The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1521: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-does Gu Shaoting like you? (Six more co

This is troublesome, how could the young master's temper allow such a thing to happen to him.

Especially this thing has already happened.

Jiang Yu looked at his young master's face, really hard to see the extreme.

Jiang Yu wanted Young Master to walk into this store like this, pull Sister Yu out, or lose his temper. The consequences are not to be welcomed.

"Master, maybe it's a coincidence, maybe today is Mr. Gu's birthday..."

Jiang Yu tried to explain, maybe it wasn't for Sister Yu's birthday, but today is President Gu's birthday, and it's just a birthday among friends.

Jiang Yu had forgotten that if Yu Sheng celebrated another man's birthday, Feng Xi would be even more unhappy.

If it's just a meal, he will endure it, but if he can spend his birthday together, then the relationship is definitely more than just ordinary friends.

Besides, how could it happen that Gu Shaoting had his birthday?

Feng Xi didn't walk into this store and bring Yu Sheng out like Jiang Yu thought, but just sat in the car and watched.

Watching Gu Shaoting put on Yu Sheng's birthday hat, then watched Yu Sheng blow the birthday candles.

Watching Gu Shaoting inadvertently touch the cake on Yu Sheng's face...

Watching Yu Sheng smiled and cut a piece of cake for Gu Shaoting, and sent it to him.

Watching them eating and talking...

Just keep watching...

Jiang Yu was tense all the time. He felt that their young master would slam on the car door and walk into the store.

Just when Yu Sheng and Gu Shaoting were about to finish eating, Feng Xi said, "Terminate all cooperation with Gu, you get out of the car and follow her."

Jiang Yu didn't dare to speak, and immediately got out of the car, Feng Xi got out of the car and got into the driving position, and drove away.

In fact, he was worried that if Sister Yu came out for a while, the young master's temper would lose face when he quarreled with Sister Yu in front of General Gu.

I haven't figured it out yet, so please don't quarrel.

Jiang Yu has been hiding in the dark, thinking that Sister Yu, you can ask Mr. Gu to send you back.

The young master said to follow Sister Yu, that is to protect it secretly, and Jiang Yu is not good to come out directly.

It seemed like the young master asked him to follow Sister Yu all the time.

"Shall I send you back?" Gu Shaoting did not drink, just to send Yu Sheng home.

"No, I'll just take a taxi." How could Yu Sheng tell Gu Shaoting to send her back.

Although he knew his relationship with Feng Xi, she didn't want others to know that she and Feng Xi already lived together.

"Well then, send me a message at home and let me rest assured."

Gu Shaoting didn't force it either, because he understood Yu Sheng's temperament, and she said no, that would be no need.

"Okay, then I will leave Mr. Gu first."

Yu Sheng got into the taxi and smiled.

She and Gu Shaoting still talked a lot, and it was useless for Yu Sheng to mention Gu Qiwen with him.

Gu Shaoting told her that she would send Gu Qiwen and her child abroad, so that she would not disturb her life, so she was relieved.

Gu Shaoting didn't ask Yu Sheng and Feng Xi curiously, which made Yu Sheng feel a lot more comfortable.

Talk and eat like friends.

Jiang Yu also got in a taxi and followed Yu Sheng's car.

Jiang Yu wanted to tell Yu Sheng that the young master knew who she was eating with, and then thought about it again, so he sold the young master.

But, let’s not say, what if Sister Yu goes back to lie and talks about eating with others?

That way, the young master will think that she has a guilty conscience. Oh, it's really a dilemma. Jiang Yu doesn't know what to do...

Just thinking all the way, watching Yu Sheng walk into the villa, Jiang Yu did not make a decision.

Yu Sheng came back early, and arrived home less than eight o'clock.

However, the servant said, the young master is already asleep...

When Yu Sheng went upstairs, he specifically asked the servant whether Feng Xi had eaten, and the answer was that he did not eat.

Yu Sheng stopped, went downstairs again, and went to the kitchen to see the maid's cooked food. It is estimated that Feng Xi would not be able to eat it.

Yu Sheng used rice and fried an egg fried rice.

Although it is a simple fried rice with eggs, it is very tempting to look at the golden luster.

Yu Sheng thought, Feng Xi was probably angry because she said she was out for dinner with other men.

In fact, Feng Xi didn't sleep at all, and when he heard the door open, he turned around.

And this action happened to be shown to Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng is actually not very good at coaxing people.

Moreover, she also told Feng Xi that she had an appointment at night and also said that it was dinner with a man.

She didn't hide it, why was she upset.

It was not that she lied to him, let him know, and he could be angry.

Yu Sheng put the egg fried rice on the table and squeezed a glass of orange juice for him by the way.

When he walked to the bed and sat down, Feng Xi immediately closed his eyes.

Yu Sheng poked his chest with his finger, and Feng Xi twisted his body.

Still eyes closed...

Yu Sheng felt that his temperament and temperament were so cute.

"Asleep?" Yu Sheng asked specially.

Feng Xi naturally didn't speak. Yu Sheng poked him, and he twisted his body.

Yu Sheng had never teased anyone like this before, and found it quite interesting.

If she changed to before, she would definitely think such behavior was extremely naive.

However, every time she poked, she felt very happy, the kind of joy in her heart had never happened before.

"Sleep really heavy."

Yu Sheng opened the quilt this time, pinched Feng Xi's waist, and said.

This time Feng Xi twisted his body much wider.

"The man is handsome and his sleeping face is good." Yu Sheng's fingers traced Feng Xi's nose and eyes.

The gentle movement was slightly naughty, and the nails scratched gently.

This way, while amusing people, while also boasting people, it makes you feel beautiful and angry.

Feng Xi grabbed Yu Sheng's disobedient hand, "It's not over, isn't it?"

Feng Xi is really angry, why is he angry?

Because today is Yu Sheng's birthday, she didn't tell herself that she went to spend time with other men.

What do you think of him? Is he the man?

If today was his birthday, he would go out to dinner with other women to celebrate his birthday without telling her what she would think, he would not believe that she was not angry.

"Ah, are you awake?" Yu Sheng asked in surprise.

It's just that the expression is not surprised at all, and he is still smiling.

This was the first time that Yu Sheng had hippie smile with Feng Xi, making Feng Xi even more angry.

He simply pulled the quilt and covered himself directly, not wanting to see Yu Sheng.

Yu Sheng bit his lip, reached into the quilt, and grabbed Feng Xi's hand.

Feng Xi struggled, and Yu Sheng grabbed the palm of his hand.

He was also honest. In fact, he didn't dare to struggle, because he was angry, and if he couldn't control his strength, he would accidentally hurt Yu Sheng.

There will be nowhere to cry by then.

Yu Sheng grabbed Feng Xi's hand and placed it on his stomach, and then did not speak.

Feng Xi felt the heat in his palm, here are their children...

When I think of this, my heart feels like being wrapped in honey.

Yu Sheng used this silent method to make Feng Xi's anger half gone.

Then I saw Yu Sheng suffocating a smile, and felt that he was fooled. This is not angry...

Why does this woman make a move, her heart seems to be sweetened.

"I made egg fried rice for you." Yu Sheng put his hand on the back of Feng Xi's, rubbing it lightly.

Perhaps it was because of Feng Xi's naive temper, Yu Sheng still felt that this feeling was good.

Maybe I have always wanted to find someone who can act like a baby without restraint, but there is no such person...

"Forget about starving to death, no one cares about me..."

Feng Xi said grievously, like an abandoned child.

Yu Sheng really wanted to drag Feng Xi to the kitchen to show him the dishes that the chef cooked, and said that no one cares about him.

Even if he is hungry, no one will be hungry.

"Isn't I a human?" Yu Sheng pulled off the quilt on Feng Xi's body, so it wasn't hot.

"Why didn't you find that you can say that before."

Feng Xi's impression of Yu Sheng before was that this woman was omnipotent and could do everything very well.

Sometimes he would tease her in boring pranks, for example, let her keep making coffee.

Printing things over and over again, this woman will never be annoying.

It was as if he had no temper. Therefore, at the hotel that night, Feng Xi would be interested in such enchanting Yu Sheng.

He wanted to see how far she could beg him, and after that night, he became addicted.

It turns out that his Secretary Yu is so sweet and delicious, and sultry.

"It's not too late to find out now, why do you want me to leave?"

Yu Sheng's fingers touched Feng Xi's eyes unconsciously, would their children have such clean and clear eyes?

Yu Sheng began to imagine what their children would be like. She wanted a girl to have a temperament like Feng Xi, so cute.

Yu Sheng thought, such a daughter must be the happiest in the world.

"Don't even think about it, you have to follow me in your life and you are not allowed to go anywhere."

In fact, what Feng Xi wanted to say was that he stayed at home most of the day and was not allowed to see anyone.

When I thought that her birthday was with Gu Shaoting, without telling him, Feng Xi's anger that had just disappeared half way came back.

Yu Sheng listened for a lifetime, will he and Feng Xi have a lifetime?

There are some things she dare not think about.

I really didn't dare to think about it, because I thought too much, so I didn't dare to step forward and move on.

"Eat quickly, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Yu Sheng tried to pull Fengxi up, but was stopped by him, "Don't use your strength, what should I do if I stretch it."

Feng Xi sat up by himself. Although he was still angry, he still had to eat the food his wife cooked.

And he is indeed hungry.

I have to say that Yu Sheng's craftsmanship is also very good, and Feng Xi eats very well. "The cooking skills are good."

Feng Xi said proudly, that posture could not wait to hold a trumpet and talk everywhere, to see how delicious my wife's fried rice is.

Yu Sheng watched Feng Xi happily eating, and he was also happy.

This feeling is very good, she is a person who is easily satisfied.

"Well, let's chat now."

After Feng Xi had eaten and drank the juice, he thought that he was full and his anger was relieved.

He wanted to have a good talk with Yu Sheng, why not tell him about her birthday today.

"What are you talking about?" Yu Sheng looked at the empty plate with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, very satisfied.

"Let’s talk about who you ate with, I'm just thinking about it at home."

Feng Xi said this deliberately, he didn't want Yu Sheng to know that he was following her.

"Gu Shaoting, Mr. Gu's president!" Yu Sheng smiled, and she knew he was angry because of this.

"Why eat with him? Are you very familiar with him? I don't know him well."

Feng's Consortium and Gu's are just a cooperative relationship.

They have projects, and they make investments.

"It's not very familiar, but I promised him before and invited him to dinner."

For the first time, Yu Sheng didn't tell the truth to Feng Xi, nor was it a lie to him, but had reservations.

He felt that Feng Xi was a little too concerned about her eating and eating with a man.

She and Gu Shaoting are not familiar with each other, but if you want to say that your unfamiliar friends celebrate their birthdays together, and if you are the only one of them, then it's a bit unreasonable.

Therefore, Yu Sheng chose to conceal part of it.

"Just eating, didn't...say anything else?"

When Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng, the expression in his eyes gradually became a little deeper.

Yu Sheng, when I saw you having a birthday with other men, I could restrain myself from rushing in. That was respect for you, but you could not lie to me.

This was Feng Xi's mind, but Yu Sheng didn't know.

"I didn't say anything, just had a meal, talked about Gu Qiwen, and then there were some work matters."

Except for the birthday part, she and Gu Shaoting did say that.

Feng Xi looked at the empty plate on the table. This plate was really beautiful. Because he liked to cook, Feng Xi also liked these little things in the kitchen.

The dishes and bowls at home are all personally selected by him, so in his eyes they are all beautiful.

In fact, he is very similar to Yu Sheng. When selling the house, Yu Sheng also took away the dishes, bowls and cups from the kitchen.

It turned out that I made him egg fried rice because of a guilty conscience...

I have never seen her treat myself so well.

"Does he like you?" Feng Xi's mouth was slightly hooked, and his evil smile looked like a little demon.

However, just such a sentence, there is no anger, people listened to it as if they were joking.

"I don't know, maybe not, Mr. Gu is not that kind of person."

At least from the conversation tonight, Yu Sheng didn't feel that Gu Shaoting meant that to her.

He also didn't say anything like it.

Just like old friends, eat, eat and chat together.

"It seems that you know him quite well..." Feng Xi's words already smell of jealousy.

At this moment, Yu Sheng's mobile phone on the table rang, and a short message appeared on the screen, which was a reminder that the bank card had arrived.

Feng Xi glanced like that, and saw Du Xiaoyu's name and the number of 200,000...

Yu Sheng naturally saw it too. She frowned slightly, picked up the phone, and confirmed it.

It was indeed Du Xiaoyu who brought the two hundred thousand.

After a while there was another beep, and Du Xiaoyu sent a message.

"Yu Sheng, keep this money! Don't be so frugal, and don't put so much pressure on yourself. If you need money in the future, just tell me. My plane will leave Beicheng tonight, and I hope I will be there again In front of you, you can forgive me for the mistakes I made to you, I really love you, so take care of yourself! I remember everything you and I said, and I will be fine, so don’t worry about me. ,wait for me."

Yu Sheng looked at this text message from Du Xiaoyu and was there in a daze until Feng Xi snatched the phone in his hand.

Yu Sheng came back to his senses, what did Du Xiaoyu mean, why should I give her the money again...

Feng Xi looked at Du Xiaoyu's text messages over and over again, his eyes were like knives, and he pinned every word on the phone screen.

"Why does he give you money?" The anger of the night has been completely ignited.

Feng Xi's slightly narrowed eyes were filled with unstoppable flames.

"It was the two hundred thousand that I paid him back..."

Yu Sheng is still thinking about Du Xiaoyu doing this, he still wonders if he can forgive him and stay with him again?

Are the things she said today for nothing?

"You pay him back? Isn't all your money worth twenty-eight thousand? Where did you pay him back?"

Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng and sneered, his eyes were also cold.

"This is my money for selling the house, what's wrong?"

At this time, Yu Sheng also noticed that Feng Xi's tone and eyes were wrong.

"Selling a house... When did you sell the house?"

Feng Xi also asked another question. He hadn't planned to buy the house before, because he wanted Yu Sheng to come back, so Jiang Yu would do it. The agent said that someone wanted to buy a house, and Yu Sheng returned.

After that, he forgot about the house.

But I don't know when Yu Sheng sold the house.

Jiang Yu said that the house in Yu Sheng's community could not sell for a price, and no one would buy it.

"Yesterday!" Why did it take two days? She thought it had been many days.

The things she experienced in the past two days really made her feel that the passage of time was really slow.

"Yu Sheng, won't you tell me if you want to spend money? Who am I? As for you to sell the house?"

"Also, what is his surname Du, you need money to tell him? Then who am I?"

Feng Xi was really angry, and with a habitual movement, he threw Yu Sheng's phone out.

The phone smashed against the wall because of too much force, making Yu Sheng tremble.

Yu Sheng looked at the phone he had used for a long time, and it was just broken.

Yu Sheng knew that it would take time for you to change his habit, but he fell again in the face of Feng Xi.

Yu Sheng was a little disappointed, no, I should say yes, a little angry.

Why can't I control my temper like this?

She sold her own house. They weren't married. It was about property issues. She sold the house privately. It was understandable that he was angry.

However, they are dating at best, so why can't she sell her house.

"Feng Xi, the house belongs to me. I need money. Isn't it normal to sell it?"

Yu Sheng actually wanted to say, don't you also know that I am short of money?

"Would you not tell me when you use the money?" Feng Xi's most annoying is this. He is obviously her man, so why can't he rely on him?

You have to bear everything yourself.

"Your money is your money, it has nothing to do with me."

Yu Sheng didn't understand, why Feng Xi insisted on making himself his subsidiary.

Do you have to spend his money?

"Yu Sheng, what is our relationship, what is the relationship?"

Feng Xi pointed at Yu Sheng and asked.

"It's... boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Why should it be counted? Because there is a child between them. If there is no such child, they will not be in the current state.

This is clear in their hearts.

"Yes, what do you mean? Yu Sheng, what do you tell me?"

Feng Xi is annoyed, still?

What is in this woman's head?

He also didn't know what she was thinking.

Whatever day to leave him, one cannot live without the ability to survive independently.

What your money is yours, it has nothing to do with me.

I will take care of my own affairs and don't need you to worry about it.

This is really to draw a line with him every minute.

"The grandson surnamed Du, who is that special? What did you tell him? What do you mean waiting for him?"

In fact, Yu Sheng didn't look carefully at what was written in the message.

All she knew was that Du Xiaoyu had called her the two hundred thousand.

"Do you still want to be with that scumbag again?"

Feng Xi was completely angry. Even a man could not allow his woman to be thought of by other men.

Especially this man is still her ex-boyfriend, when she needs money, he thinks of him...

Yu Sheng didn't speak, she looked at Feng Xi with an angry expression on his face.

Listening to his accusations against her, he felt that Feng Xi was a double personality again.

Yu Sheng is a sensible person, and she won't quarrel with him when Feng Xi is angry and loses her temper.

That would only add fuel to the fire, it would be counterproductive, and there would be nothing super.

If one day she really quarreled with Feng Xi, then it was time for them to separate.

Obviously, Feng Xi became even more angry about Yu Sheng's silence.

Is this ignoring him?

Experts have said that if a child is willing to hold something when he falls asleep and loses his temper, it is a sign of insecurity.

Feng Xi occupied all three points, no wonder he was so childish.

Because I am afraid of losing, I bluff, and I want to overpower others and prove my existence.

This is probably also related to Feng Xi's childhood experience.

Feng Xi is indeed afraid of losing Yu Sheng, just like someone is trying to make a toy with him, and he is not alone in grabbing...

How can he not panic...

In the end, Yu Sheng only said, "Is the quarrel over? Then I'm asleep, the child is sleepy!"

Then Yu Sheng ignored Feng Xi and went to wash and went to bed.

This time I was angry and changed to Yu Sheng...

Feng Xi felt angry and couldn't send it out, so he thought of what his brother said, register...

He must want Yu Sheng to be his wife and the person who seals their house.

In this way he has a more stance to control her, saving her always saying, you are you and I am me.

In this case, he least likes listening...

So the next morning, before Yu Sheng was awake, Feng Xi got up.

After dragging him into the car, Yu Sheng watched Jiang Yu still breathing.

But I don't know what Feng Xi is going to do...

It wasn't until they appeared in the Civil Affairs Bureau that Yu Sheng understood that Feng Xi was going to register her marriage with her.

Didn't ask her, just decided like this?

"Go, wife, let's get married!"

The anger in Feng Xi's stomach disappeared overnight, and this would be the joy of marriage registration.

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