The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1520: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-my wife, go home, my husband has a bad

Yu Sheng looked at the knife in Du Xiaoyu's hand, and instinctively covered his stomach with his hands.

Her eyes did not change, as usual.

When her adoptive father loses his temper, she often uses the knife. She sees many such scenes.

I grew up in such an environment since I was young.

Sometimes the tragic life experienced is not necessarily a bad thing.

Just like now, in such a situation, at least I will not panic and fear.

Calmness is the most important thing. Yu Sheng must not only consider his own life safety, but also be responsible for the children in his stomach.

"Yu Sheng, I really love you. For two years, I chased you for two years. Why should we be separated? We should be together, right? You said that once you choose, you won’t The person who changed?"

"Since you chose me at the time, you should stay with me forever, not with that playboy. He is rich, but he will not be true to you. Only I am true in this world. Love you, you also need me most, otherwise, you won't care about me borrowing money, will you?"

Yu Sheng stepped back, and Du Xiaoyu stepped forward. His hand was trembling, as if he couldn't hold the knife, but he was holding it tightly in a panic, as if he would stoke it out anytime...

"Du Xiaoyu, what are you holding in your hand? Is it for me?"

Yu Sheng saw Jiang Yu approaching Du Xiaoyu calmly from the side, Yu Sheng asked.

"Ring, our wedding ring, are you optimistic about it?" Du Xiaoyu immediately took the knife out, and Yu Sheng took a step back.

"This is not, this, this..." Du Xiaoyu threw away the knife in his hand and immediately brought the ring to Yu Sheng, with joy on his face.

At this time, Jiang Yu directly held Du Xiaoyu in hold, moving quickly.

Yu Sheng exhaled and looked at Du Xiaoyu who was struggling on the ground.

"Du Xiaoyu, you are destroying yourself. There are many ways to go in life, all of which are your own choices. People always have to bear the consequences for their mistakes."

"Yu Sheng, Yu Sheng, I can't live without you, I love you..." Du Xiaoyu didn't know why he was knocked down. He struggled and yelled at Yu Sheng.

"I can't bear your love. There are a lot of people like you, your parents, your sister, your children, these people who love you, you should love, not destroy yourself."

Yu Sheng cherishes life very much, because it is not easy to live, she wants all the hard work and hardships she has put in to make her live better, and she must have the willful capital to live a lifetime.

If you want to go out to play, eat as you want, and wear as you want, Yu Sheng wants to do it unscrupulously, so she needs her constant efforts to make her life better.

Du Xiaoyu stopped talking, yes, there are so many people who love him, what happened to him.

"Let him go!" Yu Sheng saw the regret in Du Xiaoyu's eyes, and immediately revealed regret.

Don't be afraid of going the wrong way, but you are not afraid of repentance.

If a person wants to repent, it is not too late.

"Sister Yu, there is no way Master Yu can explain?"

If something like this happened just before the company, it would definitely spread.

The young master will be sulking in the office, I don't know yet, but I must know for a while.

He is already at a disadvantage for protection, and if he is released again, the young master will directly kill him.

"You don't need to let him know, let go, Sister Yu will take you to dinner!"

Feng Xi's temper would definitely not let Du Xiaoyu go, Yu Sheng didn't want that.

It is not that she still has feelings for Du Xiaoyu, but that she believes that Du Xiaoyu's nature is not bad.

It’s just the wrong way. This society that values ​​fame, wealth and money will always make people lose their way and get stuck in a quagmire.

"Okay!" Sister Yu speaks better than the young master now.

Du Xiaoyu stood up and looked at Yu Sheng with complicated eyes, because he missed such a good woman.

At this moment, he felt that he had no face to face Yu Sheng.

"I hope you will be happy, and be careful Gu Qiwen..."

Du Xiaoyu thought about many ways to retaliate against Yu Sheng. He thought that Yu Sheng abandoned him and stayed with Feng Xi.

However, in the end he chose the ring, he wanted to save Yu Sheng...

However, facing Yu Sheng's words, he suddenly realized that he was wrong.

It was because he had taken a fancy to Gu Qiwen's identity as Miss Gu Jia that he would marry her. Otherwise, how he would lose Yu Sheng is his fault...

"I also hope that you will stand up again and use your own skills to create the world you want."

This kind of blessing is sincere, and Yu Sheng hopes everyone around him will have happiness.

Because life is too bitter, you have to sweeten it yourself.

Jiang Yu was full of respect for Yu Sheng again, such a woman, such a heart and wisdom, is not many men have.

Yu Sheng took a bite of noodles and looked up at Jiang Yu, seeing him as if he didn't eat noodles.

"Why don't you eat it, isn't it delicious?" This noodle shop has been open for many years. It has pure hand-rolled noodles.

"Sister Yu, I suddenly feel that Young Master is not worthy of you, really..."

Jiang Yu used to think that Young Master and Sister Yu were very good friends, but at this meeting, he felt that she was at a loss with Young Master.

"Then who am I worthy?" Yu Sheng asked with a smile.

If this is heard by others, it will probably be laughed to death.

How could Feng Xi not be worthy of her Yu Sheng? None of her ten Yu Shengs were worthy of Feng Xi.

"I think no one can match you, really, you are so kind..."

Jiang Yu didn't flatter Yu Sheng, he really felt so.

"Just for this, Sister Yu has to find you a girlfriend as soon as possible, her mouth is too sweet."

Yu Sheng took a sip of the soup and another bite of the crispy radish side dish, feeling very satisfied.

"You can't let the young master hear these words, he will be jealous, he is small-minded!"

Jiang Yuxu gave a moment, and looked around, looking around, as if his young master would pop out at any time.

Yu Sheng smiled and said nothing...

At this time Jiang Yu's cell phone rang, and the young master's exclusive ringtone. At this time, the young master called him, but Jiang Yu did not dare to answer.

"Take it, it's okay!" Yu Sheng smiled and calmed down.

Although Yu Sheng told Jiang Yu not to tell Feng Xi, how could he be able to hide it.

After all, so many people saw it just now.

Jiang Yu answered the phone cautiously. He didn't even say the word Young Master, and Feng Xi's roar came from there.

"Where is my wife? How do you protect it..."

Feng Xi's voice on the phone was nervous like never before, and Yu Sheng, who was sitting across from Jiang Yu, heard it all.

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, it was an involuntary smile.

After a sip of the soup, how could this soup become sweet...

"Sister Yu is eating noodles... Master, do you want to come over to eat?"

Jiang Yu's voice was trembling, and said grievously.

"Uncle you, where are you?" Feng Xi seldom swears, usually relying on relying on...

However, recently it has been obviously very angry.

Especially when he came out of the office, he heard the woman whispering that Secretary Yu was stabbed by Gu's supervisor Du with a knife, and his legs were so frightened.

The blood is about to burst through the blood vessels, burst...

"Just behind the company, a family called Funny Cat Bowl Noodle..."

Jiang Yu quickly reported.

Feng Xi over there hung up, and Yu Sheng asked the boss to have another bowl of noodles.

"The young master can't eat it. He doesn't eat anything outside."

Jiang Yu hurriedly ate the noodles in his bowl. He had a hunch that when the master came, he would not be able to eat it.

"Slow down, Sister Yu is here!"

Yu Sheng saw Jiang Yu's worry and fear, and said with a smile.

She especially likes Jiang Yu to call her Sister Yu, and Yu Ye always calls her sister, but there is no Jiang Yu's "Sister Yu" to make her feel cordial.

"Sister Yu, you are really my sister, I found the organization, and I will never be afraid of being squeezed and bullied again."

Jiang Yu held Yu Sheng's hand, almost tearing his nose, which was really touched.

The phrase "Sister Yu is here!" really warmed my heart, and I had never seen it before.

"Ah..." Jiang Yu was hit **** the head, and he exhaled in pain.

"Then take your paws away."

Feng Xi almost kicked Jiang Yu off the chair.

"Stand up, let me see, are you hurt..."

Feng Xi's handsome face was covered with fine sweat, without blood.

"It's okay, it's just a few words, what can I hurt!"

Yu Sheng stood up obediently and turned around, asking Feng Xi to confirm that she was indeed fine.

"The one named Du didn't take a knife anymore, what about people?"

Feng Xi's heartbeat was so fast that he couldn't bear it anymore.

"Not a knife, but a ring, he wants to marry me..."

Yu Sheng didn't say anything about the knife, because he didn't want Feng Xi to settle accounts with Du Xiaoyu.

"He doesn't want to live anymore, I fuck..."

Feng Xi exploded as soon as he heard this, and he was bored with daring to say this to his woman.

"I didn't agree, you sit down and eat the noodles!" Feng Xi's reaction really shocked Yu Sheng.

Quickly soothe him and let him sit down and eat noodles.

"You dare to agree!" Feng Xi said this viciously, as if to kill.

"I dare not, neither will I!"

Holding Feng Xi's hand, half-dragging and half-dragging him to sit down.

"Jiang Yu, what did you eat? Why didn't you catch that grandson for me."

Feng Xi was so angry that he would feel angry.

Jiang Yu opened his mouth and didn't know how to answer.

"Jiang Yu beat him, I let him go, this is not a big deal, after passing, he will not appear in the future."

Yu Sheng stuffed Feng Xi's hand with a pair of chopsticks.

Feng Xi didn't react either, holding the chopsticks and looking at Yu Sheng.

He probably didn't even know that he was sitting in a noodle restaurant.

"It should be killed, the grandson who knows nothing about life and death, dare to fight the young wife's idea."

Feng Xi threw his chopsticks on the table, angrily said.

Fortunately, there is no one in the noodle shop at this time. Otherwise, it will spread out soon. Feng Xi's lover is Yu Sheng.

"You threw something again!" Yu Sheng looked at the chopsticks on the table and said softly.

Although the words are very light, they carry an invisible strength.

"I forgot……"

Feng Xi had indeed forgotten, the habit of these years, it was really difficult to change for a while.

Jiang Yu sat there, peeking at the shriveled appearance of their young master.

"Wife, let's go home, don't go to work, my husband has a bad heart..."

Feng Xi suddenly held Yu Sheng's hand, and then gently pulled it forward, placing it where he wanted to.

Yu Sheng's face turned red again, and she found that as long as Feng Xi said these intimate words, calling her baby, or calling her wife, her heartbeat would speed up and her blush would tremble.

This will be another potent medicine, husband...

This word is strange to Yu Sheng, completely strange...

Even if I have thought about what the other half will look like in the future, Yu Sheng has never thought about calling each other's wife and husband...

I never thought that one day, a man would coquettishly say to her, "My wife, let's go home, my husband has a bad heart..."

Under Yu Sheng's palm, he could feel Feng Xi's powerful heartbeat.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, and bang, as if to jump into the palm of her hand, and then got in, followed the veins, ran into her body, reached her heart, and settled home.

"I'll rub it for you..." Yu Sheng's voice was shy, his white boneless hands were gently rubbing Feng Xi's chest.

Feng Xi just felt a cat's paw on his heart, scratching and scratching, and his heart was itchy.

Jiang Yu was like a puppy, staring at the two people in front of him with wide eyes, choked to death after eating this dog food.

If he sees others being so tired of falling in love, he must be vomiting.

However, Young Master and Sister Yu, how could they be so pleasing to the eye and look so matching.

Jiang Yu has forgotten, who said that no one is worthy of his sister Yu, and their young master is not worthy of it either.

Only then did Yu Sheng realize that Jiang Yu was still watching, and quickly took back his hand. What happened to him?

"It still hurts, wife, rub it again..."

Feng Xi grasped Yu Sheng's hand tightly, and said a little again.

If other men do things like acting like a baby, they will definitely be called "perverted" or "ill"

However, Feng Xi did this, but it made people look comfortable, not at all awkward.

Especially that handsome face was filled with a rogue smile, which was very attractive.

"Stop calling, okay?"

Yu Sheng really couldn't stand Feng Xi's wife, who made her feel like she was going to faint at any time.

"What's my name?" Feng Xi asked blankly.

As if he really didn't know what he called.

"I said you don't call me wife..." Yu Sheng told him directly, regardless of whether Feng Xi was pretending to be confused.

If you develop a habit, you will not call "Secretary Yu, come in" when you arrive at the company, but you will just call "Wife, come in".

This way you really don’t have to go to work...

"Daughter, what should your mother do not let me call her wife?"

Feng Xi actually touched Yu Sheng's stomach and asked.

Opening your mouth is your daughter...

"How do you know that it is a daughter?" Yu Sheng asked.

"I hope it's a daughter!"

Feng Xi really hoped that Yu Sheng would give him a daughter. His son was too naughty, and he was exhausted.

Like Xiaoqi Xiaojiu, he was crazy.

Like Tangtang Mumu is so good, the cute little princess, the baby is also very cute, so he wants a daughter.

"Don't say that, what if it is your son, he will be sad."

It is all right for Yu Sheng to have sons and daughters. They are all her own children, and she likes them all.

"It could also be one son and one daughter! There are many babies born now!"

Jiang Yu, who has been eating dog food, said.

"You finally learned to speak human language." Feng Xi gave Jiang Yu a look that you had made progress.

Jiang Yu was very wronged, how could he not speak human language anymore because he is such a big person.

"Let's eat noodles! I have to go back to work after I have finished eating. I have to deal with many things. Feng can give me a raise."

Yu Sheng said jokingly.

"Salary increase? Isn't all my money yours!"

Feng Xi was dumbfounded. His wife was so funny that he actually asked him to give her a raise. Isn't it all their money?

Yu Sheng didn't speak. She wouldn't be so stupid to tell Feng Xi at this time that the money I earn is my own, and your money is yours.

If she said this, she must be endless again, anyway, the finance will pay her a regular salary.

To Jiang Yu's surprise, their always picky young master actually ate noodles.

This is the power of love...

Towards the end of get off work, Yu Sheng received a call from Feng Xi, telling her to go directly to the underground garage after work, where he was waiting for her.

Only then did Yu Sheng sound, she made an appointment with Gu Shaoting.

"I have an appointment tonight, you go home first, I will take a taxi and go back by myself."

Yu Sheng said in a low voice while typing.

"Who are you eating with? I want to go too."

Feng Xi can't say that you are not allowed to go out to eat with others.

He would have said that if it were changed.

Yu Sheng paused here for a few seconds. If you say you have an appointment at night, I won't ask who you eat with, and I won't be sensible and say, I want to go too. "

Yu Sheng has always spoken so softly and softly, but what he says will hit you with a single blow.

Yu Sheng could hear Feng Xi's teeth grinding.

Knowing that he is suppressing his anger, holding back not to explode.

"Man or woman?"

Finally, Feng Xi gritted his teeth and asked, really frustrated, so frustrated.

"Man!" Yu Sheng wouldn't lie to Feng Xi. She thought that a lie needed countless lies to complete, and it would still be discovered in the end.

Facing such a frank wife, Feng Xi really wanted to curse.

Feng Xi wanted to ask "Who is it?" and he stuck his mouth. He knew that if he asked, Yu Sheng would definitely answer.

Then he was half angry, and finally made Yu Sheng feel that he was small-minded.

Feng Xi directly hung up the phone.

Yu Sheng didn't care either, the two always had to run in.

When Yu Sheng walked out of the company, Gu Shaoting's car stopped by the side of the road, and he stood there smiling at her.

Yu Sheng had never discovered that Gu Shaoting was a laughter before.

He laughed all the time when I saw him today.

Yu Sheng’s restaurant is not far from their company. It is a private restaurant. The restaurant is not big, but the dishes are good.

Because they came after work, there were very few people. Taking into account Gu Shaoting's identity, Yu Sheng chose Xiaobao.

When he got out of the car, Yu Sheng saw Gu Shaoting holding a box, which looked like a cake box.

Yu Sheng's mind turned a bit, today is...

"Although this is a small restaurant, it tastes good, please sit down, Mr. Gu."

Yu Sheng smiled and put down his bag, and said to Gu Shaoting.

In fact, after experiencing Du Xiaoyu at noon, Yu Sheng still has something to say to Gu Shaoting.

Regarding Gu Qiwen, at Feng Xi's office that day, Yu Sheng had a hunch that Gu Qiwen would trouble her.

As for the search method, she doesn't know, but today Du Xiaoyu can use the knife, and Gu Qiwen is hard to say.

"It doesn't matter what you eat, it's mainly who you eat with."

Gu Shaoting naturally took off his suit jacket and put it on the back of the chair.

In this case, Yu Sheng heard some other meanings, but she did not answer.

"Is this a cake?" Yu Sheng changed the subject.

"Well, today is my birthday!"

Gu Shaoting opened the cake directly, which looked very simple.

Yu Sheng didn't expect it to be Gu Shaoting's birthday, because when she saw Gu Shaoting take the cake, she thought about it, today is her birthday...

Her birthday has never been celebrated because her adoptive parents can’t remember it, nor can her brothers and sisters.

So that sometimes when she thinks about it, she just smiles. She was abandoned on the day she was born, and it would be broken if she was born on her birthday.

Although her birthday is not the date of her birth, it is always her birthday.

But he didn't expect that Gu Shaoting would also be today's birthday.

"I can only send a happy birthday, no gifts."

Yu Sheng smiled, there is such a thing unexpectedly.

"I don't want to celebrate my birthday. My mother died while giving birth to me!"

Gu Shaoting's and Gu Qiwen are half brothers and sisters, so the relationship is the same.

Yu Sheng looked at Gu Shaoting. Not only did they have the same birthday, they were also in the same situation. They all had no mother on that day...

This is how people are, and the so-called ties with fate are probably like this, which makes people feel kind involuntarily.

"Actually, today is also my birthday... When I was born, I was abandoned by my parents, so I didn't celebrate my birthday either."

If it were normal, Yu Sheng would not say such words to people who are not familiar with it.

Reveal her own scars to others, let people know how miserable she is, she will not know these.

A trace of astonishment flashed in Gu Shaoting's eyes. Obviously, he had never expected such a coincidence.

And Yu Sheng still has this experience...

"Is this fate? I just wanted to find someone comfortable to spend a birthday with, but I didn't think it was such a coincidence."

When Gu Shaoting saw Yu Sheng for the first time, she was deeply impressed by her.

He didn't know if it was love at first sight, but he wanted to be with her after the long water flow.

In Feng's office that day, he saw that Yu Sheng was forced, so he wanted to continue talking with her at this opportunity today.

"Then I will use Mr. Gu's light to celebrate a birthday and eat a cake!"

This is also a good dinner.

The two of them were talking about their birthdays, and through the glass window, a low-key luxury car stopped there.

Feng Xi was holding a high-definition telescope, looking at, annoyed, annoyed...

This woman actually had dinner with Gu Shaoting, and the cake, what's so special?

"Master, I checked. Today is Sister Yu's birthday..."

Jiang Yu looked at his mobile phone. Today is Sister Yu's birthday. The Master didn't know, and Sister Yu didn't say anything.

However, Mr. Gu knew that he also prepared a cake for Sister Yu for her birthday...

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