The Young Master’s Bride

Chapter 1534: I will live up to you for the rest of my life——Helianting is extremely cruel and crue

Feng Yan said solemnly, he believed his instinct to judge whether a person was talking crazy or what he said in his heart.

And his instinct told him that Yu's mother was not crazy.

When she picked up Yu Sheng, she might have known it. As for why she didn't say it for so many years, then she didn't know.

"Do you want He Tingchen to ask for help?" Ji Chenzhou felt unlikely, but since Feng Yan said it, he would still help make sure.

"Can He Tingchen get Helianting's hair?"

If this matter is uncertain, Feng Yan will always think about it. If it is really not, then he will feel at ease.

Why do you think of Helianting? That is because this country is an independent and special existence, and it is close to his Huaxia country.

But because of the rich oil and mineral resources and a powerful army, he became an independent country. Over the years, he has been making good relations with China.

Previously, it was because of Ji Chenzhou's face, but now it was because Huo Zhongrao's diplomatic skills matched his He Lianting's appetite, so they were all in peace.

He Lianting succeeded to the throne at the age of fifteen because of his father's death. He did not go out for interviews, and he was always mysterious to the outside world.

But just because of his strong army and strong financial resources, many countries that want to attack their country are discouraged, because everyone is rumored that Helianting is extremely cruel and cruel.

There are also rumors that he has a lot of male pets, each of them is extremely beautiful, and some of them will die miserably if they don't follow his mind.

It was also said that he was moved by a male pet and spoiled him to the point where people and gods were angry, but no matter how much he spoiled, the male pet was the canary he kept in the cage.

"This is easy to handle, wait for my news!"

He Tingchen stays with He Lianting every day, and it is easy to find his hair.

"Is this impossible?" Feng Xi still couldn't believe that Yu Sheng would be a princess.

However, although he said it was impossible, there was a voice in his heart telling him quietly that your Shengsheng is a princess...

"Ayan, if Yu Sheng is a princess, do you want to tell her the truth? Or if He Lianting knows that he has a sister, will he let her stay in our country?"

It is rare for Gu Jue to use his brain once, and what he said is still on the point.

"Helianting won't."

Ji Chenzhou gave the answer directly. His temperament would not allow this to happen.

Their Helian family was originally thin, and if there was a sister who really lived out, she must have found it back.

As for how Yu Sheng ended up, this is a problem.

"I think your worries are unnecessary. My wife will not be a princess. She is just my queen, not a princess!"

Feng Xi said after taking a sip of wine, but the hand holding the wine glass was tight.

"I'll be sure before I say it."

Feng Yan also felt very sorry for Yu Sheng. His heart was quite complicated. If Yu Sheng was really He Lianting's sister, he thought he would tell He Lianting.

Because he also had a younger sister...

Naren, who has not spoken all the time, said, "Actually, if it is really a brother and sister, it would be a good thing for Liusao."

No one doesn't yearn for family affection, and Na Ren Xiang Yu Sheng should do the same.

She may also stop trying to find her biological parents, but she doesn't know where to find them.

If there is hope to find it now, it must be tried.

If you do find it, it is a happy thing and a good thing.

Feng Xi had been drinking and not talking. He admitted that he was a bit selfish, and he wanted Yu Sheng to be his only.

When Sansao was recognized by the eldest brother, the eldest brother had tried not to let Sansao marry the third brother.

I just want to keep my sister by my side to make up for the lack of these years.

Therefore, even though everything is uncertain now, Feng Xi is still worried, just in case...

In case this word contains too many accidents.

When Feng Yan looked at Feng Xi, he was also clear about his concerns.

"No one can separate you from Shengsheng, don't worry!"

He was just such a younger brother, and Feng Yan naturally hoped that he would be good in all aspects.

Feng Xi sat there holding the pillow, Yu Sheng's lonely little face appeared in his mind...

Ji Shenzhou got up to call He Tingchen, and then said, "He Tingchen said it's okay."

Then you need to wait to bring Helianting's hair and compare it with Yu Sheng's hair for DNA comparison. Then you can know if it is a brother or sister.

It seems that everyone is contradictory, thinking about it and not thinking about it...

The same is true for Feng Xi.

When I went back at night, Yu Sheng hadn't slept yet. Feng Xi took a bath and changed to bed before going to bed.

He took away the book in Yu Sheng's hand, "Don't use your eyes, I have a drink."

Feng Xi put the book aside and put his arm around Yu Sheng's shoulder.

This room he would come to live in occasionally, so it was similar to the furnishings of the bedroom at home.

Yu Sheng is also used to...

"I smell..." Yu Sheng smiled and raised his head, and sniffed at Feng Xi's mouth.

"Let's try it!" Feng Xi frightened Yu Sheng badly. Although he has no children now, Feng Xi wouldn't really kiss Yu Sheng, after all, there was a smell of alcohol in his mouth.

"Well, come on! You don't know yet, I have a good drinker."

Yu Sheng nestled in Feng Xi's arms and smiled.

Feng Xi really didn't know that Yu Sheng could drink, but vaguely remembered that Jiang Yu seemed to have said that Yu Sheng had a good drink.

It is said that when Yu Sheng first came to the company, many people at the dinner party were dissatisfied with her directly parachuting the secretary of the president. They wanted to drink her wine, but she was given it.

Some people say that Yu Sheng can't drink at all. She played tricks that day, but in fact what she drank was water, not white wine at all.

So far, many people don't know if Yu Sheng can drink it.

At this time, Yu Sheng said he could drink it, but Feng Xi believed it.

It turns out that their daughter-in-law is really good at drinking.

"Why didn't you come?" Yu Sheng looked at Feng Xi but avoided, and asked with a smile.

"Now this face is getting thicker."

Feng Xi squeezed Yu Sheng's face, and then thought that she might be a princess?

Feng Xi wanted to say to Yu Sheng that even if you were not a princess, I would spoil you as a princess.

"Don't you learn from someone?"

Yu Sheng realized that she liked it more and more now, smelling the smell of Feng Xi's body.

As long as she gets close to him, she will feel at ease, and she will become lazy.

Just want to lean on him like this...

"You mean I have a thick skin?" Feng Xi looked at the ceiling, his thoughts a little hard to concentrate.

Always be disturbed and feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially he always wanted to touch Yu Sheng's belly habitually.

Before going to bed every night, he would say goodnight to the child in her belly, and then kiss Yu Sheng's belly.

He was hoping that when the child was born, he could really kiss him.

The thought of Feng Xi made him feel uncomfortable. He wondered if Yu Sheng was the same, pretending to be strong, just like him. In fact, this would be painful in his heart.

"Needless to say, you are..."

In fact, Yu Sheng always wanted to ask Feng Xi how her adoptive mother is now.

Just as Feng Xi thought, even Yu's mother pushed Yu Sheng and killed the child in her stomach.

However, Yu Sheng, a kind-hearted person, would still worry about her body and condition.

I was even more worried about how Feng Xi would treat her. After all, Yu's mother killed the child of their sealed house.

Feng Xi also noticed it, and Yu Sheng wanted to ask him all the time, so it was up to him.

Anyway, it's a lie, and I must let her know sooner or later so that she won't be sick again.

"Want to talk about that family?" Feng Xi deliberately used a tone of disgust and mockery.

Since you want to lie, it must be enough to convince Yu Sheng.

"But, say yes, you can't cry, for those who are not worthy, I don't allow you to cry."

"..." Yu Sheng didn't speak, but that meant she would not cry if she wanted to listen.

"Your adoptive mother said she never wanted to see you again, you made her feel ashamed..."

Feng Xi's mouth was a potent medicine that directly stimulated Yu Sheng's heart.

He obviously felt the body of the woman in his arms stiff.

"Your adoptive mother looks very weak, but in fact, her heart is quite hard. She doesn't feel guilty about pushing you."

Feng Xi's chin rubbed gently on top of Yu Sheng's head, and his hand was stroked gently on Yu Sheng's arm.

To soothe her emotions...

Yu Sheng slowly closed her eyes, the adoptive mother believed Yu Ye's words after all.

Don't trust her at all?

Doesn't she often say that she is her proudest daughter?

Why don't you believe her...

Yu Ye said what she said was so unbearable, how could she believe...

"And your adoptive father said that he was out of relationship with you, and your adoptive mother didn't speak either. I didn't settle accounts with her because she had nurtured you, and let them leave. You should also know my temper... …"

Feng Xi was thankful that Yu Sheng couldn't see the expression he was lying now, otherwise, he would definitely find that he was lying.

Feng Xi didn't bother to do such a thing, but for Yu Sheng, he also did his shameless thing.

Feng Xi felt Yu Sheng's body trembling slightly in his arms, and knew that she was crying...

"You will never have anything to do with them in the future, you know? They don't want you..."

Feng Xi felt that he was cruel, so he told Yu Sheng such a thing at this moment.

Knowing that she would be uncomfortable, but still told such a heavy lie.

"Well, it's okay..." Yu Sheng hummed softly, with a strong nasal sound.

"In the future, my husband will love you, and there will be so many in-laws and family members, so don't think about them anymore. You have done your best to them."

Feng Xi exhaled. Now Yu Sheng needs time, slowly getting used to it, and slowly forgetting.

"Feng Xi, I only have you..."

Yu Sheng was buried in Feng Xi's arms and cried bitterly. She knew she shouldn't cry because it wasn't worth it, but the family who had lived together for so many years became a stranger...

She really can't accept it for a while, even if it treats her badly, it is still a family, no more...

Feng Xi hugged Yu Sheng tightly, "Fool, there are many people who love you, we have many families, and we really love our family."

They will never be separated.

Yu Sheng cried more fiercely. Feng Xi did not order her not to cry this time, and made her cry happily...

Yu Sheng has cultivated at home for more than half a month, and he has gained some weight, but he is still very thin in the eyes of others.

Yu Sheng wanted to go back to work at the company, but Feng Xi refused, insisting that she rest at home for a month.

Yu Sheng felt that she was going to get moldy, and her current lifestyle was completely based on regular confinement.

Thanks to the comprehensive care of his sister-in-law throughout the years, Yu Sheng's mood gradually improved.

Especially Nana and Edamame are fun.

When Nana came back from school that day, Mu Mu also followed.

It was obvious that Nana was angry. When he came in, he greeted Yu Sheng and ran upstairs.

Mu Mu didn't follow, but only went upstairs after saying hello to everyone.

However, he got down after a while, and Nana locked the door without going in.

"Mom, I live here tonight." Mu Mu is now directly calling Shi Nian's mother, Feng Yan's father.

The matter with Nana was settled, and it must be that Fenana did not marry.

Yu Sheng was a little surprised, it was the first time he heard Mu Mu called Shi Nian Ma.

Before Feng Xi had heard about this, she still thought it was impossible, but now that she heard it with her own ears, she was really a little man, so responsible.

If you understand, start first, and since you have said that you want to marry someone's daughter, you must first take down their parents.

What the parents call is a natural affection.

"Well, I'll call your parents in a moment."

He stuck his head out of the kitchen and said to Mu Mu.

"Brother Mu, is my elder sister angry again?" Edamame nestled in Yu Sheng's arms asked with a smile.

Eating dried sweet potatoes in his mouth, a little vague.

Mu Mu shrugged, the look in his eyes was, isn't this normal.

Yu Sheng suddenly wondered why Nana was angry.

Seeing the curiosity expressed in his wife's eyes, Feng Xi immediately asked.

"How did you mess with our Nana again?"

"Second Brother Feng, how could I provoke her and have a headache with Tangtang again. This aunt has such a strong foundation, what should I do in the future?"

Mu Mu leaned on the sofa and gently rubbed her temples, looking very distressed.

It made Yu Sheng amused, how can children nowadays be so interesting.

She felt that when she was more than ten years old, she didn't seem to know anything, and how could she know the relationship between sister-in-law.

If Yu Sheng knew about Mu Mu, Nana, and Tangtang, he would have been even more surprised if he had known the relationship between his aunts at the age of five.

"It's easy. Either you and Nana are married and go abroad, or you can find a way to marry Tangtang abroad."

Feng Xi raised his eyebrows at Mu Mu and smiled.

Mu Mu's eyes lit up instantly, this can have...

Why didn't he think he was so smart?

"Brother and third brother and third sister, how can they be willing to let the children go abroad..."

Yu Sheng gave a negative answer directly.

Mu Mu thought that it was true, his father would definitely not be willing to let Tangtang go abroad.

His father-in-law didn't have to think about it, and he wouldn't let him take Nana abroad.

This is still screaming every day to let him be the son-in-law.

"Find a boyfriend for Sister Tang, she won't be a light bulb..."

The edamame that has been eating calmly said such a sentence.

Yu Sheng, Feng Xi and Mu Mu both looked at him immediately.

"I like Sister Tang very much..." Maodou said embarrassedly, covering her face.

She looks so cute...

"You are too young..." Mu Mu looked at Maodou and shook his head, several years old.

Moreover, Tangtang itself is a foodie, and edamame is a snack food, and I will eat it later...

"Age is not a problem, mainly because I really like Sister Tang..."

Edamame took another bite of dried sweet potatoes and said with a smile, "Moreover, I have a lot of delicious ones, so I can share it with Sister Tang."

After Maodou finished speaking, Yu Sheng and Feng Xi both laughed. This kid is really interesting.

Age is really not a problem, the important thing is to really like it.

"just forget it!"

Mu Mu shook his head directly, and Tangtang would definitely not agree.

"Brother Mu said nothing!"

Don't look at the small edamame, you know how to eat it in a day, but it's a lot of heart.

"What you said doesn't count."

Mu Mu took a dried sweet potato from the edamame, and didn't understand why both Tangtang and edamame liked this.

After a bite, the taste is not bad, quite delicious...

No wonder they both like to eat.

Feng Xi was thinking, waiting for Mu Mu and the others to grow up, and they will be a good group of brothers and sisters.

When the time comes, he and Sheng Sheng's children will be the youngest, and they will definitely be the most loved.

Think about how these children will have children in the future.

"Aren't you going to coax her?"

Feng Xi looked at Mu Mu as if, forgetting that Nana was still upstairs angry.

"She won't open the door when going up. She won't be stretched for a while, she should call me."

Mu Mu replied with a smile, he still knew Nana very well.

Yu Sheng and Feng Xi glanced at each other, as if they were wondering if these words were credible?

Nana's temper is not small.

However, before the two looked at each other, they heard Nana's voice.

"Li Mu, come up for me."

Then there was the sound of Nana running back to the room.

It seems that the footsteps are deliberately run particularly hard.

Mu Mu gave Feng Death and Yu Sheng a look you could look at, and then slowly got up and walked towards the stairs.

Feng Xi gave him a thumbs up from the back, it was really amazing.

However, their family Nana is also quite powerful, you say, "Li Mu, come up for me."

How powerful, if his brother heard it, he would definitely be particularly proud.

If the third brother saw that Mu Mu was so afraid of Nana, he would have sighed again.

"I will walk down hand in hand in a while." Edamame said vaguely again.

The one who eats content is full of smiles on his little face.

The two of them were not allowed to enter the kitchen in those years, and the two of them played with edamame here.

Yu Sheng and Feng Xi were lying on the sofa bored, looking at the direction of the stairs, waiting to see if the two came down hand in hand.

Yu Sheng has not been so relaxed in these years, like a child, playing so much.

These days, there is pain in her heart, but she is also infected by the simplest happiness.

It's like coming back to life again.

"Isn't it down yet?" Shi Nian walked out of the kitchen and asked with a smile.

Seeing that Feng Xi and Yu Sheng were like children, lying on the back of the sofa, looking blankly at the direction of the stairs, they knew that they must be waiting to see Mu Mu and Nana come downstairs.

"Not yet, sister-in-law, Mu Mu and Nana are really good matches."

Yu Sheng smiled and said that if he changed to another family, he might not be allowed to talk about such topics.

After all, the children are only more than ten years old and very young, and many things are unknown.

However, in their big family, there is nothing that cannot be said.

Because they are both very open-minded and open-minded parents, and their children grew up looking at each other, they all know what their personalities are.

This can be regarded as a pro on and pro, very good.

They also hope that the children's relationship will get better and better.

And Mu Mu is indeed a rare good boy.

"Right! I hope they will grow up quickly and get married... Then, I don't want them to grow up quickly, because they are reluctant and contradictory!"

After sitting on the sofa, Edamame immediately fed her a sweet potato of his own.

There was a special event, and he kissed him on the face in those years, and smiled contentedly.

Both children are the greatest fulfillment in life...

"It's good to watch them grow slowly like this..."

As soon as Yu Sheng finished speaking, he watched Mu Mu walk down holding Nana's hand.

The two talked and laughed, and Yu Sheng laughed. She really wanted to know how Mu Mu coaxed Nana.

Very curious, very curious, very curious...

Feng Xi saw the curiosity in his wife's eyes again this time.

So he asked again.

"Child Mu Mu, can I interview you? How did you coax Nana well."

"Don't ask, I can't tell!"

The edamame, which had been eating there, also said.

Sure enough, Mu Mu shook his head, "Li family ancestors."

In exchange, Nana's eyes rolled.

Yu Sheng looked at them at such a tender and splendid age, so good.

She is also hoping that God can have mercy on her so that she can also have a pair of children.

Watching them grow up slowly, people become more complete...

Feng Yan came back and told him to wash his hands and start the meal.

After the two got married, there was no servant in the family.

Two people take care of the children together.

Feng Yan sent all the servants to Feng Xi to take care of him.

So, it feels like home here.

Unlike other wealthy people, everything is done by servants, lacking the atmosphere of experience and cooperation between husband and wife.

Because Mu Mu was there, the topic became between him and Nana.

"How did you mess with our Nana today?"

Feng Yan asked sternly.

When Mu Mu came to live here, she angered Nana.

In the past, Mu Mu was called Feng Yan and Feng Ge. Since she was sure to marry Nana, Mu Mu was only called Dad.

For this matter, Li Beichen deliberately talked to him, saying that Nana didn't call them parents, which was unfair.

Besides, I just called without paying the change fee, thanks to...

Feng Yan laughed at him for a long time.

"Just because when school was over, my classmates and I said a few more words."

Mu Mu quickly reported truthfully.

"Why don't you say that you are talking to a female classmate!"

Nana gave him a blank look and immediately replied.

To talk about Nana's lips, it is quite powerful.

When he hit his dad at the entrance of the cake shop, that little mouth let Feng Yan see what is great.

"Dad, I'm really wronged! Our class is either male or female. You said I can't stop talking to other female classmates and female colleagues forever?"

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