The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1516: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-I haven't played before, I&#039

Yu Sheng heard the sound of his finger tapping on the desktop.

Slowly and rhythmically, Yu Sheng didn't speak.

Looking back, the housekeeper and servants looked at her tremblingly.

The look in her eyes was as if she was a porcelain falling from a high altitude, fearing that she would fall to pieces.

"I will let Hanbing come to pick you up."

Finally, Feng Yan spoke, and then said, "Feng Xi, I will clean up him. I said that when I enter our door, I will call you the shots."

Feng Yan hung up after speaking. Yu Sheng heard the beeping sound of the phone, feeling mixed.

Feng Yan is more terrifying than Feng Xi...

When the ice came, Yu Sheng was almost asleep.

Yu Sheng had seen Hanbing before, but he hadn't said anything.

"Young grandma, please." Han Bing said to Yu Sheng respectfully.

"Don't, just call me Yu Sheng! Don't call me grandma, I'm going to throw up..."

Yu Sheng sat in the car and said to Han Bing with a wry smile.

"The young master has ordered you to call it!"

Han Bing showed an embarrassed smile, and that smile told Yu Sheng that I was embarrassed, so don't make it difficult for me.

"Hehe, Chengnan Health School, thank you!"

Yu Sheng smiled, Feng Yan was telling her that although she didn't get a certificate and there was no wedding, but Yu Sheng was the one who sealed the house, the young lady of the sealed house...

"What do you call your young master's wife?" Yu Sheng was curious, how they all called Yin Shinian.

"Call Madam!" Han Bing replied with a smile.

Han Bing seldom laughed before, but since he was with Mo Chen, there was always a smile on his face.

"Hehe, it doesn't sound good..." Yu Sheng smiled and continued to look out the window.

Madam, young lady, what do you call this...

Han Bing smiled again, "Madam said the same."

Yin Shinian also said something like this at that time, and it didn't sound good.

"Am I very similar to her?" Yu Sheng asked so smoothly.

She liked Yin Shinian very much and gave her a warm feeling.

However, because Feng Yan said that she is very similar to Yin Shinian, and Feng Xi is very similar to Yin Shinian...

Yu Sheng felt that he didn't care about his temperament, but he still asked.

"Well, like, like temperament."

After saying a few words, Hanbing felt like it, and it felt very comfortable.

Yu Sheng smiled and said nothing...

When I arrived at school, I waited for a while before Yu Ye came out.

Yu Sheng got out of the car, and Han Bing followed.

"Thank you for sending me!" Yu Sheng smiled and thanked.

"The young master, I keep guarding my grandmother every step of the way, accidents will inevitably happen when there are too many people.

Although Hanbing hasn't done protection work for a long time.

But when Yin Shinian was pregnant with edamame, Hanbing still protected her, so protecting pregnant women is also experienced.

Hanbing summarizes the four words "great responsibility"

To be honest, Yu Sheng was unhappy.

What's wrong with letting Yu Ye see a bodyguard by her side?

She couldn't let Yu Ye know about her pregnancy either.

If her father and Yu Qiang knew about Feng Xi's worth and background.

They will definitely treat her as a cash machine, which is a bottomless pit.

Yu Sheng also didn't want to be embarrassed by Han Bing, after all, he also acted on orders.

She called Feng Yan again.

"Is it calling the young master? The young master will definitely be cleaning up the second young master. There should be no time to answer the call from the young master."

Han Bing kindly reminded.

In fact, no matter whether the young master is cleaning up the second young master or not, he will not answer the phone.

So as not to turn around, the second young master said to the young master that he bullied their family Shengsheng.

Yu Sheng exhaled, Feng Yan made it clear that he wanted Han Bing to look at her every step of the way.

This is for fear that she will run away again, even if she has a legitimate reason.

Feng Xi was rushing outside, and she left in a fit of anger. What a good reason, but Feng Yan directly used the most powerful means to prevent her from leaving.

Yu Sheng didn't want to think about Feng Xi's being with other women last night.

In addition to his behavior of throwing things last night, Yu Sheng didn't think they were suitable together.

At this moment, Yu Ye saw Yu Sheng and had already ran over.

When Han Bing saw Yu Ye, she was taken aback, Yu Sheng's sister, how could she look so similar...

It's just that at first glance, it will not look like it again, and the temperament is far worse.

"Sister..." When Yu Ye saw Hanbing, her eyes were shy.

Han Bing is also very handsome, the most important thing is his abstinence, which is really what girls like now.

"Xiao Ye, why have you lost weight?" Yu Sheng asked distressedly when he saw that Yu Ye had lost weight.

"No, I still have as many as before."

Yu Ye smiled and took Yu Sheng's arm.

"You don't have enough food!" Yu Sheng knew that the living expenses she gave to Yu Ye were much worse than the living expenses of her classmates.

"No... Sister, you have worked hard to make money."

Yu Ye lowered her head. She did not say that she was losing weight by not eating.

Yu Sheng felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that Yu Ye would need to add more living expenses.

"Sister, is this your boyfriend?" Yu Ye asked, looking at Hanbing.

Yu Sheng was taken aback, then nodded, "Well, boyfriend."

It's better to explain that it's her boyfriend, or else Han Bing will follow her and how to say it.

Said it was a bodyguard?

Although Han Bing didn't speak, the eyes that looked at Yu Sheng were sad and disapproving.

Han Bing thought in his heart, if the Second Young Master and Young Master knew this, he would not want to have a good life.

Besides, Mo Chen's family became angry with the boring vinegar, which was very difficult to coax.

"Hello brother-in-law!" Yu Ye smiled and greeted Hanbing.

Han Bing didn't speak, he couldn't respond.

"He is not willing to talk, so go to eat first, or buy a mobile phone first?"

Yu Sheng pinned Yu Ye's hair and asked with a smile.

Then he looked at Hanbing, his eyes were telling him, don't call her young grandmother.

Han Bing nodded slightly, and gave Yu Sheng another, "Young lady, don't make me too embarrassed."

"Sister, let's buy a mobile phone first, now I'm going to eat, it's all human."

Yu Ye pointed to a mobile phone store not far away and said.

"Okay, go buy a mobile phone first."

Looking at Yu Ye, Yu Sheng realized that when she was in school, let alone buying a mobile phone, she was reluctant to buy clothes.

Because she has to pay her tuition and living expenses with the money she comes from working.

There are many brands in the mobile phone store here, and Yu Ye directly took Yu Sheng to the Apple Monopoly.

Han Bing has been guarding her side carefully, because there are many people here.

And Yu Ye kept pulling Yu Sheng to walk.

If there is something wrong with this, he will have to die, and their family Mo Chen will be widowed.

Yu Ye asked the clerk to pick up the latest model and asked Han Bing back, "Brother-in-law, do you think this is fine? I don't understand!"

Yu Ye's voice is very sweet. When she smiles, the corners of her eyes will be slightly upturned, like a crescent moon.

Han Bing did not react. He realized that he was Yu Sheng's "boyfriend" now when he saw that Yu Ye was watching him speak.

"Now mobile phones are not all the same!" Han Bing thought it was enough for mobile phones to make calls.

Yu Ye was a little embarrassed, she looked at Yu Sheng, her eyes were probably, "Why is this brother-in-law like this?"

"Choose one you like, he doesn't understand anything." Yu Sheng looked at the price, more than six thousand...

She would be reluctant to buy it for herself.

But Yu Sheng wouldn't put up a little bit of decoration for her life and home.

However, they were all destroyed by Feng Xi.

The little ornaments that she would touch and see when she came home from get off work every day made her feel like she had a warm little thing, which was soaked by water...

"Thank you sister, you are the best to me."

Yu Ye smiled happily, and pointed to one, "Then want this, sister!"

Yu Sheng swiped the card, and she thought of the 200,000 owed to Du Xiaoyu.

It is necessary to return it to him as soon as possible. Now the only thing that can be exchanged for money is her house.

The girl from the intermediary agency told her that another way is that their intermediary bought the house at a low price and used it as their own listing, and then sold it when the value of it appreciated.

And this low price will make Yu Sheng sell 140,000 less...

At that time, Yu Sheng didn't agree with this, because he felt it was too bad.

She was in a hurry to sell the house, but the price she asked for was not high, so she sold less and paid off the bank loan.

She was at a loss, but now there is no way.

Yu Ye was very happy with the new phone, and took Yu Sheng to eat Mala Tang.

Because before Yu Sheng came to see her, they ate Mala Tang every time.

"Less... that, you can't eat Mala Tang."

When Han Bing heard it was spicy, he immediately stopped Yu Sheng.

How can you eat Mala Tang during pregnancy.

"Don't brother-in-law like to eat?" Yu Ye called Hanbing and brother-in-law said smoothly.

However, this mouthful of cold ice called by a brother-in-law was uncomfortable.

"Well, Yu Sheng, you can't eat it."

Han Bing finally called Yu Sheng's name, and at this time he couldn't call his grandmother anymore.

"What does the brother-in-law want to eat, listen to your arrangements."

Before Yu Sheng could speak, Yu Ye called her brother-in-law again.

In the end, Hanbing decided to take Yu Sheng to Xiaojiangnan for dinner, and made a call to let them prepare.

Yu Ye started to look around when he got on the ice car. This car was worth a lot of money.

"What does brother-in-law do? This car costs a lot of money, right?"

Yu Ye asked quietly in Yu Sheng's ear, "He has no money, he is just a driver."

Yu Sheng couldn't let Yu Ye know her cold background, even if she was a fake boyfriend.

If Yu Ye knows what Han Bing does, if he tells his family, he will still care about her asking for money.

"It turns out that when I said that when I bought the phone, why didn't he pay..."

Yu Ye's tone immediately faded a lot, and he was no longer called a brother-in-law.

"I just met him, this time the phone should be used well, don't break or lose it again, my mother has surgery, I borrowed all the money..."

Yu Sheng looked at the phone in Yu Ye's hand, more than six thousand, she was really distressed.

"I know, sister, or else, for my living expenses, you can give me less, I don't need to eat so much..."

Yu Ye lowered his head and said in a low voice.

"You will not lose your living expenses. Eat well, Xiaoye, and study hard. If you want to live a relaxed life in the future, you have to work harder now, and the future will be easier. If you are relaxed now, The road in the future will be difficult."

Yu Sheng and Yu Ye have said something similar to this a few times, and I don't know if she listened.

After hearing Yu Sheng's words, Han Bing showed approval in his eyes. No wonder the Second Young Master would like this woman.

She has her unique temperament, and someone who has never experienced it can't say such a thing.

"I see, sister, I will study hard, not for anything else, let your burden be lighter."

Yu Ye hugged Yu Sheng's arm, leaned against her, and said chokedly.

Yu Sheng is gratified at this point, although Yu Ye also feels ignorant.

However, she is generally sensible.

It was also the first time for Yu Sheng to come to Xiaojiangnan. She knew it was expensive.

The best place in Beicheng, where Mr. Li and his brothers eat basically.

She didn't expect that Hanbing would bring them here, and the money on her card should not be enough.

Yu Ye looked very excited, when he knew that Hanbing was just a driver in the car.

She thought about not calling her brother-in-law, this would sweetly call her brother-in-law.

When the dishes came out, Yu Sheng seemed to be relatively light and nutritious.

She found that Han Bing was a very careful person, no wonder Feng Yan would send him.

This is the first time that Yu Ye grew up to eat in such a high-class place.

She had heard from her roommate in the same bedroom before that she had a boyfriend with a lot of money at home and brought her to Xiaojiangnan for dinner.

At that time, the other roommates heard it was Xiao Jiangnan, and they were all envious.

Because everyone knows this is the best place to eat in North City.

Maybe you will know a rich man...

Yu Ye took a picture of each dish with her mobile phone, and then took a few pictures of the interior of Xiao Jiangnan.

I took a few more selfies...

Even though the dishes are delicious, Yu Sheng eats less. One is that she has no appetite, and the other is that she feels sorry for money.

She is still thinking about what to do...

Yu Ye started eating after finishing the filming, and every dish felt delicious.

She just wanted to be able to eat here often in the future.

You can live a life like this by taking a luxury car to eat Xiaojiangnan and then living in a big villa.

When checking out, Yu Sheng took out her card. In fact, if she had no idea in her heart, she didn't know if she had enough in the card.

Han Bing told her that he had already settled the account.

Yu Sheng felt very embarrassed, she was not familiar with Hanbing.

Again, she especially doesn't like to trouble others.

After sending Yu Ye back to school, Yu Sheng asked Hanbing to send her to the agency.

Yu Sheng and the agent said that they would sell the house to the agent at the price they gave.

Hanbing listened to Yu Sheng and the intermediary, and saw that Yu Sheng was anxious to spend money, so he sold it at such a low price.

The intermediary was naturally happy, saying that he could sign the contract now, first give her a portion of the money, and then they would take care of the transfer and bank loan.

"Little...does the second master know about your house sale?"

In fact, Han Bing wanted to say, "If you are short of money, you can talk to the second master!"

But after getting along today, Han Bing knew that Yu Sheng would not ask for money.

However, if I sold the house at such a low price, I lost money.

"He doesn't need to know, this is my house."

Although Yu Sheng couldn't bear it, but the money owed to Du Xiaoyu must be paid back as soon as possible.

Han Bing didn't speak any more, Yu Sheng was right. This is her house and she has the right to deal with it.

Yu Sheng went back home to tidy up her things. In fact, there was nothing to tidy up. She didn't have many things, just some clothes.

Actually there are not many clothes...

Yu Sheng picked the dishes and bowls in the kitchen and took some of his favorite.

Other things are included in the house.

After six years of struggle, there was only a little left in the end, which made Yu Sheng feel particularly uncomfortable.

Han Bing helped her seal the things, and Yu Sheng didn't know where to put these things.

She has no place to shelter herself now.

She knew that she would still be brought back to Feng Xi by the ice...

Yu Sheng thought of the house he rented before buying the house. The landlord lived in the opposite door, an old grandmother who was very nice.

Yu Sheng asked Hanbing to take her there again, and asked Hanbing to help her move things upstairs.

The grandmother was very happy to see her. Yu Sheng asked if the house opposite was rented out?

The grandmother said that she didn't have the rent, but Yu Sheng still looked like when she left, and never met anyone who was close to her.

Yu Sheng rented the house again, she thought she would always have a place to stay.

Because she doesn't know what will happen next...

Hanbing didn't speak from beginning to end.

As soon as they got into the car, Han Bing received a call from Feng Yan. Yu Sheng only heard Han Bing say, "Go back now."

Yu Sheng wanted to say that she could not go back, but she knew she had no choice.

Whether it's Feng Yan or Feng Xi, they will say, "Okay, then you don't come back."

"Han Bing, I will invite you to dinner another day! It cost you money today."

Yu Sheng knew that the meal was not cheap.

"I can't talk about spending money, I will definitely go to dinner."

Han Bing replied with a faint smile.

It stands to reason that when Yu Sheng is paired with the second young master, most people don't think they match.

However, Hanbing felt very suitable.

In the past, the young master always said that he didn't know what kind of partner to find the second youngest.

When Young Master asked him, Han Bing also didn't know how to answer.

He didn't know what kind of fit.

However, seeing Yu Sheng at this time, he felt that she was just right.

The Second Young Master's spoiled temperament needs such a calm and general woman to restrain him.

And Yu Sheng also needs a man like the Second Young Master who will not hide his heart with you. Once he falls in love with you, he will love you and spoil you.

"Young grandma said something inappropriate, the second youngest, you can rely on him."

Although the Second Young Master is temperamental, self-willed, and sometimes naive.

However, if he gets serious, it is really beyond your imagination.

It's just that he lives too smoothly, and he hasn't had any hardships. Whatever happened to him, there are so many brothers to take care of him.

He is indeed spoiled, but if he really meets someone he likes, he will treat her better.

He will give her everything he has without hesitation.

When Yu Sheng didn't speak, she remembered what she had said with Feng Yan.

She said, "Mr. Feng, I think you should have investigated my family background, then you should know how turbulent my life was. Therefore, my Yu Sheng man must be a man who can protect me. A safe man for the rest of his life, not a spoiled naive man like Feng Xi."

What Feng Yan said to her at the time was, "Feng Xineng."

Now Han Bing told her again that Feng Xi was someone she could rely on.

Just last night, when she saw Feng Xi's scallop and silky chicken soup for her, she also thought, this man, although three years younger than her, is she can rely on him to take care of her in this way?

Maybe these have nothing to do with age...

Maybe God loved her and Yu Sheng had worked so hard to give her such a man to rely on.

That's why Yu Sheng told Feng Xi to give it a try.

However, when she saw Feng Xi throw something, and this morning, the woman answered his phone again, he indulged all night...

It made Yu Sheng soberly aware that they are not people of the same world.

Playing wild and crazy, in the eyes of Feng Xi and the others, it was all normal.

However, Yu Sheng didn't want such a man.

She is looking for a man who loves her, loves her and protects her. She can't find it. She has been living on her own like this. She doesn't want to live a life for the rest of her life, so that she will really live this life for nothing.

"Hanbing, thank you." Yu Sheng only said such a sentence, but didn't say anything.

Fengxi Villa

Sitting on the sofa, Feng Yan watched Feng Xi standing there honestly, with a look of annoyance on his face, his eyebrows furrowed.

"I don't care how you used to play, but now you have Yu Sheng, and you have your child in her belly, you are still going out, are you still a man?"

Feng Yan looked at Feng Xi's pouting manner with his head drooping.

I thought to myself, if Nana finds a man like Feng Xi in the future, he will definitely not agree.

"I haven't played before, I'm clean, I have never messed around!"

Feng Xi was crazy about playing wild, but he never messed around in that area.

"You said this, do you believe it yourself?" Feng Yan slammed a pillow over and said angrily.

Now that he has a child, his temper has really changed a lot. If he changed to another one, he would not throw a pillow, but a bullet...

"I can't clean myself, don't I know, I really drank too much last night, Yu Sheng was so annoying..."

If Yu Sheng didn't make him angry, would he go out for a drink, and how could there be such a bad thing.

"She is annoying, so you throw something and go out to drink and sleep with a woman?"

When Feng Yan looked at Feng Xi standing about to fall down, he became even more annoyed, "You stand up for me."

Feng Xi was also aggrieved and angry, "I didn't sleep with her, I don't know if I did that myself, I really didn't sleep with her."

"The woman said that you were asleep, and they kept all the sheets, saying that it was the first time that you were so drunk, and you still know whether you did it or not!"

When Feng Yan went to the hotel, the woman held the sheets and said it was her first time and Feng Xi was responsible.

Feng Yan investigated the woman, Su Jin, a college student who worked part-time as a model. She went to the bar with a friend last night, and said that Feng Xi had forced her to open the room.

Feng Yan also adjusted the monitoring, and it was indeed Feng Xi who took her out of the bar.

"I really didn't do that, no, where did Yu Sheng go?"

When Feng Xi came back, he didn't see Yu Sheng, so he was directly punished by his brother.

"Do you think she will wait at home for you to bring a woman back?" Feng Yan said solemnly.

"I said I don't even know that woman, I just drank too much!"

Feng Xiqi jumped so hard that he couldn't remember what that woman looked like now.

When Yu Sheng came in, he heard Feng Xi's words.

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