The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1515: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-Yu Sheng is afraid that Feng Xi will be

Yu Sheng didn't open his eyes, do you like it?

She didn't know how to answer Feng Xi's question.

She has always been a sane person, no matter what she does or what she makes a decision, she will go through careful consideration.

However, just when she talked to Feng Xi to give it a try, it followed her instinctive reaction completely, and then she said that.

She can't say like Feng Xi, "Yu Sheng, I like you..."

In this case, at least at this time, she couldn't say it.

"Open your mouth!" Feng Xi sent the spoon forward again and ordered.

Yu Sheng opened his eyes at this time, saw the spoon in front of him, and opened his mouth.

"Give me a taste and drink." Feng Xi put the spoon directly into Yu Sheng's mouth.

It is delicious, moderately salty, not oily, but has a very strong aroma.

I have to say again that Feng Xi's cooking skills surprised Yu Sheng again.

There is no need for Yu Sheng to say that it is delicious. Looking at her expression, Feng Xi knows that it is delicious, and he is quite confident in his cooking skills.

"Be with me and you can just have fun!"

Taking another spoonful to Yu Sheng's mouth, Feng Xi said proudly.

In this way, Feng Xi took a spoonful and Yu Sheng took a sip, and finished a bowl of soup.

When sleeping, Yu Sheng wanted to sleep on his own, but was forced into his arms by Feng Xi domineeringly.

In the beginning, Yu Sheng had been frozen, because he had already slept in the evening, so Yu Sheng was not sleepy at all.

Feng Xi's hand has been rubbing against Yu Sheng's side waist, very gentle movements, Yu Sheng refused at first because it was very itchy.

However, how could Feng Xi's domineering temperament let her say no.

If he insisted on touching, Yu Sheng couldn't hold him back, so he got used to it.

"Feng Xi, let's chat!"

Yu Sheng said in a low voice, Feng Xi's well-proportioned and powerful heartbeat sounded from her back, and the sound made her feel calm when she heard it.

"It's okay to chat, don't you move anymore, don't you feel hard!"

Feng Xi's voice was low and depressed, still tense.

"Well, I won't move, you can't be harder..." In fact, Yu Sheng hadn't felt it before.

Feng Xi's low laughter came from behind, "Okay."

Feng Xi liked such an ignorant and lovely Yu Sheng again.

"Can I go back to work?"

She has to bear too much every month, and she can't live without a job.

"No way."

Feng Xi refused directly to Yu Sheng. He is not going to the company now, and is with her 24 hours a day. She still wants to go to work and does not want to think that she is still pregnant.

"Why not?" This was the expected answer, but Yu Sheng didn't want to lead such a life.

"If you are pregnant now, all you have to do is to take care of yourself and your children. Besides, I will stay with you at home without going to work."

Feng Xi just didn't want to go to work, so there was the most reasonable reason to be at home.

"Feng Xi, if you don't go to work, you also have money to spend, but I can't. I have a monthly mortgage, and I have to pay for the living expenses of my family. I have to provide for my sister to go to school. I have to work."

Yu Sheng's tone was very calm, she didn't want to fight with Feng Xi, although she was a little angry, he restricted himself.

This feeling of being obeyed is very bad. There are many women who are pregnant and still working. Why is she special?

Life tells her that women must be financially independent, no matter what time they are, they are guaranteed.

Yu Sheng was afraid that she couldn't live like that when she had no money.

Although she said she wanted to try with Feng Xi, she didn't think about their future.

Because there is no one in the world, no one knows how far he can go.

"I'll give you a card. You can use the money as you like. You go to work in the company, and I will pay you salary."

Feng Xi let out a breath, his woman naturally wanted him to raise her.

He just doesn't do anything, and his money is enough for him and Yu Sheng to spend a lifetime.

"My work is my income, and I spend your money for no reason. These are two concepts."

Yu Sheng's voice had some emotions. She didn't want to be someone who depended on Feng Xi. It was not that she was incapable of making money on her own.

"You are my woman, and I am your man. If you spend my money for nothing, it will be nothing for no reason to come to you, Yu Sheng, you are making trouble without reason."

Feng Xi's temper was inherently uncontrollable, especially when he listened to what he didn't want to listen to, he was more likely to get angry.

"We are not..." What Yu Sheng wanted to say was "We are not husband and wife."

However, when the words reached her lips, she stopped again. She was afraid that she would say it, and Feng Xi would pull her to register again in a convulsive manner.

Feng Xi would definitely do such a thing.

I don't know if Jiang Yu really changed his birth date.

And whether the house has also been transferred to her name.

"Isn't it?" Feng Xi slapped Yu Sheng's body and asked angrily.

"I have to work, otherwise, let's not try."

Yu Sheng thought she had to fight for herself, otherwise, she would have to listen to Feng Xi in everything. Then she hadn't become a baby and let him play around.

That's not Yu Sheng, and Yu Sheng doesn't want to be like that.

"Yu Sheng, are you threatening me?" Feng Xi was annoyed, and just said that he would try with him.

"I'm not threatening you, I want us to respect each other?"

Yu Sheng's body was hiding behind, and Feng Xi did not dare to touch it before it softened.

"Do you know how many women want you to live a life like this."

"Then if you want such a woman, you find it, I have to work, I don't want to leave you one day, I don't have the ability to support myself."

Yu Sheng just said this according to her emotions, which was also her inner thoughts.

This is also the idea that many women have, and it is normal, because this society and men cannot give women the sense of security they want.

This is why more and more women insist on their financial independence no matter how hard or tired.

Because they are afraid that one day, when men abandon them, they will not lose their love, men, and their ability to support themselves.

"What are you talking about?" Feng Xi thought he had heard it wrong, and asked through gritted teeth.

Ask him to find another woman...

leave him……

What is in this woman's mind.

"Feng Xi, I'm telling the truth."

Yu Sheng was startled by the anger in Feng Xi's eyes.

"To tell the truth, you are a liar."

Feng Xi turned over and got out of the bed, really angry, and waved his hand to sweep the water glass and the table on the floor.

With the sound of broken glass, Yu Sheng's hand gripped the quilt tightly.

Feng Xi's temper was indeed spoiled, and he would throw things when he got angry. This was a habit he had cultivated since he was a child.

The people around him are used to it, but Yu Sheng has never seen it, so he is really scared.

Such fear also comes from the fear of childhood...

When she was young, her parents struggled, and her father beat her mother after falling something. This kind of memory was deeply ingrained in Yu Sheng's heart.

Therefore, when she saw Feng Xi throw something, she wondered if he would also hit herself...

After Feng Xi fell a few things, he suddenly realized that his temper was not under control.

Yu Sheng was pregnant, he wanted to scare her like this.

What's wrong with myself...

Seeing Yu Sheng lying on the bed with his back facing him, he seemed to be asleep.

Feng Xi knew that she must have not slept, how could she sleep with such a big movement.

Call someone in to clean up the broken things on the ground.

Although Feng Xi's anger was suppressed by himself, he was irritable.

When he was chasing Shi Nian, he didn't coax so hard. Why did she get to Yu Sheng's place, she had to antagonize him.

After Feng Xi left the room, Yu Sheng opened his eyes...

Yu Sheng's body under the quilt was trembling, but he dared not make a sound.

She thinks she will leave at dawn, not trying...

She knew Feng Xi's temper was big, but she didn't know that he still threw things.

If she gets more angry, she must be beaten.

Just like her parents, she didn't want to live like that, didn't want to...

At least she had to endure it until dawn. Now that she was leaving, she would definitely anger Feng Xi. She didn't want to hurt her child.

Feng Xi drove out, he hadn't come out at night for a long time.

Once he appears, he must be photographed by paparazzi.

He also said that he was romantic and ate both men and women...

When the time comes, his brother will say that he is playing too wild.

Feng Xi met a few friends who were playing together at the bar. Because he was in a bad mood, he drank a few more glasses, and he didn't pay attention to anyone around him.

He didn't care when the two women approached him.

Yu Sheng was all thinking about it.

Yu Sheng's cuteness...

Yu Sheng's shyness...

Yu Sheng's ignorance...

Yu Sheng's temper...

Yu Sheng's anger...

In the end, it became Yu Sheng's disobedient...

In his drunken eyes, Feng Xi saw the woman encircling his neck.

"Are you obedient?" Feng Xi asked, pinching her chin.

The woman replied shyly, "Observe, I listen to what Feng Shao says..."

Feng Xi smiled and said, "Really good..."

It was past nine o'clock when Yu Sheng woke up, because she couldn't fall asleep last night, and she always thought about what Feng Xi would do when she went to bed.

She didn't know when she slept in panic.

The place next to him is cold. Feng Xi didn't come back to sleep last night. He should have been sleeping in another room!

When Yu Sheng finished washing, when he went downstairs, the servants had prepared breakfast and were waiting for her.

Feng Xi cooked yesterday’s breakfast...

I changed to a servant today.

"Young grandma, please use it slowly."

The servant treats her respectfully, and Yu Sheng is not used to it, "Thank you."

Actually, Yu Sheng is not hungry, she is thinking how to leave...

"Where is Feng Xi?" Yu Sheng asked casually.

"Young Master didn't come back after he went out last night..." the servant replied embarrassedly.

As soon as Yu Sheng heard that Feng Xi hadn't returned, then she could leave at this time...

While I was happy, there was still some unspeakable feeling. He didn't come back, where did he go?

As the secretary to the president, Yu Sheng knows how chaotic the private life of the romantic second master is...

When Yu Sheng was about to leave after eating, he was stopped.

"My grandmother, my master said, you can't...leave home, you have to rest assured to raise your baby!"

The butler looked embarrassed, this was explained when the young master left last night.

"I'm going to school to see my sister..." Yu Sheng couldn't help but fist.

Feng Xi is too much, he is under house arrest...

"Young grandma, how about you wait for the young master to come back and tell him..."

Everyone is happy to have a young grandma in the family.

However, the young master left angrily last night, and everyone was inevitably worried.

Yu Sheng could see that she couldn't go out.

"When will your young master come back?"

Yu Sheng glanced at the time, it was almost ten o'clock, and he had to go to Yu Ye's school.

"I don't know about this. I need a lot of grandma. Please call the young master!"

The housekeeper wanted the young lady to call the young master, and the young master might be relieved.

Yu Sheng hesitated, and finally called Feng Xi.

When the call was connected, Yu Sheng was still very nervous.

I used to call Feng Xi because of official business.

It's just that when a woman's voice came from the phone, Yu Sheng squeezed the phone in his hand...

The woman's voice is crisp and charming.

"Where is Feng Xi?" Yu Sheng couldn't tell how he felt at the time. It was very complicated, but if he had to pick up a certain emotion, it was annoyance.

"Feng Shao is sleeping, who are you?" When the woman over there heard the phone, the voice of a woman on the other side immediately became sharp.

Yu Sheng also asked himself, "Who are you?"

Yu Sheng couldn't answer, who is she...

So in the end she could only hang up, and she didn't know who she was Feng Xi's.

Yu Sheng felt his heart muffled and painful, how chaotic Feng Xi's private life is, shouldn't you know Yu Sheng?

The housekeeper was standing beside Yu Sheng, he naturally heard the call, not the young master, but a woman...

I really regret it, I shouldn't let the young lady make this call.

Yu Sheng took the phone and called Feng Yan again.

"Mr. Feng, sorry to bother you, I'm Yu Sheng."

Yu Sheng and Yu Ye had booked, and she never broke her promise, so she must go to Yu Ye.

"What's wrong?" There was a pause on the phone for a few seconds, obviously displeased that Yu Sheng called him Mr. Feng again.

"My sister and I made an appointment to meet at noon, but when Feng Xi left last night, he ordered the housekeeper not to let me go. I called him just now and a woman answered it, saying that he was sleeping, which was not convenient. Excuse me, so, can Mr. Feng speak to the housekeeper and let me go out."

When Yu Sheng said this, his tone was calm.

The housekeeper beside him couldn't help but squeeze a cold sweat, and the young master was dead this time.

This young grandma is also very good. The accusation is too high-level, and the youngest will definitely clean up the young master.

There was silence on the phone, and Yu Sheng spoke again, "I don't want to come and run out and hurt the child again."

After Yu Sheng said this, the housekeeper hurriedly made a gesture, and the servants slowly backed away, for fear of irritating the young grandma again, it was really hard and the fetal gas was moved.

That's what Yu Sheng said. She didn't dare to run hard. If she really accidentally moved her fetus and hurt her child, she would kill herself.

Yu Sheng was waiting for Feng Yan's answer.

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