moment, Yu Sheng looked at the bowl of soup, his eyes flushed slightly, no one had ever treated her so well.

When Du Xiaoyu pursued her, he also showed a lot of diligence, but those were nothing more than flowers.

Such a thing has never been done...

"Look at what, sit down, drink, I tried the warm one, it's just right to drink!"

Feng Xi took Yu Sheng to sit down, and put the spoon in Yu Sheng's hand.

Yu Sheng bit his lip and didn't move...

"Don't want to drink it? Still want me to feed it?"

Feng Xi stretched out his hand and pulled Yu Sheng to his lap, encircling her waist.

Yu Sheng was taken aback.

"Don't be scared or scared, I forgot, I won't be like this next time, it's all right..."

Feeling Yu Sheng's body trembling, Feng Xi realized that Yu Sheng was shocked by what he said just now.

I forgot it for a while, and quickly touched Yu Sheng's stomach to soothe it.

Yu Sheng lowered his head and looked at Feng Xi's hand, gently touching her belly, unable to tell what it was like, tangled, embarrassed, confused, and then happy...

Feng Xi's sound of comforting sound was heard, and Yu Sheng closed his eyes gently.

"Feng Xi, let's try..." Yu Sheng's voice was tense.

How difficult this decision is for her, only she knows.

Don't worry about it, just try...

She didn't know what to try. It was this time that she felt very fragile and her nose was sour.

"What to try? My brother said he couldn't do that."

Feng Xi walked over Yu Sheng's body and looked at Yu Sheng with a smile. The smile at the corner of his mouth was very bad, but his eyes were full of blank and seriousness.

It was as if he really didn't understand Yu Sheng's words.

Yu Sheng's face was reddened by Feng Xi's words, like a red candle in the bridal night, so red and colorful.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi a little annoyed. He didn't know how much courage she needed to say if she tried it?

She even teased her like this, and started crying when she watched Yu Sheng.

"Don't cry, I just tease you, look at you, why cry so much, tease you, I know what to try, Yu Sheng, I like you..."

Yu Sheng had also been a secretary for him for more than a year, and Feng Xi always thought she was a strong woman, but he didn't expect to cry so much.

And it's not just crying, there are many lovely places.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi Zhanzhan, he said, "Yu Sheng, I like you..."

Yu Sheng sniffed, then smiled, "What do you like me? Do you like me three years older than you?"

"Nonsense, obviously Ben Shao is three years older than you."

Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng's smile. This was the first time she showed her teeth in front of her, so bright and dazzling.

"Naive." In the end, Yu Sheng only said these two words in an agitated manner.

"Okay, I'm naive, good, and quickly drink the soup."

In the past, if someone said Feng Xi was naive, he would definitely turn his face.

However, Feng Xi was flirting with Yu Sheng's words.

Yu Sheng was about to get off Feng Xi's legs, but he was tightening his waist.

"Sit here, I like to hold you and... the child."

Feng Xi spoke against Yu Sheng's neck, and the heat hit her collarbone.

Yu Sheng felt that his face was red and hot, and he should be able to fry eggs.

What kind of feeling is this, you and your child...

She and Feng Xi had a child, and it was in her belly. Thinking about it now, she felt her throat tighten.

What an incredible thing, but it just happened.

"How can I drink like this, stop making trouble!" Yu Sheng struggled to go down.

"Then I will feed you. Actually, I'm also a bit anemic..." Feng Xi took a sip of the soup, and before Yu Sheng could react, she already sealed her lips.

Yu Sheng was stunned there, letting Feng Xi pass the soup into her mouth.

Then, Feng Xi made a circle of her lips with the tip of his tongue.

"Is it delicious?" Feng Xi asked with a bad smile.

Yu Sheng still remembered Tang's asking, "Why are you doing this..."

"I ask you if it's good?" Feng Xi smiled and pinched Yu Sheng's jaw with light force.

It was a slightly frivolous action, and the slightly squinted eyes were filled with spoiled smirks.

"No taste..." Yu Sheng was telling the truth, and she did not care about the taste.

"Then try it again..." Feng Xi took up the spoon again as he said.

This time Yu Sheng quickly closed his eyes...

And Feng Xi brought the spoon to her mouth, "Why do you still want me to feed you the same way? Yu Sheng, do you think you like me too?"

Looking at Yu Sheng's cute movements, Feng Xi couldn't help touching her face and asked.

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