The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1533: The rest of your life will live up to you-Shen Zhou, He Tingchen's man, how much

"Well, it's all fine, I will tell Brother Rao to them that you are awake so you don't worry."

Feng Yan also saw the dark shadow. After looking at Feng Xi, he nodded and walked out.

Feng Xi frowned slightly, he should not be wrong.

"In those years, you accompany her, I will wash my face!" Feng Xi also got up, he wanted to be with Yu Sheng, but the matter still has to be dealt with.

This time, he will do it himself and don't want his brothers to deal with it.

Even if these people apologize for death, it is not a pity, because they not only hurt him and Yu Sheng's children, but also hurt Yu Sheng, so these people deserve to die.

She smiled and nodded, she actually wanted to talk to Yu Sheng alone.

Yu Sheng actually wanted Feng Xineng to go out and stay for a while, but she couldn't see him crying, and she felt even more uncomfortable.

But I think it's better now than before.

No matter how sad, life will always go on, she and Feng Xi still have a long way to go.

They will have children in the future, many children.

There are some things that can't be forced, maybe this child is not destined with them, he will come back when the fate arrives, Yu Sheng believes that he will come back.

"Xiaoyuezi can't cry either. I will have bad eyes later."

At that time, I bought Yu Sheng a warm wet towel and wiped her face.

Everyone felt heavy on this day, because Feng Xi was the youngest.

It is also the biggest headache for everyone. Now I finally have a woman who loves and also have a child. This accident happened when everyone relaxed and looked forward to the birth of the child.

Apart from the anger, everyone feels more distressed for Yu Sheng and Feng Xi, especially Yu Sheng, being treated like this by his adoptive mother and family is really chilling.

"Sister-in-law, I just feel sorry for Feng Xi, he looks forward to children so much... He likes children so much."

After Yu Sheng woke up, she didn't dare to touch Feng Xi's eyes, because she was afraid of seeing the emotions that made her feel uncomfortable there.

The family’s princess room has been renovated, and Feng Xi has personally participated in the design and production of many things.

Carrying all his fatherly love and expectations, he is looking forward to the birth of his child every day.

He even thought about when he would crawl, stand and walk, every day the child would...

He said that his daughter must be raised in a humble manner and spoiled her as the happiest little princess, but he was worried that he would pet her too well. In the future, there will be no man in the world who can match his pet, so how can he rest assured to marry his daughter? Get out.

Even Feng Xi had thought about it, but now all of this has gone into nothing, and the children are gone...

The greater the expectation, the greater the disappointment, and Yu Sheng understands this deeply.

Therefore, she couldn't face Feng Xi.

Just when Feng Xi walked out, Shi Nian also noticed the moment when Yu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fools, you are now a husband and wife. How can you say that you are sorry? You both feel that it is your own responsibility. You are ashamed of each other, and then cannot face it. What is the difference between you and living with a mask? It hurts."

Back then, she was a sympathetic person. She and Feng Yan had experienced all kinds of things at the beginning, all kinds of hardships and twists, and now think about it, it was what they experienced at that time that made their current relationship so good.

So sometimes experiencing a difficult environment is not necessarily a bad thing. He will bring each other's hearts closer.

"Shengsheng, don't feel sad, sad for those irrelevant people, it's all injustice to yourself, we should all be thankful that we met a good man."

Now there are too many men who don't know how to pity, this is a normal state of human nature.

Therefore, the more they can love their men, this is a kind of luck.

On the contrary, it is a blessing for men to meet them.

That's why they should be the happiest, and shouldn't be affected by unimportant people and things.

Yu Sheng nodded, this is indeed, they did meet a good man.

When dealing with Feng Xi's messy things when he was not with Feng Xi, Yu Sheng had thought about the most promiscuous man in the world.

But he did not expect that one day he would say that he is the best man in the world.

"Sister-in-law, is the child... a boy or a girl?"

Yu Sheng did not dare to ask Feng Xi this question.

Holding Yu Sheng's hand for years, he felt the coldness of it, "Boy."

Then he told Yu Sheng dumbly.

Yu Sheng closed his eyes slightly, boy...

Yu Qiang is dead...

This is a surprise to everyone, and it was Yu Mu who killed Yu Qiang...

She pushed Yu Qiang down from the window, as hard as she pushed Yu Sheng.

When Feng Yan and Feng Xi came to Yu Ye's ward, Yu's mother had already been knocked to the ground by Yu's father. When they entered, Yu's father was still kicking Yu's mother who was lying on the ground.

With a look at Feng Xi, Jiang Yu went over and pulled Yu's father away.

"I killed you, you crazy woman, you dare to kill my son... I killed you..."

Father Yu's eyes are red, and the Yu family is just like Yu Qiang. Now it is dead. The Yu family is broken, how can he keep Yu's mother alive.

Originally hating her for ruining his life and wealth, and now letting them die, this woman is not enough to kill her 10,000 times.

Mother Yu didn't say a word, she was still looking at Yu Ye, who was already paralyzed on the ground in fright.

There was a panic in her eyes. She did not expect that her mother, who was always weak, would push her brother downstairs, so she didn't hesitate...

It took everyone by surprise, like it had pushed Yu Sheng down.

She was afraid that her mother would push her downstairs when she came, and she didn't want to die...

Don't want to die...

Yu Ye was completely frightened, her whole body was trembling, she was terrified.

This is human nature. When the person you are most familiar with suddenly changes and becomes unknown to you, you will feel panic and fear.

"You are all damned people."

Looking at these people, Feng Xi said coldly.

"Is Shengsheng okay?" Yu Mu's voice seemed to be completely broken, and the words she said seemed to be squeezed out of her voice.

Feng Xi looked at this middle-aged woman with tears in her eyes, almost overflowing, but she was still enduring it.

It is hard for Feng Xi to imagine how such a weak woman could cruelly attack Yu Sheng and kill the child in her stomach.

She is also a mother, how can she not hesitate so much.

"As you wish, if the child is gone, you also lost her."

Feng Xi didn't want to talk to her, but looking at her expectant eyes, he finally opened his mouth and gave her an answer.

The tears that Yu's mother endured eventually fell.

"She hates me?" Mother Yu just lay on the ground and looked at Feng Xi. She was really a very beautiful child, and she matched their family's Shengsheng very well.

I can't see that she is three years younger than her, and she will be a child of affection.

Their family Shengsheng has always had an idea. She would rather not have one, and she is not a particular person. Her choice can't be wrong, it can't be wrong...

Her Sheng Sheng...

"Of course!" Feng Xi knew that Yu Sheng would not hate Yu's mother, but he just didn't understand.

I don’t understand why her adoptive mother treats her so much, she loves her so much...

His Shengsheng is kind, and she knows how to be grateful, so in these years, she can tolerate everything, just to repay the kindness of nurturing.

"Hate it, let her hate it! I really have to hate it... Our Shengsheng is too pitiful..."

Yu's mother turned around, lying on the ground, looking at the ceiling, muttering to herself.

Feng Yan squinted his eyes slightly, he really couldn't imagine why this woman would push Yu Sheng.

Her expression and tone told him that she loves Yu Sheng and cares about her, but how could she be so cruel.

"You can only start again if you hate it. Our Shengsheng is a princess, the most beautiful princess... the princess lost in this dirty world..."

Mother Yu kept crying, and then when she talked about the princess, she actually smiled. The smile was crazy.

However, this is the case, and this tone makes people feel that what she said is true.

Yu Sheng is the princess who was lost in the world...

"You crazy woman started talking nonsense again, I will kill you, kill you..."

Yu's father was already flushed. He gritted his teeth and saw that he really hated Yu's mother.

Having lived together for so many years, there is no feeling at all, and it is actually full of hatred.

There are many such couples, and in the end they all live together and become enemies, but they still live together.

This is the tragedy of how many people...

"Our Shengsheng is really a princess, a princess, you can send her home..."

Mother Yu endured the pain again and turned over, looked at Feng Xi, and said with a smile.

That smile is a satisfied smile, like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, the more she looks, the more satisfied, the more joyful...

This laugh made Feng Xi feel very uncomfortable, even uncomfortable...

"Let Shengsheng hate me. This is the last thing I can do for her. These years have dragged her down. Yu Qiang is dead. Let her stop being afraid and go home... No, don't go back. , There is no mother's home, where is still home..."

"She is a princess...a princess..."

Mother Yu turned over and lay down again. At this time, no one noticed. After she touched her face, her eyes closed, and then a stream of blood spurted out.

Mother Yu didn't know when she had a sharp blade in her hand, and she severely cut the artery on her neck...

The blood splattered out, sprayed directly on Yu Ye's face...

She was so shocked that she screamed and passed out.

Feng Yan and Feng Xi also did not expect such a thing to happen, Yu Mu, unexpectedly ended their lives in such a tragic way...

Father Yu was stupid, he cursed this woman to die every day, but he didn't expect to just die in front of him.

Isn't she the most afraid of death?

The police also came at this time, and when Yu Qiang fell from the stairs, someone called the police.

Feng Yan took Feng Xi and walked out.

"I can't tell Sheng Sheng about this."

Feng Yan thought about what Yu Mu had said. He didn't think it was crazy. She was talking about Yu Sheng's life experience. Yu Sheng is a princess...

How could it be that there are still countries with princesses, but they are all from the West, and Yu Sheng has no mixed blood at all, how could it be.

However, Yu Mu's eyes and tone were clearly not nonsense.

Princess...Feng Yan narrowed his eyes and suddenly thought of something, is it possible?

"I know, brother, I am flustered, I am afraid..."

At this moment, Feng Xi felt particularly uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

Yu's mother killed Yu Qiang for Yu Sheng. She might have always known that Yu Qiang had an unreasonable desire for Yu Sheng to surpass her siblings, but that was her son, and she had no choice...

Today he said that Yu Ye and Yu Qiang were working together to tarnish Yu Sheng. Perhaps she was thinking that this family relationship was about to hurt Yu Sheng, and it was time for Yu Sheng to get free.

It is time for her to completely disconnect from the family, so she used this most extreme method.

Killed Yu Qiang so that she would not hurt Yu Sheng again, killed Yu Sheng's children, made her hate herself, and then she was committing suicide...

She knew that once she died, neither Feng Xi nor Feng Yan would tell the truth to Yu Sheng or tell her that her adoptive mother committed suicide.

Because of this push, it also inferred the mother-daughter friendship between them, so they went their separate ways.

And what princess Yu said about Yu Sheng's life experience?

Feng Xi was a little confused, but he was also afraid that if Yu Sheng knew all this, she would collapse.

She respected and loved her adoptive mother so much. If she knew that she did everything for her, she would end her life in this way.

With Yu Sheng's temperament, she would definitely blame herself. As for what happened again, no one would know.

"Brother is here, don't be afraid of anything, you just need to comfort Shengsheng, and I will take care of the rest."

Feng Yan had his own means of doing things, and he would not let Yu Sheng know about it.

"How to tell her, you should know."

Feng Yan patted Feng Xi on the shoulder, and said in a deep voice.

Feng Xi nodded, he knew what to say, he had not lied to Yu Sheng...

Feng Yan ordered the people to completely block the news, and the bodies of Yu Qiang and Yu Mu were cremated. It was Yu's father who signed it. He took the money and left directly.

Feng Yan asked him to go abroad directly, and he would never come back in his life, nor would he have a chance to tell the truth in front of Yu Sheng.

Yu Ye had some mental problems, and Feng Yan directly asked her to be determined and sent to a mental hospital.

You can't get out without his permission. It happened by coincidence. Naren said that Yu Ye turned out to be a caregiver Qin Nan had looked for.

Just because she looks a little like Huo Qingge, she was asked to take care of her, but within a few days, she was driven away by Master Xiu...

Feng Xi thought that everything might not follow the route you set, as if he had set the script for Yu Ye and Yu Qiang.

That was falling from a height to a trough, but did not expect that the lives he deliberately arranged for them would become their last enjoyment in life...

It's really ironic.

Yu Sheng stayed in the hospital for three days before being discharged. Feng Yanhe was not at ease and would let them move in to live with them first.

Feng Xi was thinking about being lively, Yu Sheng would not have too much energy and sadness.

Yu Sheng did not object, and she also knew that her brother-in-law was worried about them.

Nana has also grown a lot taller. She is more than ten years old, but she is already slim and really beautiful.

I heard that just like Mu Mu, there are too many boys pursuing her now.

Children nowadays are precocious. At a young age, they already understand what is beautiful like...

If I don’t know how to write a word, I will write a love letter...

Edamame likes to follow behind her sister, flipping through her schoolbag, because there must be a lot of delicious food in it...

It's all from those silly brothers, and my sister doesn't eat either...

But edamame is a natural snack, and I like to eat everything.

As soon as Nana saw Yu Sheng and Feng Xi, she threw away her schoolbag and ran over to hug them.

"Uncle and aunt, welcome home!"

Nana loves the excitement at home, and she also loves the little aunt Yu Sheng.

Edamame over there seemed to have picked up a treasure, secretly dragging her sister's schoolbag and hiding behind the sofa, and began to eat like a mouse.

That nervous look is very cute.

"Why didn't you go home with Mu Mu today?"

Feng Xi squeezed Nana's small face, this girl, she was taken home by Mu Mu for a lesson.

The reason is nothing more than which boy Nana was talking to today.

Don't think Mu Mu is still young now, but that overbearing energy is just like his father.

Nana and Mu Mu are in the same class at the same school. Nana is the first in the class and Mu Mu is the second.

In fact, Mu Mu is better at studying than Nana, but she always takes the exam a little bit less than Nana...

Li Beichen said that Mu Mu would be very fond of her daughter-in-law in the future, so she has a good foundation.

However, Feng Yan said that if he loves his wife and is afraid of his wife, how can he always train our family Nana, the root is domineering, and how gentle can he count on him.

Over the years, the two of them have been blushing because of Nana and Mu Mu's fight, and Shi Nian and Qingge are also very helpless.

How can they become more naive the older they are.

"Don't go, he will be with our school, he is very busy!"

Nana's words were sour.

Yu Sheng and Feng Xi both laughed...

"We Nana are jealous?" Yu Sheng put Nana in his arms and asked with a smile.

Nana and Mu Mu have matured much earlier than children of the same age since they were young, and they have their own independent ways of thinking.

The adults are also very open to their education methods, because Nana and Mu Mu are destined to be together, and no one is more suitable for each other.

"No, I won't!" Nana blushed and said proudly.

"Aren't our Nana school flowers? Our Nana is the most beautiful." Feng Xi said in surprise.

Their Nana is so beautiful, why is it not a school flower? How did they judge their school flower?

"Uncle, you are lying. You are not saying that Tangtang is the most beautiful, my aunt, you can't believe what my uncle said."

Nana pouted and said playfully.

Nana just said a joke, Feng Xi lowered his head when he heard it.

"Your uncle has always lied, and Nana is the most beautiful."

Yu Sheng also likes Nana very much. Of course, Tangtang is also the most beautiful, and the children are all beautiful.

Looking at Yu Sheng, Feng Xi felt very complicated...

Yu Sheng has not asked him about her adoptive mother and the family in the past two days, nor has he asked how he handled it...

However, Feng Xi knew that Yu Sheng wanted to ask, but he was afraid...

Family affection hurt her too deeply, she was already scared.

I was afraid in my heart, but worried about her adoptive mother.

"Tangtang is your school flower?" Feng Xi pulled back his thoughts and asked Nana with a smile.

Nana didn't speak, but he answered with an expression, that's what happened.

Nana and Tangtang both dislike each other, which is probably the performance of the two girls fighting for favor.

They all think that they are the most beautiful, and should be the one who gets the most pampering.

They all think that Mumu is their own, so when they fight for Mumu, they won't let anyone else, and Mumu is a headache every time.

He has said more than once that in the future there will be no problems with mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but only with sister-in-law...

Every time I say this, I am amused everyone.

Yu Sheng only reacted at this time, and Mu Mu was going to accompany Tangtang.

She said, how could Mu Mu go to accompany the school flower.

Feng Yan and Feng Xi didn't eat dinner at home, saying that the brothers were going to Sofia to gather together.

Naturally, Yu Sheng hoped that Feng Xi would go, and it would be good to drink some wine or talk to the brothers.

It is good for him to let his emotions get some release.


Feng Yan had something to tell Feng Xi, and it was not a gathering of brothers.

Huo Zhongrao went abroad for a visit and couldn't come. His fever stopped, and Li Beichen did not come.

Chu Baiqing had surgery but did not come...

Qin Nan and Master Xiu were playing tempers, and Master Xiu did not come at home.

Feng Yan Fengxi, Ji Chenzhou and Naren, and Sir Alex.

The main reason was that Feng Yan had to ask Ji Chenzhou some questions, so he organized a gathering.

Because Feng Xi had just lost his child, the atmosphere didn't heat up all at once.

It's not like I can always make a few sentences.

"Shen Zhou, He Tingchen's man, how much do you know?"

Feng Yan's addiction to cigarettes in the past two days has become a bit bigger, because Yu Sheng's affairs made him a little poor sleep.

He felt that he was a bit too much. What Yu's mother said before her death could not be taken seriously. After all, it was a bit of a joke, but he always felt that he should be sure.

"It's quite a lot, how do you ask him?"

Ji Shenzhou really knows a lot about He Lianting.

Because he and He Tingchen have a good relationship.

"Have they lost a baby girl in their family? Twenty years ago..."

Feng Yan also felt quite silly to ask this.

Feng Xi still didn't respond at this time, the baby girl his brother said was Yu Sheng.

"I don't know that, if you ask him several times a night, I still know..."

Ji Shenzhou was taken aback, then smiled and replied.

He also knew that Feng Yan asked such important things, but He Tingchen probably wouldn't know about such things.

"Ask what this is for?" Gu Jue frowned slightly, he didn't remember Feng Yan's nosy problem.

"Shengsheng may be a princess..." Feng Yan said, looking at everyone.

Feng Xi, who was lying on the sofa holding a pillow, sat up suddenly.

"I said, brother, you won't really believe the crazy things that woman said before she died, would you?"

Feng Xi asked Feng Yan in surprise, his brother's IQ would not be so low.

How could he believe that, how could his wife be a princess?

When Yu's mother died, her consciousness was a little confused, how could she believe what she said.

"This is not impossible..."

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