The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1524: I will live up to you for the rest of my life-miss you, wife! (Ten more complete)

"What about you, is there anyone in this house poorer than you? Get out."

Yu Qiang looked at Feng Xi's "silly harp" and thought he had a problem with his brain.

"You have more money than me?"

Feng Xi asked with a smile, that smile was almost indistinguishable from the devil.


When Yu Sheng and Han Bing heard this voice, they immediately turned their heads.

Yu Sheng smiled when he saw the clothes Feng Xi was wearing. What is this?

Where did Feng Xi look for the torn clothes to wear, cut off his t-shirt, and dyed his white pants with juice. He felt that it was not good, and he rolled on the grass twice.

The hair was messed up again, just like this, he felt quite satisfied.

How would you be called a beggar?

Han Bing was about to get up, but was stopped by Feng Xi's eyes.

I had to sit down honestly, thinking that the second youngest heard the brother-in-law, right?

"It must be richer than you, that's it, brother-in-law, drive this man away! How can I stand here to eat!"

Yu Ye said this to Han Bing, and his tone was full of coquetry.

Han Bing did not speak, but Yu Sheng opened his mouth, "Xiaoye, eat your meal."

Yu Sheng had never noticed a force like Yu Ye before. If Feng Xi usually wears this place, Yu Ye would definitely scream.

Because Feng Xi's handsomeness would really make all women crazy for him.

"Sister, how does he eat here!" Yu Ye mumbled dissatisfied.

"Why can't I eat here?" Feng Xi pulled a chair and sat directly beside Yu Sheng, very close.

When Feng Xi spoke, his voice was cold, but his eyes were very cute and cute.

"You, dare to sit here and see if I won't kill you."

Yu Qiang is always vigorous and eager to win. This will be the time to show his ability.

Yu Qiang has loved fighting since he was a child, bullying children who are afraid of him.

Yu Qiang rushed towards Feng Xi and came over, while Han Bing blocked her in front of her more quickly.

The Second Young Master cannot fight, it must be protected.

"Yu Qiang, sit down!" No matter what happened to Yu Qiang before, Yu Sheng still called him brother, but this time Yu Sheng would call his name coldly.

The Yu family’s affection is nothing more than that.

"Sister, how can you talk to my brother like this because of an outsider, he's so shameless like you, brother-in-law is here."

Yu Ye always emphasized, "Brother-in-law is here!"

Always stressing that the ice is there, Yu Sheng speaks like this regardless of the occasion.

Just want to highlight how sensible and considerate I am.

It was so obvious that Yu Ye wanted to seduce Hanbing.

Yu Sheng wanted to ask Feng Xi if he wanted to eat.

Thinking that he would definitely not eat, he didn't even move his chopsticks.

Feng Xi gave her a look of disgust.

Feng Xi held Yu Sheng's hand tightly, making her unable to break free.

Because it was under the table, Yu Qiang and Yu Ye did not see Feng Xi holding Yu Ye's hand.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing?" Yu Qiang was still blocked by Han Bing, with an embarrassment on his face.

Yu Ye looked at Feng Xi who was sitting next to Yu Sheng with a dazed expression. Who is this?

"Are you sure you are richer than me?" Feng Xi asked with a smile without even looking at Yu Ye and Yu Qiang.

"Of course he is richer than you, a beggar!"

How could Yu Qiang said angrily.

"I planned to meet for the first time and give you a meeting gift of millions. Since you are all richer than me, I can't look down on my stinky beggar."

Feng Xi said with a sneer.

"I think you are mentally upset, right?" Yu Ye sneered, just hearing a joke.

"Brother-in-law, don't stop me, hurry out of this mental illness. If he is rich, I will still be the richest man in the world."

Yu Qiang was also made fun of by Feng Xi's words, Beicheng was really a big city, and beggars were so rampant.

Yu Sheng felt the heat in his palm, which was passed to her by Feng Xi.

At this moment, holding her hand, she actually felt peace of mind that she had never had before, and she was really warm and calm in her heart.

Don't panic, don't worry, she used to have nothing to rely on, she was alone at all times, just so hopeful and desperate, so drifting.

At this time, she felt that she had a shoulder to rely on.

Feeling at ease.

"What are you going to do to our second youngest?"

Hanbing finally felt a headache, these ignorant people.

"Second Young Master?" Yu Qiang looked at Feng Xi in a daze.

Naturally, Yu Ye knew what the second young master meant. This man in tattered clothes was the young master?

"Sister, who is he?" Yu Ye asked, looking at the opposite Yu Sheng in a low voice.

"My BOSS!" In normal times, Yu Sheng would choose not to speak.

However, she wanted Yu Ye to have a lesson not to judge people by their appearance in the future.

How could it be like this at a young age.

"Ah..." Yu Ye was completely stunned.

Feng Xi, the big boss of the Feng Family Consortium...

"Why do you dress like this..." Yu Ye still couldn't believe his eyes.

"Why don't they look good at the latest fashion week?" Feng Xi asked with his harmless smile.

"Okay... it looks good, Feng, I'm sorry, I was joking with you just now..."

Yu Ye stood up immediately, bowed and apologized to Feng Xi, meeting with millions...

"Brother, quickly apologize, this is President Feng, the big boss of the Feng family consortium."

Yu Ye said while pulling the silly Yu Qiang aside.

"Oh, Mr. Feng, I just misunderstood the misunderstanding. It's because I look down on people, but I don't know Taishan. You have a lot of people, don't be like me, my mouth is so cheap..."

As soon as Yu Qiang heard that Feng Xi was the big boss, his attitude immediately changed. He was quite rich.

What did you say? Isn't it a meeting gift, can you still give it?


Yu Qiang kept pulling his own mouth when he said it. Although it was not strong, it looked painful.

It slapped.

"I am never kidding, since you are richer than me, you naturally look down on my millions."

It was the first time Feng Xi had seen Yu Qiang and Yu Ye change their faces so quickly.

And there is no sense of tweaking, as if they were born like this.

"Don't, Mr. Feng, we are all poor. How can you have money? It's all misunderstandings and misunderstandings. Shengsheng, you say something..."

When Yu Qiang heard the words millions of dollars again, his whole body seemed to have been electrified.

Excited, it's not enough for him to spend millions in this life.

"Yes, sister, you speak, brother-in-law, you also help to speak..."

Only then did Yu Ye understand that her brother-in-law drove for Mr. Feng. He and Yu Sheng belong to the same company, so they finally got together.

Those luxury cars belonged to Feng Xi, if they could hook him, wouldn't it be a phoenix flying on a branch?

Yu Ye is pretty long, but that kind of beauty still looks good at the first glance, but the more tacky it seems to be.

When Feng Xi saw Yu Ye, he was also taken aback, because he looked so much like someone he knew.

But when I look at it again, I think it's tacky, especially her look of vain and vanity, which is really annoying.

A brother-in-law called Han Bing, although he didn't know what was going on with this brother-in-law.

However, if he wants to call him brother-in-law, he must be vomiting.

"Second Young Master, you have always been serious about speaking. Next time you stop talking, there will be millions!"

Naturally, Han Bing knew that their second master would not give them millions, just to vomit to death.

Hanbing knew, Yu Sheng naturally knew.

She wouldn't have the feeling that her family's face was embarrassing to her, and today's incident can be regarded as giving Yu Sheng a new understanding of Yu Ye.

The little girl who used to be a little wayward has now become like this.

As her adoptive mother said, "The roots are there, inherited, unchangeable,"

It is also good for them to be taught a lesson, so that they will not judge others by their appearances, or use Yu Qiang's words.

Just don't look down on people...

"Shengsheng, what do you say!" Yu Qiang felt regretful when he heard millions more from Hanbing's mouth for the third time.

Fortunately, he is young, and his heart can still bear the burden. If he were to change to an older one, it is estimated that he would have vomited to death.

"That's right, sister, just say something!" Yu Ye was also anxious, with millions of dollars, and she wouldn't have to dare to take care of this job of serving people in the future.

"President Feng, I'm sorry to make you laugh, my family will not benefit from your employee's family benefits!"

Yu Sheng directly gave Yu Qiang and Yu Ye a fatal blow!

What an employee’s family benefit...

"My other half has also enjoyed such employee family benefits, 6.66 million, how much we give, it depends entirely on the mood of our two youngsters!"

Han Bing once again made a magic knife.

When he and Mo Chen were together, the Second Young Master gave 6.66 million, which was a bet that he lost to Han Bing.

At that time, Feng Xi said, betting that the ice can't break the bend and not sink. As a result, he lost terribly.

Yu Ye and Yu Qiang widened their eyes at 6.66 million, so many, wouldn't they be more than 10 million.

In the eyes of the rich, more than ten million is actually the same as the one hundred dollars of their poor.

It's almost regrettable...

Feng Xi looked at Yu Sheng who would cooperate with him, and his mood was really not too good.

"I'm in a bad mood, leave!" When Feng Xi stood up, he let go of Yu Sheng's hand.

I thought, Yu Sheng probably didn't want her brother and sister to know their relationship.

Feng Xi could now understand Yu Sheng's temper.

Such brothers and sisters would not be willing to let them know if they changed to him.

Now his identity is Yu Sheng's boss. They all have this face. If you know it is her future husband, you can't think about what kind of attitude it will be.

"President Feng, President Feng, don't leave..."

Yu Qiang stepped forward to pull Fengxi, but was stopped by the ice.

Yu Sheng turned around and said, "Xiaoye, many college students nowadays work-study programs. When I was in school, I also earned living expenses and tuition. Sister believes you, too. You and your eldest brother just offended us. I don’t think my job can be kept anymore, you will be responsible for your expenses in the future!"

Yu Sheng said this very lightly, as if he was saying that you should study hard when you go back.

"Also, if you don't have a job, I don't care about the living expenses at home. Brother, you are not looking for a job, then you are responsible! I will go home to take care of my parents, and I will contribute your money!"

After saying this, Yu Sheng didn't care about Yu Ye and Yu Qiang's surprised and shocked expressions, turned around and left.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..." Yu Qiang directly grabbed Han Bing's hand.

"Brother-in-law, my sister doesn't care about me, what should I do? Brother-in-law, you won't care about me, will you?"

Yu Ye also grabbed Han Bing's hand directly, almost close to his arms.

Almost crying, said a little.

"I will be fired too, thanks to you!"

Han Bing pushed these two people away immediately. After all, they were kung fu, and they worked very cleverly.

Han Bing thought it would be best to vomit you to death...

Yu Ye and Yu Qiang still have to catch up. After all, it is about millions of dollars, as well as living expenses and tuition. How can they just let them go.

However, he was stopped by the owner and waiter of the restaurant, "You bought the order, the total is 480!"

Yu Qiang and Yu Ye thought it was a cold treat. They were all expensive. Although it was a small restaurant, the price was not cheap.

This will be dumbfounded...

Not only did you lose millions and living expenses, but you have to pay again...

Jiang Yu drove the car and Hanbing sat in the co-pilot.

Yu Sheng and Feng Xi sat in the back.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi's outfit, and smiled uncontrollably.

Jiang Yu thought, Sister Yu, what a good plan we have said!

You don’t want to forgive the young master now! Don't, I still want to see the young master being crushed and abused!

To soothe my torn heart.

"Laugh again, good-looking!" Feng Xi seldom saw Yu Sheng smile like this. Everyone could see his teeth.

"Good clothes are ruined by you."

Feng Xi's clothes are not cheap, a shirt costs tens of thousands, and such a compassionate shirt costs 20,000 to 30,000.

Just cut...

"You can smile, they are worth the death!"

Feng Xi really liked Yu Sheng's smile, which was as sweet as the candy that he ate when he was a child.

Yu Sheng didn't speak any more, Feng Xi raised her chin with one hand, "Let's show her husband one more smile, miss you, wife!"

It's just that I haven't seen it all day and night, Feng Xi really misses Yu Sheng.

If I can't sleep at night, I feel that there is no Yu Sheng around, and it's not cold.

The most important thing is that my heart is empty, and that feeling spreads my thoughts on the apex of my heart.

Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi. In his beautiful eyes, she saw the affectionate, so infatuated love...

Yu Sheng closed his eyes slightly, and such a simple inviting gesture made Feng Xi excited. Could this be Xiaobiesheng's newly married?

Putting on Yu Sheng's lips, with temptation, I saw that she did not resist.

Feng Xi directly grabbed the back of her head and kissed it domineeringly.

It's like someone who has been separated for a long time, gathering all the thoughts on this kiss.

Yu Sheng put his arm around Feng Xi's neck. To be honest, she felt uncomfortable.

Although she also followed Feng Xi to teach Yu Qiang and Yu Ye a lesson.

However, it would be uncomfortable in my heart. It was her family for more than 20 years, thinking about her house, clinging to her like a blood-sucking bug, and wishing to drain all the blood in her body and live a nourishing life.

So the face of greed for power and money really made her feel ashamed.

However, Feng Xi didn't care, and didn't have any thoughts or opinions about her because she had such a family.

Especially in the restaurant, when he got up, he let go of her hand.

At that moment, there was a feeling in Yu Sheng's heart that Feng Xi changed.

He will think about others, he is no longer self-centered.

He knew what she was thinking and taking care of.

Just now Feng Xi said, "Let's show her husband one more laugh, miss you, wife!"

Yu Sheng's heart melted and missed you...

This is the first time that Yu Sheng actively entangled Feng Xi's tongue to play.

Such an action made Feng Xi very happy, as if he had received a reward.

Jiang Yu was still taking a peek in the rearview mirror, while Hanbing directly pressed the button, isolating the front and back.

Jiang Yu hasn't watched enough yet, he licks his lips and wants to say, "Brother Han, you don't know if you are hungry, you have a man, I'm a bachelor!"

But Jiang Yu would only think about this in his heart, and dare not say it.

Close the door

This is the first time that Yu Sheng has come to the legendary gate, in this mysterious and fearful place in Beicheng.

Feng Yan saw Feng Xi walk in holding Yu Sheng's hand, and then looked at Feng Xi's tattered clothes and what was his head? Chicken coop?

Is this reconciled?

"Are you fighting with someone?" Feng Yan asked.

"This is the latest fashion from Fashion Week, is it good-looking?" Feng Xi asked happily.

Now his heart was so beautiful, he thought he would have to endure a few days of lovesickness, but he didn't expect that his wife would forgive him so soon.

"Just like you, I am Yu Sheng and don't want you!" Feng Yan looked disgusted, and sighed again, how could this man be his younger brother.

"Our Yu Sheng won't want me!" Feng Xi glared at his brother.

"That's not necessarily!" Yu Sheng said softly.

"Yu Sheng, dare you not want me!" Feng Xi was angry again, and it is strange to say that if he is not angry.

"Why don't I dare, now your movable and real estate are all mine, what do I want you to do!"

In the car just now, Feng Xi told him that all his things are now hers.

Yu Sheng only feels a headache, how can I pass by her name?

" won't!" Feng Xi embraced Yu Sheng's waist and started acting like a baby again...

"Look, if you throw something again and yell at me again, will I?"

Yu Sheng suddenly thought that this is a good way to control Xi Feng.

"Well, Jiang Yu, the company still leaves me, I go to work, not at home to look after children!"

Feng Xi hurriedly said to Jiang Yu, if he completely became a housewife, he would not be crushed by his wife every minute.

"Sorry, Master, everything is done, now you are all light!"

Jiang Yu was actually joking, how could it be so fast that so many things have to be transferred, he has not done it yet.

"How can you handle this thing so quickly? It's usually slow like a snail!" Feng Xi wanted to growl.

"Why, do you regret this?" Yu Sheng squeezed Feng Xi's side waist and asked with a smile.

"How can you regret it, wife, you have accepted all of my things, so take me together! When you go to bed, I will make you comfortable, and I promise you will say you want to, when you get out of bed, I will make you comfortable. I'm all inclusive for laundry, cooking and kids!"

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