The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1522: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-Yu Sheng, don't think I will beg y

Feng Xi grabbed Yu Sheng and was about to walk inside, but Yu Sheng withdrew his hand.

Feng Xi looked at his empty hand, and then at Yu Sheng's face, watching him take two steps back.

"What do you mean?" Feng Xi asked very slowly, as if he didn't expect Yu Sheng to react like this.

He couldn't sleep last night, so he called Shi Nian and told her about Yu Sheng selling the house.

The year said that it was because Yu Sheng had no sense of security, and no one had ever given her a shoulder to lean on.

It was only later that Feng Xi learned that Yu Sheng was adopted, and that the family that adopted her was average except for her mother who was kind to her.

Feng Xi wanted to give her a home to be her support, so that she would never feel insecure again.

However, he took her to register with joy, but she was like this...

Why is it so hard to serve...

"Marriage is a matter for two people. You shouldn't make a decision alone."

"If you say register, register..."

Yu Sheng saw a storm brewing in Feng Xi's eyes.

She has already taken a step and said she would try, but she can’t get married today after she finished talking about it two days ago.

There are still many problems between them that need to be dealt with appropriately.

She felt that Feng Xi did everything based on his feelings.

The real estate was transferred to her name and the age was changed three years older than her.

He did these things as soon as he thought of them, never considering the consequences.

He also dropped her cell phone last night, and today he took her to register for marriage.

Do everything you want.

Yu Sheng is used to acting impulsively, because she can't bear the consequences of impulsiveness.

She is used to thinking the problem clearly before doing it.

This is the gap between the two of them.

"If you don't marry me, who else can you marry? I ask you, who else can you marry?"

Feng Xi was annoyed. He wanted to restrain his temper, but when the anger came up, he couldn't control it completely.

"You have my child in your belly. I am a father and you are a mother. Who else do you want to marry? I ask you, Yu Sheng, who else do you want to marry?"

Feng Xi's temperament was originally that kind of aggressive, and he was not afraid of Laozi.

People who have never wanted to get married are standing here now, but this woman doesn't want to register marriage with him.

Jiang Yu on the side was anxious. In fact, when he received the call from the young master, he also thought it was incredible.

Just register as much as you want. When Sister Yu gets on the bus, she doesn't know how to register because of her posture.

Just like what Sister Yu said, getting married is a matter of two people, and the young master shouldn't just make his own decision like this.

It seemed to him to be a little tricky, not to mention that Sister Yu, who is such a steady person, would naturally make a decision after careful consideration.

When a woman marries a man, there are many trade-offs to consider. It does not mean that she will marry when she marries. This is what the **** said.

Women are afraid of marrying the wrong man, and men are afraid of going into the wrong line. This is the old saying and it is reasonable.

"When you calm down, we will talk again!"

Because at the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Yu Sheng didn't want to quarrel with Feng Xi, not because she was afraid of embarrassment, but because she was afraid that someone would recognize Feng Xi and reveal something.

Even if the three words "I have money" are not attached to Feng Xi's forehead, he can tell at a glance that he is a rich man with his handsome looks and extraordinary clothes.

Coupled with that kind of aura that no one is paying attention to, it shows power.

"I am very calm now. You are the one who is not calm. Yu Sheng, let me tell you that if you don't register today, don't think I will marry you again in the future."

Feng Xi said to Yu Sheng angrily regardless of the gaze cast by the people around him.

Jiang Yu tried to stop but didn't stop it, Master knew how hurtful this was.

Yu Sheng's face didn't seem to change at all, but her hand still betrayed her, trembling.

"Or do you want to marry Gu Shaoting, Yu Sheng, you think I am young, Gu Shaoting is a good match for you? Huh? Or else, why would you spend your birthday with him!"

Feng Xi sneered, others were chasing him and pestering him, but he was reluctant to take another look.

Only Yu Sheng is the only one who treats her so well, and she still refuses like this, and women really can't get used to it.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi, then at Jiang Yu, and when he saw him lower his head, he knew what was going on.

It's really hard for Feng Xi's irritable temperament to endure not talking about Gu Shaoting's birthday with her last night.

It feels really bad to be monitored like this. She told him everything, had an appointment, and told him that he was a man.

And he is still worried, he will send someone to follow him...

"Then you do what you want." Yu Sheng turned around after saying this.

Feng Xi took two steps forward, trying to grab her arm, but he clenched into a fist instead.

Feng Xi would not take back the water splashed out.

Since she Yu Sheng didn't want to marry him, she would not get married.

"Yu Sheng, don't come back if you leave, don't think I will beg you to come back!"

It was like a child who had lost a fight, Feng Xi said in a pity.

"I said, Master, what are you doing? If you say harsh words and useful words, there will be no people in the world who are angry and can't lose weight."

"At that time you have to coax Sister Yu!"

Jiang Yu really likes Yu Sheng, this sister. Regarding her and the young master's affairs, he also hopes that they will be happy.

Although the young master has a poisonous mouth and a bad temper, the only thing that is considered good is his good looks.

Because Jiang Yu knows that the young master of their family will be cloudy and sunny for a while.

"I won't coax her, I won't know her in the future!"

Feng Xi roared angrily and turned back into the car.

Feng Xi drove Jiang Yu in the car himself.

Jiang Yu knew in his heart that Young Master was asking himself to protect Sister Yu in secret, just not saying anything.

Yu Sheng was glad that he rented the house he had lived in that day.

At least she still has a place to live.

Lunch is dumplings eaten at the house of the landlord Li's grandmother opposite.

If it is said that Yu Sheng feels that the most comfortable life in the past few years in Beicheng is to live here.

Grandma Li is very nice. This is an old building. These two door-to-door houses were shared by the unit when they retired. This residence was more than 20 years old. The community was renovated two years ago. It is convenient.

As soon as Yu Sheng walked out of Grandma Li's house, he saw Jiang Yu standing there with a mobile phone box in his hand.

Jiang Yu made a noise and called Sister Yu.

Yu Sheng smiled and asked him to come in and sit down.

Jiang Yu was not polite, and directly followed in.

This is a one-and-a-half bedroom house. It is very small and has no bright hall. The kitchen and bathroom are very small, and the bedroom is not big. Put a bed and a cabinet, and there is no room.

Jiang Yu felt weird sitting by the bed, and simply sat directly on the floor.

Take out the phone from the box and put it on the bed.

"Sister Yu, I put the card in for you. It was not bought by the young master. This phone is my birthday present for you!"

After talking about birthday gifts, Jiang Yu felt that it was not so good, after all, if he was one of the people who followed and watched.

When Yu Sheng looked at the phone and bought it for Yu Ye, she saw this one, which was more expensive than Yu Ye's.

"Jiang Yu, this gift is too expensive. Since you bought it, I'll give you the money. As for you want to give a birthday gift, you can just ask Sister Yu to have a meal someday."

Although Jiang Yu is by Feng Xi's side and earns a lot of salary each month, she still can't ask for a mobile phone that is 10,000 yuan.

"Don't, Sister Yu, you give me money again. I feel so uncomfortable. In two months' time for my birthday, you will invite me to dinner."

Jiang Yu grinned, his eyes squinted, and he looked handsome.

"That's fine, I'll use it first."

Yu Sheng thought it would do, and then give Jiangyu a gift of similar price.

She is not at ease if she doesn't take the phone, because she is afraid that her adoptive mother will call her and she won't be able to receive it again.

Yu Sheng didn't ask how Jiang Yu knew she was here.

She wouldn't be embarrassed by Jiang Yu, he was only obedient to Feng Xi.

"Sister Yu, um, young master... it's that temperament, and all you talk about is angry, don't take it to your heart, he will definitely regret it again!"

Jiang Yu had been with Feng Xi for two years, and he understood his temperament.

"Well, this time he will be cured of this arbitrary disease!"

Yu Sheng said this very lightly. She never thought that Feng Xi would never register marriage with her again after saying that she would really take it seriously.

It is because she understands Feng Xi's temperament that she said, "Then do what you said."

She admitted that Feng Xi was very good and was really good to her, which she had never thought about before.

So, she also took a step and said she wanted to try.

When Feng Xi's hand was on her stomach last night, happiness was rippling from her heart.

She knew that she liked Feng Xi, otherwise she would not be so irrational to be with a man three years younger than her.

However, Feng Xi's temperament had to be changed a little bit. He would be the father of the child in the future.

If she has always been so self-willed and stubborn, she doesn't think it is good for the child.

She also wanted to confirm whether Feng Xi was interested in her for a while, or whether it was because of the child in her stomach that he was so interested in her.

Because his temperament was so fickle, Yu Sheng had to weigh it.

Life is not like writing a novel. Those overbearing presidents fall in love with female secretaries, get married when they say they get married, and then there are no stumbling quarrels. They all fall into a honeypot life.

There is no such thing.

"Hehe... Sister Yu, I just like your calm temper, so I should suppress the young master's violent temper."

It's no wonder that the young and old will appreciate Sister Yu so much, she is really insightful.

"So, you also have a mission."

A bright color flashed in Yu Sheng's eyes, and she smiled at Jiang Yudao.

Jiang Yu blushed after hearing Yu Sheng's words, "Sister Yu, you are so bad!"

Feng Xi didn't go home, but went to Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing's home.

When he entered the door, he was yelling that he was hungry, and Gu Jue ignored him.

Continue to lie there and let their family Chu Baiqing cut his nails.

Chu Baiqing pointed to the apple on the table, "eat an apple first!"

"I don't eat apples, I want meat!"

Feng Xi actually didn't want to eat anything, just wanted to toss people.

"I think you want dynamite!"

Gu Jue said this lazily.

Without lifting his eyelids, his hand touched Chu Baiqing's side waist.

"Don't touch me, be careful I cut you meat!"

Chu Baiqing's eyes were full of tenderness. In the past few years together, their feelings have not diminished in the slightest due to the lengthening of time.

Gu Jue became more and more attached to Chu Baiqing.

"You won't, hold your hands firmly!" My wife knows her best, and she is a prudent doing things.

How could Feng Xi stand Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing, showing such affection in front of him.

"Eating dynamite will blow you up! It's boring and not annoying."

What kind of psychology is this when I am awkward with my daughter-in-law and cannot see others show affection.

"Envy? Jealous? You can find a woman if you have the ability."

Gu Jue ridiculed that they had Feng Xi still unmarried, and Feng Yan couldn't do it all day long.

"Don't say irritate him!" Chu Baiqing grabbed Gu Jue's other hand and continued to cut his nails.

Chu Baiqing knew that Feng Xi had not yet met the right person.

If he meets what he likes, he will definitely treat her very well.

"Don't irritate him, how can he try to find a woman!"

Gu Jue was actually anxious for Feng Xi, but he just didn't like anyone else.

"I have a woman, I'm looking for a fart!"

Feng Xi's tone was very aggressive, and Yu Shengsheng's sulky sigh would be burning.

Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing didn't speak, both thought he was talking angry.

When Feng Xi saw their attitude, he knew that they didn't believe what he said.

In addition to his brother knowing about him and Yu Sheng, the third brother knew that he was interested in Yu Sheng.

No one else knows.

"Damn, I really have women, even children."

When Feng Xi talked about children, he was particularly proud.

This time Gu Jue and Chu Baiqing ignored him again, and they didn't believe what he said.

"Really, look..." Feng Xi's cell phone showed them Yu Sheng's report.

Feng Xi will keep all the photos as a souvenir, and will make a photo album at that time.

"Yu Sheng..." Chu Baiqing saw Yu Sheng's name, and he knew it was Feng Xi's secretary.

"Yes, it's my secretary Yu Sheng. It's been a month and a half, I'm a father..."

When talking about children, Feng Xi didn't have any anger.

The tone and expression are as beautiful as they are.

"Fuck, you are so fast."

Either a woman, if there is one, there will be women and children.

"Just hit it once!"

Feng Xi smiled and said, thinking that the night he had with Yu Sheng, the only night, made his heart itch.

After Yu Sheng became pregnant, he couldn't do that completely. It was really irritable.

When the child is born, you must do enough to make up for yourself.

Feng Xi had completely forgotten what he said to Yu Sheng today.

"..." Gu Jue was speechless.

"..." Chu Baiqing was speechless.

"When do you plan to get married?" Chu Baiqing asked first, because he had a good impression of Yu Sheng, although he was not familiar with it.

"Does your brother know?" Gu Jue is actually more curious that Feng Yan knows if he knows. If he knows, why doesn't he publicize it.

"Don't mention marriage, that woman, I won't marry!"

When he talked about getting married, Feng Xi was annoyed again, thinking that he was rejected by Yu Sheng today, he felt guilty of heartache, and his anger accumulated.

Chu Baiqing and Gu Jue glanced at each other, and Gu Jue took the phone and sent a message to Feng Yan.

Fearing that Feng Yan didn't know about this, Feng Xi's temperament angered Yu Sheng again.

By that time, the daughter-in-law and children are gone.

"What's wrong, talk about it!" Chu Baiqing asked with a smile.

He naturally hoped that Feng Xi could marry a good woman and lead a happy life.

Although Feng Xi didn't lack anything, so many people loved him and petted him.

However, after all, he witnessed his mother's death in the fire.

That kind of childhood experience is his lifelong pain.

He needs a woman to love him and love him.

"I took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau today to register for marriage. In the end, she didn't...don't marry me."

When Feng Xi said this, the expression on his face just couldn't understand, he couldn't understand, why didn't Yu Sheng marry him.

Is he not good at Feng Xi?

How many women in Beicheng wanted to marry him, how old and cheap he picked up, and refused.

"You just started? Maybe love doesn't count, why do you think about getting married?"

Chu Baiqing is a delicate person, and he also understands Feng Xi's temperament to do whatever he wants and do whatever he wants.

And Yu Sheng had seen it once in Feng Xi's company. It wasn't the stunning beauty, but the tranquility that made people feel comfortable and transparent.

He is a rational and sensitive person, so he wouldn't marry Feng Xi so impulsively.

Besides, Feng Yan didn't think that Yu Sheng got pregnant after they fell in love.

Feng Xi said it was done once, and it was probably an uncontrollable accident.

Under such circumstances, perhaps changing to another woman, she would definitely marry Feng Xi and fly to the branch to become a phoenix, but Yu Sheng shouldn't. If she doesn't think about it, she won't trust her for life.

"Last night we quarreled because she was in a hurry to sell her house with money. I called Shi Nian and she said that Yu Sheng was insecure. Then I want to get married, so she can I feel safe. Who knows, they won’t marry me."

When Feng Xi thought of Yu Sheng selling the house, it was Du Xiaoyu and Gu Shaoting again, the fire in his heart became even stronger.

Gu Jue hadn't spoken all the time, and just sent a message there. After hearing Feng Xi's words, he raised his head and looked at their family Chu Baiqing.

Chu Baiqing gave him a look that "The Second Young Master is so selfish".

In the eyes of anyone, Feng Xi's act of registration is willful.

It is not a surprise and romance. After all, it is a major event in life, not only for him alone, not for him to make his own decisions, but also related to another woman's lifelong happiness.

"At least you should propose marriage, right? Yu Sheng said that he wants to marry you, and then you take her to register. It should be in this order."

Chu Baiqing slowed down, saying that he should understand Feng Xi.

"Our order was wrong at the beginning, and we still pay attention to so many things to do later."

Feng Xi and Yu Sheng had a child in one-night stand first, and then they were together.

It is not the normal order of love, marriage and childbirth, so he feels that direct registration is normal.

In fact, Chu Baiqing just said, "At least you should propose marriage, right? Yu Sheng said that you want to marry you, and you will take her to register."

At this time, Feng Xi also felt that he had forgotten the very important marriage proposal.

He remembered saying at that time that your brother hadn't proposed to me yet!

Do women care about this?

Feng Xi thinks it should be! After all, Yu Sheng and Shi Nian's temperament are quite similar, she is also a woman, and she should care about this.

"You are too disregard of the woman's feelings, it seems a bit difficult for others, let them promise you, take your own happiness irresponsibly, don't promise you, you say they don't know good or bad."

Gu Jue didn't remember Yu Sheng's name either, so he said "that woman"

He has been with Chu Baiqing these years, and he can open his mouth when he speaks to others.

Chu Baiqing gave Gu Jue a look of "progressive", and Gu Jue gave him a look of "then you don't see who I am".

"What you said seems to make sense..."

Feng Xi blinked, thinking it made sense.

Why didn't I think of this.

"Feng Xi, you have always been very selfish, and you rarely take into account the feelings of others. You have to change this. After all, being a husband and a father is not as simple as you think. Maybe you have never thought about it. !"

Chu Baiqing tried not to let her words be so blunt, but Feng Xi was able to understand the truth.

Feng Xi didn't speak this time. He thought that the decision he made today was indeed impulsive.

He wanted to give Yu Sheng a surprise. He also thought about how she was moved, and he would definitely fall in love with him and couldn't help himself.

But he did not expect to consider things from her perspective.

Feng Xi thought, he should really think about it.

Yu Sheng received a call from Yu Ye just after dinner.

"Sister, have you had dinner?" Yu Ye asked sweetly.

"I've eaten it, how about you?" Yu Sheng didn't eat much for dinner and had a bad appetite.

The doctor also said that her pregnancy reaction was a bit big.

The victim is in the back, Yu Sheng touched his stomach, thinking that you don't want to toss people like your father.

"I've eaten it too, sister..." Yu Ye stopped talking after calling out to sister.

"Is there something you want to tell me?" Yu Sheng can usually guess at this time, and Yu Ye must have something to find her.

"That elder sister, I called my brother yesterday and accidentally said that you have a boyfriend. Mom was worried, and asked him to come and have a look, fearing you would be cheated."

Yu Ye said in a low voice, but didn't notice that he was talking about "my brother" instead of "my brother"

Yu Sheng is actually used to it, and she doesn't care. Perhaps in Yu Ye's heart, she and Yu Qiang are brothers and sisters.

However, for Yu Qianglai, she is very disgusted.

"Sister, brother has no place to live, let him live in your house, it costs money to live in a hotel."

Seeing that Yu Sheng hadn't spoken, Yu Ye said again.

"My house is sold, the money for our hospitalization, and your tuition fees are all money for selling the house."

This is the first time Yu Sheng and Yu Ye mentioned her tuition.

"Why did she sell the house, Yu Sheng, who asked you to sell the house, then where do I live? And where do you live now? Did you live in your boyfriend's house? Tell me the address, and I will live there too , I'm hungry, you can make me something to eat."

Yu Qiang's angry voice came over the phone.

"I rent a house, there is no place for you to live." Yu Sheng said calmly.

"Brother-in-law drove for the big boss. There should be a house." Yu Ye said quickly.

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