The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1523: I'll live up to you for the rest of my life-stinky beggars, stay away

After Yu Sheng heard what Yu Ye said, he felt a headache. It was just a cold ice, and Yu Qiang ran over to stay away.

Obviously, this was definitely not what her adoptive mother meant, but his adoptive father and Yu Qiang said that he came.

If they were to know Feng Xi's worth and background, it is estimated that his adoptive father would also come over and would not leave.

When she was more than ten years old, she heard that her adoptive father and others drank too much and said, "If someone marries Yu Sheng, a gift must be given in place. It must not be less, and it cannot be raised in vain."

If they knew that Feng Xi had money, then they might not know how much it would cost.

Yu Sheng thinks that the money she has spent on the family in these years is enough to repay the nurturing grace of these years.

However, some things cannot be measured in this way. After all, the grace of adoption and upbringing did not let her starve to death on the street, and now how much money should be paid in return.

It's just that Yu Sheng can give them the money, but you can't let them control Feng Xi's needs.

Because Yu Sheng knows that this is a bottomless, greedy person, he will not be satisfied with how much you give him, and will never be satisfied.

"You can find a hotel. I will give you money when the time comes. I will ask for a leave tomorrow afternoon. Let's meet at the restaurant near Xiaoye school, and Xiaoye will come over too!"

Yu Sheng hung up after speaking and buried his face in his knees, feeling very tired.

Yu Qiang, who was hung up over there, was furious.

"Brother, sister won't really sell the house, right?" Yu Ye asked Yu Qiang nervously.

You know how enviable it is to have your own house in Beicheng.

She also thought about finishing school and moved directly to her sister.

"How could she really sell the house? That's her life. She works in such a big company and earns a lot of money. If she doesn't tell us the truth, she must have saved a lot of money and keep an eye on us. !"

Yu Qiang took a hard cigarette, staring at his phone screen, still playing games.

Yu Ye glanced at him, "Stop playing, think of a way, if she gets married, maybe it doesn't matter to us, I still think if she gets married, her house will be mine, who knows She says the house is sold now. What should I do? I told my classmates that my family has bought me a house in Beicheng, and I will have no house after graduation. What a joke!"

Yu Ye stomped straight.

"Xiaoye, then we decided to prevent her from marrying and stay in our Yu's house for the rest of our lives, so that everything about her will be ours."

Yu Qiang even put down his phone at this time, his eyes full of greed and wretchedness.

"How is this possible?" Yu Yebai gave Yu Qiang a glance. The brother-in-law looked good, and Yu Sheng couldn't help but marry.

"How impossible, you help me... Let's do this!" Yu Qiang said in Yu Ye's ear.

Yu Ye's mouth opened up after hearing this, "Is this... OK? What if my mother knows?"

"By then, everything is a foregone conclusion, and we will definitely be happy to fulfill us." Yu Qiang thinks about it, the more it feels better.

He said that one day he would get the woman Yu Sheng.

Next day

Yu Sheng went to work as usual, but Feng Xi did not go, but Jiang Yu came, following her like a little tail.

It didn't hinder her, and Yu Sheng didn't say anything.

Not long this morning, the gossiping people began to tell Jiang Yu was chasing Yu Sheng.

He also said that Song Feng, the head of personnel, has a rival.

Even more boring people actually bet on whether Jiang Yu can catch Yu Sheng or Song Fengneng.

These people thought that Yu Sheng didn't know about these things.

In fact, Yu Sheng would most look at the expressions of others when they see her, and can tell at a glance whether there is anything wrong.

Yu Sheng glared at Jiang Yu, but he blinked innocently.

Yu Sheng also knew that Jiang Yu followed her, it was Feng Xi's meaning.

After Du Xiaoyu's affairs, Yu Sheng actually had lingering fears.

Gu Qiwen had to guard, the woman seemed crazy.

Before the lunch break, Yu Sheng explained the afternoon work and told Jiang Yu that she was going to see her sister and elder brother, so she didn't come in the afternoon.

"Then I will protect it secretly! Sister Yu, you have to know that if something goes wrong with you, the young master has to chop me into meat sauce."

Yu Sheng didn't want to embarrass Jiangyu either, and smiled and said hello.

Feng Xi didn't come today, and Yu Sheng was quite curious about what he was doing.

But I didn't expect that ice would come.

"Young lady, please, young master!"

Han Bing said respectfully to Yu Sheng.

"Sorry, Han Bing, I can't go with you, I have an appointment with my elder brother and sister, and I will pass now."

Yu Sheng had actually expected Feng Yan to find her.

I have to say that Feng Xi is really a fate, with a good brother like Feng Yan.

Not only this brother, but also Mr. Li and the others, all love him alone.

Han Bing glanced at Jiang Yu, who gave him a look of "that's what happened".

"Jiang Yu, you go back! I'll accompany the young lady."

Feng Yan had investigated Yu Sheng's family situation, and Han Bing knew about her unlearned eldest brother.

Therefore, since he is Yu Sheng's "boyfriend", it should be more convenient for him to follow.

His task is to take Yu Sheng to see the young master.

"Don't bother you, Hanbing, Jiang Yu will just follow it secretly."

Yu Sheng could see that Hanbing actually wanted to help her, but she didn't want Hanbing to see Yu Qiang's face.

I don't want Yu Qiang to make some unreasonable demands when seeing Hanbing.

"That's right, Brother Han, I'll just follow. After all, is this our young grandmother? Brother Han is grabbing a job!"

Jiang Yu scratched his head. He was brought out by Han Bing's men, and he was used to having trouble with Han Bing.

"Let me follow! Otherwise, there is a problem. I can't explain to the young master. I understand the situation in your family, young grandma, so there is no need to worry!"

The last time I saw Yu Sheng’s sister, Han Bing had no good impression.

Looking at this woman from a man's point of view, she is a vain vain woman, and Yu Sheng is in the same heaven and on the ground, completely incomparable.

Besides, Yu Qiang, it is said that he has never been to work, and plays games at home all day long. No, to be exact, it is Yu Sheng who feeds such a family.

"Then trouble you, Hanbing!"

Yu Sheng felt very warm in his heart, and this kind of warmth was not felt in Yu's house over the years.

Because that is the real total inner worry, or love you as a person.

"Then what should I do? If the young master knows that I'm not following, he will eat me."

Jiang Yusheng was afraid that Hanbing and Yu Sheng would leave him behind.

"You still follow in the dark!" Yu Sheng smiled.

In fact, she wanted to say that Feng Xi would not eat you.

Since when, the name Feng Xi will always be on her lips.

This person would appear in her heart from time to time, and her heart would tremble at the thought.

Yu Sheng brought Han Bing, the "boyfriend" and Jiang Yu, to see Yu Qiang and Yu Ye.

Feng Xi designed the baby room by himself at home.

In fact, Feng Xi just didn't want to do things on his own. One was tired and the other was afraid of trouble.

As if he had never thought that he could cook before, he did it and found out that his cooking skills were so good.

Now that he designs the baby room himself, he feels like a genius.

The pink and tender baby room is really beautiful.

He thought Yu Sheng would like it very much too.

Thinking of Yu Sheng, Feng Xi called Jiang Yu.

I want to ask if my wife has lunch.

"Master, grandma is having lunch!"

Jiang Yu sat in the car and looked at the few people eating in the restaurant. He really didn't like Sister Yu's brother and sister.

"What are you eating? Don't let her eat anything that is not nutritious. If it doesn't work, just ask Xiao Jiangnan to deliver food."

Feng Xi looked at the computer screen, thinking about what kind of bed he wanted to put in his daughter's room.

Now that Yu Sheng is a boy or a girl, I don't even know.

However, Feng Xi thought it was a girl.

"How can Sister Yu eat Xiaojiangnan? That takeaway meal cost her one month's salary, and others will gossip."

The young master is ignorant of human suffering. In his case, eating Xiaojiangnan is no different from eating a bowl of beef noodles.

"Without spending her money...Fuck, Jiang Yu, you transfer all the property under my name to my wife's name!"

Feng Xi actually wanted to do this a long time ago.

"Young Master..." Jiang Yu directly hit his head on the glass of the car. Young Master's temperament to do whatever he wants, when can he get rid of it?

"Hurry up and let her support me in the future, and the company will also take care of her. Isn't she willing to go to work? I will take care of the children at home!"

The more Feng Xi thought about it, the more he felt that this decision was simply too correct.

"Master..." Jiang Yu really wanted to say, "Master, can we not be so headstrong!"

"That's it. You haven't said what my wife ate for lunch?"

Speaking of eating, Feng Xi actually felt hungry.

"Dine with your sister-in-law and sister-in-law!" Jiang Yu continued to hit the glass, how could he not be a woman.

If it's a woman, he will definitely take down the young master. This is no need to struggle in this life. Everything is his.

"Why don't you call me?" Feng Xi heard that it was the elder brother and the sister-in-law, this was her family.

How can you not call him?

"Master, it's not that you told Sister Yu to leave and don't come back. You are now in a cold war, no, to be precise, you are already breaking up..."

Jiang Yu wanted to splash the cold water of their young master at this time.

"Go away, I want her to be quiet, to take care of the pregnant woman's mood, and not to be familiar with her."

Feng Xi kept finding things to do for himself, just to make himself hold back not to look for Yu Sheng.

He has to hone his xinxing, otherwise he will lose his temper with Yu Sheng.

"You said I want to go over and have a meal with them?"

Feng Xi asked again immediately.

"No more, your eldest brother and sister-in-law, they are disgusting and greedy at first sight!"

Jiang Yu could tell a general idea at a glance, and he really felt worthless for Sister Yu, how could there be such a family.

"Damn, then I have to go even more, isn't this bullying my wife!"

Feng Xi's side became angry as soon as he heard it.

He knew something about Yu Sheng's family, but only knew that she was adopted.

However, it is not clear how the people over there treat her.

He has never cared about these things.

"Master, no need..." Jiang Yu thought. If Master came, it is estimated that the brothers and sisters would hold the young master's thigh.

You can tell from their attitude towards Brother Han, it's too material.

There was greed in both eyes.

"Address!" Feng Xi immediately forgot that he wanted to let it go, and they both calmly decided.

Jiang Yu had to give Feng Xi the address, "Master, you're wearing rags, don't get dressed."

Finally Jiang Yu suddenly said such a sentence.

Feng Xi was stunned for a few seconds, "Well, that's a good idea. I can't let them know that I have money. It will be too annoying to flatter me by then."

Jiang Yu is speechless, so you think so, Master...

Taste Cafe

Yu Sheng held the water cup in both hands and turned it slowly, "My house has really been sold, and now I am renting a house."

Yu Sheng did not say that the house she rented is still the place where she rented it.

Yu Ye knew there, and she was worried that she would take Yu Qiang over.

This time Yu Qiang came and said that he wanted to find a job in Beicheng, not their small place.

However, Yu Sheng knew too well that Yu Qiang couldn't do anything. He had never done a job.

He's in his 30s. He can do nothing but play games all day long. What can he do...

"Shengsheng, selling a house is such a big thing, don't you tell your family, do you still have us in your heart?"

Yu Qiang was obviously annoyed that Yu Sheng had sold the house, and he didn't even care about Hanbing's presence.

"That's right, sister, you said that you are selling the house such a big thing, you don't tell our parents..."

Naturally, Yu Ye was also depressed. It turned out that he really sold the house.

"I didn't tell you when I bought the house. You didn't have any complaints, did you, Xiaoye, your sister is a little uncomfortable when you talk like this. Mom was lying in the hospital for surgery. Brother, did you have that penny? I don't sell it. House, do you want mom to wait for death?"

Yu Sheng didn't expect Yu Qiang and Yu Ye to care about her house so much.

They feel sorry for that house, not because it was bought by Yu Shengdou.

What they feel distressed is that they regard this house as theirs.

Yu Sheng was really glad that the house was sold.

Let them die this heart that occupies their house.

Yu Sheng thought, she was tired, and she really didn't want to care about them in the future.

If her adoptive mother gets sick or other, she will take care of it, after all, she is the one who pulled her up.

This kindness, she will still die, but other people, she has been regarded as benevolent.

"Yu Sheng, how can you say that, these years, if you are not at home, I have been taking care of your parents. You also know that my mom is not in good health. I didn't go to work. I have been taking care of her. I work hard and have money. All the money is our parents, right?"

What Yu Qiang said was that if those who didn't know his personality would definitely think that Yu Sheng was so ignorant.

Yu Qiang's words made Yu Ye look at him unbelievably, and his sister thought he was a bit too exaggerated.

Han Bing's face darkened as he listened. He knew the situation of Yu Sheng's adoptive parents' home, but he didn't know that Yu Sheng's situation turned out to be like this.

This family is insatiable and despicable.

How could there be such a shameless man in the world, who has the ability to reverse right and wrong, and some long-tongue women who curse the street are inferior to him.

"Yes, sister, they are all a family, isn't it? Besides, brother-in-law is still there!"

Yu Ye said coquettishly to Yu Sheng who was sitting opposite.

Yu Ye is very good at acting like a baby, but Yu Sheng used to think little girls are so cute.

However, she now feels a little disgusted without knowing why.

I don't know if it has something to do with pregnancy. It's emotional.

When seated, Yu Ye wanted to sit next to Hanbing, but Hanbing threw his clothes on the chair.

"Yes, that is, Mr. Han is still there, let's say something else, say something else, don't let him laugh!"

Yu Qiang has always called Hanbing "Mr. Han"

Neither Han Bing nor Yu Ye explained, because they both felt unnecessary.

Yu Qiang knew that the car that Hanbing drove was five or six million yuan. Therefore, even if Hanbing was a driver who drove, he would definitely earn a lot of salary in one month.

Yu Qiang actually wanted to talk to Han Bing if he could lend him the car to drive. He came to Beicheng this time to meet some classmates.

It just so happens that he can install it, so he is trying his best to please Hanbing.

"Mr. Han, um, does your car have a good view?" Yu Qiang's eyes kept looking at the car parked on the roadside.

"It's okay!" Han Bing just responded indifferently, he didn't really want to talk to people like Yu Qiang.

He really embarrassed men like this.

"That, can I try it?" Yu Qiang rubbed his hands, his palms were sticky and sweaty.

"Brother, that's Boss Hanbing's car!"

Before Han Bing could speak, Yu Sheng replied coldly.

"My brother has a driver's license and can drive. Isn't it a brother-in-law?" Yu Ye actually wanted to ride in that car.

This was not the one that Hanbing drove last time.

This kind of powerful off-road vehicle must be very cool to ride on.

If you drive this car to school, your classmates will definitely envy her.

Last time she took photos of eating in Xiaojiangnan. They all said that her boyfriend was so rich and took her to eat there.

Yu Ye wanted Hanbing to be her boyfriend, so wouldn't she be able to eat as long as she wants to eat Xiao Jiangnan, and ride in a luxury car...

When Feng Xi walked in, he heard Yu Yewen Hanbing's words, his name was brother-in-law...

Feng Xi stood behind Yu Sheng and Han Bing, watching them sit side by side, what's the situation?

There are four people at the table, so the older brother-in-law and younger sister-in-law should sit opposite.

But my sister-in-law is Hanbing's brother-in-law? This is interesting...

Jiang Yu didn't say that Han Bing was there, and Jiang Yu didn't know that Han Bing was Yu Sheng's "boyfriend."

"This matter is up to your sister!" Han Bing said at this time. He wouldn't lend a car to Yu Qiang, but if he refused directly, he was afraid that it would be difficult for Yu Sheng to do it.

At this moment, Yu Qiang saw Yu Sheng and Feng Xi standing behind Han Bing. The torn clothes and messy hair looked like a beggar. Isn't this an eye-catcher.

"I said the stinky beggar, get away!"

Yu Qiang yelled at Feng Xi, pointing his nose, that posture was like how noble and status he was.

Feng Xi looked behind him, and then to the left and right. There was no one. Is this cursing him?

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