The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1519: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-Feng Xi, stop making trouble... I&#0

Yu Sheng didn't expect Gu Shaoting to say this to her directly.

In Yu Sheng's eyes, Gu Shaoting is a very calm and upright person. Such a boss is an object of admiration and admiration for many female subordinates.

However, although Gu Shaoting was asking, it was actually a compulsory invitation, which made Yu Sheng a little embarrassed.

That day, I accidentally said that I wanted to invite him to dinner. When Gu Shaoting said so just now, she just responded casually.

But I didn't expect him to invite such a direct invitation.

Refusal made it appear that what he said just now was false.

When I went to eat, Yu Sheng felt that she and Gu Shaoting had no reason to eat together.

"Secretary Yu, did you want to ask Feng?" Gu Shaoting asked with a smile, and took a look at his watch.

"Where, let's go tonight!" Yu Sheng said with a polite smile.

Yu Sheng almost forgot, Gu Shaoting knew her relationship with Feng Xi.

Feng Xi took a bite of one of my women that day, and anyone would misunderstand.

Besides, she is indeed with Feng Xi now...

However, she was still in charge of her own affairs, so she didn't want to ask Feng Xi if she could.

"I'll pick you up after you get off work. Since Secretary Yu invited you, you can decide where to eat!"

Gu Shaoting's eyebrows were smiling, as if he was looking forward to dinner with Yu Sheng in the evening.

"Okay, see you tonight, President Gu, I'm going to be late, so I went in first."

Yu Sheng nodded and left.

Gu Shaoting looked at Yu Sheng's back, smiling at the corners of his mouth.

When Yu Sheng appeared again at the secretary's office, many people were surprised.

Because she didn't expect that she would come back again, after all, it was the person who was fired by the chief officer, and never came back.

After seeing Yu Sheng, the three secretaries that Feng Xi looked for came over together.

"This is the president's office. You can't enter without an appointment." Secretary No. 1 said arrogantly to Yu Sheng.

"The bra is not tight enough, and the two squeezed **** are not big enough."

Yu Sheng said with a smile pointing to the two groups she had squeezed out.

Female Secretary No. 1 immediately looked down at her Yue Hung, she was quite big...

"Your skirt is not short enough, so you have to be the one that shows your **** when you bend over."

Yu Sheng looked at the skirt of Secretary No. 2 again and said.

The second female secretary immediately looked at her skirt, isn't it short enough? You can see the inner part...

"The perfume is not strong enough to smell the anger!"

Yu Sheng walked to the female secretary No. 3 again, took a breath, and said calmly.

Female Secretary No. 3 smells her wrist, isn’t it fragrant enough?

"who are you?"

The three women who were criticized hardly said in unison.

"I'm the one who is in charge of you!" Yu Shengfeng narrowed his eyes, still in a calm tone, but not angered.

At this time, Personnel Supervisor Song Feng came over, "Secretary Yu, you are finally back."

Song Feng is in his thirties, wears a pair of glasses, works rigorously and earnestly, Yu Sheng has a good impression of him.

"Director Song, long time no see." Yu Sheng smiled and greeted Song Feng.

Compared with working with women, Yu Sheng prefers to work with male colleagues, because there will be no intrigue, and he will not chew behind his back. Everything depends on strength.

"It's great to be back. It was really messy when you were away!"

Song Feng glanced at the three secretaries, and said with a hint.

"I will take care of my people, and I won't cause trouble to Director Song."

Yu Sheng is Feng Xi's secretary, and the entire secretary room is managed by her.

"Just now the senior executive said that you have to celebrate when you come back and have a meal."

Song Feng's impression of Yu Sheng was very good, and it was also reported in private that he liked Yu Sheng and wanted to pursue her.

However, everyone hasn't seen him take any action.

"Okay, it's been a long time since these departments have dinner together."

The relationship between Yu Sheng and his colleagues is pretty good. Of course, you have to automatically ignore those women who chew behind their backs and are good at jealousy.

She is Feng Xi's secretary, so she will naturally be the target of women's envy and hatred.

Yu Sheng wondered, if they knew that she was with Feng Xi now and was pregnant with his child, would they kill her?

"Then it's settled. I will let you know at that time. I have something to do, so I'll leave first, Secretary Yu."

As soon as Song Feng finished speaking, the door of the president's office opened.

Feng Xi watched several people surrounding Yu Sheng, isn't this obstructing air circulation.

What should he do if his woman can't breathe well...

Who else allowed her to laugh so beautifully with other men?

As soon as Feng Xi stood there, the three secretaries rushed over immediately.

It was like waiting for a sign to be turned over, wishing to use all his help to please Feng Xi and let him notice himself.

Feng Xi came to this secretary at the time just to **** Yu Sheng.

Where are they still needed now...

Yu Sheng watched the women rushing to Feng Xi, with a calm expression, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"You all stay away from me, don't come over!"

Feng Xi pointed at the three secretaries and shouted.

The three secretaries were all taken aback, looking at each other, no one dared to move.

"Song Feng, drive them away, and Yu Sheng, come in!"

Feng Xi pointed to the three secretaries and gave orders to Song Feng.

"President Feng... Didn't I do well?"

"President Feng, I will work hard, don't fire me..."

"President Feng, there are so many things I know, don't drive me away!"

The three secretaries panicked when they heard that they were about to be driven away. After all, they finally got to work as secretaries for such a large company, and were able to work as secretaries for such a handsome president as Feng Xi. Wouldn't it be far to marry a rich family?

"Quickly drive me away!" Feng Xi shouted at Song Feng.

"Yes, President, I will do it right away!"

Song Feng was very surprised. The president actually remembered his name this time. He used to be the person in charge of other affairs.

"What are you looking at, come in for me."

Feng Xi urged seeing Yu Sheng standing still.

That intimacy is revealed in the word "give me".

Yu Sheng frowned slightly. Didn't he say it was about the relationship between the boss and the subordinates in the company? Isn't it misleading to say such a tone?

"Okay, Mr. Feng!" Yu Sheng smiled in his standard profession, deliberately biting the word "President Feng".

As soon as Yu Sheng walked into Feng Xi's office, he was held in his arms.

"Are you angry again? I forgot about it. I don't even remember what they look like. I found it just to **** you off."

Feng Xi was now afraid that Yu Sheng would be angry with him because of the woman's problem.

It took so long to coax it last night, and he didn't want to bother with such insignificant things.

"Don't hold me, it's not that when we are in the company, we are subordinates, and what are you doing with me?"

Yu Sheng was struggling, and Feng Xi would not hold her sincerely now.

The hand followed Yu Sheng's shirt and touched it in.

Although everything that should have happened between the two had already happened, and Feng Xi also forced her to do those intimate things.

However, Yu Sheng was still not accustomed to Feng Xi's touch, she dodged, but Feng Xi was tighter.

"This is in the company...Don't touch..."

As long as Feng Xi treats her like this, Yu Sheng's head will become muddy and can't function at all.

"My company, my people, who has an opinion?" Feng Xi also discovered that as long as he treats Yu Sheng, she will be soft and soft like a lamb.

Especially those wet eyes, with enchanting charm, always made Feng Xi unable to hold on to himself.

Feng Xi kissed Yu Sheng's eyebrows and her eyes felt the light trembling of her eyelids.

Feng Xi's kiss smirked as he followed Yu Sheng's nose all the way down, Yu Sheng closed his lips tightly, thinking that Feng Xi was going to kiss her...

Feng Xi's kiss was very domineering, and her mouth was red and swollen every time she kissed. If she went out like this, she would definitely be passed on in many versions.

Yu Sheng, don't...

However, what made Yu Sheng didn't expect was that Feng Xi did not kiss her lips, but followed her neck all the way to the collarbone...

The tip of his tongue outlines the **** curve, and Yu Sheng finally couldn't help but speak.

"Feng Xi, stop making trouble... I'm going to get angry."

The two tightly fitting lower bodies made Yu Sheng clearly feel that Feng Xi had become tough again.

"You can't be angry about this. I allow you to be angry about other things, but you have to listen to me about the bed."

Feng Xi thought that to coax Yu Sheng last night, he said the thoughtless words, "I will listen to you what you say in the future."

Feng Xi regretted this very much, and listened to Yu Sheng for everything.

He thought of doing that. Just Yu Sheng's shy and innocent temperament would definitely not let him do what he wanted. Then, what would he do? Holding back? By your own hands?

He is a woman, how could he be wronged.

Therefore, you must listen to him about the bed.

Take the initiative back a little bit.

"You don't mean anything if you speak... Don't you listen to me at all?"

Yu Sheng didn't say who wanted to be the master, it was because Feng Xi was willful and reckless, so that it could restrain Feng Xi a little bit.

Or he would ask to do this and that, Yu Sheng didn't want to fight with him.

"You can't listen to you on this matter in bed. You listen to men on this matter. Go out and ask if it is like this. This listening is not the same as the listening I promised you."

Feng Xi coaxed Yu Sheng on this side, but took her to the sofa over there.

I wanted to make friends last night, but I made Yu Sheng angry yesterday, so how can I make friends?

As long as he gets Yu Sheng, he has the feeling of wanting fornication, and wants to be happy.

However, there is a child in his stomach, and he is really going to be suffocated...

"You cooperate, I'm fast, okay? Shengsheng."

Feng Xi opened the zipper and grabbed Yu Sheng's hand...

Where is Yu Sheng willing, holding his hand unwilling to touch, Feng Xi coaxed patiently.

"Shengsheng, give me a try, it's uncomfortable..."

"Don't call me, did you do the same when you were not there? Thinking about it all the time?"

Yesterday Feng Xi said that it was the first time for him and her, and Yu Sheng couldn't believe it.

After all, his past is bad, how could he have never had a woman, there should be many women.

"It’s like this to you. Those who are stripped look disgusting. The more you don’t let me touch, I am also itchy. Do you think I’m a scumbag? Shengsheng, look at it, miss you... …"

Feng Xi was very shameless to let Yu Sheng look at Xiao Fengxi, and he was not ashamed of what he said.

However, Yu Sheng's face was dripping with blood.

"Okay, I'll get it for you, don't talk anymore."

Yu Sheng knew that if he didn't get it out for him today, he would not give up.

She stayed at the president's office and didn't go out, and she was going to get gossip again.

She was driven away and suddenly came back to work again. She might not know how to be passed on. She didn't want to cause trouble anymore.

"Is it okay to use this?" Feng Xi asked with a dumb voice when he heard that Yu Sheng made it for him, rubbing Yu Sheng's lips with his fingers shamelessly.

"Feng Xi, you don't have to get into it." Yu Sheng was annoyed, her hand was already her bottom line.

"Well, use your hands, just use your hands."

Feng Xi immediately kissed Yu Sheng's lips heavily and took her hand.

"Shengsheng, hurry up..."

"Shengsheng, look at your hand, look at what it holds... do you see..."

"Shengsheng uses electricity..."

"Shengsheng, your hands are so soft and comfortable..."

"Sheng Sheng..."

Feng Xi shamelessly pressed it to Yu Sheng's ear, and whispered.

Yu Sheng bit his lip and closed his eyes, and he was ashamed to death.

He would do this to Feng Xi on the office sofa in broad daylight...

Yu Sheng washed his hands several times in Feng Xi's lounge, but still felt that it was too hot.

Feng Xi was lying on the bed in the lounge with a satiated expression, not wanting to move.

Yu Sheng didn't even mention the pants, so Yu Sheng wiped it for him in the end.

"My wife, you are so kind!" Feng Xi said coquettishly, grabbing Yu Sheng's wrist.

Calling his wife naturally, as if they had lived for more than ten years.

Yu Sheng didn't expect Feng Xi to call her wife. The baby last night made her feel trembling.

This wife suddenly made her heart quicken, almost stopping her breathing.

"I'm!" Yu Sheng took out his hand and pulled the quilt to cover Feng Xi.

Then he went out in a panic.

Feng Xi smiled satisfied looking at her back.

He took the phone by the bedside and called Jiang Yu.

"Now you turn me into a follower and protect my wife."

Feng Xi wanted to protect Yu Sheng himself, but that was undoubtedly going to be slapped.

It is said that he loves the high mockery that Yu Sheng's hand brings to him, but the slap yesterday really scared him a bit.

He has not been beaten since he was a child, and this slap left a shadow on him.

"Master, who is your wife? When did you get married? Why don't I know?"

Jiang Yu's incredible voice came over the phone.

"Who do you mean my wife? Pig brain."

Feng Xi is annoyed, isn't his wife Yu Sheng?

Do you still need to ask such questions?

No brains? Do you have a brain?

Feng Xi hung up the phone directly, leaving the brainless Jiang Yu in a mess.

Yu Sheng returned to his place and started to get busy.

During her absence, the entire Secretariat was in chaos.

Feng Xi didn't care about anything all day, that is, he signed whatever you gave him and didn't look at it.

Yu Sheng doesn't want it, the directors of several departments are all transferred from Li, and they will communicate with President Li in time if there is any problem.

The Feng Family Consortium has long since collapsed, so how could it be as large as it is today.

The order of his young master is to be his wife's tail.

However, Jiang Yu didn't want to be annoying, especially his sister Yu, who was such a smart person.

He stood behind her so much that she knew right away that it was sent by the young master.

Zhunbao was quarreling with the young master again, and when they were in the car in the morning, the two almost quarreled.

Just because Sister Yu wanted to join the company by herself, the young master had to join the company together, so she quarreled all the way.

Jiang Yu had never seen his young master slumped, so he opened his eyes in the morning.

I would never have thought that a gentleman like Sister Yu would have such a strong side.

Jiang Yu was so boring to find an empty table and lay down, but his eyes looked at Yu Sheng warily.

Even if she gets up accidentally, and then pulls down and slips, he must always be prepared to fly over and save.

When he knew that Sister Yu was pregnant with the young master's child, he was utterly stupefied. It was incredible that there would be such a thing.

However, he was happy for the two of them again, how good a match is, Master Yu needs to be taken care of by a smart woman like Yu.

In fact, he felt that the young master had made a big fuss. This has only been more than a month, and there is no need to be so careful.

Jiang Yu thought of the conversation between Sister Yu and Young Master in the morning, he felt quite reasonable.

"If you are pregnant, you should stay at home. If you have to go out to work, I really don't understand you." Feng Xi said to Yu Sheng angrily.

Yu Sheng looked out of the car window, "President Feng, you start from the first floor of our company and walk part by floor. Look at how many pregnant women with their stomachs still working. Why can't it?"

Yu Sheng felt that Feng Xi was an elf who didn't eat fireworks, and didn't understand anything.

"That's their man's problem. When the wife is pregnant, she should give up as an ancestor at home and serve as a queen. How can we allow them to work."

Feng Xi found it unbelievable. He was still working when he was about to give birth. How dangerous, what did the husbands of those women think?

"I'm your man, I'm different from them, I just want you to raise your fetus with peace of mind at home and do nothing."

Actually, don't you think that Feng Xi is a little bit more childish sometimes, but if he hurts people, it's really good for you.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's serious look and wanted to say, you are different from other men.

Other men are different from you. They are not as rich as you.

You don’t know the embarrassment of people without money.

You don't know how these husbands and wives have to live frugally, what hard work, and hard life in order to welcome their children. For Feng Xi, I am afraid that he will never know what it is like in this life.

Because he has something that others can't make for a few lifetimes.

How do you say that sentence, it doesn't hurt to speak while standing.

"Or, I want all pregnant women in the company to take paid vacations, don't you go to work?"

Feng Xi suddenly thought of a good idea and asked Yu Sheng with a smile.

"If you do this, some people will be opportunistic. This is a violation of the rules. Feng President, we said yes, I work, you will not interfere."

Yu Sheng stopped Feng Xi from speaking with a single word, and he said nothing to interfere...

Jiang Yu recalled this scene, and when he saw his young master's slumped appearance, he felt that one thing fell one thing.

Yu Sheng is a person who forgets time when he gets up to work.

Feng Xi would call her and tell her to drink water, and one would call her and tell her to get up and move around.

After a while, I called again and told her not to take off the radiation protection suit...

Finally, when Yu Sheng saw the president's inside line, he just hung up.

When she died, Feng Xi came out to remind her.

"It's time to drink water!" Just as Yu Sheng called up a document, Feng Xi's voice came over her head.

Yu Sheng resisted the attack, and everyone around looked towards her.

Although Feng Xi's voice was not loud, the president had never spoken to her desk like this before. They were all on the inside.

"I see, you go back quickly."

Yu Sheng lowered his voice and said to Feng Xi with a smile.

Seeing the displeasure in Yu Sheng's eyes, Feng Xi touched his nose and left.

When he turned around, he gave Jiang Yu a look of "give me a good waiter".

At noon, Yu Sheng went out directly with his colleagues, ignoring what Feng Xi had told her, and had dinner together at noon.

Yu Sheng didn't expect to see Du Xiaoyu as soon as he walked out of the building. After a few days, he lost a lot of weight.

Without the temperament of an elite man.

Yu Sheng transferred 200,000 yuan to his card in the morning.

She put together the part that the agent gave her first, and she gave it to Du Xiaoyu.

"Yu Sheng, let's talk." Du Xiaoyu's voice was dumb, like a voice that had been ill for a long time.

Yu Sheng and his colleagues said something to let them go first.

"I have returned the money to you, and I am very grateful to you for helping me when I need help."

There is no need to say the rest. Those lies that reveal the base price are actually fabricated because they borrowed money from her. In the final analysis, it is because of her.

"Yu Sheng, I should say sorry to you, it's because I didn't consider things well, it's my fault, it's all me..."

"But, Yu Sheng, I didn’t lend you the money. I gave it to you. You don’t need to pay it back to me. Where did you get the money? Did Feng Xi give you the money? Are they together? Yu Sheng, you are not a greedy person..."

Du Xiaoyu knows Yu Sheng too well. If she loves money, she would have agreed to the support of those who are rich.

He would not spend two years pursuing her.

"You don't need to know how my money came, Du Xiaoyu, we are over, don't worry about it anymore."

Yu Sheng was afraid that someone would say that about her relationship with Feng Xi, because she was with him because of the money, she was not.

"Yu Sheng, we are not over, we are not, I am divorced, let's get married, let's start again, marry me... Let's get married!"

Du Xiaoyu took out a ring from his pocket and said that he was going to grab Yu Sheng's hand and put it on her.

"Du Xiaoyu, be sober, we are over, I will not be with you."

Yu Sheng looked at Du Xiaoyu's eyes a little loose, and backed away defensively.

This is Jiang Yu also coming over, he has been protecting Yu Sheng from a safe distance.

Who knows that at this time Du Xiaoyu took out a knife again, "Yu Sheng, you choose one or this one, which one do you choose?"

Du Xiaoyu held a knife in one hand and a ring in the other, and asked Yu Sheng with a smile.

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