The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1517: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-haven't you seen the pink and t

Seeing Yu Sheng walk in, Feng Xi looked at her like a child who had done something wrong.

Yu Sheng didn't even look at him, and walked in directly.

"Back... back!" Feng Xi was obviously unhappy when he watched Yu Sheng ignore him.

Walking forward, holding Yu Sheng's arm, he was about to pull the person into his arms.

However, where Yu Sheng was willing, Feng Xi simply shamelessly hugged Yu Sheng directly.

"Don't be angry, I really didn't sleep with that woman, I swear."

Feng Xi has always hated things like "I swear" or "I promise."

I think those who say these things are all stupid.

"What did you do all night without sleeping? Guy was chatting?"

Yu Sheng himself didn't understand how sour what he said. His tone was mocking, but it was more aggrieved questioning.

She has always been a calm person, even when things happen, her heart is already in chaos, but in terms of her face, she always shows her face unchanged.

Even on this day, she pretended to be innocent, but only she knew how torment her heart was.

If it hadn't been for her love for Feng Xi last night, she wouldn't care about the phone call this morning and what Feng Xi did last night.

Du Xiaoyu chased her for two years before she agreed to associate with him.

However, she lived here for only two days, and she agreed to try with Feng Xi. She knew very well that it was not her impulse.

Rather, the deepest and softest part of her heart was touched, so she wanted to try.

She was like a cowardly turtle. As soon as she poked her head out of her shell, she was slapped back by Feng Xi.

"I didn't do anything, absolutely didn't do anything, didn't chat, just went to sleep..."

Feng Xi hugged Yu Sheng tightly, just to prevent her from struggling to leave her embrace.

However, he dared not use brute force to worry about the child.

In fact, Yu Sheng has only been more than a month now, and Feng Xi was in his heart, worried that if he exerted too much force, he would strangle the child.

Feng Yan picked up the pillow and wanted to smash Feng Xi, but, worried about smashing Yu Sheng, had to squeeze the pillow as Feng Xi.

What is meant by "nothing, absolutely nothing, no chat, just sleeping..."

Regardless of what kind of brain is this, he doubts whether he has a brain.

"I said the wrong thing again, I went to bed, I didn't sleep with her, I really didn't sleep with her..."

Feng Xi also realized that he had said something wrong. The more anxious he was, the more wrong he was.

"You let me go, you didn't sleep if you said you didn't sleep, but the woman said you were asleep!"

In fact, that woman meant that Feng Xi was sleeping.

"She just wants to pester me, you are such a smart person, why can't you even see this, can I look at it like that, do I like you..."

Finally, Feng Xi simply acted like a spoiled child, arching his head to Yu Sheng's neck, and said softly.

Yu Sheng was stunned by him, looking at Feng Yan blankly with correct eyes.

Feng Yan closed his eyes slightly, suppressing the anger in his heart.

I really want to tell the world that this is not his brother, which is really shameful.

"It was the first time in the hotel that night, so I want you to be responsible."

Before Yu Sheng was shocked, Feng Xi dropped another bomb on her...

For the first time, who would believe it?

The romantic back cover, the wild and wild, all men and women, can you still be a virgin?

"Feng Xi, do you believe this when you say this?"

Yu Sheng pushed Feng Xi's chest, and he could hardly breathe.

"Why don't you believe me, I don't know what's my own situation, I'm clean, you see the tender and tender there..."

After Feng Xi finished saying this, Feng Yan opened his eyes impressively, absolutely...

Yu Sheng couldn't say a word of Feng Xi, she didn't even dare to look at Feng Xi's place, even when he was forced to use her hand, she closed her eyes.

How do I know if it is pink and tender...

Besides, his brother is still here. If he says this, wouldn't it be ashamed.

"I'm talking to you about the problem last night, not that night."

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's coquettish appearance with her, and was furious and unable to get angry. It was this feeling that made her a little uncontrollable and wanted to get angry.

She has always been a good-tempered person, because she doesn't want to cause trouble, so she will endure everything she can bear.

She has no wayward capital. She lost her temper and got into trouble. Someone supported her.

"I didn't do anything sorry for you last night, really, Shengsheng, you believe me, or else, let's go back to the room and go to bed, you check..."

Feng Xi is a bit of a rascal now, even when his brother went there, the woman didn't wear any clothes, holding the quilt and saying that she was the first time.

However, Feng Xi was very sure, he just didn't do that.

Although he was drunk in a mess, he just didn't do it.

"Can you stop playing rogue." This is the first time Yu Sheng has roared with Feng Xi.

She had never yelled at anyone like this before, and no matter how much she was wronged, she had never done so.

Feng Xi immediately shut up and said nothing, he was really frightened.

Feng Yan frowned slightly, indeed he did not expect Yu Sheng to have such a side.

The right match is just right...

"Just didn't sleep..."

Feng Xi was also wronged. He really didn't do that.

Yu Sheng didn't know where his courage came from, so he dared to shout like Feng Xi.

It was not that she hadn't seen Feng Xi losing her temper and throwing things last night.

Wasn't she the one who was shrunk in the blanket at the time...

"I promise I will never go out to drink again, and never go out tonight, you... don't be angry, and scare the kids again!"

Feng Xi stroked Yu Sheng's back, annoyed that she shouldn't drink last night, making Yu Sheng angry, and happy that Yu Sheng was angry again, which shows that she cares about herself.

Just like this, with her chin resting on her shoulder, she whispered.

When did the second master of the front cover coax people in such a low voice, something that has never happened before.

However, this will coax Yu Sheng, but he is willing.

I was so annoyed that Yu Sheng had been wronged, so he had just been together.

Feng Xi's soft voice surrounded Yu Sheng's ears.

Gradually, the depression and grievances in her heart eased. Yu Sheng wondered how many personality Feng Xi had, how could he threw something violently last night, and he would confess her mistakes like a child.

When Feng Xi talked about the child, he rubbed Yu Sheng's stomach.

"Believe me, I really didn't do anything to be sorry for you. You said you were pregnant with me and I would go out to find a woman. Am I still a man?"

"Last night, it was you who made me anxious before I went out to drink..."

Seeing that Yu Sheng's aura had stabilized, Feng Xi continued.

"Feng Xi, I told the truth last night, and... you scared me last night."

Even if Feng Xi asked her to say what she said last night again, she would say that.

"I change, I change, I don't lose my temper anymore, I don't throw things anymore..."

Feng Xi held Yu Sheng's face and said guiltily.

When Feng Xi asked the servant to come in to pack things last night, he also realized that he was doing something wrong.

How he used to throw things off with his temper, he was alone, but now it is different. He has women and children, so he can't do that anymore.

"But you can't say anything about leaving me anymore. If you say anything more, I will still lose my temper."

Feng Xi, you look at him not interested in anything, the only thing that can be regarded as interested is cooking.

But, for Yu Sheng, he really became addicted after that night.

It's like finding a treasure chest, opening the chest, and discovering that there is a chest inside, and then opening it again...

The style of each box is different, it will attract, and I want to hit the end, wondering what the last box looks like.

Feng Xi treated Yu Sheng like this, the more he touched, the more he liked it.

He is actually quite simple, as long as he likes it, he doesn't care about the others.

Yu Sheng didn't speak, she didn't know whether she should believe Feng Xi's words.

"Are you dual personality?" Yu Sheng asked abruptly.

"Huh?" Feng Xi didn't react, and asked blankly.

His affectionate confession promised, why did Yu Sheng talk about his personality?

"When I was a kid, the most I saw was that my adoptive father beat my adoptive mother after falling something. When you fell something last night, I was afraid you would beat me."

"Then, you are now like a kid who has done something wrong. Acting like a baby in front of me, you promise that you won't lose your temper again..."

"Feng Xi, I don't know who is the real you."

After Yu Sheng finished speaking, Feng Xi smiled helplessly.

"I have a bad temper. I throw things. That's a habit. I will change. But I will never beat you..."

"You ask my brother, when did I live like this with others, coaxing people in a low voice, when did I do it?"

When Feng Xi said this, his eyebrows were raised, it was naturally arrogant.

Not against Yu Sheng, but to state the facts.

Feng Yan, who had been hanging aside, was only noticed at this time.

"He has always been owed. If you feel wronged in your heart, I can beat him now. As I said, if you enter our house, I will give you the shot, but if you want to leave, don't say it later, Feng Xi I will lose my temper, too."

Feng Yan squinted his eyes, his tone soft.

His tone was cold and hard, and it sounded like he was threatening Yu Sheng.

However, people who are familiar with it will hear it. This is his recognition of Yu Sheng, and he wouldn't say so much when he was someone else.

At this point, Yu Sheng also knew clearly that he could not leave.

She knew it when Hanbing appeared.

"Why don't you hit me until you are happy." Feng Xi sent his face forward.

The face of the second master has never been beaten.

Who dares to fight...

Yu Sheng looked at the handsome face in front of him, and actually raised his hand...

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